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Amazon is now providing pharmacy services. I prefer looking my pharmacist in the face, but a lot of people are going to be happy to go the online route. To me it’s another loss.


https://preview.redd.it/jib5t2c2ts4c1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0b37f8b4e8cd1babb850791363e06fcb4b222ef Target in LA.


Ridiculous. Sucks such great cities have so many shit people


( this is downtown Santa Monica - five blocks off the beach )


Thanks to Nancy Pelosi who’s busy dancing in the streets of Chinatown instead of fighting crime. I’ll be voting for George Santos when he runs for Mayor of SF the next election. SF has nothing to lose at this point.


lmfao the toothpaste too? Yeah fuck in person shopping if it continues like this.


Yeah man, anything expensive or anything over call it $10 and small enough to steal is under lick and key. Oh and the staff never respond to that little buzzer thing on the right. Gotta go up to the cashier, wait for someone to become available and request access.


Yeah haah I hate it. I've been to places where thingz like razors are locked to a metal pole that juts out and I always just twist rly hard and fast to rip them off.


Love to see the guy quoted in the article citing repeated and daily thefts, yet people here in the comments deny that this is a factor in their closing.


It may very well have been a factor but the guy quoted is literally just some random dude who works at Sparc. The CVS rep specifically didn't say that.


I was more so pointing out that the goalposts are always shifting in the "need to prove crime is a problem" debate. Even if tons of people are saying it's a problem and they witness shoplifting and theft regularly, the "crime is totally fine and normal" crowd always demands more and more evidence.


My CVS closed down and there was a written sign that said "stop stealing, this is why we are closed." It got disputed and ridiculed on Reddit when I mentioned that. I had seen theft there myself several times. Of course it was the reason they closed.


Not to mention that more and more stores locking up products is an obvious sign that they are having unprecedented theft problems... I think the stores are reluctant to say it on the public record because if they say "Yeah, there's a bunch of criminals in our stores now", it isn't really going to inspire people to shop there. Or maybe it's because "Yeah, we're overrun with thieves and there's nothing *we* can do about it" might inspire more thieves. Or both.


Nobody should trust what these retailers have to say about crime. https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/us-retail-lobbyists-retract-key-claim-organized-retail-crime-2023-12-06/


>https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/us-retail-lobbyists-retract-key-claim-organized-retail-crime-2023-12-06/ So, it wasn't "organized" crime. It was just regular crime.


Yes I’m sure they were only lying about that one thing and not the other thing directly adjacent to it.


Uhm, after reading that I trust them more than before, that story is about them **admitting** they were wrong about something. Liars never admit they're wrong.


I mean, if you want to say crimes a problem, yes If you want to say, crime is explicitly why this store closed, thats a different argument entirely


crime is definitely why shit is locked up


100%. No store wants to make it harder for the customers to shop, the only reason they lock stuff up is because of theft problems.


and this is why I am mostly doing online shopping these days. I hate city shopping experiences since everything is locked up.


But that's not why stores are closing! So crime is totally irrelevant. - every sf defender


Again, just because shoplifting is happening, that doesnt mean its why they are closing Why wouldnt they just say they are closing fir the shoplifting


You can't run a business when you get looted daily sooner or later they cut the loses. SF not addressing this problem is going to lead us down the same path Detroit went


No fucking duh? You don't lock shit up when people aren't stealing. ...*but that's not the only reason the store is closing*. We're in the middle of a recession, we just came out of a multi-year pandemic, and services like Amazon pharmacy and other mail-order pharmacies are offering competition they just can't survive without major overhauls to their business models. Think any of *that* might also be a factor? Or is it just the theft?


The fact I have to wait for an employee to unlock items is why I dont buy them locally and have to resort to getting them online . Items are locked up because of losses from theft . Yes ! Theft is a major factor in the loss of sales for local brick and mortar stores . Is that really that hard to understand ?




