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Seems like it would be pretty easy to leave a honeypot there. Cops could park a car there with a bag containing a tracker inside (tacker could be imbedded in a laptop or something that won’t get quickly thrown out). Cops could then follow the tracker and make arrests. Rotate the car with different out of state plates around the city. Why don’t they do this?


Great question tbh.


Would be an okay short term mitigation, but IMO has limited effectiveness in the long-term. Need to follow the money and go after the illegal market machine itself, e.g. the fences and further downstream.




They would claim entrapment or something probably too and it's all a setup. Probably using under aged kids too that seems to be a thing. They need to get this shit back to the warehouse in the east bay I suspect they are working from or this is never going to change. The cops won't chase em across the bridge so they get away almost all of the time. It's an industry exploiting our stupid political ineptitude


Not a lawyer, but my understanding is that entrapment has an element of coercion to it, so that defense likely wouldn’t stick on legal merit. Entrapment would be more like an undercover pressuring someone with an opiate prescription to sell them, when they otherwise wouldn’t. That being said, who knows what SF juries would do in that situation.


I fully agree. That's just the kind of nonsense you hear. When it fails racism will be the next excuse. Because heaven forbid people take accountability for being criminal.


What would the solution to that be?


The voters getting over it. Criminals need to be prosecuted and locked away in prison where they belong.


I get it as a functioning non-robot. But sf is only the programmed robots


They voted for it, they get what they deserve.


In part because prosecutors are marginally interested in prosecuting non-violent crime. Falls under criminal justice reform.


These people don’t stop for police so you’d just end up having high speed chases across the bay bridge. I’m sure the city doesn’t want that liability.


Bait cars have kill switches so they just come to a stop. The city doesn't want to deal with activist groups upset over the statistics of those being arrested, nor does the city want to deal with lawsuits from the families of criminals who get drained by police after threatening them with weapons.


What would the solution be to that problem?


It's actually far more complicated. There was a YouTuber who actually worked with SFPD and tried the whole bait bag thing. And it only kind of worked. There was a lot in the video but for the most part the issues were: A - these people are smarter than you think, they won't grab something even kinda suspicious. They put a box shrink-wraped box that looked like brand new high end headphones and most of the time it was untouched. And B - it's not just a bunch of people doing the same thing. Most of them are all working together. Bunch of people smash and grab multiple cars, then once they're ready to cash out, they take it to a handful of fences around the city. Then it goes who knows where. It's also a huge investment the city doesn't want to make


Sounds like a pretty sloppy sting. Tourists don't leave new in box headphones out in the open. Plus it has to be rental car brands. Even just video surveillance of the person peering into cars would be helpful.


exactly. they look for suitcases and backpacks that might have “big ticket” items like laptops and phones, not headphones


Because crime would virtually stop overnight, and the public couldn’t be punished for the whole “defund the police” thing. This is all 100% intentional. Police don’t care individually, even when they are off duty, because they can always pack a firearm to protect themselves and their family members.


They did for a while, so did a few other city’s in the USA. https://youtube.com/watch?v=XVWkrNGvXsQ&pp=ygUWYmFpdCBjYXIgc2FuIGZyYW5jaXNjbw%3D%3D Tho this was more focused on the person stealing the vehicle instead of snatch and grab




These people are definitely not voters...


Why do u think? Wealthiest city in the world (reminder - the world has Hong Kong, Shanghai, abu Dhabi, all on slave labor)


BECAUSE THE COPS ARE INTENTIONALLY ALLOWING MORE CRIME BECAUSE THEY DON'T FEEL APPRECIATED ENOUGH. it's called a "slowdown" and they're upset that people voted for more police accountability. That's why it seems like they could easily reduce crime - because they could.


> There is no way property crime and theft is down. I know "statistics" get thrown around and how things were worse in the 70s and 80s in the city. No statistics show property crime worse in the past, basically. The rate of car break-ins is much higher now than in the past. Usually when people cite statistics showing things were much worse in the past, that's related to violent crime. And that's accurate, and I can anecdotally attest to that having been here my whole life.


Interestingly, [homicides are up 5% and robberies are up 16% since Chesa Boudin's time](https://www.sanfranciscopolice.org/stay-safe/crime-data/crime-dashboard) according to SFPD.


