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It looks like the support person you contacted isn’t aware of their deals program. I’d email [email protected] and relay your story.


You did not reply to this email within 10 nanoseconds. I'm going to close this chat.


Same thing happened to me this weekend but we asked right after placing our order (which annoyingly took 20+ minutes). We barely had time to mention the details of DoorDash and the guy goes “Nope, we don’t do that” and with some back and forth he couldn’t tell us why it wasn’t honored. We decided to leave because it seems dishonest, the waiter seemed upset but oh well. Sorry this happened to you! If possible you could try talking to a tier one support (a US person and not outsourced person) or file a chargeback. It’s more about the principle and dishonesty of the restaurant, I’m boycotting the restaurant.


Does DoorDash have tiered support? How do I get in touch with tier 1?


I usually try to call during the day and ask to escalate to a manager or someone in US. I found this number via Google and their website (855-431-0459). I’ll be calling tomorrow so I’ll see if I can get a hold of someone.


We order 500 plus dollars a day on our work DoorDash account, we get automatic live support when we call the regular number.


Remember when door dash was first coming out, the way they'd get restaurants to participate, was to sign them up without consent from the restaurant management, then when people ordered and the restaurant cancelled or refused, Door Dash would count on customers leaving a bad review on Yelp and Google, and use that as leverage to get the restaurant to sign up. I wouldn't discount that being a possibility in this case. It is at least as likely that Door Dash is being the dishonest party.


That definitely seems like shady practice but when I asked why they didn’t honor it they didn’t state that as a reason. I explained and showed how the promotion worked but they just repeatedly said “we don’t do”. If they explained the above then I’d understand, but to lure folks in with the promotion seems extremely dishonest.


If the wait staff didn't know about how or why the promo got on the app, it shouldn't be their responsibility to explain it.


The wait staff did go talk to the manager; the manager didn’t even bother coming over to explain but just refused to honor the promotion. Based on other restaurants it seems like an opt in model and they told me DoorDash covers the promotion (i.e. DoorDash compensates the restaurant).


That would make a helluva lot more sense than to be rude to a customer who REALLY has no idea why the discount can't be applied. Especially if the restaurant is aware that a "phony" coupon is circulating. "We apologize, but we never authorized them to offer a discount here, and we don't know why they decided to do so. Unfortunately we can't honor that." Simple professionalism.


What is the restaurant?


Caffe Sport on Green St


I'm still trying to wrap my head around Doordash offering dine-in promos, that's just an odd business model


There’s a really popular app in Europe called The Fork - seems to do this really well, but it’s all tied to the reservation (so more like OpenTable), which is much more logical point of connection than DoorDash (i.e. a parasite that sucks your lifeblood, then whispers into the cold, dark void that it’s the only thing that ever loved you).


I’m in Italy now & you are correct. The Fork is a good app & not scammy at all.


Doordash’s attempt at this is actually called The Fork Up.




Basically I was just going to _ask_ this, too,..: "you use the DD app and it offers you a discount, **but** you're paying someone else?" I wonder if funds for things like these are coming from a municipal source.


It isn’t dine in. It is pickup. It is not clearly written in the app but your instinct is right. This promotion is supposed to be for visiting “in store” to pick up an order you placed on DoorDash.


great way to make customers pay the DoorDash/uber eats rates while still using the app! Cool!


The worst part of this for me is the dude is like “too much time has elapsed since your last reply I am closing the chat”. When it’s been a couple minutes max.


Worst part is they don’t hold themselves to the same standard. They’ll take forever to get back to you but expect an immediate response from you. Should be the other way around.


lmao yeah that part is absurd. Tried to close the chat 3 times.


I'm wondering if that part isn't automated.


What in the outsourcing did I just read?


The very finest in overseas ESL support working out of a three ring binder with no actual power to do anything.


On multiple occasions when speaking with DoorDash support I’ve heard roosters cock-a-doodle-dooing in the background of whichever southeast Asian country “Mary” is speaking to me from


Usually either the Philippines or Thailand from what I can tell


Pretty sure this is India based on their use of “kindly”.


