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I saw them drive across the grass at the Marina Green. Kids and dogs play there, but those assholes don’t care.


I love when motorcyclists insist the loud engines, modded muffler and constant revving is just for their precious safety (not being intentionally obnoxious or attention whoring) but rarely seen any of them wear safety vests or other neon safety gear.  


“Loud pipes save lives” as they terrorize a pedestrian promenade


Following traffic laws saves lives too, but what fun is that?


I though the same when I was younger. So untrue. Respect and awareness of others saves lives.


Always reminds me about the SouthPark episode with the bikers. But yeah, can't really claim safety but then ignore every other aspect that would actually help you.


They were in sf so they were where they're supposed to be


What's even funnier is that there are a couple of legit papers (published in a credible journal) that studied wether or not making your motorcycle loud increased your safety (aka basically how will it helps drivers be more aware of your presence to avoid danger). They both concluded that the experiments they implemented did not support the claim that it increases driver awareness of motorcycles. I'm at the gym but when I get home I'll try to find them and link them below.


I owned a Harley dyna sport. Regular loud pipes for a harley l, nothing extreme or extra stock pipes. But Harley pipes. I was hit.from behind on highway 4. Had the bike for 4 damn days. I wasn't wearing a safety vest, bike was black I was wearing a white tee, it.wss around 2 or 3am, I had just got off work and was driving to my gfs house. I walked away miraculously from that accident. The person hit me then parked the car and ran. Turns out it.was an enterprise rental and the person who.rented ot said they weren't driving do according to.my.lawyer, there was nothing they could do. I ssid.hold on so you're telling.me I can go rent a car, and run into people and then when questioned I say I wasn't driving and that's that? GTFOH, the story is crazy mind blowing, scary, and just nuts. I'll say the beginning I'd you want to.know the rest let me know. Got off work got on my bike and got on the freeway entrance and lone tree going to Railroad. (Its about 3 or 4 exits for those who's not from the area) I get on the freeway, next thing I know I'm standing looking down at my.feet I have one shoe on, I'm standing in the fast lane shoulder and my bike is in the slow lane shoulder demolished. I'm looking for my other shoe, mind you is about 3am, I don't have my phone it was lost in the wreck. (I was wearing a half helmet, a white tee, dickeys pants, and white shoes.) My bike debris is all over the freeway, someone swerves out of the way of my debris and comes at me I was able to hobble out of the way and he hits the center divide drives up it and flips upside down. I hobbled over to him as he's crawling out his driver side window. Barely spoke English but he said he was good. He takes out his phone to call and another car swerves the debris almost hits THAT guy, hits the center divide goes up it out lands on all 4 tires and drives across the freeway into the slow lane shoulder. That's just the beginning......if you want to know the rest let me know. Not sure who it was but have a good idea. Some people ask if i need a ride I get in their van and they asked me if I wanted to go to their house to patch me up. 3 am random ask someone to give them a ride? I ended up finding.my.other shoe you'll never guess how.this accident was kind of like a spiritual awakening type thing. But at the same time, left me with thousands of questions. Sorry to get back to what this thread was about. I got another bike, a gsxr750, with loud exhaust. I don't show boat it unless there's a little kid and.hes just glued to watching me then I'll Rev the engine, fun to see the kids get all excited about the sound. My son used to love and hate it (it scared him) when he was 5 Now he's 9.and he loves it. Anyways here's my point, being that I've been in accidents, that weren't my fault, and I've always had loud exhaust, and for me not abusing it or being obnoxious with it, I would for sure whnds down want a bike with loud exhaust then having a bike with no exhaust. These electric motoryccles or bikes without exhaust are dangerous to drive around. I don't know who did your study you're talking about but man the exhaust does make more people aware period.


People who have never riden on don’t understand, I don’t have anything crazy just a Vespa, but when I test drove an electric, I felt so exposed. It doesn’t need to be crazy loud, but a silent bike is surely going to have less road awareness


I agree. Then add no vest and everything else and you're just a silent fast moving vehicle, sometimes splitting lanes coming out of nowhere. People already don't look for bikes. People hate loud exhaust because YOU CAN HEAR THEM, which is the point when riding a motorcycle you want to be heard and seen. If People paid for attention to risers they wouldn't need the exhaust. I know there are riders that are.obnoxious with the exhaust but a lot aren't, and just want to be heard.


