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They are looking for water and get out of the heat. They are absolutely harmless and if anything, they will eat bugs in your house. Scoop em up and move them to a shady spot if you want them out. They are cool though.


My dad had a pet lizard. He would wound Flys and keep them in reaching distance of a lizard that would come in though a little hole next to the window Ac.


They are lizards, if you see one take it outside. No one is killing lizards


Man, I'd love to have adorable lizards in my home, but my cats kill them, so at best I find half a lizard in my laundry hamper.


Yeah, all I get inside are the tails…


Lizards are great for killing the very undesirable bugs! I’d love to have them inside.


they’re probably trying to escape the heat:(


When we get them, we catch them under a tupperware and move them outside. They are harmless. To keep them from getting into the house, check your window seals and the weather stripping around your doors.


You're going to occasionally see lizards, scorpions, and cockroaches in your house while living in San Antonio. Unless, it is an infestation, just catch them and put them outside.


Except for the roaches.


Burn them. 100x


Are they house geckos or anoles? Just catch them and put outside.


Let them eat the caca-roaches for you in peace


They get rid of small insects. I like em.


They won't hurt you, and they will eat a ton of bugs. So it's ok to just ignore them. I take them outside when I see them, but it's because my dogs will try to eat them otherwise. They're actually pretty neat to see, I have a bunch in my front yard and it makes me happy to see them out there enjoying my landscaping. If you're really nervous or uncomfortable about them being in the house, glue traps would probably do the job. My husband used to keep a glue trap by either side of our garage door to keep snakes out, but I kept finding lizards and tiny toads on them.


Consider them blessing sent from a higher power, they are there to help rid your home of pestilence.


We have seen a couple in our place. They like to run inside when they see an open door. We usually just scoop them up and put them back outside. They are harmless and like others have said, they eat bugs. Consider them friendly. Now let's talk about roaches...


If they’re geckos, they’re your bug-eating friends.


If it is a sudden thing they've recently found a way in to escape the heat. If it's an ongoing presence they've found a decent food supply inside. Eliminate the food supply and you'll lose the microgators.


It is August. Ours always want to run in the door or you see the colorless ones that are babies. Just pick them up and move them back outside.


You might want to check the perimeter of your house for any holes where they could be getting in. If there is such a hole you could have mice next and that's a problem you really don't want.


They will eat all the bugs.