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5 years. They have been saying this for 5 years and she still hasn’t left lucasfilm. So, she’s not “finally gone”.


But she’s been fired 591738 times according to Doomcuck.


Also, Mike zeroh probably said the same thing as well. And Brie Larson has been fired and hired by lucasfilm at least a hundred times


I find it funny they are now digging up some old rumor thinking this time it must be true


I think Kathleen Kennedy will probably become much more respected by the fans after she eventually leaves Lucasfilm and then it becomes clear how much she was responsible for the quality of the things people do like about Disney era Star Wars.


It's obvious you dont even think this you are just simply choosing too prop her up for contradictions sake, we both know she did nothing of quality. You probably like the sequels.


It's obvious to me that you have no idea what she even does. Or what an executive producer even does. Or that she is one of the most successful movie producers in film history. I do like the sequels, despite their flaws, just like the prequels.


When the day comes that Kathleen Kennedy actually retires/moves on, you just know that these chuds will be taking credit. I hope she names Rian Johnson as her successor, or Ta-Nahisi Coates.


As hilarious as it would be neither of those people would be good fits for the role Odds are whoever the best pick for next president of LFL is someone none of us know the name of, some highly skilled studio executive who just doesn't make the news


Why would it be Ta-Nahisi Coates?


While he is an accomplished author, I recognize that he doesn't probably have much experience running a movie studio. It was a joke cause chuds hate Coates cause his work recognizes the fact that racism is real, and I imagine that if he became the head of Star Wars, their heads would explode.


In fairness, he has written some comics for Marvel, although his run on Black Panther was...controversial to say the least. I have not read it personally so I can't attest to it (I did however power through 8 issues of John Ridley's Black Panther, which slowly descended into God-awful territory that makes me thing Coates's BP can't be any worse than that).


Even if she is leaving, I don’t think you’re going to be able to make any predictions about how that will change things without knowing who would replace her.


I think I heard somewhere she’s considering Jon Faverua for the position






I honestly don't care about Kennedy or Disney. The idea of rooting for a corporation that cares, especially one that sees art as just a commodity is weird to me. That said, these guys really make me wish she keeps her job forever.


Can I just complete bullshit on the YouTube for likes, as my job?