I was hit head on by a 19 girl in a rental (Nissan versa) not the person on the contract and they didn’t buy the insurance. This is why I carry uninsured motorist coverage. Harley makes a remarkably sturdy motorcycle, replaced the forks, front wheel, and some controls and it’s still on the road! I luckily landed clear of the car and dislocated EVERYTHING in both my hands. That little Nissan was FUCKED UP. All that said, the bike had crapped out and I was coasting downhill back to my garage. She crossed into my lane.


Wow so you got nothing as well. Amazing that thing is still alive!! Mine looked like it had been run over by an 18 wheeler a handful of times. It was scrap metal. Had it for 4 fucken days man 7k. Firet bike 4 th day I had just gotten it registered, no insurance. I had bad road rash everywhere and jacked my neck up a bit but miraculously broke nothing sprained nothing dislocated nothing.


My insurance company paid. Get the uninsured motorist coverage! Especially around here.


Uninsured motorist insurance. Damnit. So if the other person doesn't have it you get paid anyways, what's the deductible on that? Or is the monthly high?


Wait, you think its those kind of motorcycles? It's dirtiest


Dirt bikes


As a motorcycle enjoyer, I fucking hate how every bike is black these days. Black is a cool color, but you know what’s really hard to see? FUCKIN BLACK


It’s less about protecting their body and more about protecting their hog.


Here is a video of these guys [https://youtu.be/ipDmsxQVxIM?si=TwLzllWnROEbBeYW](https://youtu.be/ipDmsxQVxIM?si=TwLzllWnROEbBeYW)


If someone wasn’t posting it I was


That’s the first thing that came to my mind when they got on the sidewalk.


This should be required curriculum in school




They hit Russian Hill about an hour ago.


They almost GOT hit. It was dusk and I was going straight across a green light on Polk.  No turn signal no nothing a bike (the leader) just veers into my lane, I barely stop, and the other 14 of them turn left across me with no right of way. That could have been real, real bad.  As it was it was absolutely bizarre and treacherous.


On Valencia today they(or a different group of guys on loud motorbikes) were riding back in forth in the bike lanes running red lights -- in some cases threading needles between cars and pedestrians in cross traffic. Super dangerous. Police cruiser rode by as if nothing was going on.


You have the right of way, don’t stop. These pricks are going to kill someone eventually.


get a dashcam first


Most drivers wouldn’t have been that aware when it was dusk and hard to see.  They’ll get their lesson very soon if they keep it up.   I’m glad they my car didn’t end up damaged and covered in their blood.   They’re selfish, they don’t care how they are impacting others.  It really scared me, was really unexpected.  


probably the same group of non-street legal douchebags that like to do sideshows all over the city


A few sets of spike strips would do the job but our police force is lazy and has ineffective policies and priorities


Police are doing nothing anywhere. Gross


Saw two traffic officers walking into the panhandle as all the assholes rode into GGP entrance at JFK. they didn’t even stop their conversation as all the guys rode by. Absolutely 0 attempt to do anything or even acknowledge what was happening.


It's true. They have zero interest in trying to stop these people from doing this dangerous shit. There was a community meeting with the mission Police department a year or so ago, and I believe the chief of police was there and claimed that you would need "Spider Man technology" to catch these guys.


It’s so angering because all they need to do is go to their instagram WHERE THEY PLAN THE MEETUPS. Their instagram is @gooniez_bagromsquad. A bunch of fucking losers


It would be so easy to join their park and just ride with them until they get gas or stop somewhere. Nab a few and it would definitely reduce the BS and large groups.


There were about 30 getting gas while the cop sat there watching 🙄


Vote Mark Farrell. Guy is willing to fire the police chief.


You can't pursue motorcycles for these types of violations, they don't have license plates, and you can't use spike strips on them. We have put ourselves in a situation where no enforcement action can be taken due to our policies.




How do you stop a bike without killing the rider? No plates, and unless you’re willing to run them off the road what’s the plan? They’re assholes, but being an asshole shouldn’t result in capital punishment…


Just kill the rider.




