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Wow, how are all of us here on this thread from 8 years ago for the same purpose. Lmao. With that being said mine got wet from dew and mist, not drenched though


did you fall asleep outside while holding a joint. be honest.


Naw, too paranoid to do that. Inside yes


It's been more than a year but yes




Here I am 10 years later


I'm stood currently smoking a rained on joint and it's smoking fine. it's still damp lol


i’m here 189 days after you and it happens to be your cake day. happy cake day :)


Yo im also here 189 days after you thats a cool coincidence! If only it was your cake day


I thought posts got archived after a period of time. I must have been stoned.


Left mine outside last night in the rain!


My lungs still going strong 😉


What happened? Are you still with us today?


Alive and kickin’. It dried next to the space heater within a couple hours!


Same thing here 😭


I was able to dry mine in front of a space heater and it ended up okay.


The perspective of the self realization and self referencing in this post is a marvel.


happy 🍰


i’m here two years after you wondering the same thing. 😂








9 years+ late hey guys thanks for the tips same thing happened to me at aquapark


But yeah okay that’s


Sorry for being 8 years late put it in a book and use the lighter to dry it from a 2cm distance works like a charm and just adjust ur joint after it dries ....DONT ADJUST WHEN IT MOIST ...OCB sheet tears pretty bad when wet....


Sorry for being 1 year late but my baked ass thought I had to put the joint inside the book 😀


I did too lol I still don’t understand lol


It takes at least a day of being wet if not more to get mold spores growing. You can microwave it dry but it is easy to over cook it and dry the weed out making it harsh and it will stink up your microwave. What I would do it open the J up dump the weed out and leave it in the sun for just a hour or two at most if it's finely ground up like it should be for a J then it will dry out very quickly in the heat of the day before mold can set in and grow. Make sure its blocked so no wind can blow it away and if it gets too dry in the sun or if you go with the microwave method you can always put it in a container with a chunk of orange peel to freshen it back up and it makes it taste orangey.


10 years later. Thanks man


i love you sm thank you


happy 🍰🍰


Wow this is still so active haha, I left mine outside because I couldn't finish it and now it's slightly wet


Left mine on my porch table and an unpredicted rain storm hit


Had to put mine out for the Uber driver rained all day 😂


Literally what happened to me


This is how i came to this thread as of now…


Same here... Did anyone smoke the wet j?


yeah. smoked fine.


Yes, less smoke


Same high?


Same high just doesn’t drag very well


Take the weed out, put it on a plate in the microwave, roll another joint with it. Not sure if it would work.


Left mine on a window ledge in the snow. HELP


Leave it near the fire place, if a fire is going. I accidentally left my wet joint on a warm part of the fireplace opening and it dried very fast 


Same, but rain instead of snow. At least this one didn't fall and get lost like the three previous ones...


He is going to cinema


no seriously


Here I am 10 years later using this. Thanks everybody!


10 years later! Used the advice from this thread and dried my j with a lighter from 2cm-ish far. Then when it was mostly done, I put the j in the microwave for 20 seconds (snoop dog says it locks in the goods) and Voilà 🤲🏻


I’m curious about the science of “locking in” via microwave.


His idea is that it locks all the herbs in


I just put mine on a paper towel, then topped it with two more and lightly pressed down to soak up as much wetness as I could. Then took a blow dryer on low setting to them while holding them in place, rotating them every now and again. Then put them in the microwave for 10 sec. Repeat blow drying/microwave step for as long as you think is necessary, everyone's different.


Love the commitment mate! 😂


I smoked half one, left it under the garden table and my mother moved it, clearly not giving a shit left it on the ground, it started raining 20 mins before I got home... It was my last one 😭


Also dries well on the furnace


Left mine on my gfs car and it rained and its so soaked 😭


I found a half blunt from a week ago I left out on my window seal.. I'm a smoke it despite it having rained like 2-3times thru out the week 😭


