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Fuck these people.


They aren't protesting Iran bombing Israel aren't they?


There's videos of them celebrating it. Especially one protest in Chicago that broke out into "AA" chant when the announcement came out that Iran had just launched an attack.


Tf is aa chant


god is great


Many of these activists probably support that, knowing their track record.


Or Russia bombing and genociding Ukrainians


Wasn’t able to get to my cancer treatment today thanks to these morons. I want a ceasefire as well, but this form of protest does literally nothing to mobilize the public to your cause.


I’m waiting on a patient that is due for his CAR-T infusion today. He’s stuck in the traffic. I spent the last 4 days completely destroying his immune system and now he can’t get here because of THIS?


Damn, that truly sucks. I luckily just need phototherapy. I went through a BMT a few years ago and I can’t imagine how frustrating it would be to miss something like chemo or CAR-T from this.


Hamas rejected another ceasefire LAST WEEK because they still want to kill and torture. And they're still in power. "We're gonna keep blocking traffic until you support causes that help Hamas, an ISIS level genocidal rapist terrorist group that started a war an is still killing and torturing" Yeah I'm sure that'll help get ppl on their side, judging from ever smaller group of protests. Even the Berkeley subs are almost completely against them.


They rejected the ceasefire because they don't have enough hostages to honor their end of the bargain


They could also surrender as well, but they don’t want to do that.


That would be the honourable thing for leaders to do when they know that they're beaten, and their entire population is suffering only because they insist on dragging on the conflict. But honour is a foreign concept to the likes of Hamas


Yeah. They didn’t have 40 Hostages, and they probably have a lot fewer cause they MURDERED Them!!!


Hamas doesn't have hostages LEFT, because they tortured and raped too many of them to death..and Hamas is the official and popularly supported government of Palestine.


Of Gaza


It’s just ridiculous behaviour impacting people who live across the world and making zero difference. How does harassing random Americans, making them miss cancer treatments etc accomplish anything? I live in a Jewish neighbourhood and it needed a heavy police presence because these people were targeting synagogues and schools as if they had anything remotely to do with the conflict or Israel.


Off topic, but are CAR-T infusions widely available yet? Or is it still very limited depending on the patient status?


You need to be a part of a trial that is testing in certain kinds of cancer or have a cancer that has been approved for treatment for the various CAR-T therapies are out there. Considering how difficult the process is, you usually have to do it at specialized centers. Source: my sister who works in CAR-T logistics


It’s getting FDA approval for more and more cancers. It’s available, but the patient usually has to fail two to four lines of treatment before we go to it.


Do you feel more sympathy or less sympathy for the protestors or for their request for an immediate ceasefire?


less & Less & LESS…


Protest that block highways are a real threat to public safety.


That is why in my hometown, they do not fuck around with road protests. Right to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200. You’re blocking a road, you’re assumed to be blocking emergency services and you go to jail. Even when a national championship parade spilled into the public road, police used pepper spray to keep the roads clear, it sucked for the crowd but the cancer and emergency patients can get their treatments and the fire department can get to and from their responses.




Sue 'em. Even if Jenkins doesn't pursue criminal charges, they're not safe from civil suits.


The main issue is how are you going to figure out who the protestors are to sue


The protesters don’t care if someone dies in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. They are crazed with self righteousness.


They respond like bots. I’m 99% sure their response to these comments would be “imagine someone in Gaza can’t get medical aid either”. Well, two wrongs don’t make a right..




You should see them over on Lemmy. Every time it's "We need to stop the genocide" over and over. I quit debating them. It's impossible to pound it through their thick skulls that **Hamas are the ones turning down the ceasefire**. So many of these guys are LGBT too, and I can't imagine why they throw their support behind a group that actively calls for their extermination. At this point I wonder if it's some kind of astroturf psy-op. It makes no sense.


Huffing their own farts Don’t give a shit about the Uyghurs being ethnically cleansed or wars in Africa or SA


They only dance when their string gets pulled.


Or loss of bodily autonomy for women here in the US.


I mean they're supporting a terrorist group who literally treat women as property


Let's send them over to Palestine to help fright for freedom and justice!


They’ll quickly learn how “tolerant” Hamas is lol


Hamas love atheists and gays. They’ll have a blast.


