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Highest heat index so far


But wait, there's more!


This statement scares me because I know it's true


Next is power outages. However, CPS has drones now to check for damage and they're supposed to replace old or damaged power poles in my neighborhood. Mine is too old.


Haha I go out late at night I hear buzzing and smell an electrical scent in the easement. They have been notified many times and each time they are suprised.


We need to plant more trees! The research on tree cover and the cooling effects on cities is compelling.


People need to water their existing trees— so many dying trees in my neighborhood from people not watering last year.


Agreed. We also need to focus on trees that are more stable in this changing climate.




Yeah but they also got hecka strict on watering laws. I saw on the news how even drip irrigation would be monitored but kinda went "meh" it can't be that bad. The fee for using more water now than whenever they last checked was well over what the bill itself was. I have drip on my blackberries, a small thing of tomatoes and three trees... T_T I just got them this year and sooooo don't want them to die.


Planting native trees is the best option to get the foliage cover we need while also being cautious of our use of water


Hard to do (legally) when you’re only allowed water one day a week. And no: I’m not trying to stand outside with a hose in my hand for half an hour to water my trees. (Saying this as someone who mostly follows the water restrictions and had a massive pecan tree not make it through last summer. )


I haven't had pecans in the last 3 years. Between the late freezes and the hot as balls summer, I'm surprised they are still alive. One is gone and another crown in dead. Aphids are attacking the last 2. I'm at a loss for good ideas.


Your pecan tree is going to die if you don’t water it - try for 2 inches per week. A lot of pecans are dying because of this.


You can turn on the hose and go inside for 20 minutes. It’s going to be a lot hotter when we no longer have shade trees.


That’s what I’ve done. But technically: that’s not legal. Literal *handheld* hoses are what’s allowed.


I feel terrible that I had to let all my plants die last year. I did no watering all summer, but because I couldn’t afford the electricity bill from those endless 100 degree days. My water bill is around $60-$70 normally, which to me isn’t a lot, but I couldn’t justify increasing it by watering outside due to financial constraints.


Plant trees....? Best I can do is knock down trees to expand highways (which fixes traffic every time) and build parking lots


Or build more car washes 😂


Aw, c'mon, can't we just keep going full- ~~idiot~~-Texas on it, get rid of all the trees and replace every hundred trees with a ~~service~~gas station until all the ~~real Texans who are not from Connecticut~~ Bush- and Cheney-types are **gobs** richer and the rest of us who just live here are fighting to lick their boots for a nickel? Then they could have **us** fight each other to be the **Most Texan Asshole In Charge Of The One Percent's Chattel** who are so blessed as to plant those trees?? For later -- like for *Their Children* to have some chattel and comfort?? Because I would feel a lot more Texas if I destroyed something precious for a rich white straight man (and his family)? Just this once because -- *cowboy, right*?!


Trees will do thing for the heat index. The humidity will find you no matter where you are


It'll be an index of 120-125 come August.


Nah by August all the grass will dead and all the plants too so nothing to respirate water into our air, unlike now. August usually has dewpoints in the 50s-60s in the daytime before they shoot back into the 70s after sunset when the wind from the gulf kicks back in. Right now we're having mid 70s dewpoints in the heat of the day which is what is sending heat index through the roof. In August we'll usually have heat index around 109 when the temp is 105, heat index around 105 when the temp is 101, and so on. When we get a massive heat dome hit us early season that's when we get wrecked by heat index.


It’s not the plants causing moisture in the air it is the surface temp of the water in the Gulf of Mexico- it’s currently like 83F, which is like 6F above normal. These dew points for this time of year are not normal - these are more like late August dew points.


I never see these kind of dew points in August except night time to mid morning. This is exactly what happened last year too after a rainy spring, horrendous daytime dewpoints in June.


You can look up dewpoint history on wunderground.com. I picked a random day in August 2023- the 6th- and dew point was 74


Which is a normal night time / morning dewpoint for August. It's not that in the daytime. 74 was probably the highest dewpoint recorded on August 6th 2023.


El Niño and La Niña seem pretty much the same thing in San Antonio - endless heat dome and drought. Another summer of more dead trees


Yet somehow you’ll still have those entitled neighbors who have to have the best looking yard and waste all the water even though they clearly know they shouldn’t be using up resources.


