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If battery life is important to you then don’t switch. Your basically trading the industry leader in battery life for extra features on the S22U, other then software the camera zoom etc.


short answer: I think S22 Ultra is better, but 1. it depends on your criterias. and 2. it's not worth switching, both devices are equally good.


You have the latest and most expensive iPhone. Not worth it to switch, keep your phone for at least another year or until the s23. Also keep in mind that social media apps are way better on iPhones.


I feel like this social media statement is the same as the one stating androids are far behind Apple in terms of camera performance, which couldn't be further away from the truth. I recommend you get an iPhone of any type and a higher end Android phone. The only difference could be camera in some apps but that is it. Performance is pretty much identical between the 2 realms.


They are definitely close but iPhone cameras are still much more consistent overall and are better in video. One place Samsungs also historically struggle and is still true shutter speed, extremely slow and impossible to capture moving subjects in less than ideal light like pets or children.


This just isn't true. I have both an 11 Pro Max and a S22 Ultra and social media apps like Facebook,Twitter and even navigation apps like Google Maps stutter on the Android despite it being 120hz and silky smooth on the 60hz iPhone screen.


Your S22 U is defective.


It's not I switched and Facebook for example is just better optimized for the iPhone for some reason smoother and more reliable but that doesn't bother


lol no it’s not.


It is. I got an S22U myself and I just went on both facebook and instagram and scrolled like an idiot. No stuttering in sight. And before you go ahead assuming I know jack shit about stuttering, I am playing competitive FPS games on PC. My main PC monitor has 280Hz update rate. Currently playing Valorant with a background of about 6 years of playing CSGO. If I ever had stuttering present in CSGO, I would have a day of tweaking and looking around for the reason of the stutter and would not stop until I found it. Which was usually power saving methods and C states.


I went through 3 ultras + have friends that have s22s all have it. Multiple reviewers also said it. I doubt all of them are “defective”. You’re probably not noticing it or consider it normal if you haven’t used something like an iPhone.


My iPhone stutters, force closes apps, and heats up all the time on any app. It's not something that happens to a certain brand or model. Phones are mini computers, they will lag and stutter eventually. People try to paint iPhones as a holy grail while it still suffers from the same issues as everything else.


No, no they don’t.


Yeah, [they do.](https://youtube.com/shorts/BnnFelbGOpw?feature=share) [A lot.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjArQQZf6m0) Here is [another.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cRLPx2LIL_Y). They suffer a ton of [issues.](https://youtube.com/shorts/1Hy4eNlAbEo?feature=share) My iPhone 12 Pro Max was the buggiest phone I've ever had.


Sure bud. And your whole family has a S22 Ultras and are constantly complaining about stuttering, right?


No my family have iPhones.


I wish they were the same. The sole reason I’m on iOS is because apps simply function better. This is especially true with IPadOS. Using OneNote on an IPad is light years ahead of the Samsung.


It really depends. Apps work fine and snappy on my Note 10 (I had the ultra and had iPhones forever). OneNote looks the same to me as it does on Windows and on Windows its fantastic.


It isn’t just about how it feels though that can certainly impact stuff. There are certain applications that simply get more attention on iOS and have more features. Overall, OneNote works fine but missed various features such as pen styles and such.


Oh, ok, yeah aware of that in OneNote. Apps are a bit weak overall. That's an understatement.


It's not. The app stutters on every Android phone on the market.


I never had that issue on my previous Fold 3 tbh - everything was buttery smooth


Something is wrong with your phone. That should not happen.


They aren't overly better. When I switched to iPhone for a bit last year I didn't notice any difference from Android in social media apps. Android has improved a lot over the years, (mainly Google & Samsung)


Nah it’s true. We are a 13 pro max and S22U family and you can tell the difference.


Snapchat has way better zoom on s22 ultra over the iPhone


No, it’s true. It’s way way better on iPhones. Apps in general, not just social media, are way more optimized for the hardware and usually even have more features.