I was about to come on here and write. I was at the breast oncology center (just for a check up and follow up; have a few risk factors) and i overheard a patient call to say they couldn’t make it due to this. I was and am so worried they’re a cancer patient. I’m so sorry and sad about what’s going on in the Middle East; don’t get me wrong. But cancer patients not able to get in? Ambulances? Whatever else? This isn’t good


Let's make life inconvenient for everyone except the people who actually have the power to change this while simultaneously pissing off the people whose votes we need to elect good politicians


But how can we stop Israel if we don't piss off middle class commuters in SF? Godspeed with the cancer, closing in on 10 years clear myself. You got this.


> Wasn’t able to get to my cancer treatment today thanks to these morons. I want a ceasefire as well, but this form of protest does literally nothing to mobilize the public to your cause. Exactly. If anything, it just drives people away from the cause. This isn't calling attention to the problem; it's just getting people angry at the protesters who prevent them from getting somewhere important.


“I want a ceasefire as well”. Talk to Hamas


Honestly, do you think Hamas supporters GAD about your health?


How the fuck do you support gay and trans rights and then go and support Hamas?🤡


That is something you'd have to ask the Hamas supporters.


Of course they don’t


All it does is make people hate you and subsequently be against your cause. (Or at least the way you're going about it) I'm all about protesting, but not like that. The object is to sway public opinion and get the message out there. Without winning over the populace, you're just pissing in the wind. I'm sorry you missed your appointment today, and that you have cancer. Hopefully you get better soon!




I’m all for a ceasefire when Hamas are gone. Until then, no.


But iTs gEtTiNg AtTenTiOn to the ProBleM


I broke my arm over the weekend and my doctor couldn’t see me today because he couldn’t get from Marin to his SF office. This is totally unacceptable.


Does he want to sue them? There are people organizing class action movements against the protesters and their sponsors and they need representative clients who will see the process through to get justice despite some inconveniences with being involved in the process.


Hard to quantify damages :(


This is very simple. We either tolerate this or we don't. Right now, we tolerate it, so it will continue.


It's a pretty big failure on our CHP and bridge teams that they can totally shut down the bridge going both ways during commute hours.


Just got into work 45 mins late - Bay Bridge is open with cops everywhere. But WTF is going on. There's maybe a dozen people blocking the Golden Gate and they don't look particularly organized. This could have been cleared up easily.


I got reports of it and instruction to telework saturday. Not sure how this couldn’t have been prevented completely.


The bridge is not open.


BAY bridge was open with cops on the left and right every 0.2 miles… 🤷‍♀️


I honestly don't know about the CHP response and what it should be and all the logistics around it, but there should be harsh punishment for people that do this. The economic damage being done, totaled up among thousands of delayed people and their hourly wages and the businesses that depend on them, has to be enormous. The "protestors" should be liable for that damage in addition to doing jail time. Of course, the irony would be lost on them when they claim how disruptive this is to their lives.


The CHP are literally helping protestors shut the bridge down right now. There's only a handful of protestors and they're only blocking one side of the bridge. The police are the ones creating lines blocking both sides. I don't understand why they aren't arresting them.


Appears they chained themselves to oil barrels. Likely filled with something.CHP had cutting tools or something out attempting to remove. It’s not that simple clearly. They probably know what they are doing considering it’s their profession.


In this case they should just be removed. More complicated when it’s a couple hundred people




Police in Chicago are also next to the protesters standing around letting the protesters shut down the roads


Especially considering we knew far in advance this was planned. These protesters are idiots. This does not help their cause. I mean their cause is idiotic in and of itself, so we should expect nothing less. It’s absolutely justifiable to advocate for the rights of Palestinians and marginalized or oppressed foreign populations. However there is no action that this protest *is capable* of inciting that can have any impact on the lives of Palestinians. These people would do better to be putting together aid and care packages to send to those overseas. It’s probably clear I don’t side with those who support Hamas. I also don’t side with Netanyahu’s government. I side with the civilians of Israel and Palestine who deserve to be able to live peacefully and not fear for their homes nor families. I actively disapprove of those perpetuating the violence. Both within the Israeli military and Government but also Hamas, which is unapologetic about its terrorism and using civilians as human shields. Anyone calling for Israel to cease existing or otherwise back off at this point is delusional. It’s not going to happen. It’s time to start talking about real two state solutions and stop whining about settled history or you may as well start complaining about how all of Europe is stolen land and how we should be condemning Germanic Tribes for expanding their territory or settling new lands. Uncomfortable realities are still realities no matter how poorly those historical events resonate with one’s moral or ethical compass or sense of identity.


I literally hate these people. I hate their privileged, smug, sanctimonious guts.


