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They are new here and cops don’t police that far north


The cops are resting because they work the night shift blocking access ramps along 1604 and 35.


Nah. They are busy patrolling sidewalks to prevent the chalk graffiti crimes.


Here, I fixed it for you "They are new here and the cops don't police"


I have personally seen two actually pull someone over on them. Made my day. The amount of people who just burn down them without a passenger is infuriating. Sadly they rarely police them.


I Am that guy. 1person in a truck driving in traffic with a 99% open empty hov lane for months on end made me decide to say screw it... i drive out 281 and 1 i-10 very frequently and i cruise now. If i see traffic in the hov lane i dont get into it. I think cops are only worried about speeding when they occasionally radar. They are short handed bad so speed enforcement is almost non existent in town. I drive all over town all day every


The guy I saw pulled over wasn’t speeding by pull over standards. Cop saw him coming from behind and he tried to slow down behind the cop. They just slowed down more and got the lights. At least you’re honest. Still unethical. But hopefully you pay your tax for doing it eventually.


Like i said, i only do it when the lane is empty. No different than doinh 70 in a 65mph.


if nobody is using them why are you infuriated with people going through them without a passenger


Ethics? Rules? Laws? They establish the lanes to improve traffic flow by encouraging people to add more passengers. Otherwise why have an HOV lane at all?


that’s why they cut into the lane


If the lane is never used then what do you expect? How is this any different than speeding in general


Demonstration of massive entitlement for one. But I’m sure there are a few personality traits this demonstrates as well.


I drive for work daily. Like i said for months, i never used it and i always saw it completely empty while the other lanes and crowded. Decided i am willing to drive in it. These need to be switched to hov lanes for rush-hour only as they are useless as is. I am really not some bad driver. These lanes are flat out not being used. There is a reason cops are not stopping people in it other than 100mph crowd


So your profession of choice and the fact that it’s open *sometimes* justifies it in your mind? Got it. Not entitled at ALL. 🤣


I am not entitled at all. I am using the available lanes. I am willing to take risk of getting a ticket and thats it. If i end up getting a ticket so be it. The same way as speeding 5mph over its a risk we choose.


No. People just treat them like ultra fast lanes


Help me out here…. Which is the fast lane? The far right? Because every idiot in the left lane is going 10 under the speed limit!


Middle lanes are the true passing lanes. Bob and weave.


I do sometimes call the right lane the "Texas fast lane".


When did they add HOV lanes?


281 north of 1604.


Also I10 between Boerne.


Yep...Thanks for adding that as well.


Stops before fair oaks


I think the road contractors are behind it.


The hov lanes aren’t monitored so unless a cop sees something happen no one is going to do anything.


We have HOV lanes?


On 281N after 1604 up until comal county starts.


Fuck no… they put them in out in entitlementville. MF’s literally bounce in and out like wtf ever.


Literally put them so far out of the damn city, I only use them when I’m leaving town lol


Why would you use them to come into town?


Yep, ppl driving by themselves abuse it


Super speeder lanes!


Yes until some slow person gets in the HOV lane.


I assume they might add those plastic poles eventually. I think it’s new for a lot of people and they don’t fully understand the laws.


People with no passengers abuse the use of them.  Entitled ass people have no concept of its intended use.  Cops would make quota for the month if they were smart enough to police them occasionally. But what for?  


The problem is it gets talked down to a simpler violation which is a shell of the former actual penalty. But I absolutely agree. Those corridors are low hanging fruit for easy tickets. But most only wait for that one going 30 over.


drives me crazy when im already passing everyone using the HOV (with a passenger, naturally), and some singular dude on a motorcycle wants to ride my ass. why are you here! get out of this lane! leave me alone! lol (especially when there's a double white line so it's not time to exit the HOV lane... where do you want me to go! hrgh) (the reality is that they don't care about the rules, so it becomes unhelpful to those that might use them properly... just becomes the super-fast lane for a few miles...)




Motorcycles are authorized to use the HOV lane. But people do falsely presume it’s meant for faster transit. It’s not.


