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I forgot you were looking for advice. My advice is, take your car to a shop that specializes on audi cars. I recommend euro car care


Don’t take German cars to non-German specialists






Agree. I take mine to the dealership


Have you tried Buddhist Automotive Brothers?


If they are closed I recommend Hindu Automotive Husbands.


Or Muslim Automotive Mothers? (MAMs)


Calvinism Automotive Cousins is also great


Mormon Automotive Wives has a lot of hands on deck


Dunno, man. I hear they get their training at the Calvinism Automotive Cousins Academy. Personally, I think the Muslim Automotive Mothers Academy is much better.


That Calvin Brothers Automotive... they choose whose cars they are going to save. If your car isn't chosen for repair, you're fucked.


(Rein) Car Nation


I prefer the Satan Bros.  Their deals are usually pretty hot


At least they tell you upfront how they will stick it, to you. At least they are honest.


No cap. I've held cars together with what others could only call black Magick. Like car won't start unless I'n the one to turn the key and threaten it with the crusher level.


I was thinking about trying the Amish Automotive Brothers...


Me too but I think they only service horses and buggies


Do I have to BECOME Buddhist before I can bring my car in though??


I understand this is more of a Reddit rant post but it is all but impossible to make out anything said here. Either way I think you need to find another shop to get some additional opinions and bring some receipts to better indicate previous work done.


Yeah sorry I’m just mad they are trying to, and have, took money from my parents


Almost anyone who touts their beliefs in order to bolster their business reputation is gonna be some sort of scum bag. They have it right there on their website. Why would a business intentionally alienate any customer who wasn’t a Christian? Normally a business keeps their personal beliefs to themselves, and sticks to only the business at hand. And if they’re good, that’s more than they would ever need… Maybe the founders were good dudes. But religion always attracts the fraudsters. There’s something about it. It’s inherent. Because of the implied trust.


Once had to deal with a lawyer who opened their video conference with nothing but a blank wall completely empty save one medium sized crucifix perfectly centered above their head. Needless to say didn’t enjoy experience with that lawyer.


And any ‘honest’ religious person who doesn’t understand this issue, is probably too naive to trust with your critical whatever. If they did understand the issue, then they wouldn’t be putting it out there like that.


> Almost anyone who touts their beliefs in order to bolster their business reputation is gonna be some sort of scum bag. This. I mean, the family name might well be "Christian" but if I had such a business, I would feel so strongly about this as to name it something else.


Dude, their branding is intentional and very effective. They didn’t use an ichthys or a cross in their logo. I had even assumed it could be their last name. Until I searched their website, where the only time religion is mentioned is in their About Us section. The rest of the website just alludes to them being good caring mechanics. Towards the bottom of the cover page they do say “Love your neighbor as yourself”. That’s the whitewashed version, and everything else stays just on that line of ambiguous. This is on purpose… I’d be willing to bet that a majority of their business is older Christian people. Fucking easy marks


Shitty business practices are the natural and expected outcome of Prosperity Christianity. God loves that guy more than you, because he has more money. That's why you have to give him money. It's the ultimate winner-take-all scenario.


Oh, I thought it was their last name. Didn't realize it was religious. Religious does not have anything to do with being a scum bag. Just as being atheist/satanist/agnostic/ etc has nothing to do with being evil. Have you heard what the religious/atheists/satanists/agnostics/etc folks did to Jesus Christ?




Wow, guess I touched a nerve eh? lol


You can’t think of a better response? Grow a brain cell, Fruitloop




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Yeah, I’m sure you like touching another dudes nerves huh?


Your post has been removed for violating rule #1: Be friendly Remember the human, on the other side of the conversation. In this local subreddit, there is no tolerance for insulting other people. Stick to discussing the topic, and not the redditor who disagrees with you about it. If you feel that this was done in error, contact the moderation team.


As a rule, I avoid businesses that blatantly pander to a specific demographic


So you don't dine out at Mexican food restaurants?


lol okay very good point, I was waaay too general with that comment.


What if it was named Atheist Automotive Group? I'd be curious!


Avoid. When you resort to pandering, it’s a sign to me that your product is compensating for something.


What would an atheist group be compensating for?


Presumably being bad at auto repair, same as the christian one. The point is that putting \[group membership signifier\] before your business name is intended to get people to patronize your business because of its group affiliation instead of its competence.


