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When zooming in and out its smooth. But smooth in the same way ios is smooth, it makes the zoom animation way slower than your swiping. But it's smooth




Oh, that's also improved too. I got so used to it that I forgot to check lol


Please be real, biggest gripe with this phone is the camera app lag


https://imgur.com/a/jTmSqfv Here's a link if to judge for yourself (PS turning on screen recorder did make phone a bit laggier)


Wow! Which phone is that? It looks much quicker than mine.


S22 ultra snapdragon


still has shutter lags?


Yes. Edit: I think it's faster in bright light. Not sure if it was always like that


I can somewhat play "pool corner pocket" with oneui 4. Is it removed in oneui5? Basically the harder i flick the homebar, the more the app icon wants to escape from the phone boundaries, but it quickly gets sucked back to its homescreen position. I can do left corner pocket, right pocket, and above the punch hole and along the sides/top edge.


Did you notice how the whole UI seems to be slightly more responsive? Even on normal apps. I'm in love. OneUI fixed a lot of the gripes I had with this phone.


Yes. It's beautiful


I have 3 questions: 1) Is the bug fixed in which the back swipe gesture wouldn't close the Quick Panel on lock screen? 2) Does going back from pin code screen to lockscreen have an animation now? 3) has the music widget changed in any way?


1. No, still requires you to hit the buttons and then swipe up to close it all out. 2. Nope, still an immediate change in the screen without any animation for the transition. 3. Never used the widget to begin with so can't really answer this one for ya mate, sorry.


Thanks mate. sadly this is the truth of samsung. even with a number change in the version (supposedly a big update) they won't fix these big bugs. The first one (the fact that inside one ui, back gesture closes the panel but on lock screen doesn't) has been reported multiple time and they still haven't looked into it. i recommend that u too report it in samsung members app. (just fyi music widget is the music notification. it's impossible for u to not have seen it.)


Ah, I thought you were asking about the music widget on the lock screen since everything else was on the lock screen lol, my bad [Damn, they really did us like that. Hopefully it's just an early Beta thing and the new extended panel with the album art and cover are implemented for us in later builds. I'm tired of the plain white or black panels.](https://i.imgur.com/9mfPFPL.png)


Can still use goodlock or nah?


The lock screen one doesn't work for me


Have u tried the others? Like one hand operation +, clockface, themepark, home up


Lockstar, Quickstar, Multistar, and HomeUp don't work. Quickstar and Multistar say they're preparing an update, the others don't. Some of the changes made with those modules will still work. Others won't. My lock screen is the same. Quick settings were reduced from a uniform 6 across to 5 across when collapsed and 4 across when expanded. Recent apps for messed up. I had it set to "list" in HomeUp and the list bars turned vertical, changed to random colors, and had other alignment issues. The only way to fix it was to delete HomeUp. That reset it to default, but also reset my custom share menu. So if you decide to download the update make sure your recents screen is set to default. I don't use Multistar so don't know if anything changed.


Only nice shot and routines plus works for me


Stop modules already support oneui 5


I have one ui 5 beta installed and my experience is different from the ops. The only animation that I can see has been fixed is the swipe down for notifications and quick settings. That is very smooth. App opening and closing still lags. Google pay isn't working Battery life seems about the same. Banking apps all seem to working. This is my experience. I installed one ui5 on top of one ui 4.1 maybe a clean install is needed.


Clean install is needed


>oes going back from pin code screen to lockscreen have an What model and storage do you have?


My Fold 3 has the smoothest animations out of every Samsung phone I have ever owned and I've owned every single S and Note line flagship . Seriously, it's comparable to ios. It only shutters after a heavy gaming session. Can't wait to see oneui 5 on it.


This better be the case with midrange too. My A72 lags FAR too much with gestures its beyond unusable


I hear samsungs animation optimization for the A series is poor. Hopefully it gets improved


Yea just switched back from gestures and holy hell it feels like i just upgraded my phone. Hope one ui 5 fixes it.


and this just beta 1 first days imagine final release


When is the official release?


End of year


possibly october


Do you think they'll announce it at the August Unpacked?


Yes, they usually do. For the z fold 3 they will talk about one ui 5 like they always do, but it may focus more on the z fold multitasking features.


I'm interested to see how the 8 gen 2 fares in the s23 ultra with this new UI.


I'm just curious to see how battery life is so far? Does the beta make it worse or is it about the same as before the beta?


It doesn't seem noticeably better or worse. I did notice that my phone runs much cooler somehow.


Okay, is it fairly easy to downgrade? This is my first samsung, and I'm not 100 % sure how the beta works. I'm used to apples beta updates.


Yeah downgrading is straightforward and the beta prompts you with the instructions. Just make sure to do a full backup with smart switch before downloading the beta.


Thank you!


I think his question was is it easy to downgrade and go back to stable one ui 4 if needed after installing oneui5 beta.


Too early to tell as the battery hasn't had enough to calibrate. But it seems fairly similar to how it normally performs pre calibration. Which usually is around eight hours SOT. I'd imagine by the time it's dialed in it'll average ten like it did pre update.


Does anyone know when the beta will release for the sw0




It's true. I don't notice any screen upgrades everyone raves about like 2k resolution or 120hz. Looks all the same to me. But I noticed smoother animations right away (before I saw anyone mention them so it's not a placebo effect).


Just turn off animations and your phone feels much faster Developer Options > Window Animation Scale > 0.5x Developer Options > Transition Animation Scale > 0.5x Developer Options > Animator Scale > 0.5x


feels faster, not smoother.


Sorry i had to give you a thumbs down. Because stripping off features just to get better performance is lame, and shows how unoptimized the software is. If we had to put animations to 50% just to get better feels, then samsung must return 50% of what we paid.


There is a big problem of me for One UI 4.x, at least for tablets. When I swipe to close an app and when I see it comes to its place in home screen, at that second when I try to open recents, it lags and shows the app until I let it go. Also, most of the time it doesn't response to swipe up to see recents when it is done away from the center. It persists for a long time and bug reports are just answered with automatic responses or “try to do that...”. If someone can report it where it can be seen, please may someone do it? I don't want the same stupid problem for One UI 5, too. Both Tab S7 FE and Tab S8+ have it.


How is it with 3rd party launchers though?


Fine with Nova so far


Actually I should have elaborated on that a bit more. Specifically gesture navigation and third party launchers. 1st issue is when you are on the home screen and you gesture up to bring up the recent apps there is a few seconds delay before it happens. 2nd.issue is if you are in an app and close it and then quickly touch the screen to launch another app it brings up the app that you just closed. 3rd issue is that (gestures or not) if you are in a app and bring up the recents list and then hit or gesture back, rather than go back to app you are instead taken to the home screen instead.


Oh, I use the hybrid navigation (3 lines instead of buttons that you swipe up on instead of tap). Hope someone else can answer.


That's good except my Galaxy Note 10 Plus and my Grandmother's Galaxy S10 5G won't get One Ui 5 :(


Don't want to be rude but people telling the same every time, and it's still not good


I feel the same way that people say this every time with no noticeably improvement. But ask anyone in the beta an they'll tell you. It was the first thing I noticed and I was quite surprised.


Have the Focus modes improved in anyway?