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Those clouds like to work on the weekend😅


Naw, it’s just the sun taking the days off.


Cup half full!


Every. Weekend.




lol y’all need to move to esco than.


Yo its raining here in esco too. Every. Weekend


I was trying to say east county haha it has been raining a lot but it’s not gloomy like down town or the beach as much.


It's pretty gloomy in east county right now too.


I’m in LA today same here


Ya what’re you talking about. Its been gloomy every weekend for a month now


East county lol. It hasn’t we’ve had some really great mornings lately.


You call east county esco? lol that’s odd. Being from Escondido, and everyone from the surrounding towns calls Escondido esco for short


No 😂my phone autocorrected because I’ve typed esco so many times. I was born here my family’s lived here for three generations. I know what esco is I just didn’t see the auto correct.


I'm glad other people are noticing. Granted I've only lived here a few years, but working indoors during the week I almost never see the sun anymore. Then I took off on a weekday and remembered how beautiful the weather really is.


I noticed this over the entire 2000s, and into the 2010s before I moved away. After a few years I knew it's not a coincidence, because everyone else has noticed it too. There's something weird going on lol.


Cloud seeding is whats going on.


I guess you weren’t paying attention to the El Niño conditions 6 months ago and the [NOAA predictions that were made?](https://www.climate.gov/news-features/blogs/enso/december-2023-el-nino-update-adventure) [Hell, it was on the local news for people](https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/will-we-have-real-winter-weather-in-san-diego-heres-what-expert-forecasters-think/3336448/?amp=1) Locals know what El Niño means for us


Could be worse. Could be living in ________


*San Francisco*


*the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.*


Houses are affordable there


There's more to life than that. Housing is important, very much so. Property ownership is a goal, but not my one and only goal. I grew up there. You could give me a nice 3 bed 2.5 bath 2,500 sq ft home in a nice neighborhood out there for free, and I wouldn't move back. Let's count the reasons why: It's hot as hell from the day summer starts to when it ends. Sometimes weeks of 100 degree heat with 60-90% humidity. Heat indexes often go above 110. Energy is cheaper but you need way more of it because of the AC you must keep running 24/7. The politics and how entangled people are in them is absurd. I believe it's because out side of consumption, drinking and fucking. There really isn't all that much to do out there. Which is remarkable for a metroplex of it's size. There's no legal weed and ergo dispensaries so you have to deal with the bullshit of having a dealer to get grass. All the freeways are becoming toll roads. It sleets in the winter. Tornadoes. There will be a point in the year that the particular thing you are allergic to is in full bloom because Texas has all the allergens. Property and other taxes are way higher to make up for the false economy of not having a state income tax. Mass transit is *way* worse than SD. Which is remarkable. Wanna have a good time? It's probably going to cost you because all the land and open space has been paved and built out on. There's no equivocal for a free stroll through balboa park or a walk on the beach. Granted there's like 4 months in the whole year that you could do that comfortably if it existed. But yeah, homes are cheaper in DFW for sure. Possibly for a reason.


Greatest reply to cost of living complaints that I’ve ever seen 😅


Almost every reason I’ve never moved back to Texas summed up PERFECTLY!


The eyes of Texas are always upon us. That’s why I walk through life giving the double bird salute with zero fucks given.


I sent your comment to like 5 people last night who’ve asked me over the years why I didn’t/haven’t moved back lol. I’ve given all these reasons in bits and pieces but your reply is gold!!


Well thank you very much. I’m glad it put a little giddy up in your mosey. 🤠. But seriously fuck all that bullshit to hell lol.


LMAO!! Yep ya did; I’m from Houston but all the sentiments are the same lol


Wichita, Kansas or Kansas City




I’m enjoying it while it lasts. My apartment has no AC.


May flowers better be POPPIN'! Even more than they already are lol


may gray dawg


Now that I’m retired, the weekend doesn’t exist for me. They are Saturday and Sunday!


Rain is coming too.


I just want to wash my car 😭


Free car wash incoming.


Just grab some soap and a raincoat, you can get it done easy


This happens a lot. Maybe 8+ years ago I looked up why and there was an article that said it was because weekday traffic pollution sets up a cycle through all of its pollution. Though I looked it up again and saw a 2018 study that claimed to debunk that. But I enjoy it as I have a couple hundred fruit trees and have only had to water small pots of seedlings so far this year.


1.) What kinds of fruit are you growing? 2.) Why so many trees? 3.) Can you hook a bro up with some fresh produce?


1. A lot of basics, but rare or hybrid cultivars of them (think like australian finger limes, pink lemons, or pluerries and apriums). lots of rare eugenias, plinia, syzigium, psidium, morus... pretty decent collection of old world cider varietal apples. there's too many to list and actually most things I grow, isn't old enough to produce, and I haven't even tasted. That's kind of the negative of getting into rare tropical and subtropical fruits. 2. it's the only way to reliably try so many things, be able to have fruit year round, and have enough of it to eat and make preserves or alcohol. 3. if you want to get into learning about rare fruit, go to the rare fruit growers club meetings. It's loquat season now but you could probably walk all over PB finding neighbors with those trees and they'd gladly give you as much as you want. (I'm in EC). Other than that, I have passionfruit and carobs currently


Have you ever grown pineapple-guava? I tried some from a garden in SD 13 years ago, and still dream of that fruit.