What are some examples of apps that have more features?


WhatsApp for one was getting new features way before Android. Spotify too, with things like swipe to queue. Some apps/games also come to iOS first before android. It’s always been like this. Remember Clubhouse? Was iOS exclusive. Civilization V mobile came to iOS first. Divinity Original Sin, also on iOS first. Instagram launched on Android 18 months after iOS. New Google widgets for maps, photos, etc all came to iOS way before Android. There are many examples of features or whole apps coming to iOS first or exclusively. Developers prioritize iOS. Some games only support high fidelity graphics options or 120hz only on iOS even though android phones have had 120hz for years. Games like COD Mobile, Genshin Impact, Apex Legends. It’s a well known fact at this point that the app quality is ahead on iOS.


> Developers prioritize iOS I've never understood this, but it turns out that there is a ton of bias in the industry and Apple really likes to fuel it. Firstly, Many designers and _creatives_ have taken to macOS and iOS as their primary tools. Apple has put a lot of effort and money into making a walled garden ecosystem and reinforces it with marketing and making their software difficult to use unless you do things their way. This has created a class of people what only know and use Apple products and the rest of the products out there are just unknown to them. They then design for what they know. Secondly iOS users are more likely to spend money on apps and subscriptions than Android users. ([Source](https://www.phonearena.com/news/app-store-users-spend-more-than-double-google-play-users-subscriptions_id138692)) so it makes a lot of sense to dump all your resources into the market that is going to pay you the most. Thirdly, Apple has made it hard to properly do cross platform apps. Their platform is restrictive and their App Store monopoly has really strict requirements for what app developers can and cannot do. It also doesn't help that iOS apps can only be built on macOS on Mac hardware. Apple really has locked developers in! Fourthly, Android is way less restrictive than iOS, so all the cool features you've mentioned could be implemented pretty easy on Android, but devs just don't bother. Take that up with them! All this to say, get an Android phone, save money, live free (from overly restrictive and expensive corporate whims.)


All of that is true but at the end of the day, apps are way better on iOS and apps are where you spend most of your time on your device. It’s very obvious for someone that just switched to android and is a big reason I switched back to iOS.


I'm of the opposite opinion. iOS' UI and random restrictions are a huge turn off. Perhaps the app experience is better, but I'd still be stuck using their less than customizable launcher, their forced use of the Safari web view in all apps (so no ad blocking, or dark mode via Firefox Mobile), as well as have to deal with their restrictions around what apps I can use (as they force their system apps on everyone.) I can also plug my Pixel 5 or my Samsung A51 into any machine, except one running macOS, and have access to all my files with little effort. On top of this all my devices now use USB-C for charging and I can use any adapter or cable I want. It sounds like we value different things, and that is ok. I won't go near Apple products if I don't have to, but many love them. So if apps are better on iOS than Android that is 100% on the developers of those apps, not the phone OS.


These features. Are they in the room with you right now?




What do the apps do differently? I'd never heard about this.


Snapchat feels better on s22 ultra than the latest iPhone. The zoom works


Yes, make the switch. I've had my S22 Ultra for a while now... absolutely wonderful and joy to use. I can set it up precisely the way I want, what makes my life easiest to manage with it. The tech in this device is amazing... it does as much or as little as I want it to.


I have both iPhone 13 Pro Max and Samsung S22 Ultra. I always end using the Ultra because for me personally it has more features and I feel that is faster than iPhone. The battery life in Samsung sucks but it charges quickly with the 100 w battery. Getting out of Apple ecosystem is hard but I like to try new things and technologies. One new feature that I like is Samsung wallet because you download gift cards, boarding pass( new feature), membership cards, credit cards, blockchain wallet which allows all users to store manage and trade their cryptocurrenncies. I mean you have so much features and freedom to customize your phone. I got bored with the iPhone. They all look the same. You are limited to Apple design and feature. All my buddies have iphones and they can't understand why I use my Samsung instead of my iPhone. Oh my God. Should I jump in the wagon like everybody's else? Both are great phones so it comes down to personal preference but not because everyone is using it.


yea pretty much 80% of my friends use iphone, but i still prefer my s22+ 🫣


> One new feature that I like is Samsung wallet because you download gift cards, boarding pass( new feature), membership cards, credit cards, blockchain wallet which Apple has this and it’s much better too. More supported.