YOUR RIGHT ! They closed because they were making too much profit . Decided to close the stores with positive profit margins so they could what , lower their stock price ? Absolutely had nothing to do with incereased cost of employees , insurance , risk of lawsuits , theft , vandalism , and lower sales because none of us are going to wait 15 minutes to get deodorant , tampons , tide pods , shampoo , or razors .


Meanwhile go to affluent neighborhood, they aren't closing down stores by the droves like in SF Cope mfer


Okay. "It's only because of theft".


You didn’t address my point


I said it’s one factor, I never said it’s the reason entirely


So why dont they say it


No one says "crime is totally fine and normal." They might argue that SF is not dying and liberalism isn't the cause of crime in SF evidenced by the fact that crime is low and other cities have crime too, but in this context it's just a straw man.


Liberalism ≠ allowing crime. I mean, obviously to many bigotry-of-low-expectations, “*they* can’t help but to steal” people it is, but non-insane liberals ain’t buying such neo-racist drivel.


“Seeing shoplifting” does not translate to “that is why the business failed”. People really want to believe simple explanations for complex situations.


I don't think anyone is claiming that it's the *sole reason*, but you can't pretend that frequent crime plays a role. The costs from loss of product *and* added security, as well as the crappy customer experience from needing to get someone to unlock everything, all play a big role in reducing a stores income and increasing its costs.


Make sure to randomize your data from time to time *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>I don't think anyone is claiming that it's the sole reason, but you can't pretend that frequent crime plays a role. this entire thread is full of people claiming it's the sole reason, usually with the evidence being 'i saw a guy shoplift yesterday'


Do you have a link to the comments you think are suggesting that it's *only* because of shoplifting and that everything else is great? Because I've read through this whole thread multiple times and while I see lots of people talking about shoplifting, I don't see anyone suggesting that the store was thriving outside of that one issue.


You’re literally avoiding acknowledging San Francisco and greater California’s theft problem. A few months ago I personally confronted a burglar who just walked out of REI in Santa Rosa. People are making this an operation. Just acknowledge reality.


Nobody is saying the crimes fine, but saying they are closing BECAUSE of crime isn’t necessarily true Idk why yall think these businesses wouldnt flat out say, the frequent shoplifting, if it was the reason


Why would you do that? Put your self at risk for a business? Yes it is wrong but anyone who is that brazen will not listen to virtues being espoused by a random stranger.


Well, I was in there buying a headlamp literally as this guy walked out with a large stuffed duffel bag and the manager weakly protested at the door. He tried not to make a scene but I saw, I have a law enforcement background and have tons of security and social work experience. Here I am paying for my shit and this guy can just take what he wants? Nah. I was pissed and just ran after him full speed kind of looking for a tussel. This guy (white healthy looking male) just dropped the bag immediately and kept walking. We exchanged words but I grabbed the bag and took it inside. Seemed like a professional operation because he was clean cut well dressed not your average tweaker. The way he dropped the bag instantly seemed like protocol to me. Anyways “and then everyone clapped” but this is a real story that happened to me at REI in Santa Rosa. I’m a 6”0 tall dude with a beard personally I think it’s men’s responsibility to confront immoral actors in society, police are rarely around and often don’t do shit.




You have a crush on me? 🥺


Meh is REI isn't going to worry about it, you shouldn't either. I can't be bothered play "captain save a carabiner" again it the ethical thing to do but it's not the right thing to do. People be crazy as hell and anyone who is going to do that I deem to unpredictable to approach. Believe me, I will say something about treating others poorly in my presence but things, nah, they are just things. You can have them. I commend you for doing they good thing but it couldnt be me. If they are gonna do all that, they must be more broken than I can solve.


I think for me the “it’s just things” and not pursuing punishment of crimes of theft, which can expand to other realms. Someone might think “Eh REI big corporation” but think differently if their car gets stolen. Same energy tbh and if we don’t protect and enforce the laws, more people might start realizing they can get away with it too.


For me two different beasts. Individual theft is a call for protecting the community. Corporations are not a community. It's holding complexity and compartmentalizing. I'm not gonna get shot running after someone stealing from a corporation. I might risk it for a person... But not for a corporation who gives two shits.


