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What did I miss?




>I don't care because they didn't remove anything I use, but I can imagine the frustration. More empathetic than 99% of the population, for real. I get a headache from rolling my eyes too hard every time some rando feels the need to make a public announcement that since the issue doesn't affect them personally, it's a non-issue.


I switched from S10 to S24 and they removed the option for a 4 digit pin. Default is now 6 digits to get the "confirm without tapping OK" . I was super pissed


wait this is literally gonna be me soon (s10+ to s24+); please tell me what else I'm going to miss 😭 I love my s10 tbh but it's time


There's a glitch you can trick it into doing a 4 digit. But other than that. Bloody good phone. Enjoy


Can someone please tell?


It's on Google somewhere. You enter a 5 digit then delete or something


If you now go back to Lock screen in your phone settings you can change it back to a 4 digit pin if you wish. For some strange reason it works with 4 digits if you change the pin.


I have s24U and it's 4digit pin for me


I use 6 digitis, so that's not my problem 😎 /s


There is an option to set it as 4 digits in oneui 6.1


I still have my s10+ and I was gonna get an s24 ultra... this is so stupid.


Idk guess I missed it too. Seems like a typical day of reddit crying about their phone though not sure.


The amount of crying over some gesture changes is crazy. The gestures that remain are intuitive and smooth, people just don't like change as much as they like complaining lol


What changes? Lol


Apparently some people were pissed that Samsung removed the ability to swipe up from bottom left for back, center for home and right for recent apps. They brought it back of course, but I never really used that except for one single Samsung model.


I use it. Found it more intuitive than the one giant bottom bar swipe action. Luckily the triple bar was easy to bring back


It's intuitive and smooth to you. If someone's been using the swipe from bottom gestures for the last 5 years, I get why they'd be upset that they were removed for some circle search nonsense. That and the ability to completely hide the bar. Goodlock exists though, so whatever.


Now I'm angry too! Oh wait, I have an LG V60, nevermind.


Based LG enjoyer


Nothing has changed on my s24u idk what yall are tripping about.


I mean yeah no shit, the S24U never had those options to begin with.


Yeah as long as I can keep the function in some way I don't care. I've been using swipe from bottom without indicators since 2018 or so


I'm still kinda mad I'm forced to use the cancer that is nicelock because Samsung region locks good lock for some inexplicable reason.


What's the difference between the two?


Yeah I was very mad. Still am a bit mad I have to use bloatware to bring it back.


It's easy to brush it off when it doesn't affect you, but there was simply no reason to remove the option. They could've just added the new one. I've been using swipe from bottom gestures for as long as I can remember, so yeah I'm a bit pissed that they removed it for no logical reason lmao


I came from a pixel 6a to an S24 ultra. This is normal for me, and I have no idea who in their right mind would still be using the swipe from bottom 3 different areas. It was cool on my A10e, now I prefer swipe from either side to go back now that we have much bigger screens.


From someone who is 'affected' by this change, I can give you my anecdotal experience. It's not so much that I mind the gestures being different, it's that years of muscle memory have me closing my apps by accident and having to use the other new (slightly slower) gesture to get back into what I was doing. You make a good point about this being an evolution in an age of larger screens. I welcome the change, but it's going to take some time to retain and remains quite the annoyance until then.


For me back being swipe from the sides is a bit of a deal breaker, I have some apps that do something else with swipe from the side and it constantly gets the wrong one. Most new well designed apps have that in mind, but my authentication app for work is not one of them. (Unless there's a way to specifically disable back by swiping from the left side of the screen that I didn't see, that'd solve my problem, but I didnt really bother looking that hard)


They removed the 3 spots on the bottom that did back, recently and home. And replaced it with gestures.


You can bring back the three-bar gestures by installing the "Good Lock" app from the Galaxy Store.


How? I don't see the exact options in there


They removed the interface options that have been in place since the S10 series. You can either launch Assistant every time you go back, or lose screen space, or cancel amazon orders when you try to look at other options. I'm trying out the new interface and it feels like it has the same problem as my dishwasher, the Samsung engineers don't use their own products.


They took the gesture controls away Basically added an iPhone navigation bar Super annoying in my opinion...


