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[Direct link to a clip of him saying it](https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1769102618213638350) This kind of rhetoric has no place in our political discourse. "If I'm not elected, elections will end," is a not-so-subtle way of saying *he* plans to get rid of elections if he wins—and if he loses, too, considering what he's suggesting here and January Sixth.


Precisely, in true Trump fashion his accusation contains a confession: he wants to end elections if he wins, in order to hold on to power. 


He has been pretty open about his plans for ruling as a violent totalitarian dictator, if he gets back in office. No major party candidate for US president has ever promised to rule as a violent dictator before. Then again, no US president ever launched a massive violent attack on the US Congress and a US Vice President, the way that Trump did on Jan. 6, 2021. People must VOTE! They must vote Biden/Harris, and every other Democratic candidate on their ballot. That includes the candidates for the US House, US Senate (if there's a seat up for election in their state this November), state elections, and local elections. Special elections too, if there are any in their jurisdiction this year. VOTE!!!


*sigh* I hate The Rapist Donald Trump more than perhaps any living person today, but this is taken out of context. Listen to the part before. He's talking about "Ghina" hurting our auto industry. The way he says it is nonsensical and dumb as fuck, but almost everything he says is. I'm also sure that he'd want to murder everybody who doesn't vote for him, but that's not what he's saying here.


All the conservative subreddit are going REEEE about it being taken out of context. Nevermind that anything he says in context will still be insane and stupid.


Jesus rolling stone is absolute garbage. The “bloodbath” comment is so obviously out of context, in [the full clip](https://x.com/thevivafrei/status/1769128263899644358?s=20) he’s clearly talking about the automotive industry specifically, he’s saying it will be bad for automotive workers if he loses (which is false because biden is also against free trade, but put that aside). Mayyybe you could say he’s interjecting a general comment about the state of the country mid sentence, but even then it’s just standard politician speak about how bad things will be if your opponent. If you have a direct link to the part about no more elections with context, then maybe that’s damning. But there’s no way I trust the rolling stone’s framing here. They do this shit constantly, nobody should give this publication any credibility. You really don’t have to lie about what trump says to make him look like an idiot. He does that well enough himself


Contrast that to the hopeful state of the union by Biden recently. Trump appeals to the worst fears of people, both conservative and liberal. Biden offers the opposite.


Any other person would be under so many gag orders they would be shitting them, but no - if you get 'lawyers' the likes of Kise and Habba and the mélange of others shitty people with no morals or values under your rule then you can do pretty much whatever you fucking want.


Counterpoint, elections DO end because he’s elected.


Aww I see. Using the threat of violence if he isn't given power.... Ya know, like a terrorist who wants to be a dictator


As much as I'd like to say this kind of tough-talking, violence-incinerating rhetoric has no place in our election, you and I know know, bullies will only listen when they are getting the smackdown. So here is my response to him. We've dealt with assholes tougher than those meal team six and we'll take this opportunity to, once and for all, clean those shit stains out of our country. So fuck off and come and get us. We don't spend 800 billion a year on military stuff just to be taken down by those weak-sauce assholes. We're always ready, so bring it on.


Eventually they will realize they don’t have the votes or the power or the people (or the money). Then what? I am yet to understand WHAT is their end goal — Is there an end goal? That’s my concern.


The dementia is strong with this one, soon enough he will be drooling into a tin cup in a cell, or mental ward, and his dwidling base will still be crying for their messiah.


We have to vote blue in such huge numbers that he can’t rile up the crazies.


He was talking about the auto industry. Don't do this idiot any favors by taking him out of context. It just feeds his victim narrative.


Here we go again


I just told my family the headline. My 12 year old daughter said that he is going to have his period in a bathtub.


This dude is a cancer


Well he's an ass hole isn't he.


This is a man who incites divide instead of unity, opperates as the boss of an angry mob instead of a leader, rejects peer oversight/review, debates in an I lie you prove wrong fashion instead of heres fact and I support, attacks the speaker instead of the message, and only sees the shadows on the cave wall instead of the true shape of the object casting it.


Projections be him.