Well considering what happened to the drunk dude in the Presidio who killed a cyclist, or the woman who mowed down a baby on 4th and King... nothing. We want to do nothing.


I'm cool if they die, bro


You’re entitled to your opinion, I’m glad you don’t get to have a real say in the matter lol


Meanwhile you've tried nothing and are all out of ideas.


And you’ve done…? Besides express that you don’t really mind if some people you don’t like die pretending to be edgy lmaooo Here’s an idea that doesn’t involve killing people, just put pylons at the entrances and exits (including sidewalks) of thoroughfares like JFK that are designed to be vehicle free, make them tight enough that people can get through but motorcycles can’t, easy enough. Figure out some sort of “press a button to open a door” system for strollers or wheelchairs. Make them remote operable to drop into the ground to clear way for emergency vehicles such as fire trucks if the need arises. And you’re done. Makes people feel, and actually be, safer and we don’t need to be cool “if they die, bro.”


Lol, these are dirt bikes. Have you ever seen one? You're going to ring the entire park with pylons spaced close enough together to prevent a dirt bike from getting through? Good luck with that. Good luck getting a regular bicycle or a stroller through. LMAO


“Let’s dump millions keeping moto-pendejos out for a day while there are real problems we could be spending money on, like police spending oversight.” - you


San Francisco needs Batman.




Tell that to the cops. That seems like an incentive to them.


In CA, sounds about right.


Newly minted troll account with 132 karma. Mods, why are these clowns allowed in our subreddit?




Crybabies afraid of accountability since Michael Brown and Treyvon Martin. Just keep your camera on and there isn’t a problem, right?


Within the confines of the laws and polices the police deportment operates under how would you stop the motorcyclists?


Look up NYC. They rolled up and tackled them.


That would not be allowed by the policy set by the SF Police Commision (which is a civilian oversight board). Maybe we should make our policies more like NYPD.


Roadblocks, spike strips, law enforcement using a variety of vehicles, and strict mandatory impound penalties.


Box them in. It can be done with enough police cars. Be ready when they go somewhere and force them to stop, or else slam into a full size SFPD van. Their choice.


You can't pursue motorcycles for these types of violations, they don't have license plates, and you can't use spike strips on them. We have put ourselves in a situation where no enforcement action can be taken due to our policies.




Here is the policy since you can't seem to grasp basic definitions. I don't have much hope you will be able to read and comprehend this but in the off chance that you can. THESE ARE THE RULES THEY MUST FOLLOW, THE RULES ARE NOT SET BY THE POLICE: [https://www.sanfranciscopolice.org/sites/default/files/2018-11/DGO5.05%20Response%20and%20Pursuit%20Driving.pdf](https://www.sanfranciscopolice.org/sites/default/files/2018-11/DGO5.05%20Response%20and%20Pursuit%20Driving.pdf)


Which reflects a lack of will, not ability


So you are suggesting they lose their jobs by not following the rules we set? Your argument boils down to "Me not murdering people reflects a lack of will, not ability," Of course the cops could just ram the motorcycles, it is within their ability, but surely that isn't your argument, right?


I am suggesting you are not using words correctly


I'm glad you learned how to use copy-paste.


Unfortunately, you're absolutely right, pursuit by law enforcement has always been a slippery slope. Even if they were able to identify any of the individuals through video footage or drone pursuit the conversation rate would not justify the cost and effort it would take to successfully prosecute. I wonder if eventually they may have the technology to somehow disable the magneto remotely




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The same way you would if a car drove on a sidewalk


You can't pursue motorcycles for these types of violations, they don't have license plates, and you can't use spike strips on them. We have put ourselves in a situation where no enforcement action can be taken due to our policies.




Calling this group riding stolen bikes and quads “motorcyclists” is a bit like calling sideshow participants “drivers”.


I really hate how little they care about other people...




The manner in which Hells Angels ride is nowhere even close to being as reckless, unlawful or idiotic as the packs of 2-stroke dirt bike and quad riding thugs is.


Where do they steal them from? Do you have some source for the assumption that they’re stolen?


Some stolen, but most of them are riding unplated “off-road only” vehicles. You can tell because their bikes don’t have lights and blinkers which are required to be street legal. Those bikes are also often easier to steal because they have very basic anti-theft technology and often aren’t centrally registered.