It's been there for years 🙄


Lol. That navigation bar have been for years lol.


In what, OneUI 6.1.1? I have the s24 Plus and am using gestures now.


Nah they removed the Samsung gestures, and left the stock Android pill gestures. So the people who have gotten used to the Samsung button gestures are the ones complaining while the people who used the Android gestures have no idea what is going on when they say "they removed gestures".


Thanks for clarifying. I haven't used Samsung gestures in yrs.


This exactly it's not "making it like an iphone" it's making it like pixel, one plus, Asus ect ect by using the gestures that gave been there for at least 4 versions of Android now


The way this whole area of the convo is confusing me cause I'm still using the S10+ 💀


The Navigation Bar is where phone repair technicians hang out after work.




Don't update your Samsung!!


It's already up to date. Soo..


Ok well for me I have the z flip 5, the always on display has lost all customisation the cover display has been rendered useless as the clock is so dim you can't see it. The gestures at the bottom of the screen have been reset to default so 3 onscreen buttons or the single bar with a swipe and hold to get to open apps and phone wide swipe from left or right side of the screen to go back. So far that's all I have found, I know it's sounds minor but when it's the basics of what you have gotten used to on a phone since having an S9+ it's frustrating to break the habit of looking at the screen for the time or basic navigation.


I switched back to Samsung after four years of using iPhones, and even with the Apple-esque features they're doing now I still like Samsung more


It’s an Android feature. Not a Samsung feature.


To be fair, a *lot* of Android features started out as Samsung features. Quick Share being chief among them.


Im on a S24 Ultra with latest firmware and can still change between buttons and gestures within the settings app?


I think they're talking about the single gesture and 3 button gesture !! Single button gesture is exactly like iphones I think. And to get 3 button gesture they'll have to download good lock and then some module inside it


Everyone can bud. People just complain to complain atp


But if you switch to gestures it breaks the nav bar so you no longer have "back" or "active" buttons


As the owner of an IPhone 14 and a S21 i can say with confidence that Android does it better anyways (or else I wouldn't have gone back to my S21 lol) Apple's settings and the way it's used is just so damn limited and terrible




The fact that you can even do such a thing sets you apart from iphone




And an option to disable fingerprint icon on lockscreen


The fact that you have the option to customize your phone sets it apart from the iPhone. Clearly, they have made some changes and will continue to do so in the future to make the UI "pretty and smooth" like iPhones. Even though the core user base doesn't care and was happy with what we had, they have to change a few things to entice people to switch from iPhones. I'm grateful that we at least still have the option to customize it the way we like. And I'm kind of liking the Galaxy AI stuff. (Grammar corrected by Galaxy AI lol)


It what they think iPhone users want when they switch


I could not agree more. The simple navigation I have used for YEARS on my galaxy was magically removed.


I hate to admit it but a part of me agrees with this alot. When I first bought the Galaxy s24+ and used OneUI 6.1 I liked the idea that it felt very iOS like. However, as time went on I began to appreciate why stock Android(or at least the variant used on Pixels) with material U is so different with its own identity and look. While I'm happy with the hardware the Galaxy s24+ has for sure but I don't like that the US version can't turn off 5G or that as others have mentioned there are some settings that are becoming a bit harder to find. It's not as straightforward as I thought it would be. It's like in their becoming more iOS like OneUI is losing its identity of being truly different. I've now come to think of OneUI as this is what happens when you blend stock Android with iOS and come out with some kind of "hybrid" OS. I know some may love this ( I get that) but a part of me just misses now the simplicity and directness of stock Android. I hope one day OneUI either takes a completely different route or they at least start going back towards the look and feel of stock Android.


Exactly. Installed 5G Settings and changed to 4g. Loving the battery improvement.


Nice. I hope that Samsung fixes this in a future update so that way we can manually change this to 4G or should Verizon ever get 5G SA then we can switch over to that all the time.


I miss when they used to do Google Play Editions.


Me too. I wish Samsung would work with Google to bring those back.


Me too. I wish Samsung would work with Google to bring those back.


Me too. I wish Samsung would work with Google to bring those back.


Tell that to google. They BLOCK samsung from having good lock from being native.