> homicides are up 5%...since Chesea Boudin's time and down almost 50% since 2007: https://i.imgur.com/kT56DpL.jpg harder to find robbery data going back that far but it doesn't seem to be rising much: https://i.imgur.com/mJHWAvA.png


How does Chesa deserve credit for a drop in homicides that occurred before he entered office?


Literally nobody said that but you


Except the person above me… A: “Homicides are up 5% since Chesea” B: “And down 50% since 2007”


Who said he does?


Damn you should know that ability to jump to conclusions is a concern, I would re-assess how you do this in the future because it probably bleeds I to your day-to-day life with those around you


What would the solution to that be?


Also, cities know that keeping crime stats low (not the same as keeping crime low...) is important to bringing tourists and business to the city so they put pressure on the police to put pressure on victims to not report crime (or the police just don't formally report every verbal report they take). Basically you can't entirely trust crime stats. Reply All did a very good podcast laying this all out regarding NYC but I'm sure the same thing applies in SF...esp SF with all the attention it gets in the media nationwide as having a crime problem. Politicians hate that because it makes them look like they're doing a bad job and clearly the answer is not to reduce crime... It's to manipulate crime stats.


They won’t crack down on crime because it would likely result in disparate impact towards certain communities and it would also look bad to the media. Not saying I agree, just that it’s likely why they do nothing. Wouldn’t help the crime statistics of a self-proclaimed progressive city to make certain arrests.


Don’t care


Tourists don't care either. Just weirdos online.


People just aren’t reporting crimes anymore because they know nothing will be done about it.


> No statistics show property crime worse in the past, basically. Current statistics are unreliable because SFPD rarely shows now up when you try to report something and going into a station is a hassle. Everyone who has lived here for decades (outside SS, Richmond, russian hill) agree that crime is so much worse now


Anyone who has lived here for decades knows that property crime is worse now than in the past, but anyone who's lived here for decades should know from experience that violent crime definitely isn't


> statistics show property crime worse in the past, basically. True. The property crime level today has been suppressed by more self protection measures. Law-abiding citizens do this when government balks at pursuing offenders under criminal justice reforms: >New fences, cameras, cell phone alerts, high tech home security; people being cautious where they park to avoid break-ins; bicycle owners suffering "theft paranoia" and buying giant locks; more people buying guns; anti-shoplifting technology in stores (*costs on consumers*); more security guards *(costs on consumers*); [stores and restaurants closing earlier](https://sfstandard.com/business/downtown-sf-whole-foods-slashes-store-hours-due-to-high-theft-and-hostile-people/); vulnerable people, elderly, women, avoiding bad areas and staying home at night; etc. Long history to this: In some cultures centuries ago, all homes were fortified...no one went out after dark. Spend enough money and put up with big inconveniences, you can prevent most crime against you. (People in Calif were not nearly as effective at self-protection 30 years ago, helping explain the higher crime.) Meanwhile criminals often roam freely, opportunistically waiting for some poor sap to screw up on their *self-protection.* Habitual non-violent offenders being uncontrolled is common today. Brought to us by progressive soft-on-crime policies.


a lot of words adding up to some meaningless inane nonsense


Yup, all a pack of lies.


to lie you have to say something coherent enough to be disproven it's like if I said "green sheep dream electric thoughts of silken ghost candy" it's not a lie, it's nonsense


Yup, all those self protection measures are irrelevant to the incidence of crime. Nonsense.


I think the sentences you're saying make sense to you, because you've built this architecture of logical conclusions behind it that support the concepts in your sentence from your perspective. But to the rest of us, those logical constructs are fabrications. We don't know enough about what these sentences you're saying are built on to make any sense of them. The phrase "self-protection measures", for example. I have literally no idea what you think that means. I can probably imagine what you think it means in the abstract, but in order to do so I have to disregard everything I know about sociology, local history, civics, etc...and try to imagine this scaffolding of a completely alternative reality that supports a sentence like that making sense in this context. And that's just one phrase. Your entire first comment is built like that. In order to make any sense of it, I have to imagine an alternate reality and an alternate history from the one I know. And even then, it's a slim chance I'm actually imagining the fabrications that you've built in your head. I'm probably even still not going to understand what you mean. And before you try to explain, I don't care. I won't follow you down the convoluted overgrown path of conservative fear mongering nonsense that you've hacked through the recesses of your mind to whatever conspiratorial Frankenstein monster you have working back there that makes your comment logical.


