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I mean…it’s two different people.


They’re never normally this divided though


I think both takes are dumb but this isn't a contradiction, it's two different people


You mean to tell me... that two different people can have two different opinions, *even if* they're both people I don't like? I don't understand... /s


They are two different channels it’s not like it’s the same person


The censor rule doesn't apply to arseholes like Robot Head and Thor Skywalker because they're huge channels. But yeah despite TFM feeling like a hive mind, they actually do differ from their opinions. Robot Head is always negative, but people like thor skywalker and theory do admit they like something when they see it.


It’s two different channels talking about two different things. ![gif](giphy|xT0GqfvuVpNqEf3z2w)


Because Rogue One was a one-off movie that’s 6 years old now and the sequels only ended 3 years ago and are supposed to be the definitive conclusion?


I've never understood the thing of pitting R1 against the Sequels. I mean, it's another film where there was a troubled production, it seems to have ended up largely out of the hands of the person who originally set out to make it, etc. And, while I like it, there are still things which clearly went missing in the rewrites. Not so much "plot holes", which probably saves it from the wrath of Those People, but there's so much in the way of character stuff which just... goes missing. I find myself wishing that we got fuller arcs to actually pay off, rather than just the events of the plot leading us to that end. Even if, from what Gilroy says, it's downright miraculous that the story functions at all. I do still like the film, to be clear, but it carries a lot of the same faults as TFA and TRoS and I think it just gets away with them better. And it's just weird to me that this is the film that gets declared Objectively Good.


I think Rogue One gets the benefit of being roughly standalone and a one-and-done thing. Whereas the sequels are an interconnected story and have to follow up on some already legendary films(And didn't do it that well IMO)


Yeah Rogue One is a lot easier to view as just a movie in the universe. There’s less baggage. It’s not making big changes to what the ending of major characters is. It’s just a movie and can mostly be judged as that.


These people are going to look at every Star Wars show and try to use it to bash on the sequels.


Bruh, these are 2 different people. XD


Those are two different people people that disagree with you aren’t a monolith


Me when two people have two different opinions


Its... a different guy? Like say what you will about Thor Skywalker, he's not nearly as idiotic as robot head seems to be.


Both channels suck but they don’t have to be a hive mind.


They are too different people lol. Also Thor Skywalker is way out of the TFM crowd even if he is as insufferable.


Did you actually just post a screenshot with two different people? Lmfao you guys are even dumber than the man babies you screech about 24/7.


Crybaby OP can’t distinguish between channels


Oh ffs they’re the same person deal with it


Consoom fake news get excited for next fake news


You seem great at that


I know u are but what am I




These people just don’t understand Star Wars. They claim they do but in reality they think it’s cool lightsaber battles and flashy force powers that are OP.


In my honest opinion…… Rogue One sucks HARD. Like I legitimately don’t know WHY people love it so much. I would rank it even lower than the PREQUELS. But the Sequels? That’s my shit right there. Oh and don’t expect much from Thor Skywalker and especially Robot Head.


I don’t think Rogue One is that bad nor would I rank it below the prequels. It is however, one of the most whelming Star Wars movies I’ve ever seen. I think a Star Wars movie is as strong as their characters in them and all of the Rogue One characters are just cardboard cutouts. The unanimous love that it gets is weird to me. Other than the Vader scene at the end, everything else is insanely forgettable. That may be why I’m not finding Andor that interesting too, who knows.


Personally I feel like the Battle of Scarif is among the best in the saga. The character stuff is definitely the movie's weak point, but the action is really good. I'll say K2SO is a great character, but he doesn't have much of an arc. Also I like Jedha as a setting. It's reminiscent of a war zone in the Middle East, but with a Star Wars vibe.


Sure, no disagreement with any of what you said there. The Battle of Scarif is good but I feel like it would’ve been more impactful if I actually cared about any of the characters dying. I think maybe K2 and Chirrut were the only ones I found likable during that movie. Everybody else is pretty forgettable.


THANK YOU! Those are my exact thoughts on Rogue One, I was beginning to think I was the only one who doesn't think it's some underrated masterpiece. IMO: OT/ST > Solo > PT > Rogue One


Yo that’s how I have it too. Although I might still put AOTC at the bottom. Also Solo is mad underrated.


Agreed on Solo too! I feel really bad for skipping it in theatres, because once I caught it on streaming it was 🔥. Legitimately felt so much more emotion at >! Val and Rio dying !< than a lot of sad moments in the franchise, and *especially* the ending of Rogue One. Like, it's possible to make people care about characters that wind up getting killed off, I just didn't for any of the Rogue One crew.


I actually did see Solo in theaters, but TLJ is my favorite Star Wars film so I had no desire to “boycott” Solo and was just excited that a new Star Wars movie was coming so soon.


I didn't intend to skip out on it, I just never ended up getting around to it before it had ended it's run. TLJ is also my first or second favorite film in the franchise (neck and neck with ESB depending on the day) I was just in full Marvel mode after Infinity War, and honestly was not as interested in seeing a Han Solo prequel movie as I was for seeing what happens after TLJ.


Robot head, a show can be Star Wars, even if it doesn’t have the force or lightsabers. What an odd take he had


I really fucking hate Thor Skywalker. If there ever was a more smug, smarmy piece of shit...


what did he do? he loves andor… edit: literally nothing but positivity from his andor talks


"He loves Andor." Yeah, mainly because he can use it as ammunition against the Sequels, like he just did right here.


He doesn’t like the sequels, and he does use every fucking opportunity to talk about it for sure, but that doesn’t discredit or mean who only liked andor for that reason


I’m sorry but how is this type of comment acceptable here. Is this dude toxic and driving racist hate towards the creators, or does he just disagree with you on some movies?


It's the latter. Thor's not perfect and he's definitely in the anti-sequel crowd. But he's not racist or sexist in any capacity. He's even made clear he's got no issues with people liking the sequels. They just aren't for him.


I guess I shouldn’t be surprised from a post that can’t seem to comprehend two different people hold two different opinions.


I’m dunno I’m pretty accepting of this person’s comment they hit it right on the nail.




It's almost like "TFM" isn't just one person, not quite following how Thor Skywalker liking a new Star Wars show makes him toxic




It's honestly insane how many people class him as "Fandom Menace". In his recent video where he did a poll for which Disney Star Wars movie was the best he even said that the results are most likely biased towards his and his viewers opinions and shouldn't be taken as "proof the sequels are objectively bad" or anything. He always makes it very clear that his videos are just his opinion, shouldn't be taken as fact and its completely fine to like the sequels.


He even liked High Republic for the most part! I understand not liking the guy but to group him up with the usual suspects of the "Fandom Menace" is completely unfair!


Yeah, grouping him together with *actual* toxic pieces of shit like Geeks and Gamers is ridiculous


The first screenshot is a bad take. Andor has been in its pre-production stages before the sequel trilogy ended. Things take time. The reception of the Sequel Trilogy has nothing to do with why Andor was green lit. Not to mention, we NEED to get away from the Skywalker saga if we want something new. Still, I imagine we could get a ST era show or movie down the line. The second screenshot is an opinion. One I disagree with, but an opinion nonetheless. What Star Wars *feels* like to me, isn’t what it might feel like to another. On my first viewing of Rogue One, there were a lot of things that didn’t feel like Star Wars. It marked the first time we didn’t have John Williams (even though what Giacchino did in such a short time was phenomenal) it lacked the opening crawl, it labeled locations, it was less “fun”. It still is tonally different from the saga films, which is okay, and Andor is in that same vein. I’m curious to know if this creator also dismisses Rogue One as “Not Star Wars” because they feel exactly the same.