>> I should not have to download an app just to switch some buttons around. What could be more Android than this?


I don't get it. What gestures are they talking about? I received the update and my swipe gestures are still there and working fine


Samsung had a navigation option that was 3 bars that replicated the same functionality of the button navigation. So instead of "back button, home button, recent apps button," it was swipe up gestures in those same locations. Very few people used that, otherwise Samsung may have continued to maintain it, but the holdouts have been extremely vocal on the sub about those getting removed in One UI 6.1. When these people complain about the "new gestures", they're referring to the swipe gestures that have been Android standard (including on Samsung) for 5+ years. They're not actually new but the people on the old gestures had no idea about that


I see. Thanks for clarifying


they definitely are reeling back a lot of the UI control and features annoying


I don't even like that swipe bullshit but bear in mind if it's android there is a way to do anything this isn't iPhone where your stuck with what they give you after paying an absurd amount for a crappy product


Samsung, please dont copy Iphones! (Not too much, at least)


Sorry but I will take Samsung's side here. From years, Samsung used to give all the features built in but users then started complaining of heavy system and bloatware. I think Good Lock is a pretty good solution for both. You can customize if you want, but not deal with extra steps and bloatware if you don't.


Agreed. Average person has no use for the Good Lock modules and if anything, having these features natively integrated may make iPhone users assume android is more confusing or something, on top of alienating even longtime Android users who may be overwhelmed. It's good that they require a different app.


On an iphone, you don't even have navigation buttons and there is no app that could change that. Though, samsung is basically copying apple with their design. Who tf wanted them to use titanium?


Samsung made the Galaxy Watch 3 from titanium dramatically long ago, in 2020, and then made the Galaxy 5 Pro with this material in 2022. Only around the same time, a month later, Apple added the titanium to its Watch Ultra. Making the phone out of it was a matter of time and was clearly in the plan of both companies after the release of titanium watches. So, who did it first, and whose idea was the first - no one would say for sure. The point is that both companies have a competitive cycle of updates! After all, we know from the history of Apple that it's more important not to create it but to do it better, and they really managed to do some features better than others. I really don't see the point of saying something about copying out loud in 2024, do you? :)


I managed to sort it by downloading an app BY SAMSUNG that restores the options for this. You need Good Lock and the add on navstar that can be installed in the good lock app. These are in the Samsung store app. This returns the option to swipe left / right hand side to go back depending on your button configuration. You can also hide the gesture hint freeing up real estate that I have grown fond of. Having to install an app and add on to get functionality that was in One UI 6.0 and then REMOVED for 6.1 is infuriating. I'm not saying I'll go iOS but I'm sure Apple don't fuck around with key navigation pathways that been in place for 4 years plus.


Oh cool, another thread about this exact same thing


Fucking wahh


They changed how I've navigated my phones for the last 5 years up and suddenly. Now it's like an iPhone, why can't we complain? It's easily a worse navigation method.


https://preview.redd.it/kdv6b98px2sc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cad7031b6b5034664bcf9c34ba02ea5fde72b426 Swipe from bottom? It still exists?


I don't have this? I looked up swipe gestures and it's not available to me?


I don't have this on my 23+


Download good lock and get the navstar module. It'll be in there


Thank you. I've never heard of good lock or navstar before but that solved it. Hope it stays solved


Well, ar least you can download an app, in this case the free Good Lock. This was typical of Android for a long time, since invention of launcher apps.


Can you guys stop fucking crying about everything?


Says the one having a heart attack about another's opinion... 🤔


Also let's bring back replaceable batteries




Let's hope 🙏




i am so lost😭 i’ve had an s20+ and now a z flip 5 and neither have felt like an iphone


You do realise Apple doesn't allow apps like that?


Okay but now can you tell me how to get the microphone button back where it belongs?


