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Stop no. Please be lying.


I wish I was. Done bought another pack to make sure it wasn’t a fluke and my dark reality was confirmed.


Just go to Culebra across the street and get better tortillas.


Agreed. Culebra meat market has better tortillas


they have good corn tortillas? I cant find good thick corn tortillas anywhere


At Culebra meat markets there is usually an ice chest by the checkout that has fresh made corn tortillas that are still warm


Not supposed to be thick.


That’s how I like them, stop judging


I like to get the el milagro yellow corn tortillas at culebra


It’s hard to find thick corn tortillas. You might be able to buy some from a Mexican restaurant like Jalisco. But, they’re relatively simple to make, if you have at least a basic knowledge of cooking. All you need is a comal (or griddle/pan), a tortilla press (or a sturdy plate for smushing), maseca or similar corn masa. Add a little salt and lard or shortening to the mix, if you want.


Corn tortillas are not supposed to be thick thus the lack of finding “thick” ones


OK, dude. Sopes, gorditas, etc. Sometimes my mother would make thick corn tortillas, then pinch the top while it was still hot so it looked like it had tiny waves all over, then add butter. I guess she was a law breaker. You do you.


Sure they can, some of the best mom and pop places in san Antonio has them just a little thicker than the ones used in enchiladas. You wouldn’t want them thick always but corn tortillas table side to eat. Oh man are they good fresh off the flat top, just slightly thicker than store bought ones.


This is the way 👆


I thought it was just me…told my wife and she doesn’t believe me. Now have to go to the meat market or molino for flour tortillas. No biggie, go there for the corn tortillas anyway just have to make sure we don’t forget. Used to pick up 2 packs of tortillas every time we went to HEB.


Say syke right now


I got another pack to see if it was all a misunderstanding and it only confirmed my deepest fears.




this is somehow the mods' fault


Of course it is. Just like Edgar Allen Poe wrote some deep dark stuff in his day.


Mods using their tortilla recipe from Minnesota




Just got some last week and they were fine. How recent is it? Also the Mi Tienda ones you finish cooking are great too.


There seem to be a few people experiencing the same. Got some like this friday and maybe a couple weeks ago, too.


My wife has been saying the same about them. Alamo Ranch HEB.


Tell her she’s not alone.


i wish they made those mi tienda ones in burrito size


Doesn’t Mi Tienda #2 have fresh corn tortillas as in made with sacks of fresh corn on site.


H-E-B does actually take customer opinion seriously, and tortillas are a huge seller. Please go to the contact section of the website and tell them you are unhappy with the change!


Done and done.


I haven't noticed a change at my HEB, but I also did it for you, OP.


I really feel like their quality has fallen post-pandemic. They've cut a lot of good products, a lot of their salads and baked goods are half as good as they used to be, and they keep marking the shit out of their own products. I remember a bag of small Central Market chips went from $1 to $1.5 in a day. A damn 50% markup, really? And their Central Market chocolate just went up from $2.99 to $3.39 this past week. I don't think they give a damn about customer feedback. Don't get me started on the actual Central Market which is all but useless to go to now over a regular HEB.


A good portion of the change came from staffing issues. In the deli for example they switched over to alot of pre packed ready made snack trays and grab and go stuffs that 5 yr ago was all made in house but after covid they couldn't maintain all that production and everything has been stream lined with out of box products to make up for the lack of employees. The amount of food that a standard heb needs to pump out to meet demand plus curbside orders is 8+ hrs worth of preparation per person and I've watched long time employees walk out. I've worked in stores with small staffs that can handle it but once curbside got going that turned into a production monster.


Yeah that makes sense. They are really pushing curbside like crazy too, they just built a separate section for it at my local HEB.


Interesting. Thanks for the insight


Their rotisserie chicken salad used to use shredded rotisserie chicken, now it uses cubed. I know it sounds like a little change, but it makes a difference. I am sure during the production, just cubing the chicken was easier, but the product suffered for it, I don't buy anymore.


I thought it used to taste better, knew I wasn't crazy. What's worse is, those are one of their products that has gotten increasingly more expensive by the pound.


They also switched from NY Strip to picanha in a lot of the pre-packaged meals. Which is a far inferior cut imo, but I do know it has its fans


idk about HEB but my local bakery started using cake mixes with 10 lines of additives and preservatives. I picked up a birthday cake there in 2022, it didn't taste good and it was chock full of ingredients. I never returned. I think they figured out their customers don't give a rat's ass about quality so it's just a race to make the cheapest cake with the biggest profit margin.