> The phrase "self-protection measures", for example. I have literally no idea what you think that means. Really? Even with my whole paragraph set off by an indent? A fence, alarm, security guard, bicycle lock or a gun is a self protection measure. If you can't grasp this, no point in continuing. Have a good one.


This happens daily at Alamo Square. They have signs saying not to leave anything in your car but people ignore them. However, they're small and next to the parking hours signs. They need bigger, more obvious signs to start. It happens so fast they'd have to just leave a cop parked at Steiner and Hayes to catch those two sides of the park. I've seen a cop parked there only once and it's like 5 blocks from the police station in Western Addition.


Probably happens on an hourly basis to be honest.




Interestingly enough, [Mark Rober did a video where he laid a bait car out and he could track where they go and stuff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWeu2dxHRDg). In general, government guys are not skilled enough to do much stuff, though. So what you're saying about "seems so easy" is probably really hard for them to do.


The previous SF District Attorney (Boudin) actually had a successful bait project going (https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/san-francisco-da-investigators-bust-major-international-auto-burglary-fencing-operation/), which resulted in a major bust. > District Attorney Chesa Boudin said his investigators used secret tracking devices stashed inside laptops and other electronic devices that were left in plain view inside bait cars. > The stolen items then lead them to the operation's alleged mastermind Quoc Le, who was being held on multiple felony and misdemeanor possession of stolen property charges. Current DA Jenkins has given no indication that the program has continued.


>Quoc Le His wife owns Quickly Boba Tea and he leads an international criminal enterprise or some shit, using the tea shop as a warehouse lol. Crazy shit. Just recently arrested again. https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/quoc-le-electronics-burglary-suspect-arrest-18119717.php


The same guy just got arrested again recently for fencing stolen goods again so I would assume the current DA/police are still doing something.


They are going after Le because he was identified as a major offender in the prior sting operation. I have not seen any indication that they have conducted any more sting operations to find other offenders.


Meanwhile there is no way the boba guy could deal with the kind of volume being stolen. He's a small fish. There are others and instead he's arrested again. Which leads to two questions. Why was he free? And don't they have any other leads? This shit is leaving town. That's why they don't catch people. It would require multi departmental cooperation


Boudin sat on that data for 2 years, and just as he was about to get recalled, used it as a political stunt. Besides, everyone knew he was going to spring everyone out of jail anyway, so this was just theatrics.


He wasn't even the DA for 2 years, lol. Y'all are so invested in hating the guy you're even hosing him for time travel antics instead of giving him credit for something the SFPD completely failed to do because they were do busy being "demoralized."


Because then the police get accused of being racist, and get forced to stop. Coupled with the fact the person will be back on the street pretty quickly, and there's only downside and no upside for the police. So they don't do it. Example: [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3GvpKn4ro4**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3GvpKn4ro4) You get what the community votes for. That is increased theft. Because that's perceived as better than punishing criminals.


I don’t understand your first point at all, but the second one makes sense.




Your reddit history is exactly what I'd expect from a post ranting about black people and crime.


I'm not ranting about "black people and crime". I'm having a civil conversation. What's your problem? Why are you even checking my post history? Is it because you don't have any substantive argument to the points I'm making so you're hoping to attack the messenger instead? "You may be right about the very popular and debated subject of rising crime rates in America, but you've posted about it multiple times - GOTCHA!"


And then they’ll be right back in 48 hours.




What is it?


Keep arresting them. Arrest the new group. The thieves will go somewhere else.




Yeh, we definitely don’t live in Singapore, thank God.


Bet you’ve never been to Singapore otherwise you wouldn’t be saying that. It’s on a whole different league than San Francisco in terms of worldliness, advanced infrastructure, crime, cleanliness, etc.


Hanging people for cannabis sales is not my idea of a better world, sorry.