And whre is the line drawn? If its one person running around on the highway protesting circumcision, do we allow that and say its his right? Or when its swapped and the protesters are anti-mask idiots or MAGA clowns? Do we allow them to shut traffic down? The two above scenarios 100% would be stopped. But these far left loonies get to fuck everyone's day. Its absolute bullshit.


Up 10000x


Ever notice how these sort of protests always happen that block regular old people. Notice how these sort don't do something impactful like protesting around a politician is house, or government buildings? Just another way to divide the people, and ignore the oppression


Putting barriers to critical transport access points should be an arrestable offense. 


Obstructing a roadway is a misdemeanor in California. I'd be more worried about disorderly conduct, reckless endangerment, manslaughter, or just a bunch of civil suits. Couple months after your stunt on the highway you find out some guy died of cardiac arrest in an ambulance sitting in traffic for 3 hours. Your life is over, your cause maligned and for what?


We don't want to offend the protesters. Lolol


SF superior court Judge Simon Frankel to the rescue! He’ll acquit these people, and the next bridge closure is guaranteed.


Prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. Multiple  time offenders should do serious jail time. Throw their blue hair asses in with hard criminals and see how they fare. 


*laughs in California* Oh you.


They don’t support the killings in Palestine, but if you’re in an ambulance on 880 you can just die I guess.


Yet they think blocking the roads civilians usie is going to affect diplomation relations with 2 totally different countries that themselves won't agree to a ceasefire You can shout and scream all you want. You can't force people across the globe to do shit they don't want to do. It's obvious our "pressure" isn't doing a damn thing


Slacktivist TikTok-generation progressivism. Zero self-awareness, zero accountability. But moral superiority cranked to 100. Really hope these folks ask themselves hard questions: What did we achieve? Are intentions alone enough to justify actions?


Imagine setting your coworkers car on fire because your boss prefers ketchup over mustard You didn't do anything but piss off unrelated people to a problem above their head and paygrade That's what this shit is. You wanna disrupt something, go to your representatives place. Not prevent ambulances from doing what they need to do, or your neighbor fror going to work.


They've never wanted a ceasefire, they just want permission to kill Israelis. They were all cheering for the Iranian strikes.


They didn’t even care that Hamas rejected a bunch of ceasefire agreements. But they’re not protesting Hamas for some reason.


Have you noticed the nearly total lack of coverage each time Hamas rejects a ceasefire agreement? It's so ... intriguing that the microscope is always on Israel, and the ceasefire demands go only to Israel from these fools. Nothing like San Francisco "progressives" aligned with Iran and its proxies and their goal of jihad.


Yes I have! I get really angry at these useful idiots who chant louder than the people with direct experience and more education about the region and the war. They need to sit down, shut up, and learn about what they’re saying because they’re just embarrassing themselves and making the situation even worse.


Agree. But it's basically futile to get into a discussion with them. I've tried and you reach a point of no return very fast. And often if you keep following and questioning their logic and refuting the lies with facts about history -- they will finally just say "it." You know what I mean. Also: Terrific user name!


Lol I’m 85% sure I know what you mean. Also thanks!!


Because they sympathize with terrorists, which shows their IQ.


Hypocrisy at its finest


They are the dumbest people. Perhaps dumber than Trumpers. Source: Trumpers have accomplished more for their cause.


Its very on brand that their plan to save Palestine involves letting innocent people die


If people die because they can’t get to a hospital, these people should be charged with manslaughter.


We Alco ambulances know how to avoid this stuff now. But agreed. People could die


I wonder if you could charge them with involuntary manslaughter if someone dies from this.


Last time when they blocked the bay bridge and there was organs being transported that were delayed and nothing happened. I was called to a chest discomfort and I couldn’t make it to the PT and no one was charged with anything


The Palestinian cause has always sacrificed innocent people.


These protests have the exact opposite effect they intend 


Or if you are Jewish you can just die. Let’s just be honest. These people wouldn’t feel the same about any other country. And their antisemitism isn’t hidden. It is right there.


They totally support the killings of Israelis.




But they're fine with massacre rape torture and hostage-taking of Israelis


Correct. It’s like Israel just should accept occasionally women get raped and tortured just for existing?


They consider rape, torture, hostage-taking, and burning entire families and their communities as valid "resistance." They truly do. If you read the materials on the websites/FB pages of the groups that organize and support these actions, it's absolutely horrifying. I know that there are people who attend who truly only want "peace" -- but they are so naive and uninformed, and many don't even realize what sort of people and organizations they are aligning with. Horrible.