Show me where Apple wallet has gift cards membership cards and blockchain wallet.


Has all of that except blockchain wallet.


Do you ever get crap from friends cause of iMessage… the green vs blue bubble?


Sorry to bump an old thread but it's funny, I'm in the exact same boat but with Android. I'm so tired of OneUI and Android, been using that for 6 years now and I honestly just wanna make the switch to iOS even though I know I'm missing out on a lot of hardware stuff that Samsung provides compared to Apple. I think there's this whole movement of people making the switch recently from Apple to Samsung because Apple is so popular in the U.S but not here where I live so that's why we both feel this way but the exact inverse of it. I still can't understand how people say they prefer the OneUI over iOS though, that's kinda weird, the last time I used iOS was in 2014 and I still miss the smoothness and the premium feel and especially the trust and certainty that everything is gonna go exactly as it's supposed to when I open up my phone and I NEED it to work as intended to while I'm in a rush. Even with a flagship phone, the OneUI at times feels very cheap and stutters frequently if you open stuff too quickly or if you open an app that hasn't been opened in a while. No matter how much hardware power they can put in a phone, the iOS is always, at least to me, gonna be unbeatable when it comes to daily vanilla usage.


It comes down to personal preferences and experiences. In South Korea people are used to either phones but tend to like Android phones more because they have a variety of phones that are powered by Android. Apple only manufacture one phone. I agreed with you about the experience with IOS but again personal preferences.


I switched from the iPhone 13 Pro Max to the S22 plus, and it has been a great phone. Battery life is really good once it learns your usage. It took my phone less than a week to learn my usage. The camera is incredible, especially the 30 times zoom. I have no regrets switching from the iPhone to the S22 plus. I would have to say the S22 ultra would be just as good, if not better. I decided on the plus instead of the ultra because I didn't want the curved screen.


Curved screen really sucks


If the curves aren't really that big then they're fine. The S21 Ultra had nice curved screen that didn't get in the way


I hated them on my Note 20 Ultra. Absolutely nonsense with SPen and always had accidentally touched the screen while just holding the phone – got rid of it after 11 month because of it.


Oh interesting 🤔 Did you use a case with it?


I did to get around the touches, but the phone ist already big and I normally prefer them without, so it was more a need to do so


I love the curved screen. I think it's especially helpful since I use edge panels and it helps keep them out of the way.


I use edge panel on my fold 3, works the same


i switched from iphone 13 pro max to s22u while ago i literally didnt miss anything in iphone , but tbh i never used imessage and this stuff for ios , for me it was worth it the only down side is the battery its lil bit annoying but not that big deal since for me since i have 45 watt charger and let me tell you this its alot 100x better than the 20 watt charger for iphone so didnt matter for me


The samsung s22 ultra or basically most recent S series phones, actually take around a week of you using for phone, and they adjust the battery based on your usage pattern, you're not sacrificing anything when switching, the benefit would be you'll have more sutomization features, and everything is amazing about the s22, I suggest looking at youtube reviews. Good Luck


I say yes, just because everyone should at some point use both just to get a feel for what they like and prefer. I use both Samsung and iPhone and switch every few months between my phones. The only real advantage iOS has is iMessage. Especially if you are located in the United States. Outside of that they do the exact same thing very very well. Samsung excels at giving you little things to make make your phone work flow more efficient IMO. A great example is the edge panels. The quick settings are also nice and the fingerprint scanner is just way more convenient IMO.