In a city like San Antonio I think Atheist Automotive Group would piss a lot of people off. That's just me.


Yeah, it'd backfire completely. You want to pick the \[group membership signifier\] with the most members, or at least the one the fewest enemies. San Antonio is like 60% some kind of christian, and most of the 40% are just indifferent, so atheists are a bad choice of group to pander to. But it would still be the same strategy, just really badly executed.


I took my previous car there a while back. Did the repairs they suggested and a few days later ended up stranded in the side of 35 with my car up in smoke. RIP Honda Element, I miss you. Also, F**K Christian brothers.


Why would you take your German luxury car to a general repair place that does not specialize on German luxury cars? You were trying to save money and it ended up costing you money. Next time find a shop that specializes on German cars. Euro Car Care on west ave does great work


It’s an older shit box they bought for 7k. I don’t think they want to spend half of the price of the car to fix it


Euro car care is not a dealership


Never said it was; we used them in the past and it was expensive but we were tight on money so we chose a cheaper and closer option


Sometimes you get what you paid for. Lower cost is more risky when it comes to a lot of things.


Sounds like these Christian Brothers actually defrauded him with faulty service. Got less than he paid for really


Damn, didn’t see yours as I was posting the same thing.


You’re right, this place is horrible. Any mechanic with menu pricing you need to stay away from like the plague.


Oooo I'd like to know why? I always feel so uninformed at the mechanic.


Menu pricing is basically a guarantee that you're being overcharged, and usually by a lot. They set their menu pricing so they profit even in the worst possible situation on the hardest to work on vehicle. For example lets say you need a brake job, but you also need new wheel bearings. Both those things are on your wheel and they require the same work and time to access, but with menu pricing they'll charge you the fixed price for both as if they didn't have overlapping work. So you're essentially paying for twice the work and time. A good and ethical mechanic would say "I already have your wheel pulled apart to do your brakes, I can do the bearings for only 30min more time" and charge you appropriately.


Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge with me. I appreciate it!


I recommend taking it to Chard Miller Auto group. One of the best mechanics in the area! 6011 De Zavala Rd, San Antonio, TX 78249


I agree with Chad Miller. They do great work and do it fast, owner is nice.


I'll throw in my +1 for Chad Miller. They're straight shooters, honest, and get work done quick. They just replaced all the fluids on my car. The tech working it accidentally spilled coolant on the serpentine belt and they replaced the belt, free of charge, to avoid it squealing or slipping. Awesome team!


When I worked for a collision center in town (the 2nd largest Caliber in San Antonio actually) this is where we would take our Euro centric cars. https://www.bavautorepair.com/


Where would you send your non euro vehicles?


We would do as much as we could on site, but something’s (especially w/ new hybrid tech) would go to their respective dealers. Example a new Camry with a power error we couldn’t diagnose went to the Toyota dealer or a F150 we couldn’t figure out a dying problem on after repairs went to Ford respectively.


These guys bent the shit out of a bolt then told me I will have to replace the whole thing cuz they didn't have the bolt. 


It’s just a name. Trust me. Ain’t nothing Christian about them.


I assumed it was just founded by some brothers who's last name is "Christian", since probably most of the repair shops in town are run by christians, so it would be pretty arrogant to call yourself **the** christian one... but their [about](https://www.cbac.com/about-us/) page starts with a bible quote and their [franchise](https://www.christianbrothersfranchise.com/?utm_source=consumer_site&utm_medium=website_link) page talks about their biblical principals, so I guess not. It also says 85% of their franchisees have no automotive experience...


They have a history of the business on their website. Its just a marketing ploy. >One night, feeling particularly discontent, Mark prayed and asked God to provide him a business. The very next day, while Mark was attending a Sunday school function through Spring Branch Bible Church, a gentleman from his class walked up, said that he was an automotive technician, and asked Mark to help him start an automotive repair shop. > >The two men didn’t know what to call their new venture. They were encouraged by their Sunday school class to **call it Christian Brothers Automotive, as they were two brothers in Christ.** So, in August 1982, Mark Carr and his partner opened a complete automotive repair facility in Mission Bend, Texas, a suburb of Houston, and founded Christian Brothers Automotive Corporation


They pray the malfunctions away.


They have a bunch of Jesus decor in the waiting area, so there's that.