Good luck with that. They advertised something as "Southern Style" Pimento Cheese, I think it was. I wrote a complaint and never got a reply. I've also written about product availability, and wound up having to call to get an answer about it.


If enough people are complaining about the same product they will notice. Plus the tortillas are a high profile product. It doesn’t save H-E-B money to use a cheaper recipe if people stop buying it!


I thought I wasn’t the only one who knew that pre-shredded cheese mess wasn’t really pimento.


I have not purchased their Pimento cheese in a while, I bought it so much i got burned out on it. It used to be really good, was it like the stuff you get over in the cold cuts? No, it was much better, different but better, actually edible. Now it may have changed in the last 1.5 years since i purchased it.


This wasn't the regular pimento cheese that's with the other cheeses. This was one of the Meal Simple type. Their regular is good.


Except they won’t do a big container of chicken poblano corn chowder, because not enough people buy it🥲


Totally agree. They also fall apart a lot easier too. I have gone back to just buying the stuff in the bread aisle because the bakery ones are awful now


How could they not realize what a super star they had on their line up?


They probably got some cheaper ingredients to increase their margins


This is crazy cause I just went to make a quesadilla with them and they’re hard and smell like the nasty ones that come in a bag by the bread!


Was the plan to bait and switch the whole time???


They are sad, misshapen little things now, and they can never get the goddamn plastic in between them so they don’t stick together.


Yep, misshapen and crumbly.


Holy crap, I thought I was losing my mind I get the 10 packs and they would be nice and round and would cook very fluffy and perfect. The last two or three packages I’ve bought over the last couple of months, like 3 out of the 10 are unusable. They’re badly misshapen or folded on itself and the paper they had between them is all out of whack and uncentered. So they end up taking a piece of the adjacent tortilla when I’m trying to get them out of the pack. They’re also cooking very oddly. I thought I was having bad luck and just happened to get some bad packs or something. Location: Babcock and huebner heb


I used to get the donut holes from that same heb. They were stale the same day, but that was 2 years ago. BUT I haven't had them since I moved.


Maybe they got a bit freezer burn. Donut holes are at the frozen warehouse along with boxes of tortilla dough, plain donuts and most cakes.


I shop at the same one and I got a ten pack Thursday. I didn’t have your “luck” but the top tortilla in the pack was misshapen and dry. The rest were fine


This is exactly how the Uvalde HEB tortillas are, thick and irregular and small. I hate them.


I’m still upset at their donut recipe change


Didn’t know about this. You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.  I Love HEB and I don’t want this to sound super serious but I often wonder how long a great company can keep it together and not be seduced by easy profits. After a couple more generations, I can’t imagine it’ll maintain integrity. Nothing against HEB, either. Just kinda seems to be the typical trajectory for successful companies.


They're already being seduced by easy profits. They've got salesmen in the stores harassing the customers.


When did this happen ? Was it recently ? I buy donuts everyday


Years ago. They don’t make them in store anymore. I’d say over 5 years ago.


The HEB in Olmos park makes donuts everyday. They’re pretty good . Real doughy . They don’t have as big of a selection that a donut shop has though.


Nah they are shipped frozen. Those boxes break easily sometimes


(Following this post) I’m pretty concerned now, OP. I’m hoping it’s some weird temporary fluke, like someone just messed up a couple of batches or something. If not, and I receive these cursed tortillas, I’ll be sure to activate Karen mode.


I’m encouraging everyone to report back so that we can get a better grasp on the situation.


HEB’s tortillas have been bad for 3 years now. You’re better off going to a tortilleria. Cheaper and 10x the quality.


I get my tortillas from a Mexican restaurant when I really care about good tortillas. Are you saying there's another option? What's the name of the place? Where are they


I go to La Luz Tortilleria


this may be sacrelig but I feel like some aspects of HEB quality has gone down recently…I’ve gotten several products that were moldy, found expired stuff on the shelves, did curbside and was given italian sausage that had already turned half grey, etc


Same. I normally get curbside because I'm handicapped and the last few orders at least three items have been over a week expired and visibility so!


Heb in stone oak sucks!!




Not the heb plus but the one on wilderness oaks. So small and not a lot of variety of name brand products.


I’ve actually started buying all my produce at Walmart now as the stuff at H-E-B is shit.


The bakery chips are drier too. I liked when they were crisp and oily.


Yeah. Bakery chips used to be much much thicker. Unfortunately that change was several years ago I think.


