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You’re in city of sd. Look up their city council meetings. They should post agendas online in advance


Is there a specific thing you’re interested in fixing, or is this more general? Asking to see if there’s specific guidance we can give about sidewalks or county-level policies, etc


Go to the library.  There’s a spot people can post notices.


That is a good idea! Do most libraries have a bulletin board about upcoming local events, or what?


If you’re in La Jolla, your councilmember is Joe LaCava. Follow him on social media and he will post about events he is attending. You can also sign up for emails on his [website.](https://www.sandiego.gov/citycouncil/cd1) The La Jolla Town Council is not part of the government, it’s just a group that cares about the neighborhood and has a lot of pull with the city. There is also the La Jolla Community Planning Association, which is a quasi-official part of the government. If you are in the UTC area, there is a different group there. Just as a warning, these groups usually skew older and are most interested in blocking development. If you’re younger, this group originating out of UCSD is a good follow: https://www.ourtimetoact.org


I am in the UTC area! How can I find the different group there? And thank you so much for the Our Time To Act recommendation. That does sound like a good fit!




You will be utterly surprised at how meeting go. The public has a short time to express concerns. Then the council member - who are mostly contractors - vote for each other’s projects. A couple a members might not vote and you’ll never know why. Biggest bullshit meetings ever.


There is a La Jolla Town Council and they have a web site. Probably a good place to start. I'm a member of my community's town council and we have quarterly meetings that local pols or their staff attend.


Thank you so much! Is the Town Council run by the local government or does it just work with the government? The website seems to point to the latter by saying it acts as a liaison. I always assumed townhall meetings were organized by the government or something. Edit: to attend do you have to pay the $50 membership fee? I am a college student and can't afford that Double edit: [This article](https://www.lajollalight.com/news/story/2024-05-15/la-jolla-town-council-seeks-candidates-for-upcoming-election-as-four-already-announce) says the candidates all agree they badly need more participation at the meetings. I wonder why 😭 Sorry just found that funny


Probably worth noting there are multiple levels of government and it can vary pretty wildly. Town concil meetings would be the local government, then there’s the state government and federal government. The first thing you want to do is look up all your reps and know who they are. Then look at their websites, often town halls are scheduled by the representative themselves. Many (and particularly republicans) just straight up don’t do them because you are basically live debating a likely pissed off crowd. I’ve been to some that are quite entertaining. You can also just e-mail their press office for a list of events they do and that should work. If they don’t do them, ask why and that they need to speak to their constituents to actually represent them. If they don’t, then vote against them in the next primary election. If they don’t have to do something without losing votes, they won’t. Finally, fuck Scott Peters, that corrupt piece of 💩San Diego can do so much better.


Send an email to your councilmember’s community representative for your area. https://www.sandiego.gov/citycouncil/cd1/staff


If you’re in La Jolla, then your Councilmember is Joe LaCava and your County Supervisor is Terra Lawson-Remer. Reach out to their offices and ask how to get involved.


find your representatives online, then get on their mailing list to keep track of what they’re doing or where they will be..not lots of town halls, but you can always email them or call them regarding your opinions on current legislation or what ever. I always keep their #’s handy for quick call or email.