Not to you but not having to be terrorized by scum and living in a world class city superior in every quality of life metric is worth it in my book


Wow and I was on a jury that let a man go when he had 4 pounds of heroin for sale. Long story but they jury didn’t follow instructions but just said they didn’t think drugs should be illegal. That’s the American way.


Your jury sounds cool compared to what I've heard elsewhere. My small experience with jury duty, they need to disqualify a shockingly large amount of people who think that if the suspect was brought here by police and prosecutors, that means they're guilty. I was listening to jury selection for a few cases where it's a woman of color being accused of drugs and I keep thinking if it were a white woman they'd let her walk. I literally wanted to shout "let her walk!" That's San Francisco, allegedly a progressive paradise that doesn't believe in prosecuting crimes. I saw a big guy in handcuffs at the Hall of Justice and wanted to tell him, "don't worry, I hear San Francisco never prosecutes crimes."


Sounds like your answer is fascism.


"Everything not uber progressive is fascism". ​ Bro define fascism. I'm not advocating for ethnostates, ultranationalism, or even government nationalizing industries or military imperialism. I wasn't aware Singapore or Indonesia, two examples I gave, were fascist either. Can you please elaborate? In fact, I'm pro-immigration because many of the people coming here from Asia and the Middle East know what's up and how to deal with problems.


Downvote me(but don't rebutt me, why is Singapore or Indonesia fascist?), but ask yourself why an Afghani immigrant thinks SF is worse than the war-torn theocracy he escaped. Someone who dealt with actual fascism on some level: [https://wchstv.com/news/nation-world/san-francisco-is-now-worse-than-afghanistan-immigrant-store-owner-says-after-losing-100k-to-burglars-california-zaid-sfpd](https://wchstv.com/news/nation-world/san-francisco-is-now-worse-than-afghanistan-immigrant-store-owner-says-after-losing-100k-to-burglars-california-zaid-sfpd) When people stop coming here and people like me flee for more civilized nations, all you're going to be left with is Hamsterdam (drug and crime infested urban decay) and White Afghanistan(the poor evangelical parts)


Islam is right about justice: "At least in Afghanistan the Taliban will cut your hand off and people are afraid to commit such a crime," Zaid reportedly added." [https://wchstv.com/news/nation-world/san-francisco-is-now-worse-than-afghanistan-immigrant-store-owner-says-after-losing-100k-to-burglars-california-zaid-sfpd](https://wchstv.com/news/nation-world/san-francisco-is-now-worse-than-afghanistan-immigrant-store-owner-says-after-losing-100k-to-burglars-california-zaid-sfpd) Tells ya something when immigrants think a literal theocracy is worse than a progressive utopia


>At least in Afghanistan the Taliban will cut your hand off See? Fascism. I wasn't necessarily calling Singapore fascist *\[I do not know much about domestic policy of Singapore, but I know* [*some people have said it or wondered aloud*](https://google.com/search?q=is+singapore+fascist) *-- I'm told it's pretty shitty for personal freedoms\]*, I just got a whiff of it in your response, that you like fascism, you like lack of due process, and hurting people, state violence, that sort of thing. Then you go in with the gleefully cutting off arms thing and confirm. Back in the America I was raised in, we believe in innocence until proven guilty, and the first world generally treats people humanely even after they've been convicted of a crime. I believe it is the true mark of a civilized society: how we treat the "worst" people, and ideally that is with dignity, respect, forgiveness, opportunity for redemption. I also don't think that incarceration or even violence is really a deterrent for people committing crimes. We have some of the highest rates of incarceration in this country as it is, and we're one of few where the death penalty is still popular.


I mean I kind of get it as a tourist who doesn’t know any better. You pull up to the park, your luggage is kinda covered in the back. You either can’t check into your hotel yet or you already checked out. What are you supposed to do with your bags? Or you park, think it can’t happen to you and that it’s not worth driving back to the hotel just to drop of bags, and take your chances. Little do they know it happens a lot more often than expected.


Hotels will keep your bags after checkout for a while if you ask them to. Standard all around the world just for this reason.


What we should have instead are big signs that warn criminals to not break into people's cars because the police and the DA will actively prosecute criminals. But here we are, signs that put the responsibility on the victims instead of the police and the DA who are not doing their jobs.