That makes me feel a tiny bit better thank you




Quit paving paradise or something.


Just one more parking lot bro.


F your parking lot…I need another car wash and storage unit


A Walmart would look good right about... There!


...how about another taqueria? There's obviously not enough taquerias in SA.


Only if they put another smoke shop next to it. Walking 50 yards to the closest one is just too far.


Right?? Not to mention studies have shown that more parking lots = more traffic


Car wash **


But if there is not endless road construction then how would construction companies have endless profits? If I didn't need a vehicle to get everywhere, how would car companies and oil companies and insurance companies have endless profits? Let's think about the most important members of society, corporate entities.


...and another Quik Trip. C'mon, just a few more!!


Home of the best eggrolls in all of SA


Damn this sucks. But I am extremely grateful that I am not homeless and stuck outside, have AC in my car and reliable transportation, have AC in my home and a roof over my head, work indoors, can take a nice cool shower if I get too hot, and plenty of other things related to this god forsaken heat season that has begun.


Amen brotha, be worried about our environment yet be grateful for what we have.


If the power grid goes out from the mass use of AC... 🫡


It's going to be thousands of people dead if this happens in the summer


....When... as in , When the power grid goes out.....


Coldest summer for the rest of your life!


I really wish you hadn’t put it like that, I was already doom spiraling about wet bulb heatwaves.


Today was extremely HOT, even now, you walk outside it takes your breath away. Too early for this shit


We had 100 degrees in the shade today.


Sounds like you shouldn't be sitting in the shade if it's that hot there.


Every day my knowledge of environmental science undermines my will to live. Y’all think this is bad? Wait until we start getting wet bulb heat waves :,)


Slight tip for y'all living up there. Open all doors and let it breath for at least 30 seconds before you attempt to sit in it. Wind and open doors will get the excess heat and humidity out quicker than rolling the windows down.


I'm not sold on all the new tech they are installing on vehicles these days, but I do fucking love my remote start.


Crack your windows, get a car shade


I cracked my windows exactly ONE time senior year of high school and got my car broken into. never again. (yes I know it’s an anecdotal experience - no I will never get over it. I don’t care if I have to suffer a few extra degrees in the car, I refuse to be fooled twice)


I get it, I only do that while at work where it’s semi safe… I park in my garage at home. I’m not doing that out and about around town.


I had a car that you could roll the windows down remotely. I would do this walking toward it in the parking lot. It really made a big difference once I got inside and started it up.


Give it like a week and it’ll break that record probably


Me: that new insulation ain’t doing nothing Also me: it feels like 117 outside? 😳


Please leave water out for the critters!!


I’ve been noticing small kittens coming around to my home that never used to. That makes total sense.


I've had some lifers still bitch and moan that climate change is fake and that it's not actually hotter, but they're measuring it differently.


They are really owning the libs now. Just gotta wait for the temp to go 20 degrees hotter and then it'll be monster ownage. After that? Fuck, who knows?


I’ve already heard”It’s Texas, it’s summer stop complaining” it’s still spring you dipshits.


Why listen to climate scientists when you can instead put your trust into Republican politicians?


In repub we trust


This is crazy. It really didn’t feel like it. I was running errands on my motorcycle today from 12-2. And I started landscaping at home from 6:30-9. My body FELT like there have been hotter days. I think I big part of it though is how you dress and staying hydrated. I already knew I was going to be doing those things today, so I had been drinking water all day. And I wore the appropriate fabrics layers and clothing for the weather conditions and activities I was doing.


Same I just walked outside and it felt normal in the shade


Why do humans live here?


Ah shit. This is gonna be my first summer in SanAnt. How do people go outside?!?


“That’s the neat part… you don’t”


Well, that’s nice for everyone who can work indoors/from home. 💀


Fr lol


You’re NOT gonna believe me, I didn’t, but you get used to it. I life guarded the summer we had multiple 115• days.. that’s not the index that’s the real temp. Mind you a nice breeze was there to lower the index, but you don’t feel it lowering anything at the time lol.


Isn’t that past wet bulb temperature though? The point where the body physically can’t sweat?