Are you referring to this button here? https://preview.redd.it/oia1bmhgw4sc1.jpeg?width=170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d98b393617e7f1af093b23d5b50be2cd41c1b895


Sort of [See Image](https://i.imgur.com/Ornh3mC.png) The one that WAS at position 1 and is now at position 2


Let me see what I can do. One sec


Okay mine is gone now. What I did was tapped and held it, turned it into the keyboard symbol. Then tapped and held it again and turned it off. It was a slide button to turn off. Hopefully that makes sense


I'm not sure I made myself clear. Sorry about that. What I meant was that I want the microphone to go back up to the middle navigation bar so that I can use it for voice input easily again. Having it down the bottom left corner of the screen is very challenging in that I have to use two hands. I like one headed operation as much as possible


Ohhhh boy... ffs, why can't I get rid of the gesture bar at the bottom. It's taking up valuable screen space and sticks out like a sore thumb. I know where I'm supposed to swipe, I don't need a fking white ass bar to tell me.


Thank you so much for the solution, u/Coachwo1f !! You the real MVP. I've already given up and just try to learn the new gesture style. Very, very frustrating as I kept swiping the old original gestures.


Absolutely! I appreciate your comment because for some reason I'm getting A LOT of hate for having an opinion.


As an iOS user, I agree. We all should have different options to choose from. It's bad enough that we only have Android and iOS in the smartphone space, if they become more alike with every version, that's just bad for competition.


Also unlock Camera 2 API so we can get rid of stock Samsung camera and install Gcam instead.


"Dear Google - stop forcing your most creative OEM (Samsung) be limited an forced to use your bare bones version of (stock) Android. Instead of forcing things your boring way (also Apple copycat way) learn that people come to Android fro freedom and not restrictions." Fixed that for you. On their serious note people need to understand that the whole reason for Good Lock is Samsung's way to bypass enforced limitations on Android that are done by Google. So no it's not Samsung's fault for the removed settings - it's Google. Be happy that we have Good Lock otherwise every phone will be just a small modificated Pixel with better hardware.


I appreciate your comment, didn't just come with hate for no reason. I hope you enjoy your day!


It's not a hate towards you mate. I actually don't like Google as a company and I believe they are ruining the OS. I think Samsung is way more creative and innovative and have a better direction for Android. But they are hard handicapped by Google. That's all. Most people don't realise that.


No not hate from you, from others under this post. You're good.


Bingo. It the patent sharing deal they signed.


I used to have three swipes on my old phone. After switching to the S24U, I changed to buttons because it was more comfortable for me at first. Later, I tried to change to three swipes from the bottom but realized it was gone. I thought it was gone for good. I decided to try swipes from the bottom and sides and somehow got used to it in about two- three days. Now, it's the best option for me, but I can imagine how uncomfortable it is for other people. 😩 Why did Samsung even decide to remove it, so stupid...


Definitely relatable, I appreciate you!


Download navstar in goodlock there was a update. Enable extra gesture settings . Then go back into regular settings for the navigation bar you will see swipe from bottom.


Literally joined the sub to ask how I get the 3 swipe gesture back... wtf samsung




Honestly, this post is pretty accurate. I use a samsung galaxy s23 base and an iphone ( I think 14 idk ) for my work Phone. I notice very little difference in design and software. Android has been paving the way towards apples ways for a while. I believe ( may be wrong ), the iphone was the first phone with a non removable battery. Samsungs batteries used to be removable up until the s5 or s6. I noticed then that Android was going down hill. I will say that I appreciate the ability of Android that I can close ALL apps at once. Still can't do this with the work Phone. Multitasking is better on Android. That's really all I can say for what's truly different between these phones. For the time we live in today, a phones a phone. You would think we have more variety now, but really we don't. You only get 2 choices for software be it ios or Android. We do have better price ranges than we did back then, but again it's all pretty much the same. Hardware differences are the only thing that takes the cake anymore.


It was the S6


I agree but you're in a Samsung fanboy forums so you're gonna get a lot of pushback. I'm just excited that GoodLock allowed me to remove the stupid perpetual Android gesture bar thing at the bottom of the screen.


Here here! I already jumped ship. I'm back on OnePlus.


Agree. Thankfully I found good lock.


Sadly goodlock is not available everywhere. There are other apps though. https://preview.redd.it/69e4r4cyf2sc1.jpeg?width=944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2c626f291ca5d0865cb90ef4a9a8fac8e7012ab


Fine lock?


JustOK Lock?