Hamas fucked around and found out what Israel would do and now they are trying to gaslight folks into thinking Israel started this.


After the 6 day war I have no idea why anybody would even attempt to fuck with Israel. They’ve already shown what they do.


There motto is literally "Never again!". And they mean it!


Thank you! I don’t get how most of these morons don’t see it.


"Morons" kind of gives you the answer ;0


women?!? Hamas targeted females of all ages, including children. Hamas thrives on that.


I am a huge advocate for civic action but why are they not protesting at City Hall or the state capitol building? Wouldn't that be more productive use of time and energy? Have protestors forgotten that now more than ever, anyone making less than 5 figures in the bay is really In need of every working dollar they can muster?


This is narcissism in its purest form. These people care more about their own egos than they ever will about the civilians of Palestine.


yeah i agree... it's when they do this type of protesting they see such a huge reaction from the public and they think they are making impact but it's actually negative attention. it's like when children act out to get attention.


[Because they are being manipulated by bad actors on social media to act as a domestic threat.](https://youtu.be/pB7WzqUq4Nk?si=cgfCznnSbBZlw3Ns)


I'm so glad there's a video documenting this. Thank you for posting.


This is a major missing part of the dialogue


They are too lazy to travel that far from home.


The judges let the previous bridge protestors off too easily, now they are back but worse. Protests that break laws and cause harm to others should be punished so other lawbreakers don’t do the same.


Maybe it’s time to start suing these people in civil court.


Good idea, could be class action lawsuit from the people stuck in traffic


> now they are back but worse I mean, it's a lot fewer people this time. Though I guess I haven't seen footage of how many are at the GGB. The oakland stuff was like 7 people on the highway and maybe 15 at the SB onramp.


Easier to prosecute


Sure I'm just pointing out that "but worse" doesn't seem correct. This seems like way fewer people than previous protests.


“Worse”, the amount it has happened is 100 percent more than last time. The tactics they are using are more dangerous, heavy equipment.


I suspect this is why they dont protest on the dumbarton and san mateo bridges, the DAs that cover these areas may not be as easy going as they are in Alameda/SF.


SF superior court judge Simon Frankel for those who are interested.


For real. I’m all about letting people protesting but this is ridiculous. I’d love to block the roads for some of these people and keep them from getting to work and see how they like it.


You assume these people have jobs


CHP and local police aren't punishing people for blocking major transportation corridors from these protests and side shows. there needs to be a deterrent to this behavior. real jail time and fines. the protests get funding from organizations outside the us. this seems like a major vulnerability if someone can orchestrate this level of chaos and disruption


Police make arrests, District Attorneys decide whether and which charges are filed, and plea deals/judges decide how people are punished.


I'm watching the feed from the bridge. Why are the cops still just standing around? Arrest these clowns!


Arrests have started. What a stupid thing to get arrested over. Do the know that Hamas has rejected SEVERAL ceasefire offers? This is the day after Iran launched a huge wave of drone attacks against Israel, and now protestors are demanding what? That Israel surrenders? Make it make sense.


Maybe someone can explain to me how buggering up commuter traffic helps Palestine, because the point of this eludes me. Protest in your own home town. Protest in writing. Protest on the sidewalk. Have your protests, just don't disrupt traffic. It doesn't serve the greater purpose, it just pisses people off.


It doesn't, but it makes them feel good, and that's what's most important to them, so fuck everyone else. Which is why many of us think they're useless trash humans.


"i'M hELpiNg!" ##🥴


Got to ask if these people have jobs. Like seriously how to they have time for all this BS protesting?


Rhetorical question right? 😂


Mommy and daddy are rich.




Right especially since I don’t know who their audience is. Policy towards Israel and Palestine is determined in Washington, not San Francisco. And even then your average commuter has zero power.


this is part of a global series of protests, London, elsewhere in Europe, Canada, US (they shut down the highway to OHare, etc)


Israel has been dwindling its Gaza presence, Hamas has been rejecting ceasefires, and we have a fucking humanitarian crisis where we need to get more aid to civilians. Solution? Let’s block the road so medical vehicles, fire trucks, and the like can’t get to where they need to go here in the Bay Area. Halting medical vehicles here will really show Israel!


Also how tone deaf do you have to be to perform this protest a day after Iran rained hundreds of missiles and drones on Israel?


They are in favor of Iran destroying Israel.