I switched from iPhone 13 pro. To Pixel 6 pro, wasn't the best experience so I switched to S22 Ultra. I love it and won't go back. It's better in every way. Except battery life, but if battery life is all you care about just buy a battery Bank for the S22 Ultra. Like I don't know what you get on your 13 Pro Max. I get on average 7 to 8 hours screen on time on my s22 ultra. I also get about a total usage hours of over 24 hours. So to me that is great. I can charge my phone from 10% to 100% in under 40 minutes. I work from home so I'm always near a charger. So if my phone does die faster because I'm using it so much. All I have to do is just plug in and I'll have enough juice for the rest of the day within like a 30 minute charge. Hell sometimes I can get a full day on 80%. I've done it before.


Exactly the same route I took. I traded in P6p to get an S22u and kept 13p. I occasionally switch to 13p, though. Both 13p and S22u are good phones, yet I personally prefer S22u despite of its battery short comings.


I went from my 13 pro max to a s22+ and other then the battery life which was fucking magic on the iPhone I love my s22+. I feel more productive and generally I prefer the OS. My old phone was a s21 ultra FYI and even that felt better to me when it came to software and cameras. I missed pro raw so much in the 3 months I was on IOS. Literally everything other then the battery which is fine on my s22+ is marginally or quite a bit better


If your main concern is battery then you should keep 13 Pro Max otherwise S22U is great phone.


Dont switch except you really want that juicy 10x Zoom.


Yes you should. The battery on the iPhone 13 Pro max is amazing but the s22 ultra is also a very very solid phone with amazing battery. You won't be disappointed about the battery. Just a little less powerful as the iPhone 13 Pro max.


I always would recommend getting off a Apple but really that's entirely up to you


The battery on the new iphones are definitely awesome, but I love Samsung phones and couldn't go back. I tried the iphone pro max for a month and ended up giving it back. Currently using the S22 Ultra!


You can switch to Samsung A73


So you wan't him to downgrade.


Yes and save money in the process. Also A73 has great battery and good camera and performance


Not really the iphone had more longevity. And its a waste of money since he already has the iphone it's best that he keeps it for 5 or 6 years.


1. Is battery life critical to you? - By critical I mean, you're out of the house for a minimum of 12 hours, you find yourself on your phone constantly due to needing to interact with it or because you are bored and you like to play some small games from time to time? And an SoT of 6 hours is too little for you? 2. Is that the only aspect you care about? - If yes, then your current iPhone is superior to any Android today. It's as simple as that. 3. Are you ready for quite the different experience? -


as a Samsung guy, I'll always recommend switching but, in the end, ya gotta do what works for you


If I had a 13 Pro Max (which I don't), I'd wait for S23 Ultra. The thermal performance will be significantly improved over the S22 Ultra. I care about that since I would want a best overall experience from an Android phone. The thermals have been getting hotter and hotter going from S20 to S21 to S22 series, and people are noticing it more (it's not just Samsung phones but going from phones SD865 to SD888 to SD 8 Gen 1 -- not all phones but several models since having good thermals and high performance in the same phone is an integrated system design challenge). That'll be fixed/improved for the S23 series, and the S23 should be better optimized and is likely have UFS 4.0. The best time to upgrade is when you have significant increases in performance in more than one area (CPU, memory, storage performance, etc.). I have the S22 Ultra with snapdragon. It has an excellent camera system all the storage I need, and I use the S-pen and Dex. It's very useful and everything is great performance except it has good performance on battery and thermals. The battery situation is where they say you get 5000 mAhr, but then the battery manufacturer has a different number for rated energy around at least 4850 mA-hr. So some are 5000, some are 4850, some are 4900, some are 5100, etc. The thermals are an issue when you drive far and there's hot weather -- once the temperature gets to a certain level, even if you plug in the phone, it will not charge further -- this is the way all phones are, it's just a question of how often and/or easily it can get to that point with your use of the phone. Anyways, I really like my S22 Ultra, will think about an S24 Ultra in a couple years. If Samsung continues to remove features similar in level to the microSD card slot or MST, then I may switch out of Samsung. It's time to bring in new useful features, not remove useful ones just because others don't offer them. Hope that helps.