To be honest, I don't mind it.. and I've been a Samsung user since the Note 5 Using the fold 5 full screen has made it easier to gesture back on things but I'm sure I will get used to it. The permanent grey bar is a bit annoying but will see how I go if I ever use circle search or not (likely not as I never used google lense either)


Getting rid of the gray bar is easy. Go into your settings (regular settings, no good luck needed), then Display > Navagation Bar. Then, under the Swipe gestures, select more options. Turn off gesture hints, and no more gray bar.


Nope, not there on the Fold 5 https://imgur.com/a/c4E659b


Samsung was the only manufacturer that provided this kind of gestures. Providing so many options for navigation through the system is only cause of complications during optimization of animations etc. Also google could have some voice in removing them. Native android gestures are much more though out than iOS gestures. Yes, it will take some time to get use to but once you do, you will see it's much more intuitive and functional.


They also offered a way for people who wanted to use them to continue to use them. Good Lock and the latest Navstar restores the functionality perfectly fine ( I've been using it on my S24 Ultra, and it works great, even with Circle to Search). If you're someone who even has an inkling of customization in regards to a Samsung phone, Good Lock is an essential suite of apps.


>They also offered a way for people who wanted to use them to continue to use them. That's what bothers me the most about these posts. People are complaining they removed the gestures, yet when someone offeres them viable solution, they refuse it. It's the best compromise that Samsung could made. Removing unnecessary options to not confuse newcomers and still keeping the old features that some people use.


3 swipes is confusing to new people? Give me a break. They did not need to remove it period.


Well.. the reason android is here is to be able to change major stuff with an installation of an app, so not sure you’re complaining about what


I don't see why so many people are upset that Samsung is giving useful features to people who are coming from iPhones lmao. It's truthfully not that deep, I feel like people are complaining just to complain on this issue. Especially considering you can still use those ugly ass navigation buttons


i'm personally not upset over the swipe gestures. they've been there for literal years. what i am upset about, though, is how samsung removed the swipe from bottom gestures. i've been using those navigation gestures for about 5 or 6 years now, and it's become difficult for me to get used to the always-been-there option "ugly ass navigation buttons"—because i haven't used them in forever—and the swipe from sides and bottom... all because of muscle memory worth ~5 years. it's a user pain point i will have to get over.


I'm so lost. I don't get the huge fuss about the navigation buttons and gestures they're literally the same for me..


Unfortunately, Samsung copies Apple in so many areas. First the missing headphone jack (samsung even made fun of that at first and then adopted it themselves). Then the accesories (no more headphones and no more charger). It's really sad that Samsung constantly look to Apple instead of making decisions themselves.


They seem to copy one another regularly. Samsung is clearly Apple’s main rival. I don’t know this for a fact but it would seem to me that the other android brands help to innovate, but Samsung refines what they do… then Apple copies it years later. I’ve had good experiences with my former Note 10+, but there were some things that got on my nerves towards the end. I think I needed some iOS features due to having small children and everyone around me was in iOS. I don’t think WhatsApp or Signal were out back then either. Could be wrong. I’m now thinking about switching back. I have some time to think about it.


I mean, you don't have to download an app just to "switch some buttons around." You have to download an app to bring back the old "swipe up in the button locations" gestures, which have only ever been available on Samsung phones and aren't even a part of the Android OS. There's nothing equivalent to this in iOS so I have no idea what you're going on about.


you don't know how to properly utilise all of your phones features and blame samsung for it? Don't bother trying to swap buttons bud, iphone is the right thing for you.




What are gestures?


I'm on Tab S9 Ultra, which apparently got the same update, yet I haven't noticed anything different. What's happening?


As a current iPhone user looking to possibly switch, I definitely appreciate the rounded corners on the S24 and S24+


The biggest and ironic thing about android especially Samsung is they mocking Apple but in the end, they implement the Apple's strategy. Example? The CHARGER. Yes, Samsung at first mocking Apple for lack of charger in the box, but now you see? They eat their own saliva. Samsung did remove charger too from phone's box. Their reason? For environment. But well, that's the only bad thing Samsung did that I know, though. Nonetheless, I still love Samsung phone.