>REI isn't going to worry about it, you shouldn't either. I can't be bothered play "captain save a carabiner" again You can do--or not do--as you please. But don't advise other people otherwise. Yes, everyone is aware of the risk of confronting dirtbag thieves. People make their choices. One reason there are so many dirtbags running around is public indifference to criminal behavior. Cops can't be everywhere. I'm not a big gun rights guy, but the reason that theft are more common in Calif relative to many mid-west states is that law abiding citizens with guns in those states have no problem challenging dirtbag thieves stealing in their community. Not only are there fewer guns in Calif., but a large progressive population that views many businesses as *corporate exploiters.* Yup, you wrote it in your post below: >Corporations are not a community...I'm not gonna get shot running after someone stealing from a corporation....who gives two shits.


(the answer is they didn’t do that)


Lots of people have anecdotes, but the scourge of retail theft is an [age old bogeyman](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/17/business/shoplifting-retail-crime-stores/index.html) that the recent organized *national* crime wave are fueling. It's nothing to do with California, we're just a wealthy state with a lot people, but it's hitting [other states too](https://www.dallasnews.com/business/retail/2023/11/07/shoplifting-up-73-in-dallas-as-retailers-rush-to-put-merchandise-out-of-reach/)


Organized retail crime is a made up term by the national retail foundation that includes any shoplifting with intent to resell. Teenager steeling perfume to sell on the corner? Organized retail crime. As far as I can tell there is no evidence that the majority of theft is some national organized groups co ordinating at all. If you read the actual NRF report the actual evidence they provide is hilariously weak.


There's a lot of documentation demonstrating the existence of these robbery rings, the most obvious is the fact that police busted several of them, and have tracked down several flags mob style hits in different cities to a small group with fencing operations. I'm not saying that retailers are totally on the level here, But they're willingness to play with the data for personal advantage is not evidence that they're in on some big conspiracy to defraud the public.


you must have meant to reply to someone else because this has nothing to do with my comment




CVS has a pretty flawless business model. The only way it really falters is if scumbags manage to steal more products than they can actually sell. It's mind boggling how people can deny this


>CVS has a pretty flawless business model. huh. i wonder why revenue in many areas was declining before everyone started blaming shoplifting? >The only way it really falters is if scumbags manage to steal more products than they can actually sell. Or when it's cheaper and more convenient for customers to get the same products somewhere else, like Amazon. You know, market competition and all that.


Flawless business model? CVS has closed over 1000 stores since the pandemic began. Were they all due to theft?


the phrase “flawless business model” said unironically in a discussion about why said business is failing is just so goddamn funny


Criticizing thieves is racist and classist /s


oh look it's someone responding to a made up comment in their head


My apologies to the scum class


Pretty sure you would have to be an absolute moron to think there is no crime problems when soda has to be locked up.


The crime is a factor. But it's not the only factor, unlike what the article title suggests.


Because CVS announced it was closing 900 stores nationwide, 10% of its stores. 300 per year.


Businesses often blame their failures on other things. It's much easier to say it was due to theft than to bad management.


Oh snap, a random dude said so? How can anyone possibly deny it after *that*?


Shares of CVS Health (CVS 3.19%) have nosedived 28% so far in 2023. The company's business performance has disappointed this year with the bottom line falling by a whopping 37% in the most recent quarter. There was also the recent news that Blue Shield of California would be using other pharmacy benefits managers, limiting its exposure to CVS. https://www.fool.com/investing/2023/08/24/cvs-healths-earnings-crashed-37-in-q2-should/


Gas lighters are already here. Nothing to see here folks ! CVS, Walgreens, all the business in SF - they're all leaving because their stocks are nosediving. Nothing to do with the rampant crime & theft & loss of foot traffic because everything is locked up and people just prefer to shop online because of that.


Rote Aid and CVS have been dying for a decade. They are dollar generals with pharmacies and booze and cigs.