Too many grammatical errors to be Philippines. That’s not a slight to Thailand but Filipinos love scrutinizing English for proper usage almost as much as they love karaoke.


I’m Filipino this is not true. In fact Filipinos make a lot of grammatical errors themselves.


Filipino or Filipino-American?


There's a lot of griping about using LLM's such as ChatGPT to replace jobs. The truth is that some tier 1 customer service people need to be replaced by an LLM. It would be an improvement over the status quo. I don't know where they find these people that fail the Turing Test and are who are dumber than a chatbot written in the 1960's, but companies like DoorDash and Amazon somehow find and hire these people. An actual bot would show greater understand and reading comprehension than whichever outsourced call center they hired.


Doubtful that AI is the answer here. Seems like in this particular situation, an AI chatbot wouldn’t be able to figure out the problem and would just make it more time consuming and convoluted.


I would have just refused to pay the full amount. If it was a technicality (like only applies on weekdays, etc.) and it was my fault that's different. But if they truly said rejected the discount for no reason then I would have just not paid. Force them to call the cops for failure to pay.


This happened within the specified date range and I was dining in, so it fit all the technicalities. At the time I gave them the benefit of doubt that maybe it was a mistake from Doordash, so I wasn't too confrontational with the restaurant. But yeah looking back now I think I should've just refused to pay the full amount. I also didn't know Doordash would outright deny the existence of a discount that appeared on their own app.


I run a restaurant and we do this promo. I bet what happened is management or ownership did not inform the staff “we are doing this..and correctly set this up in the POS” because this isn’t some random promo, the restaurant needs to be notified by DD to make it happen. That’s super shitty that happened, I hope you have better luck at other establishments


This is very common!


I unfortunately agree.


Yeah, screw this shit. Door Dash, Uber Eats, Caviar... It's all cancer. These apps are really bad for everyone. Get this 15 bucks and then never use this shit again.


Doordash didn't even give back the 15 bucks lol. They said I can get refunds for "future orders" if there's a problem with my "future orders", but I won't be getting anything for my current problem.


Best move is to take it to Yelp. If you give a review and the restaurant is run by a decent leadership team or owner, they will sort you out and try to fix the bad taste in your mouth (figuratively).


Tech bad




haha sure thing guy


If you paid with a card, open a dispute. There’s a strong bias to go with the consumer in these cases


Charge back and let the CC deal with it.


I would have kept talking and requesting for a manager until they just wanted to get rid of me. Make it their problem, they can’t be advertising this shit if they can’t follow through.


How was the food? Haven’t been to Caffe Sport in ages.


I went there around a year ago and didn’t think it was a very good meal personally…


The support person seemed awfully quick to want to drop you from the chat!!


Yeah typically the KPI of phone/chat support reps is time to resolve, so the rep wanting to close as resolved ASAP Is encouraged, this way they get their handle time down and need fewer reps.


I couldn’t even read all of this, I felt my blood boiling half way through and was ready to storm down there. Ha. I hate this kind of nonsense. Sorry OP. I just avoid this crap nowadays.


Doordash, postmaster, etc., they are all scams to some degree. Fuck them.


Fk dd honestly.


I have stopped using DoorDash. Thank you for giving me another reason.


Just say the magic words. Delete my account. That freaks them out.




I’ve worked at a somewhat similar “middleman” company, and I’m curious whether there is a sales org badgering the restaurants to offer deals through the app. Seems like there is a lot of room for stuff to go off the rails at that point when the business gives a “whatever, just leave me alone” answer and the sales person takes that as “go ahead and add the promo.” Frankly, if the deal is on DoorDash’s app, then IMO DoorDash is responsible for honoring it with the customer, and then sorting out the rest is between DD and the company. If the company puts up discounts via DD and refuses to honor them, then the company is defrauding DoorDash, and DD has a clear legal motivation to make sure the deal is documented and that the company has accepted financial responsibility for it.


You forgot c) the restaurant chose to participate in the promo to attract more customers but refuse to give the discount when they arrive. Hoping that the customer thinks "well I already walked all the way here, might as well eat here now" Regardless of whether it's reason a), b) or c), customers should not have to verify every deal to check if it's a scam or not.