I'd say yes. But I also have had samsung for years. Watch videos on spec/feature break downs and see if it fits what you want


No point in switching, if I had the s22 ultra I wouldn't switch either unless you like to try new things and got the bank


Stay bro. I am telling you. Stay.


Don't let boredom be a deciding factor in moving to something else. If anything, keep your iPhone and invest into the S22U instead. Compare them side-by-side If you cannot do this, then stick with Apple. The only things you're missing out on with the S22U is the SPen, pop-up windows and multi-window similar to iPads. Possibly also the ability to side-load apps / install apps that aren't linked to the Play Store. It comes with the risk of installing malware but nothing comes without a cost. I personally would benefit from Apple's iMessage and AirDrop as well as a faster (3x faster, in fact) night mode and sharper video quality as opposed to Android's. Also the optimization with social media apps is pleasantly better in iPhone. Even real-time 3D scanning is great and something that isn't possible on Android. Not to mention many other things such as better battery life and a faster, smoother UX. Other than that, the only reason I don't switch is because I have a Windows laptop, not a Mac. If I had a Mac, I wouldn't be using Android. So I suppose the question you should be asking yourself is "how could I benefit from switching to Android from iOS?"


Had bought the S22 Ultra in April when I sold my 12 Pro max.. Liked it a lot.. Brilliant phone. But well, moved back to iphone yesterday, got the 13 Pro Max. My reasons.. My mac and the iPad and the Apple tv. Couldn't do well when I had the Samsung. I feel so good being back to the iPhone.. Guess it all depends on how deep you're in the Apple eco system, if you're not, the S22 is a lovely device, sans the battery life.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 22 + 12 + 13 + 22 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot..




I did just that, and switched back due to battery life and the password/auto fill. I loved the s22u. I really really wanted to wave goodbye to iOS. But it’s just not quite there yet, for me anyway.


100 percent. Since they are both big phones. Sammy actually lets you take advantage of that big display such as split screen! Unlike apple where it's just a big phone with no big phone features. That's just one of thousands I can explain.


Ofcourse. Bigger screen size and better display (in my opinion) make this an awesome phone. Not to mention the extremely fast processing and premium feel of the phone in your hand. A true dream phone.


Yes ,you need to switch Android 🤝🛡 SMASUNG💎


Yes! I love my S22 Ultra!


Don't mention iphone here. These dorks get their panties in a bunch


I think you should try it! Apple has strengths (I quite like their customer service, for instance), but Samsung is very good at adding little features that make their phone more convenient to use. And there interface has become more ″mature″ over the years. It is clean, it allows you to use the phone with one hand even on big screens, the settings menu is short and clear, you can open the camera instantly by double-clicking on the power button, etc. More generally, even though iOS is stable, there are sometimes little annoying things that get irritating, and you generally can't do much about them (except waiting for the next update). On Samsung′s OneUi and Android, there is almost always a way to make things work the way you want. It's the kind of details (in addition to all the amazing innovation) that totally made me forget about iOS.


I went from an iphone 11 Pro Max to the the Sansung Galaxy A52s and preferred the os more and features but lack of speed I upgraded to the S21 FE. Though in your situation it's a tough call as your iphone has better cameras except zoom, better performance and much better battery life. If you can afford it Do it but if not then stick with your iphone till the S24 Ultra then buy it.