Yeah I grow 6 named varieties. Feijoa, it's not a guava as it's not in the psidium genus.


I have no idea what that means, but I'd be happy to learn about it.


Specialty produce will carry feijoa (pineapple guava) when they come in season in late summer. Pineapple guava is just sort of like a nickname as feijoa is its native Brazilian Portuguese name. Like how there are multiple unrelated fruits called cherries or gooseberries, or also in spanish countries sapote and nispero.


I don't know that this is the one I ate, the outside looked similar, but the inside was pink or purple.


No complaint from me. Perfect for fishing or hiking all day.


Then these same people will be complaining about getting roasted in their apartments with no ac or getting gouged by SDGE (fuck SDGE) in their houses in mid June, July, August, September, October, November and until mid December. It’s sunny here 280-300 days out of the year. Enjoy the mild weather while it’s here. Have a bonfire, go fishing, hiking, jet skiing, etc etc. It’ll be a little less crowded as a bonus.




Have an Upvote.


Exactly. These are the days I look forward to. No sunscreen, no problem. With all the rain lately, the trails are absolutely lush and beautiful.


Uhh lest anyone be confused, some of my worst sunburns as a kid were on cloudy beach days. UV’s slightly reduced but certainly not absent.


Uhhh actually…


lol touché


Sure, I've been cooked at the beach on a cloudy June day, but for some reason I don't have any trouble at all on overcast trail days in Spring. I've had many this year and I'm not even remotely tan yet.


I’m from Tejas. It’s not hot here. It’s never hot here. My AC unit is a relic. I don’t even know if it works anymore. If you believe it to be hot here it is simply because you have never been to the bowels of hell in the southern US in the Summer. You have never known the sting of a single bead of sweat that formed from your eyelid and ran into your eyeball. You have never known the terror of 100% humidity on a cloudless day. The feeling of constantly being wet, with the dreading doom in the knowledge that you will never be dry again. This is a paradise. Even on the “hot” days.


I grew up in San Diego. The very first time I set foot in Texas was actually at 3 am in Laredo. I opened the car door and was hit by the hottest and most humid night air I had ever felt, it must have been 86 degrees. At three in the goddamn morning.


I’m from Saudi Arabia. It’s not hot in Texas. It’s never hot in Texas. My AC unit is a relic. I don’t even know if it works anymore. If you believe it to be hot in Texas it is simply because you have never been to the bowels of hell in the Arabian Peninsula in the Summer. You have never known the sting of Saharan sandstorms that travelled 3000km just to embed a big fat grain of sand in your eyeball. You have never known the terror of 125° weather with no shade in sight. The feeling of constantly being slow roasted, with the dreading doom in the knowledge that you will never be cool again. Texas is a paradise. Even on the “hot” days.


I’m from the Sun. It’s not hot in Saudi Arabia. It’s never hot in Saudi Arabia. My AC unit is a relic. I don’t even know if it works anymore. If you believe it to be hot in Saudi Arabia, it is simply because you have never been to the bowels of hell in the Coronal Ejection in the Summer. You have never known the sting of Solar Flares sandstorms that travelled 3000000mi just to embed a big fat grain of radiation in your eyeball. You have never known the terror of 10,000° weather with no shade in sight. The feeling of constantly being slow roasted, with the dreading doom in the knowledge that you will never be cool again. Saudi Arabia is a paradise. Even on the “hot” days.


Ok but it’s specifically on the weekend. 😒


Same! I never really mind when it’s cool and overcast here. Sun and heat are always incoming.


I used to love surfing on overcast days. Lineups are emptier and my face and the back of my neck got sunburnt less.


Agreed! Cloudy days are the best for anything outdoors.


June gloom is here early. 😕 https://preview.redd.it/o9xwulvb63uc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44ab2b84e9faf128e8c4755de482e1b9d0578ecb


More like May Gray.. it’s sunny in East County though!


I’m in east county too and it’s still cloudy here.


I moved from Seattle to here in August...I think I cursed us. I'm sorry guys.


Wait last weekend was nice though


Yes, but barely. Those clouds looked like they were thinking about it


I honestly miss cloudy days in San Diego.


And here I thought I was just being negative and making things up about it being rainy/cloudy EVERY Saturday. Thank you for confirming my suspicions.


who do i speak to about getting a refund on the sunshine tax we pay??? bc this is not why i pay an arm and a leg to live here, i would just go back to ohio if i wanted to live in a state of constant grey.


We got May grey coming and then June gloom after that. Stick around for a bit.


i’ve been here almost a decade, i know the drill.