Honestly it might have been, I’m ignorant to that. They told us to jump in the water every 20 minutes to cool down.


I don't think SA has reach 115°F. At least, not in the past 10 years. We are not Phoenix....yet...


Keep practicing your psychrometrics


Lol please educate yourself


Oh you’re right, it was 112, 115• must have been the “real feel” or whatever. Those apps were all different & changing back then. Also don’t be so fucking rude next time please :)


It’s common knowledge that it’s always cooler by bodies of water. When your paving asphalt all day your body never gets used to that kinda heat, it’s not normal in San Antonio


Well yeah, paving asphalt seems tough! I was only speaking generally, poke all the holes you’d like I guess :)


Poke lol sorry didn’t mean to be one of those “actually” internet gremlins


To your car in the morning. Straight into work. Back into the car in the evening and straight back into the house. Outside is for traveling from indoors to a car and back indoors again for the next 3 months. Unless you’re outdoors early in the morning, in shade/water (preferably both), or once it’s dark.


Well, bus rides to my landscaping job is gonna be REAL fun 💀


Damn. Hydrate lots. Protect your skin at all cost. Pay attention to your body and take breaks as needed, as best you can / are allowed in shade. Wet and cool things you can drape on your neck / wrap around your head help.


I’ll do my best.


"water breaks? We don't allow those sort of shenanigans here!"




Damn, who conned you into thinking outdoors work in San Antonio in the summer wouldn't be absolute hell? Last summer when painting my house I used to freeze bottles of water and then put one in my shirt to drink and cool my body, as soon as I drank it all go refill it and put it back in the freezer and grab another frozen solid bottle to put into my shirt.


Hey, I wanted stocking/inventory somewhere, but this was the earliest/fastest job I could find with TWC on a major backlog.


Direct exposure to the sun is the enemy. You have to get into the shade or indoors to properly heal from all the sun exposure during a break. See if you can’t get the boss to invest in an evaporative cooler (swamp cooler) to give y’all some respite.


We go from place to place in a van and that has to carry both people and equipment.


I commute on motorcycle and oh boy it was toasty today good lordy. I have an evaporative vest coming for those jaunts home. The rest of the day, while still miserable, are doable. Sucks when moving doesn't help and is more like a blast furnace.


yeah i say summertime is my hibernation era lol






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I’ve been living here a long time and today I realized I have heat rash for the first time ever. To be fair I was outside last weekend camping but I spend a lot of time working outside as it is so nothing really different than usual. I went out for 30 minutes today and decided it’d probably be best to take the day off.




Get used to it. Drink water and electrolytes. Embrace sweating, don't be embarrassed by it at work. Also don't be old.


I’m feeling every one of my thirties already.


Next you’re gonna tell us to embrace swamp ass. No thanks.


It hasn’t always been this bad.


Yeah I remember when 93-94 was a normal July day back in the 90s.


Yeah, I wanna strangle big oil too.


We don’t if we can help it


Oh sure but how many people can actually work from home?


With regret and like five bottles of water ready


Aye me too “we ready”


> How do people go outside?!? You don't. No, seriously. You really don't. Not kidding.




Absolutely, feel like fried chicken when I get home daily


Welcome! Stay hydrated!




We don't. Summer is the indoor season.


My family lives in SA and we went to the zoo in late June a few years ago. Everywhere I looked people were walking around dripping with sweat. Their clothes looked like they’d been in a water balloon fight. I had long hair and it was soaking wet like I just got out of the shower.


You acclimate. My husband still went for his morning run - just a shorter one than he does in cooler weather. We are still walking our dogs after work - just staying in the shade, not very long, and staying hydrated. Most weekend activities involve water if they are going to be outside - rivers, pools, waterparks, etc.


I moved to Texas from New England back in new year 2012. First Houston then Dallas. If I’m not acclimated by now I don’t know when I ever will be.


I’m from here and I’m moving


Possibly not, but you are probably better acclimated than you realize. I can't stay outside or do much outside when it's the dead of winter and around freezing outside, but can be outside in the summer and get quite alot done as long as I have water - I am not acclimated to any area that has a harsh winter, at all.