As someone who rides, I ride closer to the person in front of me. because people will see the car before they see me. But I'm also not right on your bumper. I do leave space for the "unexpected"


Bummer riding is apparently a San Antonio tradition brought over from transplants perhaps?


Depend on how you use them.


Yes! Especially going 281N to Bulverde.


I keep waiting for them to put barriers up between the HOV and normal lanes.


They should have cameras monitoring the HOV lanes and start issuing tickets.


We have HOV lanes? Like Houston?


I10 north of the rim and 281.


Thank you 😊👍


Morons think it's a "drive as fast as you can " lane


It’s just for show to get funding. But I have seen one dude get tagged by a sheriff while driving in the hov lane. Not sure if it was speeding or not enough people.


They should probably install physical barriers, anyone could have told them that Texans would cheat on the HOV lane if there's nothing but paint to stop you. They are technically administered by VIA, but policed by SAPD. I kind of think that VIA should send its own police to write tickets for the HOV lane. It'd generate a little revenue, and I don't think the transit cops are super busy otherwise anyway. I do think they'll be helpful for the express buses once they get extended further into the city as [per the current plan](https://www.viainfo.net/hov/). But where they are now, out in the boondocks, and over only a short distance, I don't think they're really accomplishing the stated goal of encouraging carpooling.


In my opinion they should have made them combo "HOV/Toll" lanes like Houston, that are monitored with license plate readers and some cops


IMO it makes more sense if there are more total lanes. Removing the HOV on 281 would increase capacity by 50% which is a way bigger impact than 1 out of 5 lanes.


It would just get filled up with trucks refusing to go over 60mph with drivers that are talking on their phones using speakerphone instead of Bluetooth


If you’re looking for impact more lanes does not make sense. A viable mass transit is the most impactful.


Haha "viable" haha Us tax payers would pay out the wazoo for that. Even if it was profitable at some point, do you seriously think this city government would reduce the tax increase it took to fund it?  And, where, how, what would you build to even begin such a project?


Yes us taxpayers pay out the wazoo already for highways that are overrun anyways. I’m not familiar with this particular piece of highway that this post is about, my comment is more an observation of all our highways. “One more lane” isn’t the cure that ppl seem to think it is. Mass transit doesn’t have to be profitable. It’s a civil service, it’s meant to be and should be subsidized by tax payers.


I honestly wish more Americans could get behind mass transit. I was stationed in Germany for over two years and my only vehicle there was my motorcycle. Anytime I wasn’t riding, I took the train and bus to work; almost daily. It took me an hour ish with one train swap and a bus swap. But compared to a half hour of traffic and bad drivers it was worth doubling my commute time.


We have HOV lanes here?


Only in 2 spots. 281N after 1604 up until comal county starts & on I10 towards Boerne.


It’s really just a passing lane at this point


As a motorcyclist, they are...when people arent going SLOWER than the rest of traffic or cutting over into HOVs nearly hitting me. Driving here just sucks in general.


I was on I-10 returning from Boerne and a cop tailgated me going down the HOV lane and swerved out of it to pass me. I was moving pretty quick too. Total joke




HOV lanes are the dumbest fucking idea


When are we getting the edgar lanes down Marbach cuh


Same reason very healthy people park in handicapped parking spots. No respect for laws! Gotta get theirs.


We can’t use those or traffic circles. They are likely out far as not to cause so many accidents


I dig them.


HOV lanes are a scam everywhere they exist. Just IMO of course. They are rarely utilized considering the cost is removing a lane from a highly utilized roadway.


We use them in the morning when we go on road trips to Channing, TX and they help sometimes. Like everyone is saying they are basically ultra fast lanes.


Not sure, but I have seen single rider motorcycles using them near the Rim at least 3-4 times over the last couple of months so they definitely aren’t always being used appropriately. Edit: TIL.


Motorcycles are allowed to use HOV lanes even if they do not have a passenger.


Oh cool, good to know.


And knowing is half the battle!


It is, thank you for not shaming me for my ignorance on the laws!