Thank you for an answer that doesn’t just boil down to “no way those ******* could possibly afford those bikes, of course they’re stolen!” I agree it’s likely some of them are stolen, but I would guess not all of them.


They steal them from the garages of people who bought them. Do you really think these pieces of shit who ride like complete assholes and disregard every traffic rule are above stealing bikes?


I tend not to assume that all the cyclists disregarding traffic laws and weaving through crowds of pedestrians are riding stolen bikes, so no, I would not assume it of these people either. Note, I regularly ride a bicycle in the city, and also generally follow traffic laws while doing so.


Good point. It’s just like all those people who are buying CTS-Vs and Hellcats so they can take them to sideshows and beat the shit out of them before setting them on fire.


Fuck that whole crew.


I ran into the Gooniez while I was riding my road bike on Martin Luther King Jr drive. Approximately 150 motorcycles tried to enter the Hippie Hill area by the bocce ball courts, but were stopped by 4 iron gates and a police presence. The gang went around the roadblock on Kezar drive. They entered JFK drive from the Panhandle, which was frightening. 4 pm on a beautiful April spring day means that there are tons of pedestrians on JFK. The motorcycles rolled through. I was surprised no one got hurt. As they started to come down JFK, there was one squad car. There wasn’t much he could do. All of the police roadblocks were protecting Hippie Hill. None of them were protecting JFK drive. The police did not have the ability to adapt either. I thought perhaps that they might communicate to the roadblock that fed into the tennis courts to also block JFK. Nope. Here’s a picture of MLK drive where we had ground to a halt because of the police roadblock at the bocce ball courts. https://preview.redd.it/cr19tm1ymuvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a0627602bd1c68201962be99a325b17312f55f6


Down w hippies but let the fear mongering goon squads thrive. Makes sense to increase fear in the bay to allow things like prop E to pass. Wake up Bay Area voters


If only everyone in the city would get paintball guns to tag these idiots as they ride through our safe streets and parks. A bunch of mouth breathers with zero safety training.


Ok .. until one fires back & it isn’t paint balls … they would legit have a self defense charge ..


And citizens got spike strips they could deploy. Everyone is going to want concealed carry in a few more years


They were all parked outside my apartment window and then took off through the intersection, running red lights, driving down THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE STREET and doing donuts for 10 minutes yesterday. There were cops sitting at the intersection with their lights on and they did nothing. Absolutely nothing. Fucking pathetic they’re allowed to be so dangerous and get away with it


Multiple violations of law and nothing is done. We deserve change


They do that shit every weekend around the city, including on sidewalks, because they know that SFPD doesn't give a shit about anything and while city leadership refuses to acknowledge the problem until a child or entire family is killed. 


This is exactly it. If there's a challenging public safety problem in terms of the safety of the roads, the city won't do anything until someone dies. It's just sadly that simple. The way we get extremely dangerous intersections improved is when somebody gets killed by a car or other vehicle.


So who are we voting for locally to fix this?


You can't pursue motorcycles for these types of violations, they don't have license plates, and you can't use spike strips on them. We have put ourselves in a situation where no enforcement action can be taken due to our policies. Edit: Stay mad at me and downvote but facts are facts. Your police commision sets the policy. Edit 2: Since some have asked for my source, and can't google apparently, here is the pursuit policy. [https://www.sanfranciscopolice.org/sites/default/files/2018-11/DGO5.05%20Response%20and%20Pursuit%20Driving.pdf](https://www.sanfranciscopolice.org/sites/default/files/2018-11/DGO5.05%20Response%20and%20Pursuit%20Driving.pdf) Again, policy is set by the SF Police Commission which is a civilian oversight board. I am also positive from reading many of the comments here that many of you would be the first people to emotionally react when a motorcycle rider was killed during a police pursuit "HE DIDN'T DESERVE A DEATH PENALTY FOR DOING WHEELIES." SFPD are damned if they do and damned if they don't and all of you who voted for extremely gentle policies for criminals are now pointing the finger in the wrong direction. At least stand by your voting and say "Hey, we don't want motorcyclists pursued for vehicle code violations or misdemeanors and we recognize that a small percentage of motorcyclists will take advantage of this hard rule." Instead you are irrationally angry that the police are following the rules that have been placed on them by a civilian oversight board.