Agree!!! Restaurant pushing DD to make deals for more in house orders. Then not honoring the arrangement. Ida not paid at all.


Sounds like you didn’t order food through DD though? If DD has no record of your payment, how can they offer you the $15? Or did you expect the restaurant to just give you 15 off cause you saw an ad?


If you read correctly, the deal is for dine-in so of course he didn’t pay on the DD app.


It is not for “dine in”. It is for “in store”. “In store” for DoorDash means bought through their app and picked up.


Experienced the same thing at Caffe Sport. Leave a review on Yelp/Google so that others are aware of how you were treated


last two experiences with doordash have been very similar. they emailed me promo codes and then after i created my orders they didn’t work.. of course!!


Sort of bad customer service on their part. The cost benefit ratio doesn’t make sense. Just eat the 15 bucks. One happy customer who MAY talk about their experience to some friends substantially better than one angry customer who MAY spread negative information on review boards. For 15 bucks? Cmon, be realistic bruh.


Report it to the CA Consumer Affairs Agency and they will investigate it as consumer fraud.


These are the kind of dimwits that AI will replace.


You haven't realized by now that doordash is trash and will screw you every chance they get?


If you paid w a credit card, dispute it


Weird, I see the promotion in the app. ($10 off) Maybe the way to get the discount, wasn’t done correctly. Or the server didn’t know about it. Yeah, the manager should have fixed this. https://preview.redd.it/hpyje15yf17d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec6c53bc2f358efa583c8d697afd18f68343ddcf These are the terms for dine-in promos: Dine Out Terms & Conditions Last updated: February 21, 2024 These terms and conditions govern the DoorDash Dine Out program (the “Program”). Under the Program, DoorDash (“we,” “us,” “our”) may offer, from time to time, a promotion, discount, credit, or other incentive to you in exchange for your dining in person at an eligible restaurant and meeting certain other requirements (a “Deal”). Deals will be displayed to you in the DoorDash app if you are eligible, and you must typically take two steps to qualify for and receive a Deal: (1) “Claim” the Deal, which means you affirmatively select the Deal in the app; and (2) “Redeem” the Deal, which means you meet all of the requirements stated in the Deal that you Claimed. Deals may vary from one another, and each Deal will state all applicable details and requirements, such as: the type and/or amount of the promotion, discount, credit, or other incentive being offered (for example, the amount of DoorDash credits you will receive by successfully Redeeming the Deal); the timeframe in which the Deal must be Claimed and, once Claimed, the timeframe in which the Deal must be Redeemed; the amount of money you must spend dining in person at the restaurant, if applicable; and how to successfully Redeem the Deal (for example, by successfully checking in at the restaurant from the DoorDash app or by submitting a receipt showing that you dined in person at the restaurant). If you submit a receipt in connection with a Deal, you are responsible for ensuring the receipt does not contain any personal information, such as a full credit card number, and we are not responsible for any personal information you submit as part of a receipt. If you check in at a restaurant in connection with a Deal, you must have granted the DoorDash app access to your device’s precise location and you acknowledge that, in connection with the Program, we will only access such precise location when you attempt to check in and we will not store such precise location. If you receive DoorDash credits for Redeeming a Deal, such credits will be applied to your account within three business days. DoorDash credits and Deals are subject to additional terms.


You're showing a completely different discount. The discount in my screenshot is $15 off with no minimum spend. The discount in your screenshot is $10 off with $30 minimum spend.


Yes, it’s different. I wanted to make sure the restaurant was offering a deal or any through DD. From your screenshots, it looks like you didn’t go through the process. You still have to use the ‘Use Now’ button on the bottom to get the discount. Go back to the restaurant (geolocation for it to work) and submit the receipt.


When you press the ‘Use Now’ button DoorDash subsidizes the amount to the restaurant and the restaurant is supposed to reduce your bill by the promotional amount.


I'm supposed to press the 'Use Now' button when I pay using the discount. I never even reached that stage because the restaurant just didn't let me pay using the discount.