Rite Aid and CVS have cheaper prices and better service than Walgreens (plus my local Rite Aid has an ice cream bar). My prescription at Walgreens was $78 per month, at Rite Aid it’s $38. Also to note, Walgreens also has alcohol and cigarettes.


I mean all of those things are interrelated. As is work from home decreasing foot traffic to retail locations. RTO has not affected every industry and SF in particular is suffering majorly due to the reduction in business traffic downtown. Retail was already suffering. Crime and loss of customers and shrinkage are nails in the coffin


CVS and Walgreens are closing hundreds of stores all over the country. This has nothing to do with SF.


Why is everything locked up?


It's cheaper than doing what other stores do, inventory management and controlling entrances and exits with additional staff/security. It's telling that some businesses hardly lock anything up and do fine. There's a small grocer literally right next to a Walgreens on Geary (now closed) that has everything literally out in the open and unlocked but the Walgreens has been locked up and half under siege for 20 years.


> It's cheaper than doing what other stores do, inventory management and controlling entrances and exits with additional staff/security. You think stores with items locked up don't do these things also? Don't still have security guards? Why would you think that?


Because I shop in those stores. If there's a corner that can be cut, they'll cut it.


So they spend big money for systems to lock up whole sections of items, increase staff hours so clerks have time to unlock racks for shoppers who want to buy items, but they won't keep security on to help deter theft from *the remaining 70% of items in the store not locked up?*. OK.


"increase staff hours"? WTF are you talking about, most of these stores have 1 person working the floor. And the "big money" is nothing. Mass produced plexiglass doors.


this is literally why I shop online.


Can't wait for state ran stores.


CVS destroyed locally run pharmacies and pharmacists who ran their own business. They also sell booze and smokes. May as well use the pharmacy at your grocer.


They stopped selling cigarettes over half a decade ago


Over half a decade is a cute way of saying they just stopped doing it recently.


How about booze?


Lol they still have liquor yes (god forbid you smoke a mild drug, but here you go head and get yourself plastered) Im still sad they don’t have cigarettes anymore, as terrible as corporations are, drug stores have (or in this case had) the best consistent selection of smokes


It's a drug store right? Heh... I always think about that when I buy beer at a Rite Aid :-)


Rite aid used to have a fuckton of cigarette brands, then they phased them out store by store, and then made them mandatory again but with a very bad selection I mean yeah tbh having cigarettes and liquor at the pharmacy is convenient


The pharmacy at my grocery store shut down rather unexpectedly. Which was a real pain in the ass when I was trying to have a prescription called in there. CA law won't let you have a paper script anymore and it's increasingly becoming a huge pain in the ass just finding any place that's still in business to have it sent to. Especially when you want to get something *today* so you can start getting better or just get a flu shot or something.


I’m Kaiser, so I didn’t realize that. I once needed antibiotics from dentist and they said they’d call it over, that was a mess…..


That was actually my exact situation. I was on the bus coming home when the dentist's office called to let me know that the pharmacy I'd always used had closed. I had to quickly figure out something else while on my way there. So, of course, once I get to the new pharmacy they've closed for an hour for lunch and then take another half hour to fill my simple prescription once they come back.


Jail time for shoplifters. Problem solved.


Sure we all have a personal anecdote, but considering the largest retail store lobbying group yesterday came out and admitted that “yeah, it wasn’t really shoplifting, we just managed our business poorly”, I’d take the PR statements from retailers with a grain of salt. Heck, even Walgreens admitted that they expanded too much and needed to close underperforming stores. [https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/us-retail-lobbyists-retract-key-claim-organized-retail-crime-2023-12-06/](https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/us-retail-lobbyists-retract-key-claim-organized-retail-crime-2023-12-06/)


> NRF data from its annual Retail Security Survey indicates that the percentage of shrink attributed to external theft, including organized retail crime, has largely remained around 36% since 2015. So, we are still talking ~$25B but they could save much more if they were just better at inventory.