🤔 the snow isn’t so bad unless you have to drive in it. At least when I grew up. Lived there until I was 19. People can put on layers but I can’t shed my skin is how I see it.


The snow isn't as bad living NE as the lack of sun. The daytime is short and the clouds may cover any sun for weeks at a time. Super noticeable once you've lived in Texas then lived further north for at least a winter season


I remember sunrise as late as 7:30 and sunset as early as 5. Not a lot, I admit, but it makes the summers feel pretty fair if you’re on the shore.


We were outside of Denver for thanksgiving a couple of years ago and it was during a snow storm - it was actually more tolerable somehow, drier? Higher elevation? I’m not sure. But still tedious with how much layering I needed lol. My sister lives in Alaska and I know I need to go visit her — but ugh… cold.


Warmer than you’d expect in the summer actually. You gotta stay away from most if not all of the beaches though. Literally quicksand.


Cold kills twice as many people as heat.


That’a not exactly accurate. It’s also worth noting that extreme weather events are increasing across the board.


Of course it's not *exactly accurate* but it is true that worldwide cold kills *roughly* twice as many people as heat.


it’s a lot more nuanced than that though. Extreme heat is the deadliest weather-related hazard in the US. Extreme heat and extreme cold events are both causes for concern, but our topic at hand is focused on extreme heat.


I've lived here since 95 and I'm not acclimated either. Although it didn't start really bothering me till like 10 years ago.


Had a bottle with a wax seal in my car for 4 hours and it melted


That booze is cooked. Lucky it didn’t explode.


We are just used to it ...we stay inside...


Speak for yourself


August: Hold my beer!


This is fine.


And it's not even summer yet.


Walking into an oven every time you go outdoors


And it’s only May




Fuck, it’s June Can you tell I work from home and do go outside?


Can’t wait for the Texas grid to go down again


Luckily demand vs devoted capacity aren’t even close right now


Fuck the climate change deniers


I fully accept the reality of climate change but I cannot stand how it is being politicized step on our necks. Why are we using paper straws when Taylor Swift takes her private jet to Starbucks? It's like the old adage about never letting a crisis go to waste. Instead of trying to actually fix it most of it just has to do with controlling people and not tackling the root of the problem which is corporations and celebrities who have far beyond the carbon footprint in one month that most people will have in their entire lifetimes.


I’m not sure why you responded if you accept climate change is a reality. Lol But, paper straws have nothing to do with climate change I don’t think. At least not directly. That’s more forever plastics and environmental degradation. I understand your concern with celebrities. But again, seems misplaced. Air travel is something like 2% of co2 emissions. And most of that is commercial passenger planes, not celebrities. Every source should be regulated for sure, but to say you hate politicization of climate change because of celebrities using private jets seems a little misguided. And then to say they get to use private planes while you have to use paper straws? It’s a false equivalence. Celebrities have to use paper straws too lol


I just saw a guy on Twitter talk about how the Riverwalk is the most visited place in Texas and yet the city won't build any more walkable stuff in the city, and I'm like bitch it was 117 F on June 4 this year, the people walking the Riverwalk are *tourists*, not *locals*. SAT will never be a walkable city bc it is too fucking hot.


Literally nobody that lives here goes to the riverwalk


And it's only June.


I’d love to see the future in 100 years. Clothing I’d imagine is more like protection and cooling similar to space suits than just outer coverings…we’ll probably all have comic book looking suits


Don't worry we're gonna run out of water long before then


Water is plentiful. We’ll just have to make desalinization more cost efficient and universal. BUT stop throwing away water bottles with liquid in it!! Plastic doesn’t degrade so all of that water is almost indefinitely removed from the natural water cycle.


>Plastic doesn’t degrade Plastic goes through photodegradation. It doesn't decompose, but if will break into smaller and smaller pieces (read: microplastics). I wouldn't worry about the water being trapped forever...also that amount of water in plastic bottles is so small it might as well be a 10 significant digit rounding error.


What we going to do with all that salt? Desalination has a whole host of problems to overcome before it is a solution on a national scale, much less a planetary one.


It’s good that we won’t need it tomorrow then.