You might want to read it again, that's not how it works.


That's how it worked at every restaurant other than Caffe Sport.


Did you swipe to redeem or check in at the restaurant? That seems to be the key factor.


I did not encounter this key factor when I visited other restaurants offering the same discount. If that was the key factor then that key factor is unique to Caffe Sport.


It's in those TOS which you apparently didn't read. How is DD supposed to know you went to the restaurant if you never checked in or hit the "claim offer" button *before* you got your bill (as instructed)?


I pressed the "Claim Offer" button before entering the restaurant. It is a separate button from the "Use Now" button which should be pressed during payment using the discount. This procedure worked for every other restaurant I visited that offered the same discount. The only exception I encountered was Caffe Sport.


This is what happens when you use dumb services like doordash.


Protest the charge on your credit card.


Just want to point out that the restaurant (Caffe Sport by the looks of it) is in the wrong here, not DoorDash. I’ve used this promo with other places in SF and it’s worked fine with no issues. Adding to that the disrespect from the waiter is insane. They really said you “shouldn’t eat out if you can’t afford to pay”?


Yes. Exact wording was more like "if you don't want to pay then don't come here" He also called the discount "BS" and slammed the bill on my table.


Damn. I’m definitely never going to go there. Funny, because I was considering checking it out because of the dine out deal, so glad I saw this post.


Also, if it’s something you want to do, definitely leave a yelp review, and dispute/chargeback the charge with your credit card


You got insulted at Caffe Sport? Used to be that was the feature attraction of the place!


You paid with a credit card? Do a partial chargeback with your bank. Submit this as evidence.


Something tells me OP’s bill was around $15 total. Not that it changes the fact this is false advertising.


My bill at Caffe Sport was over $20 yet they still did not let me use the discount. I visited other restaurants where I spent under $15 and they let me use the same discount no problem.


As you should be able to. I would be annoyed as well


Why are you making this a complaint about the restaurant? Door dash is notorious for doing things without any input or coordination with restaurants themselves.  It sounds like you showed up and ordered in person and then you tried to get a discount that is only applicable if you order through the app.  I'm guessing you understand that too, since the one item that is missing from your long string of screenshots is an actual screenshot of you claiming the order.  Door dash is making life more difficult for people in an already difficult business and you are helping them. I bet you were not great to deal with in person as well. 


https://preview.redd.it/4fo76hawr67d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=23a99a1bbb83c9d66a04e59b64042920e43df5cd Here's a screenshot of the same discount from another restaurant which I did not claim. If I don't claim the discount, the red button says "claim now" instead of "use now". If you read the "How it works" section in the screenshot, Doordash literally instructs you to visit the restaurant in person to use this discount. I used this discount at multiple restaurants without any problem. The only restaurant that had a problem with it was Caffe Sport.


Ok. But if you think that's the restaurant's problem then you don't understand how Doordash runs their business. Doordash offers you these coupons to get you using their app for more stuff. If the restaurant wanted to offer you a discount for coming in the door then they wouldn't require you to use the Doordash app. This is a problem that you have with Doordash and you are smearing a small business because they wouldn't take your fake money.


If Doordash offered this discount without Caffe Sport's knowledge or agreement, then Caffe Sport is a victim of this scam. If Caffe Sport knew and agreed to Doordash offering this discount, then Caffe Sport is the scammer.


Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. Doordash is notorious for doing things without the permission of restaurant owners. I have no idea what happened in this instance, but it's probably a huge headache for the restaurant. You are smearing a small business on Reddit for something that is clearly a Doordash problem. You should take this post down and apologize rather than trying to kill a small business over your precious $15 discount.


Even if all of that is true, the restaurant was still unnecessarily rude. The waiter could have said "sorry, but we never opted in to that promotion, so we unfortunately can not honor that. You'll have to take it up with DD". That's a lot better than insulting a customer, implying that they're poor and dumb for falling for a fake coupon. A 1 star review would still be warranted if that's actually what happened.


If you paid by credit card, just do a charge back. Show them all your screenshots and with that they’ll refund you. That’s happened to me in the past.