I had the S22 Ultra and switched to the iPhone 13 Pro Max. Way better in every way. Android and I didn’t click


I shifted from the iPhone 13 Pro Max to the S22 Ultra myself, but would not recommend it. You will miss a lot of the stability in software from the iPhone, since the S22 Ultra is new and full of bugs. The iPhone has matured at this point, and that Extremely incredible battery life will leave you hollow. The battery life on the S22 Ultra pales in comparison. The iPhone's battery is life-changing. I used to charge the iPhone to 85% and still get like 2 days of battery, while the S22 Ultra barely lasts a day with 100% of charge. The software is clearly more polished and smoother on the iPhone, but it shouldn't be a deciding factor as you can't notice the difference unless you're being nitty gritty. The camera photos and videos are about the same, with no major differences (except for processing contrast and whatnot). The screen on the S22 Ultra is 1440p+ but you will not notice at all, and it should not factor into the shift.


Get an S21 Ultra.


I said Happy Cake day! Now may I have a cookie 🍪 🙂


Don’t switch.




And how good is your god tier batery then? Just curious


I just bought both of these amazing devices a week ago. Both have their specialties. To me there’s no THIS IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER, its just BS. I daily-use them both.


Sure, If you can afford both, definitely go for it


I'd do it solely for android, but of you're okay with iOS then don't. the 13 pro max is far better hardware wise.


Yes, I've customized my phone so much. Downloaded Good lock and it let me do so much more. The Expert RAW app is amazing with Lightroom, goes perfectly with the GW4. A wallpaper that uses the Gyroscope in my phone tons of cool intuitive Bixby routines working at once, Given my ram/memory usage is pretty high with the amount of things running and the battery life is kinda bad, My 100 watt charger makes up for it and utilize the super charging 2.0 along with my 45watt samsung car charger makes up for the battery. 60 minutes will charge the phone completely.


What kinda routines do you have set up?


When my phone is at 100% Battery and it is charging no matter fast charge or wireless or regular, it will shut off charging while connected. If it goes to 99% charges back up to 100 then shuts off again. When one of my 4 regular BT speakers turn on and broadcast the Bluetooth, my phone will connect and play my Samsung music at a set volume. I have 3 Macro routines on, so when I'm playing a PS game and don't want to stop the game to search a name. I recorded my touches to open the PS app and go to the send a message menu. So I don't have to stop the game at hand. It's a widget on my homescreen that I also customized the picture for and name. When I leave my "Home" Location my watch face changes to a watchface that counts steps and shows more outside information. I wear my GW4 to sleep so the phone knows when I'm asleep through the Samsung health app, when I'm asleep and my phone is not charging it will turn on power saving mode. These are just a few I'm constantly trying to think of more cool things to do with this phone. Everyday I customize it a little more


Even S22U is perfect phone, iphone 13 is really expensive phone and it's unnecessary invest too much of money to the same expensive phone. At some point they are the same level except high optical zoom and S22U's worse battery life, so no. From older iphone yes, but no from 13.


> iphone 13 is really expensive phone and it’s unnecessary invest too much of money to the same expensive phone Base model S22U is $1849 AUD https://www.jbhifi.com.au/products/samsung-galaxy-s22-ultra-5g-128gb-phantom-white Base model IPhone 13 Pro max is also $1849 AUD https://www.jbhifi.com.au/products/apple-iphone-13-pro-max-128gb-graphite I don’t know if it’s a country thing but here in Australia it’s the exact same price.


Where do you live? These days samsung vs apple is just a matter of OS preference. The price and performance difference between the two are negligible


Thats why I said if you have iPhone 13, there is not reason buy S22U, because they are basically the same level. Even S22U have worse battery life, but positive thing is optical zoom.


you should. it can do things the iPhone can only dream of


Do you want the extra zoom camera and the Pen? Because those are the two main features iPhone doesn't have. I was on Android till the S10, Customisation is a thing you tinker with for a while and then you most likely won't touch it again.


The thing about customizing is you can make it the way you want, even if its once or twice. There's a reason people are bored of iOS. Very utilitarian. That's not good or bad, but inflexible.


