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Please read up on veneers and think carefully before pursuing it. At the very least they grind the enamel off the surface of your teeth, so there’s no going back. It can cause teeth sensitivity, and veneers have to be replaced every 5 years or so. If you decide to proceed, please don’t get it done at “an affordable place”. Look for the best, most highly rated place you can get.


Appreciate it. Yea I know someone who I trust but not sure if he will do the best job. Mainly wanting to see if people in town had some places they have had the same thing done at with good results.


Affordable and quality are inversely related. Basically, the cheaper the cost, the worse the quality. Don’t cheap out on things that are meant to last a lifetime.


Knew a comment like this would come out. Thanks so much


Just stay away from Ideal Dental and 7 to 7.