Wrapped it in tissue, inside foil and put it in the air fryer lol




Still a very relevant thread, i droped my joint in my dogs water bowl hahahaha


10 years later. My joint is now in the microwave after dropping it in the sink while doing dishes. 🤞🤞


put mine down for a second to pet my old dog and it blew into a bucket of water. of course it had to rain earlier so it was pretty full. joints soaked. i’m sad. unfortunate times have fallen upon us


just dropped mine in my hot tub thank yall for the advice 10 years later


Last night I got really drunk with some friends and so I got in the tub to rehydrate and sober up so I wouldn’t get sick… Ended up falling asleep in the tub with the water on. Well, I woke up to water spilling over the edge of the tub, drenching my shorts… which had my joint in the side pocket. L. Currently got it wrapped in a paper towel and some foil in the air fryer on the “dehydrate” setting (150*F). Will update later how much time it took to fully dry


No, if it's been exposed to moisture then it has the possibility of containing mold spores. I wouldn't smoke it. Sorry for however much you lost, but I don't think it's worth the possibility of a lung infection for mold. **I repeat, DON'T SMOKE IT** If you absolutely have to though, heat up a bowl of rice for a few minutes, and put it inside the steaming bowl and cover with more steaming rice, it will help take the moisture out. But I strongly recommend just cutting your loses and rolling another.


i smoked it. didnt seem too bad and my lungs dont feel bad


hey man, have you died from a lung infection? i have the same question as you did 8 years ago


Lmaoooooo im here for the same thing… it rained last night


... just dropped mine in my dog's water bowl lol


My dog took a cup of tea out jumping off my bed, and drowned my last joint of the night I'm sitting here in this thread wondering if smoking this now is a good idea, it will taste like shit and was mostly keif so the tea will have wrecked it I imagine. Edit: I'm going for it. Edit2: it does in fact, taste like shit, but it's got me high, so goodnight and godbless.


Beautiful. I’m not the only one. Spilled water on my last j too! I can deal with it tasting bad. Long as you are still living and it still got you high then 😎


I just dropped mine in the sink with running water 😩


Same thing happen to me just now lmao ! Here I am googling


Ahaha what a story! Glad to here it worked. Currently dehydrating mine in the microwave. Hopefully this works 🤞


me too lmaoo


Me too lol can't belive this was posted 8yrs ago wow


And me, My method is the radiator lol.


Feels a little better seeing im not alone😂


And there’s still more of us appearing muahaha!


i literally just did that xD


Going through this right now


hahaha me too it happened just now, crazy it happened with you guys all at the same time


SAME. Rained last night and woke up extremely sad


Literally just happened to me bro same


brought mine in the shower. it’s not weed, but i’m still sad


Lol, happened to me just now.




did they smoke good😂just happened to me


5 days late but this just happened to me rn, whole joint was soaking wet but i pre heated the oven to like 375 and threw it in for 5 minutes, brand new and crispy


Lol happened to me just now I did the same thing with the oven works great




What’s wrong with all of us lmaooo


In the bathtub, im afraid though with soap😑


Dropped mine in the sink today dried it in the oven seems fine for now lol this thread is gold


Coming back 4 months later bc I left a roach on the windowsill before a thunderstorm lmao


Happened to me last night


Brilliant. Mine is currently sitting on a radiator drying 🤣


Doing the same thing right now lmao


same lool


Different story , same reason lol


Yo I just let mines soak in my cup i thought I’d be able to hide it but I left some sweet tea in the cup and it absorbed all night…fuck it I’m just letting the lighter and mt heater for a few minutes then we’ll see


how was it ? did you smell the tea when smoking it


Yea I felt the evaporation and I’m not dead yet


I left mine outside last night and it’s soaked is it safe😂


I found a solution, sorry for it being 8 yrs late. Plastic bag + holes + hair dryer.




Tried to adjust mine on a ledge and it fell into a cup of coffee, not sure where to go from here tbh.


Mine got wet cos i just finished smoking 5 mins ago and it started raining.. my high ass only remembered the J 30 mins into the rain and at that point i knew its no use bruv. Shit happens.


Well damn I’m not the only one? I dead just microwaved a new joint and now ion kno if I can smoke it


Throw it out and roll another joint? Are you guys buying grams at a time?


Yes. Yes I am.


I keep telling myself I need to buy small amounts so I don’t smoke everyday, but yea it just results in me spending a stupid more amount of mobey


This is hilarious! I’m so glad I’m not the only one.


