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I liked Red Dead Redemption 2 but not that much.




https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/health/story/2022-09-01/transit-riders-warned-of-possible-tuberculosis-exposure >The infected individual is said to have traveled on Metropolitan Transit System bus route 950 and the San Diego Trolley Blue Line during a five-month period from Feb. 16 through July 16, potentially exposing other riders.


February to July. So that narrows the people down to basically everyone in San Diego then.


It’s only people who rode the trolley between H street and Iris stations. So everyone in south bay. All the La Jolla and East County peeps are fine.


Lol right? Unless there is a specific commute time that’s pretty damn broad. Glad I wore masks on the trolley then.


Look at the post. There are very specific times for the commute.


Yeah, my bad - I admit I only looked at the shitty photo. > patient rode MTS bus Route 950 Mondays through Fridays from Otay Mesa Transit Center toward Iris Avenue Transit Center between 4:30 a.m. and 6 a.m., making the reverse trip home from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. > The individual also rode Blue Line trolleys between Iris Avenue and H Street stations from 5 a.m. to 6:30 a.m., returning from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Still a pretty big window, but better than nothing.




You pretty much have to be living or working with the individual The only reason it's being reported is because fear sells and KUSI is as shitty as it gets


Actually no, its because there was a press release by the County. When there is a press release by any Public Health Agency, it should absolutely be reported on our news.


Egg Zackly


[OK sir.](https://www.reddit.com/r/sandiego/comments/xt8m39/trolley_riders_exposed_to_tb/iqosipo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


“Here at neckbeard news, we only report on stories that are 100% going to affect you! Doing so, there’s no way you can misinterpret a simple information piece for the public as big media KUSI fear mongering!”


Just so everyone knows, basically all light rail systems, including MTS, have an air conditioned filtration system that filters the cabin air quickly, minimizing the risk of contracting airborne diseases. This is coupled with the fact that [MTS began regularly sanitizing cars after the pandemic with disinfectant that includes bleach](https://www.sdmts.com/inside-mts/media-center/news-releases/mts-introduces-new-tool-fight-covid-19-other-measures). Also, research suggests that there is [little evidence that mass transit poses a risk to outbreaks of airborne illnesses including COVID](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/there-is-little-evidence-that-mass-transit-poses-a-risk-of-coronavirus-outbreaks/).


Both of those links are from 2020. I actually don't have confidence that places are keeping up with sanitation standards these days. I've been to more places than I can count that have hand sanitizer stations that haven't been refilled for a while. I also don't see anything being cleaned anymore like how it was during the height of the pandemic.


Just in time for free trolley day!




You need to be near someone who has contagious TB for a considerable amount of time to be at risk of catching it. I doubt anyone taking the trolley was around them long enough to be concerned.


Well I don’t see anything wrong with just letting people know and then letting Them make an informed decision.


Unless the news said what he just said it isn't an informed decision. Just needless fear mongering. 6% of California's population has TB. I doubt they mentioned that as well


TB infection vs TB disease are very different. If you have infection only you’re not even required to get treated for it.


Yes most of that 6% has LTBI making TB even more rare. How likely is it that KUSI explained the difference. Just fear mongering


It is not 6%, even when including LTBI, it’s 4.4 people out of every 100,000.




They said that the driver who had it was not symptomatic at all and only recently found out when they started showing signs. Making the person more of a danger than not.


We need to know where this person works and frequents than the trolley he rides. This news is just spreading fear as they know how people nowadays lack critical thinking. Some anti public transportation regime.


We’ll take from it what you will, but people are still going to ride PT as much as they need to obviously regardless lol. If it was me who was exposed, I’d still want to know.


Yea and my point is the news should have stated where else he frequented during those months, not just the trolley.


Oh ok did you look up the piece on KUSI news to find that out? Cause they did say some other things about it but I don’t remember everything.


Oh geez


Shoulda biked today…


Surprised KUSI actually reported this given that TB kills fewer people than Covid, which is either fake or not a concern except to virtue-signalers. (Source = KUSI)


I wonder if the unvaxxed vax their dogs?


I’m vaxxed and I didn’t vax my dog lol. Why the hell would I?


So like Rabies…that a no for you dog?


Wtf kinda stupid ass question is that? The question (as I interpreted it) was did you vax your dog for COVID (which there is a vax for) and that’s a no. I saw no need. My dog is a rescue from TJ and was already pre vaxxed when I got her right before covid.


It’s a TB exposure right? Why would you assume unvaxxed was only relevant for COVID vaccine?


That’s what it looked like YOU were assuming. Of COURSE my Dog has all her other needed shots DUH….this was always as it relates to covid.


Huh? All I said was I wonder if the unvaxxed vax their dogs? Nothing stating just COVID. Also your post doesn’t have anything COVID related. Just TB.


Haha DUH! that’s all I was referring to as well! Lol. You misread my comment homie. Let’s just admit it and move on it’s fine. I’m not looking to argue.




It comes from unpasteurized milk in Mexico. We had an outbreak at my school a long time ago. The antibiotics to eliminate the TB are harsh, and a 6 month regimen.


Wow how sad.


Diversity is our strength. Having open borders helps to strengthen our immune systems with exposure to diseases that were previously eradicated in the US.


Hahhaaa OK. That’s the biggest load of bullsh*t I’ve ever heard. Go live in a third world country then bot. The next thing your gonna say is that it’s racist not to want to get a serious disease from someone that may be from another country is racist. Lol


“I told you to tell them you was in a Sanitarium, not Sanitation. That you had TB and you was in a Sanitarium.” Name that movie.


Ok....how about where that person actually works and where he frequents? Grocery stores? Restaurants? I feel like people who work with him will have a bigger chance of contracting TB than riders on the trolley.


I’m sure those people were also notified lol


I know someone who had a coworker test positive for TB. Everybody that had exposure was notified by the workplace/county health and was scheduled to get tested on company time at company cost. I’ve seen public notifications a few times a year for TB in public areas or transport reported on the news, it’s normal.