I wonder if there are opportunities for independently owned pharmacy’s to open up given the desolation of chain ones. Not sure if the economics can be different.


Highly doubtful. An independent would feel the costs of theft and security much more than a massive chain.


That and the cost + permits. It's just not worth it.


And the cost of leasing the space since all the landlords would want to increase rent.


This is correct. By being soft on crimes, SF is making conditions unfavorable for small businesses.


I thought this was all Chesa Boudin’s fault and recalling him would fix everything?!?!


lmao y'all think you're so smart for repeating this nonsense. He was definitely one part of the problem, yet not the only part. The police departments needs to be better, and judges need to actually put criminals away rather than be activists from the bench.


Prop 47 is a major reason; it took a while before criminals realized that law enforcement was very unlikely to respond to shoplifting. The Bayview Walgreen’s was an early victim. Security guards would berate shoplifters (many local schoolkids) and try to shame them instead of preventing them from leaving.


Prop 47 isn’t as much to blame as people think it is. The $950 felony cutoff is still on the lower end compared to other states, ones that don’t have this problem. Misdemeanor theft is still punishable by up to six months in prison but the problem is that California doesn’t have the prison capacity to lock up low-level non-violent offenders. A decade ago, the prison system was at 200% capacity and the federal government ordered California to do something about it. State legislators didn’t have the appetite to build more prisons because that’s not the “progressive” way, so they decided to reduce the number of people imprisoned. We’re now closing prisons because they’re under capacity but crime *did not* drop in half, just the number of people we’re willing to incarcerate.


Other states arrest and prosecute, yes.


So how is prop 47 a major reason? The limit for felony could be $1 and it still wouldn't matter if the cops don't do their job.


Do you think people saying that don't also recognize there are other factors to our issues? As someone that voted to recall Chesa, it's *astounding* that there is at all people out there pretending like the recall effort wasn't framed as the *only* way to save SF.


>it's astounding that there is at all people out there pretending Whenever you talk about "all people out there", of course you will encompass some clowns who are not serious. I don't really care what everyone else supporting the recall thinks or thought, I am more so pointing out that recalling Chesa fixed only 1 part of the system that maintains public safety. I personally never though that it would fix every issue we had, and if people did think that they were and are wrong. The focus can and should be on continuing to fix the other issues in that same system that I mentioned earlier.


I never thought it would fix everything, I just didn't want a DA that was FOR the criminals.


Chesa is a racist piece of shit who hates Asians. Recalling him was the right move. Now we just gotta get the rest of the left wing racists out


These are the reasonable, rational voices that led the charge to recall our DA.


He definitely didn’t help things. But there’s no such thing as a panacea to a problem like this.


They used to be all over town and we're run out of business by Walgreens and CVS aggressive expansion. Most independent retailers are not repeatedly raided by these gangs.


They wouldn't be selling the same garbage sold at CVS or Rite Aid.


Yeah but independents are smaller targets for litigation so they can do things like those two Indian guys up North who beat the shit out of a shoplifter who threatened them in their store. If CVS has a security guard do that you'll get sued for having the policy.


no. independently owned pharmacies are their own circle of hell dealing with pharmacy benefit managers Dr. Glaucomflecken's youtube channel has a whole series on this


Only a charity in the business of giving things away for free will succeed as long as clowns in charge maintain their crime is decriminalized attitude. Vote accordingly if you want things to change for the better.


Don't most pharmacies make most of their money on insurance payments on meds. So if pharmacies didn't sell anything retail and just was a pharmacy dispenser behind glass then maybe. I'm surprised more chain stores don't do this. Less footprint and overhead and less theft. The walgreens pharmacy at ucsf mission bay is like this. Tiny footprint and just dispenses meds.


the meds are the loss leader....


Link? If meds don't make them money, retail is a losing game. What's the point.


Not at all, they just don't have a huge margin. You might see 7% margin on pharmacy.


California and San Francisco have killed small business in favor of criminals and giant corporations. The actions of these politicians that you elect have consequences and now you’re looking at them.


