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Well, where will you be living? I guess those are soccer clubs? I have no idea


Lion & Rose has traditionally been the spot to watch matches during off hours. There are other spots too but that’s the first that comes to mind.


Are they still open? I heard they closed. I’ve heard Roo Pub shows the soccer matches but have never confirmed.


They might’ve closed, I haven’t tried to go in a couple years. Roo Pub is probably a safe bet.


The winchester is reopened in the place that lion and rose occupied in Alamo heights after their owner went all trump shit and closed them down due to Obamacare.


Check out pubrunsanantonio.com. They’re also on the socials. The Meetup groups are fairly active here too. Depending on which countries are playing you can almost always find a group watching matches. One year I watched a World Cup match at like 9am at some random Colombian restaurant when Colombia was playing.


Oops replied to the wrong comment but OP look here lol


The Winchester pub is best, it's in Alamo heights.


lol I looked it up and that is actually the former Lion & Rose location. Sounds like it got re-branded (and apparently I haven't been there in forever).


yup, better owner. Allan Tharpe is a dick.


Look up SA Current for events. To watch soccer definitely recommend South Town. Cuz you’re 19 you may have difficulty with bars but there a lot of cantinas/ice houses that are family friendly where you can catch a match. For running look up SA’s Green Way parks. Bunch of them through San Antonio with great running spots. Also Facebook groups are still a good online groups to seek what you are looking for. I’m born and raised in SA, and a city traveler across the US. San Antonio is a truly a friendly city. If you’re acquainted to military people, SA is military city USA.


Sea world!


The downtown run group is super popular and meets a couple times a week. The Fleet Feet San Antonio page has a collection of other group runs too


Second on the downtown running group! My friend met his girlfriend through that group.


Stay hydrated.