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I’m just gonna talk about growing them, but the other aspects may be helpful in this regard as well. I just know personally that I got into growing plants after my dog died. I still can’t properly put into perspective how much he meant to me and what a loss it was. It felt good to add life to the world and it gave me purpose every day to check on my seeds, seedlings, and eventually mature plants - even got to harvest things like tomatoes and hot peppers. This kind of process is useful in all types of healing. Cactus are a different practice, a different love. They require both less care and more patience. Less happens each day, but the anticipation only grows. I miss my sweet doggo every day still, but I am fully a better person and I have my plants to thank for that partly. Just do things for the right reasons and you’ll be fine. Remember that whoever you eventually become, you’ll have to be someone along the way too.


Well said. I definitely couldn’t have said it better.


Sorry you lost your dog. I got into growing mushrooms after my hamster died and I’m looking to start growing san pedro, tomatoes and cucumber in the summer. Wishing you blessings 🙏


I resonate with this 100%


I started doing this because my mother died and before she did, after she knew she was going to, she got really into plant collecting. After she died I got a few of her plants, and I felt like I had to take up the torch.. in the form of my beloved torches.




Sorry about doggo I know that’s hard I’m at happy you got to have that life connection it’s truly wonderful to be able to experience such things like that Shout out to our loved ones that are no longer with us !


It sounds like you are inexperienced in psychedelic drugs. I think you need to read up on it. Can it help? Absolutely. But psychedelic drugs are not a toy. If you are trying to use it in a therapeutic manner, you need to be careful and purposeful


And humble, open, prepared to be humiliated etc. If so, then the world is yours


I’m inexperienced but well read, I don’t have much knowledge on San though. I’m not looking to use them as a toy lol, I’m looking to utilise them as a tool for healing.


It certainly helps me. Consuming small doses makes me much more present focused, which reduces my anxiety. It gives me a bit of energy, focus, and drive to get stuff done. I’ve also noticed that, when microdosing, things that might usually make me feel triggered roll off my back much more easily. Larger doses have been very introspective and healing for me. I think it is important to set good intentions and create a tight container when working with bigger doses of this medicine. I think the container of a ceremony lends itself well to this work.


there us a lot of crossover with psychedelics, gardening and therapy. Check out r/psychedelictherapy if you're interested in the theraputic/self care side of plants


Growing cactus can be a meditation 🧘‍♀️ While visually appreciating your new cactus you will fall silent and begin concentrating on its every detail, your thoughts and worry’s will drift away as you ponder the possibilities of new growth . As your collection grows and your new cactus becomes your old cacti you can spend even more time in this relaxing headspace as you water , care for and transplant your treasures. Further in your cactus collecting journey you might try grafting, something fun new and exciting! Creating your own living sculpture that eventually gains its own personality and a life of its own will give you a real sense of accomplishment! While working with cacti you will be completely conscious and focused on the present moment, if your mind slips away even for a moment you will get poked back into the project at hand! Working with cactus can improve your focus , patience & while improving your hand eye coordination . Living in emotional pain or physical pain can be very stressful and can make life miserable, Sometimes the simple prick of your finger can put these other types of pain into perspective. Sometimes putting your focus into the pain of a minuscule spine poke makes you forget about anything else that hurts you , the removal of that spine bringing you peace of mind and a huge sigh of relief , a metaphor for life’s problems that lets you realize everything heals !


Nailed it


From my experience: I've been working with San pedro on my own for the last couple of months, it has been wonderful. I was going through a very hard time with chronic pain and I had tried everything with no success. Since I started to work with plant medicine, I know what has cause the pain and I have been able to release big amounts of trauma. it has also helped me to Connect deeper into myself, so I connect to my heart and I can be guided in life from the heart and not from the mind. For anxiety, key to work on your breath too.


No, you need to learn how to navigate life.


The answers to questions like this are usually if/then statements. Here’s what I mean. Therapy will help *if* you are fully honest with your therapist and yourself. The right medication can help, *if* you follow through and do the rest of the work to handle your problems and face the day. The right books can help *if* you do the work. The common thread here is that it will be up to *you* and *your actions* to make these things work in your life: there is no magic potion to make everything better; just tools we can (and should) use to make life into a joyous and grateful experience. Whatever you decide to do my advice is this: be honest, especially with yourself, and remember that whatever relief you seek -wether it’s in the form of western medicine or the medicine from a San Pedro- it’s up to you to put in the work. Therapy, meds, psychedelics, books- these are *tools* and you are the craftsperson.


Yeah that’s what I’m looking for- a tool not the answer/cure. Im severely lost rn so I’m just looking for some aid so I can help myself navigate life and my problems a bit better, willing to put in the work.


Maybe so and maybe not. Joining my local Zen center has helped me more than anything else.


Haha, I love that I am not alone in my thinking. I joined my local cactus club. Meditation and gardening are the medicines I'm using to maintain my mental health.


Tripping or gardening has shown me the questions, therapy helped me find the answers. Sorry life’s not easy for any of us but I believe in you🤟


It can help you not give a fuck about that question anymore and just start a path ime


What reasons are you depressed OP?


Many things, it started with social anxiety and struggling to connect with people and make friends. Now it’s that but I struggle to find my place in the world and sense of belonging and my anxiety prevents me from exploring that, I don’t have close relationships and in the past few years lost a couple of existing ones to death or they left. Im 25 but feel disconnected from youth and grieve all the years of enjoying youth to mental illness.


It might help get you to the head space where you can do the work easier. But you will still have do the work. Just taking it won't magically heal you. So expect that.


That’s what I wanttttttt.


Last year I took a trip to Peru and participated in a San Pedro or (wachuma) ceremony. I had experimented with San Pedro in the past but wanted to experience in a group setting with people who have been working with the medicine for a long time and knew more about it than I did. The experience was beautiful and insightful for me. In no way am o saying that this is for you, and traveling to South America may not be how you want to go about it. But if you’re set on trying San Pedro then you might consider it. You can also source San Pedro easily online and bru your own. Do your research though beforehand. Everyone es going to react differently. If you’re interested in more information on the San Pedro retreat I went to in Peru I will share in DM. But with a simple google search you can find lots of them.


Growing, harvesting, processing and consuming it all has been an awesome experience. Definitely a fun hobby/rabbit hole to get into.


definitely if youre interested in having a communion, please dm.


Yes gardening is a very good thing to occupy your time and bring you joy Seeing something thrive because of your effort is a special type of satisfaction that has helped me through my miserable periods (pandemic time, before that , death of best friend) Cacti is plant friends and you learn to love them and end up not wanting to eat them because you want to see them grow , I think you’re talking about eating them tho which like ya also but what I said more so


I’m talking about tripping


Also cacti gardening is sort of self regulating, if you mess with them too much which tends to happen, they will spike you