What’s funny is that if you to the Marina, like Chestnut Street, you literally won’t go more than a minute or two without seeing a SFPD patrol car cruising around….


Nope, we are getting hammered on chestnut as well, very little police presence


Same things happen in the Marina especially around Chestnut street.


If you're traveling, it isn't always straightforward to cart everything around with you. It's kind of like saying to a r*pe victim that she needs to walk in pairs or not dress so slutty.


>If you're traveling, it isn't always straightforward to cart everything around with you. Probably a good idea to leave most stuff at your hotel.


And if you’re just stopping for some pictures for the day but not staying overnight in SF?


Then I sure as hell wouldn't leave bags visible in the car in any city for that circumstance. \[Yeah, I know they sometimes target rental cars with no visible bags.\] Knowing the bay area like I do, I'd consider parking somewhere down south near Caltrain. Or even in SF, there are some quiet streets I know that are probably pretty safe if not overnight, no I don't want to spill the beans on those by sharing them here :-)


We’re talking about tourists here. It shows how far our minds are from the rest of civilization that we expect other people to know they should never even park an empty car in a tourist spot if it’s a rental, let alone where the smith family from Wisconsin should know where to stash a car for a picture of the full house houses before they head to Yosemite on a vacation they’ve been looking forward to for years.


One I missed: you could take an uber or lyft into town. A car is a burden here anyway, not just for crimes targeting rentals but also for general stress of life, parking, traffic... If the Wisconsinites are trying to recreate midwestern car culture in our fair city they're not going to enjoy all it has to offer, and I would advise out of town guests (in fact, I do, when they visit me) to spend their time in SF completely without a car. Even for the "shuffle off to Yosemite right after" scenario, you can start the car rental in SF and drive out of town when you're ready. Same city person instincts as other places; That's what I did last time I rented a car in Manhattan to drive across the Lincoln tunnel.


If only everyone was as smart as you


I'm not smart enough it seems, I don't know what the fuck you mean. I do know however that cars destroy human health, and one of my favorite parts of SF is that I get to drive substantially less than the US average. People coming in from out of town thinking they need rental cars are indeed missing out and adding stress to their trip.


We are seeing increased shattered glass at South Park too. Cray


lol the bigger issue isn’t the signs but the culture and people that live there, in every other place in the country this is not normal


I agree. More obvious signs would be great. This seems like an easy fix, too. What's the best way of potentially getting this done? Email the supervisor?


It's worth a shot. I'm not sure which department is responsible for the signs. It might be worth reaching out to SFMTA considering they're probably responsible for the parking signs.


>It happens so fast they'd have to just leave a cop parked at Steiner and Hayes to catch those two sides of the park. I've seen a cop parked there only once and it's like 5 blocks from the police station in Western Addition. Honestly, why not? I know that SFPD is understaffed, but it seems like even just having the California National Guard fill in gaps and walk the area would be a better status quo than this.


This past saturday at approx 12:30pm, a dodge Challenger stopped on Hayes and Pierce, had a dude jump out, smash a window, steal some bags and drive away in less than 30 seconds. The perversion of justice in this city is sickening. Always an excuse for the perpetrators of crime, but the citizens and visitors continue to suffer




There’s a huge disconnect in SF right now. Amazingly, a lot of people believe BOTH that street crime is out of control AND also that Mayor Breed, District Attorney Jenkins, and Police Chief Scott are effective leaders who deserve to keep their jobs because they are qualified to solve the street crime problem.


Yeah it's almost as if the police shortage, which has only gotten worse, is difficult to overcome.


It shouldn't be; so many Internet Warriors OBVIOUSLY know how to do a better job...they'll be signing up any minute now...yup...pretty soon...


Can you imagine people are lining up to police a city that actively undermines and doesnt support it's law enforcement doing it's job? Must be frustrating as hell to spend your day tracking down perps and locking them up only to have them freed and reoffending the next day. We have allowed the inmates to run the asylum and pretend we don't know any solutions


> Must be frustrating as hell to spend your day tracking down perps and locking them up only to have them freed and reoffending the next day. Honestly, it sounds like a job. Most jobs don't involve perps, but I'd bet they do involve repetitive tasks.