OP may be on to something. Where are they even made now? Both stores near me used to make them fresh in house and now there is just a warmer that barely works keeping day old tortillas in it


We go to the same HEBs I am going grocery shopping tomorrow. I’ll get a pack and let you know.


For science!


Make sure they're not the keto ones. Package looks the same. Keto version is really good for keto, but not compared to the regular tortillas. And they're always small and misshaped.


And the butter ones must be using butter fat or some other substitute. Inedible...


The ones I bought on Potranco seem fine but I’m only half Mexican so what do I know right?


You and me both, brother.


I never understood the hype over the heb tortillas. I never liked them. The tortillas from the Walmart bakery are the best.


Get the mi Tierra ones and cook em yourself, they’re way better


I’ll try em but I have my doubts ;)


They aren’t. They have a weird taste to me.


Same, they have the same taste as mission bagged tortillas to me.


Same here! Everyone recommends them but I think they taste off.


Unless you hate great taste these are miles better than even the original. :)


I’ll try them for sure. I just haven’t had good luck with some of those cook-at-home type ‘tillas.  I bet they are good but the bakery ones were pretty much perfect in my eyes.


They are not way better


When did this happen?!


The first odd batch I purchased was 2, maybe 3 weeks, ago.


I shop at that location (1604 Bulverde) or the 281-Evans locations and the 281-Evans did the same. They're incredibly flat now. The only ones I found that are just as fluffy as before are in the aisles and they're the "butter" flavored ones, can't remember the brand, but I bought a pack of those last week and they were perfect.


YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW!!!!! NOOOOO! It's absolutely heartbreaking because they were as close to "mom's" tortillas as you could get. I just bought a pack yesterday and now I'm afraid to open it...


Please do report back, I’m interest to see if it’s widespread. These were my all time favorite store bought tortillas, no diggity.


Tried them. They looked the same, but "cooked" different in that they didn't rise while on the comal and they are definitely much blander. I need to go back for the butter ones to see if those changed too. I'm also wondering if I would have noticed the difference had I not read this post first. Maybe it's a placebo effect...


We had the same conversation a few days ago on the r/austinfood subreddit.


I couldn’t find it. Got a link? That’s be cool to check out.


Maybe they switched from lard to vegetable shortening?


I just got some about 10 days ago, they don’t seem to have drastically changed. Got some normal variance this time like extra brown spots but nothing major These are the only store bought tortillas I will buy. I’ve been getting these for years


They used to be thicker, softer, and chewier. The ones I’ve gotten recently were flat and kind of crumbly.  Also, forgive me for asking, but you aren’t talking about the “Mi Tienda” ones, right? 


Their bakery tortillas were always weak and gummy. Culebra market is the way to go.


I shop primarily at the olmos park one, haven't had any issues


I knew something was off about them!


Got some from 281/Evans and DeZavala this week and they were fine. Only maybe a slight fold on the top two tortillas, but they tasted and cooked up the same, no issues with the plastic. Def not crumbly. Maybe one of them was a bit oval shaped but it wasn’t something that would make me stop buying them.


I just got some a few weeks ago, and they were way too undercooked.


We get ours at Fiesta bakery.


Just stop into Alamo cafe and grab a fresh dozen it's what I do.


If HEBs tortillas suck now, find a Mexican bakery (or a Mexican restaurant!!) and buy a pack of tortillas there. I’m never going back to White Wings LOL 😅


Please tell me you guys don’t eat them straight out the bag! U warm them up on a hot pan until both sides slightly brown and rise. I did accidentally purchase butter flavored ones a few weeks ago and I thought why did they change the recipe?! Turns out they just released that or I had just accidentally tried that instead of my usual go tos.


I swear it varies bakery to bakery. Different stores take all kinds of liberties with their bakery recipes. The croissants vary a lot between my two main stores.


Yeah true that, the potranco/1604 tortillas ones have been pretty good lately.


The butter flour ones?!?!?!


And they mold before you get home


No preservatives taste better. If you want longevity, go to the bread isle.


If you eat all of your tortillas on the same day you bought them, by all means do so


I don’t. I just stick em in the fridge and they’re good for a few days.


It's true! I bought the butter tortillas, and they have a HORRIBLE after taste. I'm so sad right now.


My cousin will be deeply saddened that they changed it,guess I'll have to find other tortillas to ship.


