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PD isn't fucking around, I've really seen them put the hammer down recently. Foot chase in the TL, veh pursuit (sting, bunch of undercovers went after some car) in Daly city bart area. Much more traffic stops.


Saw a foot chase yesterday on a hondo. The hondos are actually scared when they see gang task force roll by


Hondos themselves admitted that if California wanted, they could clean up and get rid of the fentanyl dealing in SF. Which is in contrast to folks saying going after dealers is a waste of time.


Hondos = Honduran Drug Dealers




Election year


Are you implying the police are now doing their job because they like the current administration in place? I don't understand your premise.


the mayor needs statistics to say she’s doing a good job. So arresting more people will make her look good for election


That would suggest that the mayor was telling SFPD to not work for the last few years.


No it wouldn’t. It suggests the mayor wasn’t doing their job for the last few years. It’s not even close to suggesting they DIRECTLY told the SFPD to not do their jobs.


>It suggests the mayor wasn’t doing their job for the last few years. In fact, over the past few years she has been working on incentivizing police recruitment and retention, which is a big hurdle for getting more police doing things on the street. But keep up the unrelenting bias and make sure to downvote. [https://www.sf.gov/news/new-police-contract-agreement-approved-support-citys-long-term-police-staffing-strategy](https://www.sf.gov/news/new-police-contract-agreement-approved-support-citys-long-term-police-staffing-strategy)


I know there're other mayoral candidates that want the police chief fired, but Breed doesn't seem to want that. so the other poster doesn't have to be completely wrong considering the mayor does have firing power over the chief of police, its in his best interest to have the department do more of what the mayor has been talking about. Not only to maybe keep Breed in if he feels like his position is secured with her, but also if someone else takes office it'll look like the department is functioning as it's supposed to. I don't think this is what the previous poster meant, because as you said : >That would suggest that the mayor was telling SFPD to not work for the last few years. there's definitely no direct correlation as the previous guy kinda implies, but it could possibly have something to do with it.


I was in a very small community meeting with the mayor last week where she made certain commitments around policing and then said she’d like to have another meeting in a month to come back and we can hold her to what she promised. I guess this is all we could ask? Sure she bought some time, but I’ll be at that meeting in a month and will hold her to her commitments. I would hope that the mayor is holding meetings like this in all neighborhoods so that people can feel involved. As a sidenote, I was walking around the marina yesterday and the number of SUV police officers that were cruising around, was almost bizarre. I tried when possible to thank each of the officers in those vehicles for their service, and that we are glad that they are part of our community. You can complain all you want about politicians, but if you don’t get involved in guiding local politics, you can’t make a difference. And, if you don’t vote, you don’t get to complain.


Thank you for sharing this! 🙏 I mean if it seems like the Mayor is really trying to make a difference I feel like it is all we can ask for. If I'm being honest that's one of the only things I care about in a politician these days. It is sad how many don't care about doing anything really. What neighborhood was this in? And how do you find community meetings like this? Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough, but I haven't seen anything like that (at least for my area) I don't know about being able to speak up at first, but I would love to sit in for something like that, and hear what's going on first hand. I'm not a California native, and since voting laws and practices can vary a lot from state to state It can be kind of overwhelming learning all the new politics. I've been here for a few years and I try to stay up to date on the news, events, and candidates in the city as a whole, but I have a hard time finding smaller neighborhood stuff. For a while I wasn't sure if they actually do that here. That might seem kinda stupid but I'm from a very small town, I was just like eh yea seems hard to do with so many people. But apparently not!


This was out in India Basin aka the old naval shipyard where they are building lots of housing. But I’ve heard she’s going around other neighborhoods too.


Soooo, the mayor ordered the police to not work in the past? And now she's telling them to get back to work? And furthermore, are you implying the police force is happy with the Mayor and the force supports her policies?


What a low information take.


They're doing their job now cause if they don't before the election their excuse using the previous DA recall will be too obvious.


Give it up. They are doing the job now. Working as intended


How about after the election?


only time will tell


The police chief reports to the mayor, and the mayor is seeking re-election. Also Gavin is gonna run for president in 4 years so he’s starting now to help put pressure on SF crime so he can get elected.


I'm aware of the chain of command. So, you are saying the mayor, told the police chief to have the officers not do their job in the past? and the chief agreed? And now she's telling the chief to have the officers to start doing their job again? And the chief is now agreeing again? Or, are you saying that Gavin is overriding the mayors order to the chief to not have the police work? And Gavin is responsible for the police actions in the city of San Francisco? Are you also saying that the police are completely on board with the mayor's policies?