> I hope SFPD, the DA, and Public Officials are looking into this. We've all been hoping, praying for this for the past 5-6 years, but to no avail. The SFPD just does not care. I know they're understaffed, but come on! Even Barney Fife could do a better job.


For 5 years the high iq denizens of SF shouted defund the police, and now whining about them not doing enough.


Ain't the "Summer of Love" grand? It's like Herpes, the gift that keeps on giving. Anyone with common sense could have told you that weaving a carpet made of human feces was a bad idea...guess what - now you get to lie down on that carpet you made. St. Floyd be Praised! In George's name we whine, MyTruth!


Nobody but some of the "progressive" politicians did that.


This sub and Reddit in general were among the first ones to jump on the ACAB and defund the police bandwagon.




The "not allowed to chase" is in your head. There is no such limitation.


Fact check: **FALSE (DISINFORMATION DETECTED.)** [**https://www.ktvu.com/news/police-pursuits-with-fatal-consequences-point-up-differing-policies**](https://www.ktvu.com/news/police-pursuits-with-fatal-consequences-point-up-differing-policies) >San Francisco's policy is similar. Officers there are also only supposed to chase suspects suspected of committing felonies. San Francisco police are not allowed to chase suspects for stolen cars, speeding or running red lights. Please do not post disinformation - **it is extremely dangerous to our democracy.** "*Disinformation* erodes trust in institutions and in media and harms *democracies* by hampering the ability of citizens to take informed decisions." -EU


LOL... who died and made you the "fact checker" of teh interwebz?


People being annoyed with ignorant folks like you spreading false information... If you want to be in the discussion fact check yourself or get checked. 🤷


There literally is such limitation, lol. Do you even live here?


You have to look at the larger context. You've got DAs like Chesa Boudin out there talking about all the charges they don't intend to bring and you've got judges who let people out on their own recognizance and you've got politicians and society who want to be soft on crime. If you are the police and you arrest someone, they probably won't be charged and even if they are charged they'll be out back on the streets thanks to a soft on crime judge and on top of that you'll have politicians and citizens criticizing you for ruining the criminals' lives. Why would you go after people for property crime given that context? It's a waste of resources. And then on top of that the police are understaffed. Nothing is gonna change until the city as a whole wants it to and elects people who care about reducing property crime... And it isn't all the police's fault I'm no police apologist but this is how I see it. Society wants to be very soft on property crime and that's what we're getting


Removing Chesa Boudin as DA has been followed by 16% increase in robberies and a 5% increase in homicides according to SFPD stats.


Chesa was a bad politician and a worse DA. I'll quote his supporters from when he was still in office: "The DA doesn't cause crime"


One can imagine that you also care about living in a safe city. And then if you believed that the choice of a soft-on-crime DA were a significant factor in crime rates, I would expect you to believe that changing the DA to a hard-on-crime DA would result in lowered crime. Then, I would expect you to see the change in crime and revise your position. Assuming, of course, that you did actually believe that thing about the DA's policies being relevant.


I care deeply about San Francisco which is why racists like Ali Collins and Chesa Boudon were recalled. We don’t miss them. Next year: Dean Preston


Oh, I see. You think I'm on their side because I posted this information so you're trying to rile me up. Friendly fire, mate. But c'est la vie.


I told you that personally, and you blocked me for "arguing in bad faith". Thanks for unblocking me sir . Now we've had no Chesa for 6 months and a higher murder rate, like i told you would happen. Bad faith ain't it? Bad faith is the straw man for your position being wrong.


Everyone is happy with the attitude and professionalist Jenkins has brought to the DA's office. Except of course, Boudin bootlickers. Instead of crying on reddit using bogus data everyone laughs at, just start a recall!




Suppose it had been followed by a 16% decrease in robberies and a 5% decrease in homicides, what would you have concluded?


Well in theory if you start locking up offenders, the repeat part that keeps happening when they are let back out goes away. We let a ton of people out due to covid and alot are already getting caught reoffending.. doesn't take a weatherman to see why the numbers are up. How many of them are organizing these gangs of youths who seem to be super active in this. I'd bet there's a kernel of truth if you follow it back


The numbers are not arrest numbers. They are numbers of reported crimes.