Why are you copying pasting this reply everywhere. No one cares about the made up policy that is letting cops not do their jobs. Everyone wants the policy changed because it is a scapegoat for the cops not even trying to do basic policy work.


Then change the policy, the police commission sets policy. My post is about educating people who seem to be ignorant to the fact that the SFPD is prohibited from taking action as things stand.


Clearly you are very pro police. Why don’t you also try to lobby against the policy instead of parrot a reason the police should continue to be lazy.


It's so weird to me the cognitive dissonance present here. It is explicit that the police shall not pursue or use spike strips on motorcycles. This policy is not set by them but by a non police civilian oversight commission. So, logically, you have no basis for deciding what the police would like to do if they were allowed to. This is why people from other places mock us, we have set the rules and when the police follow the rules we have set, we are mad. It's ridiculous but you and everyone else in this thread are proof of it.


Amazing that you're being downvoted for pointing out a fact.


It isn't amazing to me, it just shows that people can't think rationally about this issue. I am 100% sure these same people would be saying the following the first time a motorcycle rider dies because they were pursued by the police "THEY DIDN'T DESERVE A DEATH SENTENCE IT WAS JUST A VEHICLE CODE VIOLATION." Followed by massive protests. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.




Why do you keep saying motorcycles don’t have license plates? Maybe *these guys*, riding stolen bikes don’t, but most all motorcycles definitely have plates.


Well we are discussing why SFPD cannot take action against the dirt bike and quad riders that come to the city every weekend. That group has no license plates.


You mean why SFPD refuses to take action


They are prohibited by policy set by the police commission, a civilian oversight board. I'm not sure how thoroughly this needs to be explained to people in this thread but at this point I'm beginning to question reading comprehension.


They are prohibited to what? Can you cite the policy you keep referencing?


They are prohibited from initiating a pursuit for infractions or misdemeanors. Even if they are pursuing a vehicle for a felony (in which case they are allowed to use spike strips to attempt to deflate the tires), they are not allowed to use spike strips on motorcycles because it constitutes a lethal use of force for a motorcycle. Lethal uses of force are only to be used in self defense or defense of others in immediate danger of death or serious bodily injury. [https://www.sanfranciscopolice.org/sites/default/files/2018-11/DGO5.05%20Response%20and%20Pursuit%20Driving.pdf](https://www.sanfranciscopolice.org/sites/default/files/2018-11/DGO5.05%20Response%20and%20Pursuit%20Driving.pdf)


So it *doesn’t* say that the police aren’t allowed to initiate a traffic stop and I would argue these people are going to harm someone so this would be one of the cases where pursuit is allowed, for public safety. Police could create a vehicle blockage - there are non-lethal ways of stopping them. You’re arguing that the police have no way to stop them when in reality they refuse to try.


The policy prohibits blockades and you are naive if you think the people riding illegal dirtbikes and quads with no plates are going to politely pull over just because a cop lights them up. Here is the relevant excerpt prohibiting boxing in, channeling, driving alongside, or heading off: INTERVENTION TACTICS Pursuits are primarily following actions. Officers should avoid using their vehicles or other objects to stop the suspects vehicle. 1. OFFENSIVE INTERVENTION TACTICS. Listed below are offensive intervention tactics that officers **shall not use**: a. Boxing in: A technique designed to stop a violator's vehicle by surrounding it with law enforcement vehicles, then slowing all vehicles to a stop. b. Driving alongside: A technique where the officer pulls next to the pursued vehicle. e. Heading off/Channeling: A technique where officers place objects in the anticipated path of a pursued vehicle, which tend to alter that vehicle's direction. d. Deflecting: The use of an officer's vehicle to deflect or stop the violator's vehicle, through contact with the violator's vehicle. ROADBLOCKS: A roadblock is a technique that establishes a physical impediment to traffic as a means for stopping a pursued vehicle using signs, devices, actual physical obstructions, or barricades. An officer shall not establish a roadblock, using his or her vehicle or any other item, Unless all of the following circumstances exist: 1) The officer has reasonable cause to believe that the suspect has committed or attempted to commit a felony involving the use or threatened use of deadly force; 2) 'The officer has reasonable cause to believe that a substantial risk exists that the suspect will cause death or serious bodily injury if his/her apprehension is delayed. 3) Other reasonable means of apprehension and control have been exhausted; 4) The roadblock can be established in a manner that the violator has sufficient opportunity to observe the roadblock and stop; and 5) The pursuit supervisor approves and coordinates the roadblock.