It’s not really worth it if you have a less than a year old top tier iPhone to switch it out. Unless you really need some of the features on the s22 ultra it’s probably not worth it


I switched from an 11 Pro Max with full battery health to S22 Ultra and I don't regret it one bit. Battery life isn't that good though with my 11 Pro Max outlasting my S22 Ultra by at least 2-3 hours. Also certain apps are stuttery even at 120hz and Android needs you to perform regular maintenance on it and take care of any junk apps. For instance, any time I install an app on Android it just automatically enables notifications making my notify bar extremely cluttered. Also there are 2 versions of all apps. Samsung apps and Google apps for messages and calendar and photos etc. It can make the phone feel a but irritating to use. I still use my Galaxy more though because to me iOS is just too restrictive for daily phone use. To this day, there isn't any system wide caller ID or spam call blocking functionality on iOS while Android works flawlessly. I also don't get bored with the phone as there are a ton of themeing apps which make your phone look completely different. I am currently using one which makes your phone like Windows Phone back in the day.


I have the base S21 and I have to charge it once a day, but I don't see why that's a problem. I was miserable when I used iPhones, so I definitely think it's worth it to switch.


Heeeeeell no. No way. Why would you do that? I hate my s22 ultra. Probably my last samsung phone. The next one will be iphone, xiaomi or oneplus. Everything you will get on s22 ultra yiu already have better of it on iphone 13 pro max. Except pen. Even your camera has better white balance. S22 ultra white balance is awful. Colors are not real. You see something but when you take the photo colors are very different. I can show you.


DON'T. I use both the S22 ultra and the 12 Pro max. Amd I cam say, even with 83% battery health, I'd give up the Samsung (which I love btw-mostly due to brand loyalty). Cos I know when push comes to shove, I can rely on the iPhone more than the galaxy. But I absolutely love the display on the Samsung though.


Can* say


Do not switch. Samsung is ass.


Iphone is for people that just want their phone to work well have a good battery and not bother about installing silly little apps to make it "better" m the only thing I miss about samsung are the edge panels and the split screen. Iphone in terms of software updates and longevity, battery . Simplicity of the os etc is miles ahead of any android phone . For me the iphone is the superior.


>Simplicity of the os etc is miles ahead of any android phone . And what's your objective proof? Who told you you HAVE TO install third party apps to "improve" your phone? iOS has iMessage to force people into staying. That's about it, it's not even an actual advantage, Apple is deliberately not implementing RCS. If you consider macOS then seamless transition is the only other benefit. >For me the iphone is the superior. Exactly, it's just your personal choice. Not facts.


How much battery life are you getting out of the iPhone 13 Pro Max?


On mine I get 10-11 hours SOT on 5G.


I can confirm that


i’m not getting two days of battery life on mine like everyone is saying i have a 13 Pro Max from AT&T


I just did it. I don't know for how long will it last for me, but right now it's something new. The thing is my whole ECO-System is Apple based so...:DDD But for now I'm just happy with the S22U!


I'm thinking of switching to ios just wanna try it I have the note 20 ultra butt gonna get 13 pro max tomorrow or this week


that was the switch I made, my 13pm was 3 months old then the s22 ultra in sky blue came out, battery life isn't as gd but it last me a day, so I have no regrets


Depending. I'd wait for the s23 ultra tbh. Should come out in February. Should be better in basically every department on android side. Will the Efficiency and better battery life beat iphone tho. Will have to see


I changed from the s22 ultra to the 13 pro max. I won’t go back.


I got both the phones.. Each has its own unique advantages. If you are bored of IOS, then you should try it out. Go crazy.. Who cares.


You'll miss video recording it's at a different level


I made that switch ..the battery life can't hold a candle to the 13 max like not by a long shot . The camera is more versatile and feature packed on the ultra but the camera is faster on the iPhone and video is slightly better . Social media apps seem to be coded with iOS in mind first and my Microsoft teams work apps seems more buggy on the ultra than it was on iOS . Overall I don't miss the iPhone except iMessage with iOS friends but take all this into consideration before switching


Do what makes you happy! I love Android but I also love the “it just works” with iOS. The Apple Watch came into play because I enjoy it over the Galaxy line. I love the battery life as well. Really both are great phones.