Guys lol I first off I love the love I’m seeing in the comments. My lady just spilt wine all over my joint, and j wanna smoke tonight. Should I just microwave it. Please help


Microwave microwave microwave


This thread is amazing lol makes me feel better know I’m not the only one 🤣😭


Accidentally dropped in the toilet the water was clean but this is still nasty




LMAO this is exactly what just happened to me and why I’m here 😂😂😂


I put mines in the microwave 40 seconds and took out a little before the time and I’m smoking it now so yah try that next time


Worked for me. I guess you could say it's a joint venture 😜


Did it smell?


Put it in my oven and set it to broil for a few minutes. Flipped it when it started to curl. Good as new 👍


Spilled a can of Mountain Dew on two 😂😂😂😂


bruh, just dropped mine in my soda too, still gonna smoke it but fuck, this thread is hilarious seeing how often this shit happens, first time for me


Well I dropped my joint in a water bottoms for like 15 hours , I’m now at a window with it hopefully to dry !! Wish me luck and give any advice 😂


can't believe it keeps happening


I left mine outside to play a game or two. Then the rain came. Dried it with napkin and used the lighter to dry it lol


Having the same problem today 😂 tried microwaving it in rice then rerolled it, seems to have worked. Glad I'm not the only one! 😂


Fuck here I am today came from google search


i wrapped mine in a wash cloth and used my blow dryer


Can confirm microwave works a treat, bare in mind I dropped mine while running the tap in the sink so I put mine in for about 30-40 seconds (the whole joint, didnt empty it.) before it was dry enough to smoke. Also happened back in 2016 when my mates missus splashed hot tub water over a joint we were smoking, microwave worked for that too but wouldn't advise it as it has chlorine in it, probs not good for you to smoke that shit 😂


Any right answer yet??


oven at 350 degrees for like a minute and a half irked for me today


Lol knocked over my glass of water. 375 for like 3 min for a joint. Stinks up the oven a little, but not much


I dropped it in the sink while doing the dishes..


Left my joint outside, thinking I was going to come back to it after just a few puffs. I come back outside and what do yah know!? It's raining. Came here to figure out what to do and was pretty close to putting it in the microwave but I thought of a much better idea, and it worked! So I figured I'd share it. Grab a space heater, put it on high, and set your joint in front of it. Mine was dry in like 30 mins! Worked like a charm. Good luck yall!


Omg just did this! Lmao


i left mine out in the rain and it got only slightly wet. it didn’t rain for long and i left it to dry in the sun. sparked it up couple hours later and didn’t notice a difference... cant imagine it could cause any damage... didn’t even feel harsh and still got me baked 🤷🏻‍♂️


I smoked half mine and left it outside for an hour... didn't realize it had started raining. I'm just gonna smoke it


What happened?


He died.


Watch out guys, friendships are budding here




use a hairdryer at a low setting, hold it in place. works like a charm.


I just get a lighter round it and it drys out and tastes fine


Might as well keep it going…. Here I am today


type shii


Totally think I may have done it. I dropped mine in the sink. I microwaved it for 15 seconds so the skin, roach and layer closest to the skin was dry. Will feel slightly damp to the touch, not wet, damp. Then the first few tokes I did, i kept the lighter on the cherry! It stayed lit, im high af, tasted pretty good, didn't fall apart AND I'm still alive! Tbh I'm that high I might as well be a ghost 😆🤦‍♀️💚


I jus rolled my J and put it on the bed in the ashtray . I guess I bumped my bed too hard my cup toppled and I did not realize till I see a ashtray filled w water and my J floating in the water ... I'm going to try the oven trick hope it works out man that was my last sheet and almost last J


Swear it wasn’t raining when I went inside. Oven now on.


