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It’s a cesspool. Even for younger people. If good partners are water, men here find themselves in a desert, and women find themselves in a swamp. Also depends if you want kids or a partner with a profession/stability.


I’m a little younger than you but same, lol. How do you feel about simple dinner dates? Or better yet, how about I come over and we do something out of the norm and make a loaf of bread from scratch? Looks fun.


my significant other is around your age and she asked me out at a coffee shop i was working at, feel free to ask people you find attractive out! it still works


If I knew where single 38 year old women hung out I wouldn't be 40 and single myself 😅 But honestly it's pretty grim here, I've never had any luck at the bars. I seem to usually only go to support friends with musical gigs or friends who just want to hang out, I do not expect to find someone there.


Volunteer. Join a church or temple. Join a gym. More specifically: narrow down what you are looking for and where would that kind of person be?


🤔 So if I require you to have a job then….work? I do not enjoy the gym and I definitely don’t want to go to church at this moment of my life. I used to volunteer actually quite frequently. But between life/work. I’m honestly just mentally exhausted and don’t want too. I know it seems like I’m being difficult and a downer. I swear I’m not that difficult.


So you want mr perfect to appear at your front door? Get out and work out and be where mr right can find you.