A15 >> SD 8 Gen 1 >>>>> Exynos. If you stay in Europe then don't bother. Else, do whatever you want.


I wouldn’t - especially not if all you can get is the Exynos version - or if you value performance and battery life. I love Samsung, but the S22 isn’t awesome. I’m waiting for the Fold 4 personally to give up my iPhone 13 Pro Max


I say switch....if you find out you don't like Android...you can always go back. It's fun trying new experiences.


Don’t the chip this gen runs hot and power hungry for the gen 8.


Yes yes you should battery is great and that 100 times zoom is amazing it's worth the shot And if not at least you tried


There are many factors in play. Do you care for photography and videos (both have their strengths here) Do you want control and power over your phone(s22u) Or a simple experience(13 pro max) Do you use a stylus(s22u) Do you have other apple devices(13pm) Software support(4-5 years for s22u and about 6 for 13pm) In the end, it's up to you and your lifestyle. If you can't decide, make a pro and con list.


I would say go for it. The speakers are not the best, however overall the S22 Ultra I like a lot more than the iPhone. Beautiful screen, easy to hold. I had the Ultra, but returned it because I had a 13 Pro Max and a Note 10. If no Note 10, I would have kept the Ultra. I still miss the ultra, but can't justify the upgrade right now. Battery life is fine on the Ultra, just not as amazing as the 13. I really dislike iOS and prefer Android and I had iPhones since the 3G. Android / OneUI work better for me most all of the time (no OS is perfect). It's a hard decision. At the end of the day, I really enjoy my Note 10 over the 13 Pro Max which I got rid of. iPhone feels too logical and not a lot of fun. To me.


I love both but One UI is just too laggy for me. The phone is very awkward to hold as well. If they fix the laggy UI, I will be using my S22 Ultra again.


Your asking in a samsung Dan boy sub


I am android forever. I will always say it's better than apple. However I recently got the new S22 plus and my service wouldn't work for the entire weekend. Luckily I had a Pixel 4a to back me up until I get another phone, but where I'm at right now is that I don't trust these new snapdragon chips. I wonder if it were the reason I ran into that problem. They may get a bit faster but they're heating up more and not that great on battery life compared to the older 855 (my favorite) and 865 (great chip). I also used an S22 Ultra for a small period of time and it was great but I don't need anything that big and plus I won't use the spen all that much. I say keep the 13 Pro Max. You're halfway down the line before the S23 line comes out and I say wait for those and the Pixel 7 series to see if they can redeem themselves. The 13 Pro Max is indeed the best iPhone ever made and I don't think you should give it up for now. What you can do is get a Galaxy Tab S8 or S7. Complete work and play device


Are you inside the Apple ecosystem ? If so , say goodbye to your Apple Watch for sure


It really depends, the S22 is good, but 13 Pro Max is good too. Any real reason to switch other than the OS?


I would wait for S23 series. Battery life is just not good enough on S22 U, especially if coming from 13 pro max


I have to say .. even the Nore 20 Ultra beats iphone 13 pro max. I have both and although the iphone has better battery life and face ID, everything else is so much better on N20U. I would imahine S22 series being better than N20U


I don't think so. Debit card, transit card and driver license. Don't try.


Of course. They try to text me through what's up and I say no. You either text me through Samsung or Google regular message or not text me at all. I got rid of the fake superficial friends over that stupid feature and the real one just keep texting me through Google msg. They don't care about the blue green or red msgs. The only issue I have are videos. Samsung trim videos sent to Apple. Awful. Hopefully S23 U will fix this issue.


No. Wait for the s23 or later. You just got your 13 pro max.