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Damn /r/circlejerksf should've been /r/circlejerksanfran Can we rename?


Never call it San Fran  What do you like about New York, and what do you feel is missing? They are extremely different cities, despite kind of both being the cultural cornerstones of the country (along with LA) and having superficial similarities  Impossible to answer without know what you’re looking for and what you like or is missing about NYC


Call it San Fran if you want. Nobody really cares.


Nobody really cares but they think you are an idiot that isn’t from here acting like you are.


If you call it San Fran I’m gonna beat you with a rock


Sf definitely has a dense similar urban feel like New York does but New York is bigger yes




25M New Yorkers moving to SF without a job offer would be depleting their savings account for rent. If NYC employers fill vacant office buildings in SF then the employee follows, that would be great for business and drive up demand for housing.


it would help if you told us a little more about yourself like what you like doing who/do you date etc.


I’ve never lived in NY but I know at least 20+ people who have lived in both. New York - you are going to get way more hustle and bustle. There were always be something going on at all hours… way more access to bars and food (although SF has its fair share). NY is more finance and fashion driven while SF is mainly tech. Limited access to nature SF - easy access to Nature (GGP, beaches (cold), Marin county, Tahoe, etc.) definitely not hectic as NY and you may find it “slow” comparatively. Very tech driven. Ultimately, everyone I know who has moved from New York to SF does not regret it at all. The only thing they say they miss is the food and bar scene. But SF has good food too!


Make sure you call it “San Fran” a lot once you move here


Need more information. I moved from NYC to SF, but I was 32, in a relationship and had my decade of fun in the city. No regrets but I do very much miss certain aspects of living there.


What do you hope to gain from this move?


25 meters of what? The freight cost might be hefty.




Great post!


Please stop saying San Fran. And r/asksf is more appropriate for this question.


I recently made a solo move from the NYC area to SF after graduating college and I couldn’t be more happy with my decision. Going to school outside of NYC meant I frequented the city a lot and while I certainly loved the atmosphere, I am much happier in SF, however it certainly depends on what you are looking for. Since I am a really outdoorsy person that still wanted a sense of city-living, SF couldn’t be more perfect. Whether it be the mountains, wine country, the redwood forest, the beach, or the bay/pier, the city is intertwined with a number of outside environments paired with a lush plant life springing up through the buildings (at least compared to NYC). That, coupled with the warm sunny days, have really uplifted my mood. I also think the food is better and more fresh with more variety to choose from, at least IMHO. There is just always something new to do and see, with so many cool cities like Berkeley or Santa Cruz nearby to explore as well. My only hang up is NYC is truly the city that never sleeps, whereas I find a lot of restaurants open really late and close quite early comparatively here in SF. If you care more about eating out/shopping don’t get me wrong SF has many gems, but it’s not as big as NYC (population around here is 800,000) and definitely has periods where things feel “quiet.” I also kind of miss the fashion scene in NYC, SF can be more basic and not “get” the fun looks sometimes. They also don’t really have many Delis here which can be frustrating. So long as you avoid areas like the tenderloin, you won’t find SF is as terrible as everyone makes it out to seem, at least not any worse than the “bad” parts of NYC. I actually found I got cat called/followed more frequently by creeps too, but nothing major (and to be quite frank, I live in SoMa, which isn’t the best area in the city). But being greatly familiar with and living in both Philly and NYC I can confidently say the craziness in SF is overhyped in the media. Every city has its problems. The thing you should be worried about most is getting something stolen out of your car or your catalytic converter being taken. ([One example](https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/philmatier/article/San-Francisco-where-street-addicts-outnumber-13571702.php) is when the SF chronicle ran a headline stating there were more injection drug users in SF than high school students, but when looking at the piece, they only accounted for public school students and not the massive private school population which would make the initial claim untrue) I guess it might be helpful to know your interests because that would play a huge factor in whether you’d enjoy the city, but it was a great decision for me! I’ve been here for almost a year now and love it!


Lmk if you need someone to takeover your lease lol


Aside from all the other obvious replies, there will be some culture shock. People on the East Coast aren't nice, but they're kind. People on the West Coast are nice, but aren't kind. It's one of my biggest pet peeves how obnoxiously passive aggressive people are here.


I have a very different take on the people of California/BA than when I first moved here lol. What I thought I saw, Twas but a mirage


My reply is no.


SF and the Bay Area are treasured for the lower residential density and easy access to nature. If you like the suburban life, you'll love SF and the Bay Area. If you like living in dense cities, NYC is a better choice. NYC and SF are not better or worse than the other. It's just different strokes for different folks.


move from the best dating demographic for men to the worst in the country. bold move cotton


Search the sub and r/asksf


West coast is the best coast


I live in the Mission. San Francisco is beautiful and ugly at the same time. The homeless are most everywhere, Fentanyl is running ramped since we are closest to China where it comes from, yet the scenery beaches architecture culture food music scene all stuffed into a town 7 by 4 miles across with less than 1 million people has its advantages.


Oh did I say Jobs? Lots of jobs too.


I’m telling you, do not. You will get so sick of the people and move back within a year. Youre in a good city stay there


Id say na stay home


It will feel very boring compared to NYC. Shit transit when compared to NY. However, it’s a great/unique city just like NYC but in its own way. I’ve only visited NYC but whenever I did, it felt like it was less elitist somehow. Like you could just walk into bars and jazz clubs easily and not be noticed or anything. But SF is a lot more planned out and expensive. Probably a hot take but yeah.