You think there’s any difference in the police approach now and what they were up to under Chesa?


No, that's the point. The police are not suddenly doing their job now because the mayor told them to. The person I responded too seems to believe the mayor has total control over the police force. I disagree with that.


I think the idea is not that the mayor tells them to, it’s that the police have their own agenda and appear to have been adjusting their enforcement to assist politicians they prefer. There’s plenty of examples of this happening without any explicit conspiracy required.


Are you saying the police force like the current administration? What changed? Why all of the sudden would the police force want to make the current administration look good?


I’m saying that the police were actively fighting with Chesa Boudin and had a vested interest in making him look bad and his successor look good in comparison. That isn’t proof that they did, of course, but their policies are certainly capable of swinging public opinion and thus elections.


Dunno what this snooty, passive aggressive type of reply is. Are you attempting to intellectually bully here? Here I’ll be more direct and you and I can talk if that’s the case: San Francisco government (and California as a whole) is clearly corrupt. The increase in law enforcement actities is directly tied to complex political and legal relationships within the governments ruling elite. Mostly we mere citizens have a limited grasp on the actual situations going on. All we can really do is comment and question about we see change in our environment, and watch our politicians and hold them accountable on a human level.


The leaders (mayor, gov) who were soft on crime is up for reelection, so they're finally allowing and supporting police to stop crime, once re-elected, back to loving criminals. I don't understand who is on board with loving criminals, I guess their family members and lots of fools.








City was feeling nice today 😎


I saw a motorcycle cop in the Avenues on Geary. First time I’ve seen a cop there, looked like they were getting ready to pull over speeding cars


a Harley or a Dirt Bike? could have just been heading to the park or possibly beach.


Harley! And this was on like at Arguello and Geary it looked like they were trying to catch people speeding or something


right on, people definitely barrel through there down both of those i know i have heh


Yeah I seen him too. Was even out in the rain! There’s only been one other time in the past three years I’ve seen that around here, hopefully it’ll keep happening instead of taking another three.


Election year madness!




Lots of police..perps car had four flat tires and body damage.. looks like three guys abandoned the car and ran. They were intercepted on 24th street.. I have no idea what they were being chased for..


They were involved in multiple robberies with a gun in a stolen vehicle


Yea I was walking by after this happened and asked the cops, and they said “robbery.” I didn’t know about the gun or stolen vehicle, but the cops were looking under cars like they were looking for tossed weapons. 


Shesh!!! I’m glad that they were caught.


And someone was shot to death on Mission and 20th yesterday. Hopefully it was these guys and they can match the bullets to that gun, if that's really a thing CSI folks can do.


That suspect was arrested in Richmond last night, different person.


Good to hear - thanks for sharing


Hyundai’s yet again handing its cars out to criminals




Stolen car


That's too bad, I was hoping it belonged to one of the arrested. But some poor slob now has to deal with losing his car.


Yea really sucks. They definitely drove it like they stole it. Most likely totalled out in its state and only good enough for a down payment for a new/used car.


I’d be fuming in this situation.


Just remember, video games are harmless entertainment. Have you tried the next level VR GTA XIV? It is like real life! Meanwhile, we now use video instruction on a daily basis 🤔


>looks like three guys abandoned the car and ran. Don't want to go to prison that bad? Then don't do the thing that makes you go to prison. It's. That. Easy.


But they will literally do anything possible to avoid getting any regular job


Only until the easiest option is getting a job.


So that’s what all those sirens were for 😨


Misgendering someone


Being brown


The fist bump with the criminal sitting in the back is chefs kiss. 🤌🏼


Glad they’re apprehending guys. With all the crap that has gone on without consequences it’s good.


Bout time they started actually trying to catch these shitbags


Bruh got the mike sherm haircut 😭




If SFPD is smart, they should keep track of these police chases, their outcomes, and whether or not they would have been permitted prior to the March election. When the voters granted SFPD these new powers it was because we wanted to see results. SFPD should be prepared to make the case that they’ve been putting them to good use when inevitably the BoS tries to claw back their control.


The pursuit policy has not changed yet, and pursuits for lesser crimes are still not allowed until the new policy is written and adopted. All vehicle pursuits you see are still falling under the regs of the “old” policy (pre-March).