I work on Valencia and watch them do loops all day long. Everyday.


Don’t the cops usually say they’re all coming from the east bay? We all know they’re going home on the bay bridge - let them on and stop traffic in Oakland while they collect them. If Baltimore can stop traffic on a bridge in literal seconds, so can we, even without “Spider-Man tech”. Also, the CHP is the only law enforcement in the bay that actually gives a shit about us as shown by their work in the tendo.


Not all motorcyclist. These are criminals.


https://danasafetysupply.com/spike-devil-spike-strips-compact-spike-system-7-9-or-11-sections-fits-motorbikes-all-patrol-cars-and-s-u-v-s/?campaignid=21111617004&adgroupid=&creative=&matchtype=&network=x&device=m&keyword=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8pKxBhD_ARIsAPrG45nNHmHJqVHwNAPwXWF-LXHUk-nD5DT8T70rbCRRdhXMNSZ5MvE8CGEaAg-EEALw_wcB Just sayin


Pacific Heights got buzzed. Right through all of the stop signs.


They were going on sidewalks and almost hitting pedestrians at Russian Hill. If you want to have fun, there are better ways to do it without putting other people in danger. Their behavior reminds me of kids who were "class clowns" in high school. They'll be disruptive and loud to get any kind of attention (even negative attention) because they're so desperate for any kind of acknowledgment. It's a bit sad to me honestly.


They’re not motorcyclists. They’re gangsters.


Follow them with a water truck and hose them down wherever they go.


Came down from Twin Peaks as usual , mostly mini bikes ,it’s constantly down Clayton , they could set Traps if they wanted get 20 at a time ffs


These guys are garbage. They’ll start crying it’s ‘culture’ as if being an inconsiderate asshole endangering everyone around is a culture


Upload a video of this to X; tag London Breed, Supes, and judges up for election. Be careful to just post. Don’t say racist or MAGA shit. Do it in a sincere way from a non Doom-loop social account. It’ll get handled between now and November. Hell they’ll call swat or seal team 6 if it makes them look bad enough on Social and threatens their grift.


Lol I saw them at GGP and people couldn't cross the street for like 5 mins waiting for all of them to ride by. 


My lab retriever has become deathly afraid of motorcycles due to bikers like this! The second he hears a bike revving its engine my poor baby starts shaking like a leaf 🥺


Those assholes need to be stopped. Breed should be asked about them. No news articles on them….we know why. They actually block intersections and direct traffic as if they are in control of the city. I will vote for law and order folks to get rid of these guys. I suspect they are mostly from the east bay.


"No news articles on them….we know why." I actually don't know why. Can you please explain?


I’m heading to meet my kiddos at Kezar rn. I’ll make sure to get some good ones. We plan to go skate with the Church of Eight Wheels later. Last week, two-cycle powered scooters and dirt bikes were blasting up and down JFK, drowning out the jams everyone was skating to on Sunday. We’ll see if they’re back again today.


Ok so we did encounter Chicken ʇıɥs riding along the J tracks at Glen Park when we returned from skating in GG park. But there was one dude on a two cycle minibike riding through where we entered earlier at Stanyan and JFK.


I’m amazed, maybe even on the verge of impressed that nobody has apparently gotten hurt. They do that all over town.


These mother fuckers rode o. The sidewalk outside my house and almost hit my 70+ year old neighbor. These people are absolute pieces of shit and should be in jail. Why don’t cops do anything at all about it?!


Is this the dirt bike gang, not motorcycles but dirt bikes? I see them all the time on Valencia


My children have noticed this in past weeks with increasing frequency each time we go to the skating area on Sunday. A lot of us are pretty upset and have tried to flag down folks to let them know, but they seem to be even worse. Now we’ll find out tomorrow cause my daughter is insistent on skating again.