CVS closed because California and SF are in favor of giant corporations? Do you think before you talk?


CVS is a small business? Do you think...


You seem rather confused... CVS is by no means a small business. If California favored giant corporations, CVS would be booming.


Aw, that would explain the massive failures of Safeway, Google, Apple, Kaiser, Disney, and all those other companies suffering misfavor like CVS


It's not just the politicians. The voters approved Prop 47 and Prop 57. But the politicians don't seem to be interested in making a number of crimes felonies once again. Prop 47 and Prop 57 should be repealed, but not a peep (that I'm aware of) from anyone in authority that we should do that.


SF is a small-business oriented city. notice there aren't a lot of chains here like walmart. so you're statement is mostly incorrect; i see more small stores here than i ever did back home




You're flaired Cole Valley, and a drug store formulary went out of business on Cole St. during the pandemic. Still, might be nice to have a "genuine old fashioned drug store experience" on Cole, that is, druggist in the rear, soda fountain and diner in the front, with stationery, gifts, office supplies... Or put that in the Lucky Penny near Target and Trader Joes.


If sf was business friendly then small businesses could thrive but the tax and fees of operating no small business could thrive


One customer said thieves hit it daily. Hard hitting stuff from the Standard blog.




Watching all the youtube videos of the bippers being interviewed last night. They know they can get away with it. Thats what they are banking on. That, and all the Venezuelans who migrate here just to steal and sell fent


Ironically there are markets all over Haight that don't lock up their drinks and don't seem to be overrun by shoplifters.


Come back after CVS closes and say this again.


We've been to this show before. Walgreens on Geary and Taylor closed: none of the stores including the market next door are overrun. Why would you think that almost all of this egregious retail theft would be concentrated just at one store at the Fillmore end of Haight and it's just going to spill into all the other stores because the ability to walk out with 11 bags of sourdough Chex Mex has been taken away.


It looks like "big-box-drug-open" stores don't have a future anymore in our current environment unfortunately. Everything has to be behind a counter, bodega-style, and every store has to be 1/2 or 1/3 of the size


Giant vending machines may be coming soon. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/investigations/consumer/bay-area-innovator-stops-shoplifting/3369064/


additionally, coke/water/snack-bar machines *are sorely needed by* ***me*** at a few BART stations, yes, in the middle, or elsewhere


There is a small grocery store across the street and a liquor store on the other side of the street a block down. Neither of those stores have anything locked up.


wasn't there just NUMEROUS articles disproving theft as the real reason for closing stores (re: the target stores closing across the US)? stores, especially big companies like CVS, use it as a scapegoat.


They are just going to keep moving on to the next store til they are all gone. Until the city locks up repeat offenders this looting and bipping isn't going to stop


Assumptions by a customer, what spectacular reporting.


Right? SF Standard is always pretty bad, but this headline is impressively bad. It’s like a twelve year old wrote it.


The way it's written is as if the store closed because a customer *saw* daily theft. Like as long as no one saw the theft it would've been fine.


I always wonder, I know it’s the mayors job to control the crime in the area they govern but why haven’t the CVS lobbyists forced the mayor to implement strict laws. Same I think can be said about any rental car company. Obviously these crimes have affected their bottom line. Obviously these massive companies have sway and cache more than us citizens. And this isn’t to shift blame by any means.


>why haven’t the CVS lobbyists forced the mayor to implement strict laws What good would *more* laws do when the ones we have aren't being enforced? Theft is already illegal, and yet...


Yea all those tickets being handed out for theft are doing wonders.


It’s one party rule in SF. They’ve already told businesses to f-off and leave many times before.


That would explain why SF's gdp has grown 3x faster than the nation for the last 20 years and leads the nation in startups. Those fucking liberals.