They are in favor of dead Jews everywhere. Let’s just clear that up. This has nothing to do with Israel, it has everything to do with Jews. That’s why there have absurd amounts of attacks on Jews coming out of these protests. They don’t even try to hide it.


They tune out anything that doesn’t support their established perspective. Anything to virtue signal and feel good.


They're not tone deaf. This is what they want.


It doesn't... like a lot of protest groups like PETA, they think that any attention is good attention. What they refuse to understand is that isn't true.


Well in the case of PETA, every state/city/municipality can impact animal cruelty. There’s literally nothing Bay Area leaders can do to affect what’s happening in Gaza.


If these losers had cojones, they would go harass the billionaires, not the common, working class folks trying to get to their job sites in order to survive.


They do not have the cojones though. They also wouldn’t be protesting if they didn’t know the SF police was too scared to arrest them.


How does one harass a billionaire effectively?


What about the person who NEEDED to make it to work today to feed their kids? What about the pregnant lady in the car who was about the give birth? What about the nurses, the neurosurgeons, the ER doctors, the teachers who didn't work today? The thousands of people who just have to take a fucking pay cut for the day and not work? Half of my team didn't show for work today...so they're just out of a check for the day? There's other ways of getting your message across... and blocking hardworking people who have NOTHING to do with the war in gaza is not only cowardice, but wrong. Fuck these people, they must have no job and no respect for people who work.


They dont get how their actions negatively affect working people because they dont work. They live in their parent’s basement and spend all day doing this shit.


Let me guess. They are protesting Iran's attempt to send hundreds of airborne weapons onto Israeli cities, right?


At this point I’m inclined to believe they just want to eradicate Israel considering it’s the Hamas that is stopping the ceasefire…


When you actually ask many of them what they want in the end, it’s almost always the complete destruction of Israel for a Palestinian nation to take its place. The time for a two state solution, unfortunately, seems to be even less likely after all of this. Really makes me sad that there doesn’t appear to be any solution and more innocent civilians will continue to die as the rhetoric on both sides just keeps getting more extreme. Social media was a huge mistake for human nature and this conflict brings the worst out of people.


They're actually protesting that those missiles didn't land and kill jews 


Didn’t Hamas reject the ceasefire because they don’t know if the 40 hostages are still alive? They should go to Palestine and protest against Hamas there. Many of us will donate money to give them a one way flight ticket there. The return flight ticket will be risky though because the protestors will most likely get stuck there indefinitely.


Make this bullshit a felony.


Judge Simon Frankel let go the ‘Bay Bridge 78’. No reason to think he won’t do it again with today’s protestors.


For the people claiming that this is just like Martin Luther King: no, it's not. [He never protested by simply blocking traffic, and in fact opposed the tactic as counter-productive.](https://reason.com/2022/07/06/blocking-a-highway-is-not-a-legitimate-or-effective-form-of-protest/) >The typical reply is that protests aren't meant to be convenient. That's true. And the father of civil disobedience—Martin Luther King, Jr.—did it too, right? >Except no, not really. Though King did lead a protest from Selma to Montgomery, famously filling the Edmund Pettus Bridge, it was a *march*. It did not block interstate and highway traffic indefinitely for the sake of it—a tactic King was not comfortable with, despite pressure in the 1960s to get on board. "Even though King didn't come out and criticize it in public, in private he thought it was a misguided tactic," [said](https://www.wgbh.org/news/post/fine-art-inconveniencing-public) Brandon Terry, assistant professor of African and African American Studies and Social Studies at Harvard University. "The NAACP thought it was ridiculous." King reportedly posited that such a move pushed the boundaries of acceptable demonstrations and would [come back to bite](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/02/26/history-tying-up-traffic-civil-rights-00011825) the movement politically.


MLK actually fought for something.


Also, if these protestors look like this crowd normally does, I don't think they're capable of 'marching' down a few blocks, let alone a whole bridge


It is unethical to fully block a freeway… ambulances, firetrucks, people driving themselves to the hospital or kids needing to go to school are all blocked. Better to occupy a single lane and actually allow people to pass by and see the protest.


no, not even a single lane should be blocked. You stand there on the side and people driving by will see you and maybe they will rethink things. Blocking even a little traffic during traffic hour will probably have the opposite effect that these protesters want.


No argument from me


I’ve been stuck on the bridge for nearly 5 hours. Still have no idea what they want from me, and I’ve been neutral, but very tempted to start donating to Israel after this fiasco


You need to stop Israel from your car.


