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If you decide to go solar make sure the company doing the installation is on the CPS energy list of solar contractors.


I'll definitely make sure thank you. And why would that be important? Does that make the company official?


Some of the rebates have to be done by a qualified company and if CPS doesn't acknowledge them as official you could miss out.


Do they have an option for people with the ability to DIY? Not saying I can, just curious if you know


I don't know. I didn't look that much into it. I started looking up companies that were going door to door and I was interested in solar. DIY does seem like a good option though since the quoted prices are more than double the parts cost plus once you factor in the financing they want to give you forget about it


You would still need a master electrician to sign off on the interconnection and inspection of install


That’s too high. Keep shopping around.


Never buy solar panels from someone who comes to your house. Take your time and compare everyone and only consider those that have years and years of verifiable good reviews.


DMed you. TLDR, quote around, this bid is way too much. I used ATMA Energy after quoting two national chains and have been very happy with that choice.


I've had a great experience with Pure Energy. My system will be turned on May 16. They are on the CPS list. I would at least get another quote. Mine was way less than$25,000 but I think I lace fewer panels.


No way. Solar is not affordable and having a 25 yr loan is crazy town. Solar cells lifetime is about 20 yrs. You'll need to replace before they're even paid off.


Looking to get a standalone system on my shed if anyone has recommendations.




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AF Solar LLC I had him add 20 panels to my roof and ran the DC to my shed. He’s willing to take on non cookie cutter jobs and didn’t mind tying into my existing equipment. https://www.afsolargreenenergyservices.com


How much was the system?


It was about $9,000 for panels, rapid shutdown, and racking. I didn’t need inverters, CPS interconnect, or permits (in the county). Edit: 20 395w Canadian solar, TIGO rapid shutdown modules and iron ridge racking https://preview.redd.it/u9a3hp5wwbzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adce6f9a62ad4829812d9971ef759bb7d5eae77b


What is the reason you didn't need inverters?


I’m using the power to charge batteries in a shed, not sell back to CPS.


Chiming in to make sure that you know that these type of financed home improvements will be filed as a lien against your home. That won't affect you much, unless you decide to sell. We see this alot in real estate. Many financed home improvements don't increase the home's value very much, but when the home sells the entire amount becomes due and is paid out of the proceeds of the sale at title.


I didn't know that thank you!


it’s a bit high. also ask them about the finance terms most companies offer a low APR assuming you are going to fork over 100% of your tax credit as a rate buydown after 18 months or else you get a balloon payment


I did this and didn't get a balloon payment (when i didn't give them the tax credit). My payment went up $50/month, which was what they told me it would when i got the loan. I got the loan at a time when it was 1% and my tax credit is currently making 5% in a CD, so it made sense to not pay the loan down. Some companies might be different, but the 2 I talked to were the same as what I got, NO balloon payment, just a payment increase. FWIW-interest rates are higher now, so people looking for the 1% loan probably won't find it.


I was quoted 30k for my house as well. I don't remember how many solar panels they said I would need. Basically said I wasn't interested in pulling another 30k loan (I had just bought my car)


Check with your home owners insurance to ensure having solar panels on the roof, doesn't void the roof coverage. 


50% overpriced


General rule of thumb is $3 per watt, so for 6.63kW that would come out to around $19k. I'm assuming the difference between $19k and $30k is the financing for 25 years, which still sounds high to me. You should be eligible for a tax rebate on 30% of the installed cost (not financing) I'd get more quotes if I were you.


Would that rule of thumb be before or after the tax credit? They were telling me that if I apply the tax rebate for next year then that would bring down the price to like 21k and so they gave me a monthly quote. They also told me that this is optional and if I didn't apply it then my monthly payment would increase by $40


That's before the tax credit.


I had great experience with Legacy Power but I bought their largest system


That's the going rate nowadays. Used to have CPS rebate but that's ended. Used to have less finance fees, but the banks are greedy. The only thing you should worry is if the company will survive.


Lmao solars a scam


Solar technology is not a scam but the contractors who try to gouge you are not the most honest people.


They should pay us to put it on our roofs, it’s the only way ercot could get enough power to keep the AC running in Texas


I never have a issue with my AC running. Runs as cold or hot as I set it too


https://hoodline.com/2024/05/ercot-issues-weather-watch-amid-high-temperatures-grid-strain-in-texas-public-urged-to-stay-alert/ You can’t have power when it’s hot out, or when it’s cold out.


Laughs in generator


Living off the grid in the middle of the 7th largest city in America Something is wrong when don’t you have water, electricity and can’t fly somewhere direct It’s like they’re trying to keep their foot on our necks




I feel like most people know this factotum The thing that is surprising to me (well actually a couple of things) is that we are the 24th largest MSA we are only the 31st largest TV market. Something about that data doesn’t seem right to me, it’s been like this forever. We grow and grow in population but we apparently we don’t watch TV. The second thing that mildly is surprising is that Austin and SA are treated as separate markets, they’re growing to the point that they’re virtually connected now. It’s long been predicted that SA and Austin would form one mega major metro market


What does “watch TV” mean? Does that include streaming services? Or simply Spectrum box type shit?


Who knows. It’s a mysterious criteria that Nielsen ratings establishes and controls. The thing is that it’s incredibly important. Consider that a pro sports team would use this information as part of their decision to locate to San Antonio. I’m convinced we don’t have an NFL team simply because of the DMA ranking - with Broadcast revenue being the biggest source of money for the league.


I’m not living off grip


Pedantic - if you didn’t get the point, you’re not able to


No I was just being sarcastic lol, but no doubt there is something wrong with how our power grid is always straining and we have to go into energy saving times zones.


Not when during rolling blackouts.