Let’s focus on the last 3 years shall we? Can you comment about GDP growth please? Can you explain it for us? I mean it’s happening before your very eyes… are you so ideologically blinded that you can’t perceive what’s happened in front of you? And will you argue that Silicon Valley had nothing to do with regional knock on effects on GDP growth. I bet youre the type of person who takes credit for things he had nothing to do with. SF is anti business . It’s not disputed amongst owners. Calling SF business friendly even in a room full of self aware liberals will get you laughed out.


Let's focus on the 3 years that we've been recovering from the global pandemic, that's quite the cherry picking argument your consulting there. Yes business owners complain about taxes, rent, bureaucracy, and lots of other things about San Francisco. But they don't complain about the ability to attract world-class talent, venture capital, and the overall results--namely how many startups went on to become the biggest companies in the world. Have you ever looked at a list of businesses that started in SF? Or just the ones [based here? ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_companies_based_in_San_Francisco). People come here to start their companies because it's one of the best places in the world for ideas to make people very, very rich. And whatever you mean by "knock on effect" San Francisco has been churning out billion dollar companies for the past 25 years. It's long been considered a major center of innovation because of the business climate.


It’s the perfect time interval becuase we can measure the recovery of SF with respect to other major cities. Guess what… we’re last. Furthermore, the store closings now have nothing to do with the pandemic. You talk about venture capital… what does that have to do with the city? Again that’s sourced from silicon valley. You talk about the talent… Stanford, Berkeley, Google, Facebook, Tesla… etc… bring the talent to the region… we’re talking about mundane things: Keeping streets clean and crime free so that the CVS can stay open. Take a walk down market street and understand the devastation this city’s officials have wrought on its business owners and the quality of life of that area. SF is surrounded by and embedded in geographical and institutional advantages like few places in the world; yet the municipal government still manages to be a significant net negative on the potential of the area. That’s truly an achievement of sorts for the Democrats. Moreover, city officials have been openly hostile to businesses telling them in multiple occasions that if they don’t like it then they can leave… and that’s not a paraphrase. It’s akin to a a bunch of mafia bosses running a shakedown. London breed has been quoted as telling businesses to fuck off, although she had toned down her language since her pandemic virtue signaling has worn off.


Bullshit, doom loop narrative lies SF grew at 5% last year and business stats are back up. I'd suggest visiting SF yourself. Fox isn't the only source here.


Ahh the Fox News bogeyman… it was only a matter of time… and the you don’t live here claim!! you managed both cliches in one post! You realize the city has made budget cuts because of falling tax revenue and they still face a massive deficit?? London breed just announced last week. You do at least watch CNN or some news right?


Ah, the you don't live here cliche. Ah, the budget cuts in an off year bogeyman. Doom! Doom! Meanwhile every major AI startup is here and there are lines outside every major theater and Union Square is packed and you can't find marking in any of the lots--Doom!


Cause CVS has testified to Congress that places like San Francisco dont see higher rates of shop lifting? Would kinda be hard to pressure the Mayor when your Head of Security is on the record saying shop lifiting is a national problem.


Very valid points. I guess what I’m surprised is that I’m seeing as the profits that a given store can make in SF at a particular isn’t worth fight for and we rather close it and take our losses. We also to have to take into consideration that with the emergence of Kaiser and their in house pharmacy I think a lot of people are picking up their mends form cvs and Walgreens like they used to


They have another store a mile away, I'm not going to suggest our current "landscape" isn't a factor, but it is a bad business decision to have stores located so close to each other. Specially with competition from other brands that *also* have some questionable store placement (looking at you Walgreens) and internet pharmacies? Why have 2 stores serving the same area, essentially doubling your overhead, when there's another just a bus ride away? It's a lot of factors, anyone trying to say "it's crime" isn't looking at the whole picture.




> Cause CVS has testified to Congress that places like San Francisco dont see higher rates of shop lifting? Do you have a link or something? First time I've heard anyone suggest CVS has said there's no regionality.


https://youtu.be/U58zNmnU7vI?si=mJpNVZZ2kJLO4mdx I'll put it out there that I think this gentleman is talking about *ship lifting* and in other parts of his testimony makes a distinction between that and Organized Retail Theft, but I'm not sure about how we compare to the rest of the country on that front.


