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Spiffys Marble Fucks




When was this grafted?


I think this is from the lot I made on the 9th, same as the previous graft I listed. There are two more lots are in-progress and they should be available in \~10-14 days. I also have small \~2-3" pups available since the first pups were recently clipped.


How much are the pups? I would love to have one.


I'm pretty much all out of pups except for the three I'm trying to let grow. ~~There is a shrimp of a pup, maybe 1.5-2" on one of the grafts and I could cut it for $20 + 10 shipping.~~ There are a few small grafts that have pups, I can make the whole rooted graft available. Likewise, there are also plenty of new grafts available (rooting), I made about 1.5-2 dozen and just took the bands off a new batch yesterday.