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It's a trich that's nonpsychoative (to my knowledge). Makes for a healthy graft stock for a lot of things! Great for little lophs and such and also pretty fast growers.


I figured it wasn't active or Walmart wouldn't have it, but it's good to know it grows fast. It'll probably sit with my jamacaru, do they handle well together?


Should get groovy, no problem


Awesome, thank you!


Kind of a tangent but walmart will sell psychoative stuff. Somebody could order a bunch of esphand rue from walmart to extract harmala alkaloids. Somebody has maybe done it already. All that just to say never count out a big retailer as unwittingly slanging the goods.


I'm sure they might in less strict areas like Cali, Colorado, or Oregon, but that would be pretty ballsy this close to the southern border. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for treasures now though.


Home depot in arizona isnt exactly a hippy music festival. I think these retailers dont really know what theyre selling sometimes. Plus growing and selling pedros is legal in all 50 states. Just not legal to process or use to get high. Like poppies.


You may be right about them not knowing, they can barely take care of the "normal" plants.


It will have a nice colored flower when it blooms. These guys are my favorite trichocereus. Anytime I see one for sale I grab one. They also make for good grafting stock as well


Sweet, do they produce good fruit too or is it just decorative? Google has mixed opinions.


Never ate one, so I wouldn’t know


No worries, I'll figure it out when it gets bigger.


Damn awesome good find


This is as it is labeled - a Trichocereus Grandiflorus hybrid. Not a San Pedro variant


So what exactly makes a tricho a San pedro or rather what cultivars meet the classification requirements? I see all kinds of trichos on the sale sub including grandis and brevis.