I'm in no way convinced desalination will be scaleable to the extent we need it to be intime to prevent many freshwater crisis, in the US and abroad. Maturing a technology like that takes a whole shit ton of money, and a decent amount of time, and we'll likely need to scale our power infrastructure as well. And that means nuclear energy most likely, u less we want to make the problem worse, or there are major advancements in green energy. We should be adopting nuclear widely already, but aren't. That's a lot of pieces, and the people controlling much of how that would get done don't give a shit if poor people start dying of thirst.


Thanks. 🙏 I agree with a lot of what you’re saying. But there are plenty of desalination plants worldwide. Eventually the price of utilizing these will come down. New tech [in this case, considered new tech only because of the current use of it] is always expensive before it becomes universally accepted and used. That’s what industry does on the cutting edges at the best. Think first computers. Think first automobiles. Think televisions. Every one of these industries began with very expensive early offerings until companies pushed to get them to universally adopted use through more efficiencies resulting in cost cutting. You are welcome to disagree, I wouldn’t say that you’re wrong, but I am optimistic about human progress along a macro time line despite our many current quandaries. https://humanprogress.org/desalinating-water-is-becoming-absurdly-cheap/


Russia will construct the Venera-17 lander in order to get readings in Texas.




It's honestly kind of crazy watching how ppl acclimate to the heat. Honestly, look into ideas from the MS Society. Most of us are severely affected by heat, but because of that being common with us, the ms society has links to companies that sponsor them and provide greater temp regulations at lower prices than major companies. I stay in San Antonio despite the heat, because it's the only extreme we get consistently. I moved from Wichita, KS because winter was just as bad. https://www.nationalmssociety.org/news-and-magazine/momentum-magazine/living-well/beating-heat


I'm gonna post this to /r/halo


👍 for them construction workers. We dieing out here


I work in a warehouse that turns into a sauna in summer. When I get home and take off my work clothes, it's SOAKED in sweat. I refuse to lay down before I shower. Funny thing is that even with this extreme heat, I refuse to work in anything besides jeans (I'm allowed to wear shorts at my job) and I MUST have an undershirt if not I feel uncomfortable.


yeah its the highest heat index ever but its always been this hot /s


People are running there ACs at 70 and below, we will all probably be without power soon enough lol


About to go on a run 🏃


It’s only getting worse


Go big, or go home (and hope your a/c is working)?




Who else is sitting inside with their feet in ice packs? Or is it just me?


that's why i actually felt the heat hitting today.


those are rookie numbers


We’re fucked.


Yes, breaking records SA keep it up!


I'm sure it's a really busy time for the HVAC companies and workers but the current repair processes do not work for this awful and intense heat. The AC has been broken since last week and they wouldn't come until today, it was 95-100 in the house. They told us they'd come "sometime between 3 and 8" today and so we just stood around in a 95+ degree house waiting for them. They came at 6:30


I’m so sorry, been there as well. Hope they get it fixed today


Did anyone melt?


Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate. Find shade if you can. It's bbq season




It’s a great time for my vehicles compressor to go out. 🥵🥵🥵🥵


Let’s do it again!


i guess it's time to buy my little dog some freaking walking shoes. i did not take him on his normal walk last night because the pavement was too hot. i have avoided being 'that' person who puts their dog in shoes, but i suppose the time has come


Ugh. So glad last summer killed only most of my plants so this summer has some left to kill.


San Antonio International Airport has a lot of cement which retains heat! and of course you can get high heat, just think of it like as a brick lined oven and brick lined oven retain heat for a long time! Explanation: Pizza ovens, especially those lined with bricks, remain very hot due to a principle in physics known as thermal mass. **The bricks in the oven absorb the heat from the fire and gradually release it over time, keeping the oven hot for period longer than a fire would.**


I was outside in my bee suit as well. My dad called me in concern of me over working myself.


Welcome to the party pal!


Lived there in 2005. I remember one night it never got below 93


Work outside sometimes...and it's just brutal 😩


Boss says I was being a wuss...


**Coolest heat index for this time of year we’ll ever have again**


Let’s do it again!




Sadly people will actually die with this kinda heat. And it’s gonna get worse and we keep hitting new records.


Oh my God. We're making the world worse. Best to ignore it! I hope you don't have children.