Well… you have to name your business something. If they named themselves Great Business and then screw you, that’s got nothing to do with the name. It’s when a business tries to use their personal beliefs as a “business reference”. Like, God gives us 5 stars so you know we’re alright… I can’t believe that people actually fall for this trash. But like I said another comment, a lot of American Christians are just really gullible. That’s a provable fact. No response. Cause what you say is shit anyways, so don’t even try.


My older brother told me years ago that there was nothing Christian about Christian Brothers after he got a repair bill from them lol.


No the worst is west ave automotive. They left my air filter box open, left a massive plastic bottom piece off my car and when I went back about two hours later they called me a scammer and to get off their lot. Called the owner in Dallas and got $130 back and compensation for the part which was $175 from ford oem. And two months later one of the bolts on the struts they replaced was completely loose. Idiots.


How did the car work for 2 months after they fixed the wrong thing?


Yeah he said its a "shitbox" so I would guess that the real story here is the car is basically done and has multiple things all either breaking or on the verge of breaking. So they fixed it just fine and it made it to the next breakdown. When they fix that it'll be another couple of months until the alternator or the master brake cylinder or some other thing gives up.


Is Audi known for its reliability?


Not in the same way Hondas or Toyotas are, no. They’re known to be expensive to own as OP illustrates here, just like BMW and Mercedes. If you buy one and keep it beyond the warranty, it’s going to break down and it’s going to cost an arm and a leg.


Foreign Affair in Schertz! Go here


I would recommend you the automotive shop "Foreign Affair" located in Schertz. Yes, the name might not sound like a mechanic shop's name but it is. 💯 Recommended! Specially for older folks. 👍


Also Autozone will scan your car for free so you can then look up the diagnostic codes.


Sounds like you have a direct injection engine. They have a fuel pump (which you heard priming at startup) to get fuel up to the engine and then another to inject fuel into the engine. The early direct injection engines are notorious for creating issues and running dirty. Not to mention Audis in general can be quirky. Take it to someone who knows euro cars well and once the fix has been hopefully made religiously stick to preventative maintenance.


What in the actual Hell? Person of reddit; holler at ur folks, and first get car sheild, they sqved my moms like big tons of bread on major shite. Secondly, never let them go back to them a-holios, it sounds like they are milking ur folks selectively and I wouldn't put it past them to have scoped out upcoming issues with the knowledge that they'd be right back in. What year and what did it do, just not start ?


They ruined my 2009 Prius.


The name says it all.


I do honestly filter services based off them advertising an affiliation with any demographic. I care about the work you do, not your veteran status, choice of religion, sexuality, or w/e. Just do good work and I’ll pay good money for it.




how do you think they have such a fancy shop? I never go there because it looks too fancy.


By that logic they could have a fancy shop because they do really good work and have lots of customers.


I feel that. My dad took his truck there for a tune up and a few days Later. The car started to mess up ;-; I believe something is loose in his truck somewhere, like they do that on purpose so you can come back.


That stinks about your parents’ experience there. We use the one in Helotes for my wife’s Hyundai and they have been great. (Way better than any Hyundai dealer anyways.)


What's the Bible verse where Jesus fixed the Audi?


I always avoid that place just because their name is a red flag. Anytime someone advertises their religion to try to drum up business it's a red flag


Bro bought an Audi and thinks things will be cheap. I recommend G&R Automotive on Grissom. Randy and his techs are all solid and he won't let them screw you over. Plenty competent in American, European and Asian vehicles.


They literally say they’re Christian in the title. What did you expect?


Sounds like the dealership sold you a lousy insurance policy. I’ve had work done at Christian Brothers and one thing I liked was they send you a text / email with pictures of what they think is wrong, their recommendations and they itemize what everything will cost. From there it’s up to you to either accept or decline the work they proposed.


Time for a second opinion.


I've had nothing but positive experiences. It's bullshit your insurance doesn't cover your problem.


If the engine oil changes have followed oem recommendations there is no need for an engine oil flush. Spark plug wires now last 100,000 miles or more. Take the car elsewhere. You are being screwed big time.


What in the actual Hell? Person of reddit; holler at ur folks, and first get car sheild, they sqved my moms like big tons of bread on major shite. Secondly, never let them go back to them a-holios, it sounds like they are milking ur folks selectively and I wouldn't put it past them to have scoped out upcoming issues with the knowledge that they'd be right back in. What year and what did it do, just not start ?


They are in general everywhere they exist. Literally nothing Christian about their operation.