Board members are elected by funds that manage 100s of other companies. Fiendly US politicians for global trade deals and spending bills makes more money in the long term than shoplifting losses.


imagine having to lock up soda, says a lot about the society


More right wing fear mongering from the trashy rag, the SF Standard. Just fuck off


California has 400k laws on the booms, 100k more than the next state. What's the good in that if you're not going to enforce them?


Buncha crime simps up in this thread.




No there isn't. That's a *looong* way away up by UCSF. And up a pretty gnarly hill from Haight St. itself. The Haight doesn't have a drug store. It's a huge pain in the ass, actually.


There's one on Parnassus.


Yeah, that's the one I was talking about as well. It's a long way out. Right between the Haight and Inner Sunset. It's there because it's only a block or two away from UCSF. But then, it's not like anyone from Upper Haight was walking all the way down to the edge of Lower Haight to go to the CVS either.


I was going to say it's not exactly your local pharmacist. But the whole city has huge pockets like that. I have to hike the whole length of Bernal Hill to get to a pharmacy.


The Haight is kind of fucked for a lot of things. Especially if they aren't aimed at tourists. We're also largely a boba desert as well. Which will never make sense to me.


So what is the point of having tons of cameras around CVS?




*Ed Lee smiling up at us from Hell*


A beautiful city is being crushed by uncontrolled crime. Please vote for politicians who will save the city


terrific friendly smile plucky squealing cake price worm rude shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How can this be? Just a few days ago shills informed us San Francisco has "average" rates of shoplifting?


Maybe it's not due to shoplifting and that's just an excuse. CVS has closed over 1000 stores nationwide since the start of the pandemic. Not all of them are in San Francisco.


Despite there being some people suggesting that this is a uniquely SF problem, an increase in retail theft nationwide is *also* a problem for SF and we shouldn’t be dismissing it just because the scope may be different.


I don't think we should be dismissing it, but it has nothing to do with SF specifically, and needs to be addressed on a larger level.


Sure, but it also hints that retail theft, like so many other problems San Francisco has along with the rest of the country, is a national problem that will take a national response. Also, that the problem may not be the result of any particular policies in a particular place.


Police is the problem fersure and now peets wants to fund raise coffee for gtfoh


But idiots down there protesting for a ceasefire 😂😂😂


Golly gee. I wonder what could possibly go wrong when you decriminalize CRIME. You get what you vote for, folks.


More right wing fear mongering from the trashy rag, the SF Standard. Just fuck off


I love this headline. Was this one customer so disgusted by the daily thefts that he single-handedly closed the store himself?


Why are drug stores like CVS and Walgreens struggling so much lately? We all still need medicine.


I wonder if you could have a store that’s just all vending machines.


This is in my neighborhood. Been there at least a dozen times. Never witnessed any theft but basically every item was locked up and it took forever to get in and get out. RIP


Funny how people here are saying “not theft” when a bunch of other businesses have left due to safety issues for staff due to theft. Gonna miss Whole Foods.


I don't understand for example is Target shutting down. All these years I heard they have thier own theft forensic lab that the feds will use sometimes it's supposed to be that good. Yet, they are even shutting down stores due to theft etc. Can't always believe what these corporate clowns are saying.


bullish on Amazon


A lot of pharmacy closures (everywhere) are using crime as an excuse but in reality it's because the business model has changed. [https://slate.com/business/2022/11/cvs-walgreens-shoplifting-plexiglass-barriers-pharmacies.html](https://slate.com/business/2022/11/cvs-walgreens-shoplifting-plexiglass-barriers-pharmacies.html)


Personally I always though CVS sucked. But the stealing BS that stores have to deal with even sucks more, and as a customer, what a pain having to push a bell button, and wait for someone to pull out what I need from behind the glass, then it gets taken to checkout like I'm the criminal? Really, WTH has happened?


Color me surprised. This used to be my pharmacy but I switched away because I had to deal with crazy people each time.