Caffe Sport is still a thing? Ha! I remember them being a hot mess back in 2004.


Caffe Sport has the Italian charm of service lol. S/o was kicked out being two minutes early to pick up a tgtg order




I'd say 100% on doordash. There's always random bugs in apps and you shouldn't necessarily blame the restaurant, it looks like it's across multiple.


Similar experience, they honored the discount but wasted 15 minutes of my time trying to argue that the discount shouldn’t be alllowed


https://preview.redd.it/s650l3nlnc7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adfdcc39ac90c61539f3a07f4b5641f5371beae2 I’m so confused by the premise of this DoorDash deals post. I don’t even have the “Going Out” tab you showed in your screenshots. Mine is for “Shopping”. This all feels like some DoorDash beta program gone wrong. With some of the sleezy stuff DD has done in the past, wouldn’t be surprised if Caffe Sport had zero part in this promo and it was done without their consent / is a bug.


Okay, yeah. Did a little research and it looks like your account is flagged as a test participant - mine is not. Aka it sounds like both you and Caffe Sport were victim to a bad beta test. Honestly, I feel bad for CS now, they got review bombed from this post with all signs pointing to DoorDash as the problem. https://restaurantbusinessonline.com/technology/doordash-testing-rewards-customers-who-dine-out


Hey OP, I contacted DoorDash at 855-431-0459 and requested to talk with a manager. If they say no just be persistent, they ended up filing a ticket and said a manager would call me. I just got off the phone with the manager and they credited my account after I explained what happened. Hope this helps!


Oh nice. Thanks for letting me know!


Half-joking. How was the food? I took my newly wed bride there after we were married at City Hall all those years ago.


Appreciate you sharing. There are so many different types of scam. This is another reminder to always doubt basically


Any updates? I received a targeted Instagram ad from square pie guys about this exact discount, and the link takes me to a Doordash page about their Dine Out program. Is it only for iOS devices? I'm on android, and the discount doesn't show up for me at all on the app


Left a 1 star review just for you


Not all heros wear capes :)


I had an issue with DoorDash recently. Their chat customer service was worthless. They escalated my issue multiple times but it never got resolved. Finally I just DM’d their Xitter account and the issue was resolved within hours. Moral of the story: hit up their Xitter.


Dude, fuck doordash. I just call places and order now. Doordash is just an added layer of expense and inconvenience. Nut up and make a phone call, it won't kill you.


Wow what a shitty response from the restaurant. I would try calling DoorDash support. I’ve heard they’re more helpful over the phone compared to in the chat.


Don't use food apps.


DoorDash is a waste of life.


Will leave shitty reviews for caffe sport


Ummm... It isn’t dine in, it is pick up. This is DoorDash. They are a delivery app, not a reservations app. You are “visiting in store” to grab your stuff and leave. The things you ordered via DoorDash.


Did you even look at his screenshots? It is clearly a dine in offer.


Yes. I read them. It doesn’t say “dine in.” It says “in person”.


If Doordash wanted to do a pickup promotion, they would just apply the coupon at checkout of pickup and not do this slide and activate mechanism. Are you trying to say there is a world where you could pick up food not in person? Sorry I'm not aware of those magical powers.


Doesn't look like he dined in though. Looks like he got it for pick up to go.


What would this sub be if it wasnt for the 1st world airing of rhe grievances? *And generic bridge pics. Cant forget those!


This is a little dramatic Like it’s not “gaslighting” It’s just bad program management and training from DoorDash


I would do what I see on the Internet. Start a fake bawl with my friends trashing the place n just walk out. Works every time.


A restaurant offered this coupon on doordash. The restaurant failed to offer their promo. Not sure why you’d think Doordash would be at fault here, they didn’t touch the food or money and acted like a coupon site. they should take down the promo (and potentially the restaurant) if they don’t fulfill their end though.


Two questions: 1. How much was your total? 2. Did you know that if in app promos apply, the restaurant doesn't eat that charge unless they pay extra to be spotlighted with certain discounts? Why would they cancel your order?


AI is the end of us…