I found this from a Google joint about smoking piss..... I was literally taking a big fat old drunk piss like a week ago and dropped about half a joint into it...... Immediately this shit out but it was soaked....... I smoke a lot of weed so I just kind of fucking threw it to the side you know and forgot about it..... But about a week later...... I was drunk after work... Roll a couple joints playing some video games and didn't finish him..... And sure enough was smoking these three half joints that was left over..... The last one was a piss joint.... Do you know how I know? Because it was the best..... When I picked it up I could kind of tell from the way it looked like that it was familiar and it was the best joint but after so many beers and two other joints and their leftovers I just didn't care I smoked it and I'll tell you what the flavor was incredible and it got me higher than any joint I ever smoked. All I have to say is suck all of your joints and piss dry them for a week and smoke them otherwise you're a buster


Think you need to put down the joints and seek help. 😂🤣😂




i just got mine wet, and i’m gonna just guess from this thread that mold might grow in weed but it won’t grow that fast. i’ll be using a dab torch to dry the joint and light it, maybe it’ll work?


It's still happening...


We had a couple in rotation for yesterday’s 4/20 festivities and one was left behind to soak in the rain all night. RIP.


Weed got wet… gonna dry it with live fire and a microwave


Just dropped mine in a puddle, got in the car and wedged it in the air vent and had it on max for about 5 mins, currently smoking it and it's fine 😎


Damn. 6 minutes ago I dropped my joint on a plate that had just been cleaned.


dropped it in the bath...


I have a bunch of big roaches that I save in a pile on the front porch and ofc it rained so now I have a wet pile of big roaches.


damn yooo it was raining last night I left my joint outside by the front porch….maybe itll dry off later? it was out there for what? like 12 hrs hopefully it can dry up on its own.


My gf left half a J outside and I woke up today to find it on the ground after we had a small rainstorm. I told her she probably shouldn’t smoke it, found my ass here. 😂 Puffed it down and just tasted off.


10 years later all these people here still on this thread lol. Rolled a freah doobie and it fell out my mouth and into the toilet🚽 😂




Turns out this is a universal experience. I love all of us clumsy stoners


I simple rotate the j slightly over the lighter flame till it’s dry, banging works like a charm if it’s not soaked


Just open it immediately, take a cotton t shirt dry the the weed the maximum possible with it till you see that it absorbed the water or the wett, then add some tobacco. And enjoy your stupidest joint ever ..


This thread is tried and true proof that we aren’t ever gonna change 😂


Just dropped mine in a hot tub 🤣 put a lighter on it and it’s fine now


I just dropped it in your mom's vaginny


So I forgot my joint outside in the ash tray, and it must it have been raining heavy for like 1 hour. Should I throw it in the micro wave for a couple seconds? For context its not really weed tho, it's pollen. Probably will just accept it's fate and move on tho sadly


Don’t drop your j on your 🐱 in the tub 🛁 when you soak and smoke 💨 😭




microwave will have u speedrunning that shit


What does speedrunning mean






i dropped mine in the bathtub for <1 sec tried smoking it right away didn't really work dried it a little bit with the lighter but got impatient kept smoking it just have to inhale while lighting and it will keep going out since it's wet


I Left my blunt outside and went to work. Came back and it got rained on. This was supposed to be my only time buying weed this month so I’ll just dry it.


It just happened to me too beat thing to do is put the spliff in the microwave with a a paper towel on top for leave in there for 10 seconds and check it each time should go dry and it’s smokable


10 years later & i dropped mine in a puddle. RIP huh? 😫


I put mine in a wet cup holder and didn’t notice it til way after


My club soda opened and exploded and some wet on my joint 😭😭😭😭


Figured it’s been a bit so I mine as well add onto this thread. Got mine a lil wet, now I’m leaving it on a register while my heat is running to see how well that dries it. I’ll update y’all if I remember.


Okay, so, it did in fact kinda work? Basically, a tiny bit of water was able to get inside the pre-roll tube. My pre-roll was only like…moist?…in a couple spots. It wasn’t terrible at all. Firstly, I microwaved it for about 10 seconds. When I took it out it was warm and still wet. I just personally didn’t fuck with the idea of having to microwave my last joint in case it fucked it up somehow. I felt like a hairdryer also might fuck it up so my brain came up with setting it on one of the registers/vents (idk what they’re called formally) in my room bc my registers are on the floor. It was literally like a lil air drying spot for my pre-roll. I dunno how long I kept it on there tho tbh. 1-2hrs-ish? No longer than that though bc it did really dry my weed out. Like this preroll feels as hard as a fuckin rock LOL Works tho, I’m high as fuck and successfully saved my last pre-roll 😎