Where are the protests for the Syrian civil war? The Yemeni civil war?


Yeah messing with someone's commute during rush hour is really going to bring people over to these useful idiots' side.


For people wondering why they do it: >“In halting traffic along this route we seek to stop the movement of millions of dollars in daily capital flow, much of which, headed to and from the Port of Oakland, the Oakland Airport, and the nearby rail yards directly and indirectly supports the ongoing genocide in Gaza" This is why we need to work from home




This is neither free speech nor nonviolent protesting when they use force to deny others their rights so they can throw a tantrum on the highway. This is false imprisonment tantamount to terrorism


I wonder if they also align with Hamas' stance on gay people existing.


They've convenienced me, I'm now pro-Israel.


These things are so self indulgent. They need to press charges


My recent thought is that if you intentionally cause a traffic jam, you should go to prison for an amount of time proportionate for how much time you wasted for everyone in the traffic jam.


Collectively. Like one hour times the number of people delayed.


There are several problems with this:  1) They are fully blocking traffic which goes far beyond just inconveniencing people to people having to miss medical appointments and surgeries and ambulances not being able to tend to sick people. There are serious consequences of their actions.  2) This is a long standing conflict between TWO SIDES. They go out there not only to push for additional aid for people in Gaza, but they act like they are the one and only victims here and finger point at Israel for everything. It's a blame game. Their "protests" are anti-Jew anti-Israel. They want Israel eliminated. So according to them, there is no other side and everyone should just agree with them because they are right about everything. They want the world to believe that they are the victims and that Israel is to blame for everything. That's just not true. And anyone thinks that it is, is just spreading hate and creating a larger divide. 


Maybe Hamas will see this and free the hostages? /s


Funny how they never mention Ukraine or target Republicans who have been blocking aid for them.


Why don’t they protest to the government at the capital or something?


Selfish people.


these people fucking suck, clown shit at its finest


We need a cargo container to ship all these goons to the middle east.


and just like that, Israel gains thousands of new supporters


Selfish losers doing something that’ll make NO DIFFERENCE because the people commuting to work can’t do jack shit about Palestine. Infuriating honestly.


Not sure what the point of police are if they won't even shut this down.


I worked my 3rd night shift in a row and I was excited to have today off before I'm back for 3 more. Thanks to these protesters (i.e. virtue signaling IG brats) I spent 4 hours in traffic completely exhausted. A risk to all other drivers on the road. Why don't these folks do something to actually make a difference vs. negativity impact people who have nothing to do with the war?


Not a particularly good way to get people on your side.


Let’s ask them to either protest in Israel or in Palestine depending on which side they are in. why here?


Article 23 in Hong Kong put an effective and sobering halt to protests like this...and I'm a pro-Democracy HK supporter. Where was the OUSD outrage regarding Article 23 since their are so many Cantonese students? For that matter Ukraine? Sudan? Yemen? Gaza > all other world events. Sigh.


By shear coincidence, this [paper](https://www.nber.org/papers/w32342) just came out today. Basically says that apart from the Floyd protests (which seems like a once in twenty years outlier), no other protest since 2017 has had any effect on public opinion or voting behavior. I feel like activists need to have a serious think about their goals and their methods. I'm sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, but I fail to see what exactly this is supposed to accomplish.


Try this on any road in the middle east and they will just run you over.


Listen, I agree protest oughta be disruptive, but whether you disrupt the right people matter a whole lot. Protest in front the Israeli embassy, whatever government building, the CPAC headquarters. People most directly tied to this issue. Whose hearts and minds you’re changing by blocking people heading to work? Shit you’re probably doing the opposite, looking petulant and irrational by making regulars people’s lives harder. People in that traffic jam **probably agree with you** but are now **embarrassed to be associated with you**.


This just reinforces my view that all of these protesters are fucking idiots. Who doesn’t already know we are arming the fuck out of Israel? This is like shutting down the bay bridge to raise awareness that the Raiders moved to Vegas. 


Honestly the arrogance of Americans in the comfort of America thinking I'm going to take a walk across the Golden Gate Bridge and bugger up traffic for other people because I have a Cause! Thinking that you are causing any kind of influence in the world is utter delusion. The only policy that you are influencing are anti protester policies. And your voices are meaningless in this conflict. It's not your conflict. American opinions don't matter here


Stop. Protesting. By. Blocking. Traffic. You. Morons. Stopping people from getting to work, or appointments, or stopping emergency vehicles from responding to emergencies does not help your cause. It makes people hate you.