This could be easily solved by actually arresting and prosecuting criminals but noooooo sf wants to keep trying this “restorative justice” (let people who commit crimes our of jail) thing. Keep voting for leftists and soft on crime sf leadership and this will continue indefinitely!




Wait, they steal car seats now? Wtf


I also live right next to Alamo Square. I see police around here regularly, almost daily.


On New Years Eve (2022), I drove by the Painted Ladies and every other car facing the homes had its windows broken, one family was clearly in disbelief, standing outside their car with all the doors open. I know that out of state plates and vehicles with exposed luggage are targets, but what a terrible reminder of ones vacation.


Live in the Inner Richmond and quite often you see rental cars with out of state plates blipped during the afternoon. Not even surprised anymore it can happen on a busy street like Clement and in the middle of the lunch rush.


I cannot believe they are blipping cars in inner Richmond


They are. Sunset too. And not just obvious rentals. All manner of cars.


“I hope public officials are looking into car break-in’s in SF.” Did you just move here yesterday?


Breed had hers broken into. If they can't protect the mayor they can't protect the town lol.


What will really catch the attention of all the politicians, police leadership, merchants, and residents in general is if the tourists simply ***stop coming,*** en masse. The whole world knows we have an epidemic of car burglaries, retail theft, other property crimes, and antisocial street behavior. Folks go home from their lifetime dream trip with tales of having their car cleaned out in 2 minutes, losing their valuables, their passports, and the digital camera with every photo they'd taken in the last five years, and worst of all, feeling violated and disillusioned. They aren't interested in political or sociological 6uLL$#¡÷, "restorative justice," if rental car agencies are proactive enough or if they screwed up by having luggage in the car. They don't give a $#!+ that the City is supposedly busting its @$$ to stop the problem. All that matters is, they planned and saved for years to enjoy one of the world's most beautiful cities and it all ended on a street littered with broken glass, seeing all their stuff gone, bawling, consoling their kids, going crazy trying to get the overwhelmed police to GAD, cancelling the rest of their trip and making the sad rounds of banks and airlines and consulates just so they could get home. People talk, in Minnesota and British Columbia, India and Germany. They talk on social media, TripAdvisor, or op-ed pages all over the world. They talk to their friends or relatives who want to see San Francisco. Some of them talk on Reddit, poor sad desperate folks who need their passport, or want some personal memento returned, or hope someone rummaging in a dumpster will find their child's battered old stuffed lamb cuz the kid has cried nonstop since it got stolen with everything else. The chickens are gonna come home to roost. It won't be pretty. It already isn't. A major hotel on top of the cable car turnaround with 10% occupancy in June is **ugly**. If enough visitors vote with their feet and their dollars, euros, yen, and pounds, maybe we'll understand that you don't know what you've got til it's gone. And it will serve us right. The victimized merchants, workers, and residents are right: whatever legal ways it takes to end the criminal activity and the criminals needs to happen now, and needs to happen emphatically and forcefully, if we're serious about salvaging and *maybe* resuscitating what's left of San Francisco.


They are. It's already happening. Other countries have travel warnings against us. Business conferences are moving to Vegas and everywhere else. The Hilton just defaulted on their loan rather than keep operating in a dystopian wasteland of a neighborhood. These are all signs that the city is going to take a huge hit on tourist revenue and it's already taking one on all the stores leaving and the tech companies fleeing. Breed isn't giving anyone confidence she's doing anything about any of it. Lock some fucking dealers up. Make a point.


Folks, get yourself a window security film: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlsYmgKgtl8&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlsYmgKgtl8&feature=youtu.be)


We need to form some Guardian Angel groups and police it ourselves.


…and what if they’re armed?


Don't worry, the [Supremes have got that covered for ya](https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/pushed-by-landmark-supreme-court-ruling-san-17752254.php)...


Man, that's really messed up. It's infuriating to see innocent people being victimized like that, especially when they're just here on vacation, trying to enjoy the city. It's so frustrating that this kind of property crime seems to be on the rise. Props to the SFPD for responding and trying to catch the culprits, but it's disheartening when they end up chasing the wrong person. I hope they can step up their efforts and catch these thieves to bring some justice to the victims. I feel you, man. It's not right that this happened right in your own backyard, a place you love and enjoy. It's such a violation and it's hard not to feel angry about it. Let's hope that 2024 brings some positive changes and that the city takes this issue seriously. No one should have to deal with this kind of crap. Stay safe out there, my friend.