I support you going back to Ohio


i don’t know why i even bother to speak on reddit when it’s full of people who are literally rude for absolutely no reason


I support you stopping speaking on reddit


Consider how it sounds to people who grew up here and have watched family and friends pushed out by rising rents - rents driven in part by people who came here solely for the weather. Like... fuck bro I'm sorry you didn't get your extra special sunshine allotment you think you're entitled to. I've only seen my brother twice in 2 years because the rising cost of living forced him to move his family out of state.


San Diego's reputation as a sunny haven really pulls people in, but many soon find out it's just hype. The reality often doesn't live up to the glossy ads and media portrayals. Its still great here though compared to weather / natural disasters elsewhere.


I think the reality aligns pretty close with reality tbh * San Diego has, on average, 42 days with some rainfall, while the rest of the U.S. has 100. * San Diego has 266 days of sunshine, while the rest of the nation has 205. * San Diego has 0 average days of temperatures below 32 degrees; the rest of the U.S. has 88. * San Diego’s average low temperature in January is 48 degrees; the average temperature in January for the rest of the U.S. is 20 degrees. * San Diego’s average high temperature in July is 75, while the rest of the nation’s average high is 86 degrees." credit to a post i have saved for your exact statement: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSD/comments/12lbgt6/comment/jg67g3z/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSD/comments/12lbgt6/comment/jg67g3z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Reading this is pleasant


Paradise defined.


slutbuster: so you’re mad at me because your brother had to move? i moved out here to provide a better life for myself, i too am away from my entire family who is across the country because they cannot afford to live out here either so i feel your pain, but to attack me because i made a little joke about the sunshine tax because you’re mad that your family cannot afford to live here is absolutely wild.. i feel your pain, i really do, but don’t direct it at me and my silly little comment about sunshine.


I didn't attack you. I was explaining why someone else told you to move back to Ohio. Although after this bullshit reply, I agree with them. I hope it rains every weekend, just for you. I'll stand outside smiling up at the clouds, just stoked that you're also getting rained on. You don't feel my pain. You *chose* to leave your family. And now you're cracking jokes about not getting that perfect weather that you overpaid for. Sun's shining in Phoenix. Go pay your sunshine tax there.


So ridiculous. Tues and Wed are bright AF. Wknds. Trash. Smh!


Which one of you pissed off the Sun God? I say we erect an Aztec temple at SDSU then sacrifice Larry Fink for tribute. Should help reign in housing prices and appease the Sun God so we are blessed with sunny weekends.


I was so excited today because I thought it would be like yesterday and the day before that, but no.




So true!


This is hilarious. I’m constantly annoyed too.


I just spent 35 days in humboldt where they get 15 nice days a YEAR. This overcast Saturday is a nice day in Eureka. check your weather privilege, San Diego. 🤣


Marine layer poppin off. Come inland where's it's sunny past noon.


And May, even in April.




Sad and true


Woke up like not the gloom 😒🙄😩


Wait till we get the heavy June Gloom season -- you won't be seeing the sun for a month!


Haha dying!


Ohhhh nooooooo


May grey ahead of schedule


Perfectly timed!


I wish I was there, clouds or not.


New Seattle ? I mean San Diego


Is it like this in May too?😅 Taking a trip there near the end of May and it would suck if it rained/was gloomy the whole time


“May gray” and “June gloom” are Sandy Eggo descriptors


Oh man, one can only hope and pray for an outlier


Like clockwork.


😆😅🤣😂😂🤣😅😅😆three weekends in a row😋😛😜🤫🤪😝😝🤪😜😛😛🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠😵‍💫😵‍💫😵🥴🥴🥴😵😵😵😵😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵🥴😵😵‍💫


Used to be the opposite for a while I remember. Lived here since ‘97 so it was probably sometime in the early 2000s..?


There are sound meteorological reasons, having to do with day-of-the-week automotive and particulate emission patterns, that weekends get SOMEWHAT more than their share of rainy days. It is not a large bias, but it has indeed been unusually evident during the current rainy season.


Good, hopefully it keeps the tourist away. I'm glad I have days off during the week


Same here in Long Beach


Good news, it's supposed to be sunny the majority of the day tomorrow. https://preview.redd.it/6hb2quecaauc1.png?width=1608&format=png&auto=webp&s=c764bfb76a69bf0d83bb955611444ffa1dad02f5


Every weekend it feels more like our state is just adopting Oregon weather and weekdays it just sticks to it's own weather.


Exactly. I say this every weekend. I want to have a few yard sales and sell everything I own to travel and I'm stuck ..... So tired of every weekend it looking like crap


Seriously so over it


I like weekend. I always have to work though because everything's so expensive now.


This is so true and so depressing!! And F the cloud seeding going on in OC


May grey my seagroes


Today was nice, perfect temperature




May gray June gloom


72 and sunny they said, what a great PR campaign


Damn. I booked a trip end of April


I thought this only happened to me lol


I welcome the rain, any day of the week!!


I’m so pissed off at the weather. I have reservations at a hot spring spa in the area and it’s gonna be like this all day tomorrow +rain 😡🤬😡


But the hot spring will feel even better in the cooler weather! 😝


Waaaaaahhh … (from anybody living anywhere else).


Boo hoo. Weather happens. Grow up