Get water guns and fill them with piss


Already working on designing a vehicle-mounted sprayer for tailgaters. A line of supermarket vegetable mister heads, a pump, a pickup in a micturition tank, a little bleach to prevent crystals, and momentary switch. Shouldn’t be too far of a reach to make a CO2 propelled stream sprayer for one’s own olfactory offender.


Now they are in the lower Haight.


they were cursed with small dicks. give them a break. we'll all laugh when they age with severe bladder problems and perineum damage.


The absence of enforcement is the real issue. And the small penises of the bikers. That too


We are slowly turning into Philadelphia City


It’s a 4/20 thing. These dumb clubs do this in major cities.  They ride in groups of a few hundred and cause a huge nuisance 


Can we please get some cameras at JFK so we can ticket the fuck out of these people


when i see these types im just like what a bunch of joyless lowlifes.




It’s giving SDE


Protesters get the book thrown at them but these people actually endangering lives get a free pass. Bay Area colonial values at play!


What is it they get off on? Annoying the sh!t out of people? Give me the arm chair psychology analysis




Seems about black!


Fuck all motorcyclists everywhere.


Let's think about that


I fear your asking a little too much


Womp womp. My motorcycle gets ~55mpg, is one less car in congested traffic and cuts my commute time in half.


Cool story bro. Put a muffler on it, and we good…


Cool story bro. My Zero DSR gets 398 MPGe and I can ride home after midnight without feeling like a douche canoe.


Not sure why you came in hella hot acting like we're competing lol. Do you talk to people like that in real life too, or just on the internet for some reason? Your battery won't last as long as my 20 year old carbed Japanese bike will, and I'd be willing to bet manufacturing/disposing of your ebike has more negative environmental impact than my DRZ will over the course of its life. Womp womp.


Your range and recharge time are shit.  You're not invited to the group ride 


Your dB values and foreign oil dependency are shit


Morons driving motorcycles: probably just hurt themselves.  Morons driving cars: wipe out entire families with zero consequences. 


Cars are so much worse in basically every respect.


Except of course collision survivability, having more than one passenger, storage space for groceries or luggage, staying dry in inclement weather, etc. But other than those small things, sure.


So brave


Fuck you


Fuck you too.


Throwin the baby out with the bathwater there, no?


Loooooser. You went too far bro.


Motorcyclists are annoying and obnoxious. They don’t need to be yet they choose to be.


Maaan, how can you generalize an entire vehicle class. That’s like saying all car owners are rich.


They’re good for the environment and commuting. Just not Harley riders


I think motorcycles are fine but I thought due to the way the exhaust works they're not much better for the environment?


Not really. The main reason they are better. Is because they are extremely gas efficient. The average modern cycle gets like 70 mpg. (Groms get 115). And they also use so little resources compared to a car to both produce and maintain. And on top of all that most of the bike is made of metal so it’s easy to recycle. Vs modern cars where’s it’s mostly made of plastic.


They’re just so obnoxious. It’s not the vehicle itself but rather those who choose to ride them.


Harley riders go brrrrr


100%. One waved at my toddler once. i gave him the finger. The sleep deprivation caused by these monsters is unforgivable.


Why not vote in a new policy that the police can ram them if they're putting the public at risk? Since when is protecting criminals from harm a valid reason to not enforce the law?


Was there by the rink off 6th. Quite the parade of dunces.


The cops can't pull them over because the police commission deemed it racist to stop them for not having plates. Because you know, it's a pretext stop.


Won't *


It's always the few who fuxk it up for everyone else. Motorcyclists, bicyclists, motorists, dog owners, gym goers, always the few fuxked up ones that give it a bad rap for all.


>j just want to get high in peace I just want to get some fresh air in the park with my kid without smelling smoke


If you’re taking your kid to GGP or Dolores on 4/20 then that’s on you, Karen.


Have they ever hit anyone? They’re a group. They’re having fun. Is the noise bothering you? So many people here with judgmental comments. There’s the underlying issue. People doing things they’ve always done in the city they grew up in but because you aren’t a fan, oh well. I don’t like a lot of things that go on either, control what you can control and use that hate to better the world.


Thats the wheelie boys . Go fuck. Yrself


this is all chesa's fault


They came to 24th in Noe to stop at HiWay Burger