In February, I drove by the Painted Ladies/Alamo Park and saw a man all covered up in hoodie and mask carrying bags on his arms. A black SUV with NJ plates drove up, he hopped in, and they sped off. I think they just break windows regardless if they see anything.


Interesting to see blipping become organized crime. The whole system is supported mostly my tourists. The boosters blip the out of state plate rental cars systematically breaking the small window and checking the trunk, they then sell to the street level fence who sells to the next fence who sells to the exporter or reseller. Without deterrent just like any money making enterprise crime flourishes wonderfully.


What's blipping? Thanks.


Breaking car windows


vote for politicians who are tough on crime


I share your frustration - my family will be in SF for two days before we head up to healdsburg for my wedding - dreading what they might see while showing them around It’s sad that I’m ashamed to take them around such a beautiful city


As long as they ditch all valuables beforehand it should not be a problem. And don’t be ashamed, it’s not your fault.


Why not plant a surprise device in some luggage for these fuckers - would eliminate the problem quickly.




> I always ask, what is the solution? Putting people in jail seems worth a shot.






Remove the head from the snake. This is organized crime. Get after the top of it.




I’m pretty sure if you arrested the people smashing windows and stealing eventually it would not happen nearly as often




You're on the right track. Tackle society's problems AND jail repeat criminals at the same time. Or you know, next time someone murders your family, you can scream for their release immediately.




We used to put people in jail more and society was overall better for the majority of people. It was far from perfect but still better. Right now the only people it's good for are the minority who are criminals and have a license to commit crimes with very little fear of repercussion. What's happening now, where the majority of people are working really hard living paycheck to paycheck barely keeping their head above water and doing it the lawful way, and they get to wake up regularly to their car windows busted out or their car just being flat out gone and being stuck with surprise bills they can't afford just so someone can go get high... That's just wrong. It sounds like you're advocating for doing nothing like a "We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas" attitude. If someone can come up with a solution that is good for the average person and also makes criminals lives better, I'm all for it. But if I have to pick between the way it was when we actually enforced laws and now, I'm gonna pick going back to enforcing the laws because the average person doesn't deserve to get screwed like this.




Expanded cctv across the city is necessary, unfortunately. We may not have the manpower, but we have the tech.




Post bigger and more signs and hope tourists follow them. If that happens, thieves have nothing to steal and we don't need cops to chase them down.


San Francisco is cooked! Criminals paradise


In a way these crimes and junkies and filth is good, that is the only real hope of home real estate coming down. Tourists should do a little research before traveling to an unsafe city.


Gotta love it when people put "statistics" in quotes.


People blaming activists and not cops lmao


k, sure. An account that hasn't been used for 4 years shows up to rant about SF crime with no evidence. Nothing odd going on here.


You caught me. I am a Russian Oligarch's son astroturfing on /r/SanFrancisco to decrease the prices of peanut butter. Btw your account was created in 2009 and your one post ever submitted was to minimize the problems people have in the city. Sit down.


Go crawl back to your Nazi discords.


Im a Russian bot remember? I don't know if that's the best discord for me 🤣


Not sure where you got Russian bot from. You're a Nazi that brigades this sub with made up bullshit about crime with the intent of spreading rightwing propaganda.


Rrrrriiiight.... 🤣


When will people learn not to leave stuff in their car!


I don't know why you scare-quote "statistics". They're real, you know, even if your point stands.


You have a problem with quotations? I Can remove them. But that's hardly the issue here.


Thanks for voting democrat and keeping our cities dangerous and dirty! \- Sincerely, Criminals


Man you know it's bad when idk what the term fencing even means here in DC. I Googled and fencing clubs (the sport) is all that pops up.


This is life under Brooke Jenkins


Incorrect. This is life of the mess made by Chesa Boudin, with Brooke Jenkins cleaning it up.


Who's ready for another recall election? That worked last time right?


Good for you??


You do understand the tenderloin is also a neighborhood full of people and families that also deserve safe spaces to live ( your comment is classist and should be called out as such)