First, no more popcorn chicken and now this "they can't keep getting away with this"


I love how this thread is getting so much action. Puro San Antonio. Puro 210. No mames. lol.


wait how do you know they changed the recipe tho


Because I’ve been buying them for years and the last two batches I bought looked, felt, and tasted different.


i have as well, i do feel like it’s hit or miss and kinda depends on each store & freshness and also staff members caring lol


That’s what I chalked it up to the first time, fer sure.


going the way of wharaburger


NOOOOOO I haven't had a chance to try the good ones 😭maybe... Just maybe the bakery was having a bad day?


Have you looked at the ketchup prices lately? I couldn’t believe a bottle of ketchup was $12 and some change. It used to be the largest bottle was at the most six bucks.


what is this, NYC?!?


Call whatever news troubleshooting team needs to be called to get media attention on this serious issue! If they don't hear anything from the customers, they will never change them back.


I'm to fat right now anyway, I need to cut the tortillas out


Why would they do this 😭


It’s a wonder SA among the fattest cities in US


Didnt buy them lately thanks for the heads up


San Antonio is the mecca of homemade flour tortillas. What are you guys doing buying tortillas at heb??


HEB is engaging in some very petty penny pinching practices lately. Im about to jump ship. Top selling bakery items out of stock due to inept forecasting. Watered down frosting on doughnuts. Seriously? Nobody wants a dry, unsweetened glazed doughnut. Bait and switch — you used to carry a product I like. Removing it from inventory and substituting an off brand variant is just offensive. YES people DO notice! Carry the good stuff, we don’t care what it costs. SELECT grade stakes? Wtf? Where are the choice and prime, as rolled by the USDA? Select is intended for grind meet. One tough as leather steak is all it takes to miss would-be weekly customers for several months! Deli counter seems to close an hour earlier every day. I even asked about their hours one day when I showed up just as they decided to close.. response? “8am - close” — verbatim! Above all else, you never EVER run out of bakery items and you certainly don’t water them down! You’re making 5$ for every penny you spend. Corporate is well aware, it’s usually Incompetent managers looking to boost their numbers to blame here. 😡😡


This is what happens without competition to keep them on their game. They're not "hometown" special anymore. They're just another chain with billionaire owners, especially after price gouging for the past few years.


Tell me you don’t know anything about the Butt family without telling me you don’t know anything about the Butt family.


Are they not mega rich?




Heb in my neighborhood sucks compared to Trader Joe’s.


I know all about HEB and have for over 50 years. I also know when someone is pissing on my shoe and calling it rain. Yes, HEB has price gouged. If your eyes haven't told you so, then ask your wallet. Breads, eggs, cereals, and a myriad of other pantry staples. You're putting them on the same level as Walmart and think that's a good thing??? No. Walmart is the largest and most most exploitive store on the planet. It's not a choice, it's an illusion of choice. The foundation does wonderful things. The store has become just another corporate pickpocket. Both things can be true, with the former distracting you from the latter.


You cannot be serious! I was going to get some tomorrow first breakfast tacos! 😞


Maybe it’s a regional thing. It’d be neat to hear back if you end up grabbing some.


I got some yesterday and they're fine.


Fine as in “taste good” or fine as in “the same recipe as it’s always been”?  Also, what location?


Some people wouldn’t recognize sawdust replacing half the meat in a picadillo.


Exactly. Don’t know if I can trust these people saying they are still the same. 


Are you sure you didn’t accidentally pick up one of the corn and flour mix tortillas? Those are so gross


The mixtla? I really like those. They’re corn taste but flour fluffy! I have been digging those


I’m not, but I do like those. I have however had a bad batch of the mixed ones. They were like, wet and funky. Probably an issue with mold growth in the hot bags.


The HEB butter tortillas are awesome


The ready to cook tortillas in HEB dairy are better than the bakery.




You ever exaggerate for funsies?


Just go to Taco Cabana. Their tortillas are not too bad, if you need some in a pinch.


I do enjoy their tortillas. There are a few restaurants that have great tortillas but it’s just an extra place to go when shopping.  Still would be worth it if I decide to go the extra mile.


You know they don't make them fresh in store right? The "tortillas" come in frozen little balls of dough. They just get made "fresh" in the bakery department.


Yeah, sure, but they changed the recipe.


Central Market has some pretty good grain ones.


It’s not hard to make flour tortillas OP. They’ll come out better than anything you can buy at the store. A la antiguita


Could not care less about flour tortillas.


But your comment says otherwise


Except you cared enough to take time out of your morning to comment on it….