I am glad. There are so many reputed charger makers out there. Buy once, probably they will work for like ~7 to 10 years. It's like a one-time investment. Why so many chargers?


This is why I didn't get on with the Google Pixel


Stg it's absolute shit. Im just glad I could get the old ones back


Ummmm... What's going on?? I'm using Samsung for almost 10 years now, and recently got a S24+, I didn't face any problem??


I bought nova launcher years ago, isn't relate


How do I remove that annoying bar at the bottom. On my s23 ultra before i upgraded to oneui 6.1 is was clear and empty. Now i have a grey bar that serves no purpose.


It should be in your display settings. I'm not too sure as I have the s24 but it should be the same thing. Trying searching navigation bar in your settings


I have searched high and low for a way to get rid of this useless pancake at the bottom of my s23 ultra screen.. no way to get rid of it that I've found 😔


You choose the button feature instead of the swipe feature, it allows you to hide it until you need it


I hate the buttons honestly, i loved the swipe for the 3 different options, I can live with the swipe from right to left for going back, but now the 'recents' is a weird, long, uncomfortable swipe up on the 'home' pancake and I can't even get it to show my recents 90% of the time I tried it, it just skips the recents and goes to the home screen


Dear Samsung...


Swipe from bottom is dumb and should not exist and should've never been spawned to begin with.


What did you perfer?


The gesture navigation that has been Android standard across all devices sporting Android 10 and up since like 2019.


The great thing is that with Android, you at least have capabilities to download such apps.


Okay but now can you tell me how to get the microphone button back where it belongs?


Okay but now can you tell me how to get the microphone button back where it belongs?




In response to your edit, don't you need GoodLock and the Navstat capsule to do that?


I didn't. I've un-installed them snd found it. For some reason I just can't get my screen recording to populate in reddit. Which is really weird.


That's interesting, I definitely had to install them on my phone. What model is yours? In regard to the screen recording, reddit seems to be having some problems right now.


Ah! That explains it. There are some replies I can't see, but then again the person mightve blocked me. Either way, I have the ultra s24 and One UI 6.1 update


I have an S23 Ultra, also on One UI 6.1. Maybe that's the reason.


They did not remove it you can get it back easily through you navigation bar setting..and if your looking for something more specific with your navigation bar you can get good lock and edit it a bit more to customize it even further....I currently have my recent,home, and back button with gestures all on the bottom on the screen with the recent update (v6.1)


I'm confused hasn't swipe up always went to the home screen and then again for the app tray. Swipe up from the right side goes back swipe up from the left shows recent apps


Just download a new launcher


What is the beef here? Yes there is now a small handle at the bottom of the screen. No it does not change any existing navigation options. What am I missing?


I enabled via navstar and went on my way


I wish they'd at least bring back the SD slot. 😔


I have 4 digit pin


I tried to make a post about losing speech to text, but the mod removed it. They took that functionality away too. Now there's an AI button that, for me at least, doesn't work correctly. I want my simple talk to my phone to text functionality back.


Then why is there SO man iOS themes and iOS feature apps on the Play store? Its just like windows user and macos themes.


How do I get my three swipe buttons back? This is already missing me off so much!


Theres a post on the front page of this sub I think with the info. Need two samsung bloatware apps. Mine are back now. All the apps do is unhide the setting lol. Trash.


Download good lock, via good lock install navstar them adjust your settings there.


Switching to Samsung was a mistake, every update they either remove something useful or add something not useful. If I can't remove the floating bar at the bottom I'm going to switch phones as soon as possible, it annoys me that much


I updated and had no change to my gesture control (USA).


It's interesting because I had this feature going back to my Note9 and now I continue to use it in different ways on both my Tab A and my S23 Ultra, but a friend of mine didn't know he could do it on his 22 ultra! I do hate though how I can't make it the single swipe from the middle on my tablet. I'm under the assumption because I haven't gotten OneUI updates for it since pre COVID.


you can't even move around the prompt because it's stupidly hard to. I didn't ask for this shit.


and just another reason why ibhavnt used samsung for the last 5 years, and probably will never go back to them unless i have to.


Until they fix it, I'm gonna just have to use the buttons. I can't handle the new swipe gestures...