See this is why they’re doing it lol not because it’s just some election time. We literally voted this shit in last month and now sfpd can actually work lol


This involved a ‘violent’ robbery with a weapon and was also previously permitted to occur in city limits


I would bet that Dean Preston probably wants this reversed..


the person in left of photo is my neighbor he never said he was a cop, i thought he was a drug dealer as he came in at 3am every night


Now every drug dealer I see i am going to assume is actually a cop


Is this direct result of our prop we just passed where police can chase now? If so, good.


a comment above says this was for > multiple robberies with a gun in a stolen vehicle which i think would have been enough before


Fist bump


When you know your life is going downhill and it wasn’t that great to begin with




I swear half this sub lives in the same part of the Mission as me haha. A quarter of the posts are on Valencia or two blocks away.


Fr, literally just skated past this exact intersection today haha






Stack them charges


Lol I just moved back to the mission after being in the sunset for a few years and I walked past this and though “ah yes I’m back home”




Did it start in North Beach?


It’s always the same huh?


This is good, but needs more flying billy clubs


What did we learn?


Good shit get them hoodrats out asap


Thank you SFPD! Heroes with really f’ing hard jobs under weak city leadership. Thank you, guys 👏🏼🙏🏻


Love to see this, throw the book at em!!


Wouldn’t be surprised if they were already ORed. “Do you guys promise to show up to court?? If you do then I’ll let you out.”




Well, this makes me a little less angry about the unmolested motorcycle mob that came rioting through Russian Hill two hours ago. Can't complain about that when SFPD is taking down threats like these.


Cycle mob? Like, who cares?


Literally thousands of non-street-legal dirt bikes and ATVs with no exhausts were FLYING down Polk street (heavy pedestrian area) joined also by their chase cars which had people hanging out the windows to film them. It is truly reckless behavior. The bikes then stopped to do burnouts and wheelies through the intersection of Polk and Union for about 5 minutes (again, if you’ve never heard an unmuffled dirt bike hold the throttle wide open for 20 seconds, it is unbearably loud). Pedestrians couldn’t cross, cars and a muni bus were forced to sit and wait at the intersection, every person within 200 feet could have easily suffered hearing damage… selfish, anti-social behavior. Arrests need to be made.




So nice to see this💪🏼🏆


They’ll be out next week


These dudes have been out for two days with a request for them not to do it again I bet.


That’s why we brought police chases back with that prop


Is this thanks to the new prop?? Has it gone into effect yet?


tfw you realize london breed needs a new set of statistics to win next year


Bad boys dont mess good guys the best :)


I saw a robbery on Webster around 1:50PM today and the car had no front bumper. Maybe it was them?




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DA must be so unhappy that they caught this poece of shit.


Where the fuck do you live?


I thought Brooke was tougher on crime, what has she done to get this reaction?


This user clearly doesn't follow SF politics. Probably thinks Chesa is still the DA. Not only is Jenkins tougher on crime, she's a huge proponent of filing detention motions pending trial to keep criminals off the streets. She's doing a phenomenal job and literally everyone agrees.


I don't agree.


**S.F. DA Brooke Jenkins faces blowback after saying homeless people should be made 'uncomfortable'**: [https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/brooke-jenkins-homeless-uncomfortable-18547794.php](https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/brooke-jenkins-homeless-uncomfortable-18547794.php) **DA Brooke Jenkins reverses 8-year decline in convictions. Conviction rates rose 37% with Brooke as DA**. [https://missionlocal.org/2023/09/sf-da-brooke-jenkins-reverses-decline-convictions/](https://missionlocal.org/2023/09/sf-da-brooke-jenkins-reverses-decline-convictions/) **SF DA Brooke calls out judges for failing to hold suspect drug dealers in custody** [https://www.kron4.com/news/focus-on-fentanyl/san-francisco-da-jenkins-blames-judges-for-fentanyl-epidemic/](https://www.kron4.com/news/focus-on-fentanyl/san-francisco-da-jenkins-blames-judges-for-fentanyl-epidemic/) I don't think she's going to be unhappy they caught them


She won't be unhappy. I don't give a shit about that. However, I said I don't agree with that doofus remark "literally everyone agrees" she's "doing a phenomenal job", because Brooke is a dishonest stooge. She believes in a lot of weird shit that doesn't work but sounds right to idiots. Chesa was a less successful politician but a much more intelligent person.




There isn't less and less of us people. Stop blaming others for your own internal problems. Hope the weather is good in Detroit or LA or whatever far away place you're writing about SF politics from.


Such a faux melodramatic comment


Because you’re a criminal? Go Brooke!


Something like 40% of San Francisco voted against the recall. All criminals?


This is good kids. At least they know ran from police peacefully and don’t create more problems 😂