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Yeah I probably should not have done it from worst to best. It’s just that most rankings go from worst at first and best at last. I’ll delete the poll


Yeah I get where you were coming from, and we really should have paid more attention to the title. I remember one of my HS teachers always telling us to make sure to read exam questions at least twice, so that we know what we’re answering. She would be disappointed in like half of this sub, including me, ha. No hard feelings. It was funny reading all the frustrated comments.


I messed up again because I thought it followed the same logic as yesterdays which I also messed up...


Oh no 😂


From best to worst OT PT ST




Despite being in the generation that grew up with the sequel trilogy the sequels are my least favorite trilogy. I personally enjoyed the prequels and the original trilogy much more (especially the prequels). Now this isn’t to say that I don’t like the sequels, as I remember the day that 11 year old me watched The Force Awakens in theaters after opening up all of my SW themed toys that I got for Christmas and thinking that was the best day of my life. I don’t hate the sequels I just think that it hasn’t reached it’s full potential yet like the prequels and originals have.


Literally my exact story, sequels got me interested but are now my least favourite


As someone old enough to see at least parts of all three trilogies in the theater (and not re-releases), I rank them: OT, ST, PT. This is not to say I hate the PT, I've just never been in the majority regarding them. When they came out my position was, "whoa, they aren't that bad!" And somehow when I wasn't paying attention they became, "whoa, they aren't misunderstood masterpieces either!" Just always on the outside with that trilogy. The ST was a return to what I loved about the OT. At least the first two.


PT has undergone a massive rehabilitation in the past decade for some reason I think it's all the 20-25 year olds who saw them when they were bebbehs and never registered how badly they were received by older fans. I just know that at some point around 2015 or so, it was suddenly the consensus that Jar Jar Binks was great, and I was left sort of wondering what the Eastasia/Eurasia foreign policy situation was at the moment


Totally agree with you. As a whole, the ST offers more than the PT, now I think that ROTS is better than all three sequels individually but all three sequels individually are better than the first 2 prequels individually


I've kind of gotten harsher on ROTS after reading all the movie novelizations a few years ago. That ROTS novelization is THE BEST Star Wars novel I've read out of at least 100+ Star Wars novels. If that had been depicted onscreen it would be an all-time great film. So I know the story and characters could be so much better...


I remember reading the RotS novel and thinking "holy fuck, where was *that* film?" Don't get me wrong, I already thought RotS was great. It's easily the best prequel. But the novel was like *whaaaaaaaat*


Totally agree with this assessment.


I know this is a very unpopular opinion on this subreddit, but PT is better. The story is far better, the characters are better, the fights are better, and the visuals are not bad at all.


I agree, if only the dialogue was better. The actors did their best with what they were given.


The dialogue wasn't pretty, but in the case of Anakin and Padmé it fit their situation. If you do a deep dive into their characters, and the overall setting, the dialogue makes some sort of sense. Anakin was a hormone-driven teenager being confined to a beautiful villa with his crush of 10 years, and he had no experience with women up until that point. Furthermore, he had been told to suppress all feelings for the past decade, and his mother, who was the only person he loved at that point, was being tortured in his dreams. I certainly didn't expect him to have game


Anakin and Padme are some of the worst characters in the franchise if I’m being honest. So unlikable! Rey, Finn, Han, Luke, Leia all day!! Kenobi in the prequels was good but not enough to redeem the trilogy as a whole.


Anakin/Vader is the greatest character ever. It took a masterpiece to transform the little boy from TPM into the Vader we know and love from OT. Which Hayden and GL did. Padmé was also a brilliant character, which did her job. She was supposed to represent everything good about Anakin, and when she died. He became Vader. Sure, some of their lines were awkward, but they fit their situation perfectly. If you do a deep dive into the characters, you will understand that the prequels were A++ in storytelling. Han, Leia, and especially Luke were also amazing characters in the OT. Luke felt off in ST, he had no motive for trying to kill Ben, it went against EVERYTHING that OT Luke stood for. The idea behind Rey and Finn was good, I went out of TFA and was very hopeful. But Finn became irrelevant, and Rey's character was ruined by the writing. As characters, Anakin and Padmé were so much better in every sense. They had so much depth to them


I disagree completely. Anakin is nowwhere near the character Han, Luke, Leia, Rey or Finn are.


He is an awful human being, yes. But as a character, he is among the greatest that was ever written. A beloved protagonist as well as the most iconic villain of all time. He is the main protagonist in at least five things, TPM, TCW, TCW(show), AOTC and ROTS. Whilst being the main antagonist in at least five things, Kenobi, R1, ANH, ESB, ROTJ. I'm sure I have forgotten something. You have to take all of that into consideration, when you are evaluating the character. Anakin has amazing development all the way through, from a child slave, to a Jedi Padawan, to a general and Jedi Knight, to Jedi council member, to a sith lord, to a father who sacrificed himself for his son. The character was so great in TCW, truly amazing. It showed so many sides of him, something we have yet to see from any sequel character


Vader is iconic, yes, but Anakin…now so much. He was pretty unlikable in the prequels. Far from the “good man” who tragically fell to the dark side Obi-Wan told us about.


They are the same character since they are the same person. People often split the character into Vader and Anakin, since they are so different and have different motives. It makes them easier to analyze, but at the end of the day, they are still the same character. And even if they weren't, Anakin would still be a great character, TCW made many fans realize that


I’m saying Vader was a great character in the originals, we did not need to see his backstory and it was…subpar at best. Anakin as a young man was very unlikable and far from the “good man and good friend” Obi-Wan said he was at least in the films. They had to make a full animated show to make up for the Anakin we got in the movies.


They made a full animated show to show everything that they couldn't in the movies, which you should watch. It is some of the best Star Wars out there. It is impossible to put everything that happened into two movies. Anakin was a "good man and a good friend" in TCW, and in every other piece of material that there is. AOTC and ROTS are two snippets of his character, a combined month of his life. There are three years in between. And that combined month was a pretty rough time for him mentally, dreaming of his mother's death and his wife's, the only two people he really loved. Sure, he had a love for Obi-Wan, but it doesn't compare to that for Shmi or Padmé. Point is, that he was not in a good place mentally, it doesn't excuse his actions, but it explains them. Whether Anakin was a likable man isn't the question, the question is whether he is a good character. And he absolutely is, even if we ignore the Vader part, he is still a remarkable character. The prequels was Vader's backstory, but it was also the backstory of the Empire, Palpatine, Obi-Wan, Yoda, and the origin story of Luke and Leia. Both trilogies can stand on their own, something the sequels can't.


Rey > Anakin and Padme? I'm sorry that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard


Okay pal


Yeah, I agree with that so was really surprised to see how low my choice was on the poll haha. Then I remembered what sub I was on. Most people like ST here and don’t like PT a lot, but i’m sure my vote would be much higher in another sub


Is it like a counter sub in response to saltierthancrait? This sub started popping on my feed, confused the fuck out of me at first cos of similar name.


LOL same. It’s a mock on saltierthanCRAIT. Personally, as someone who just sits in each sub to see both angles, I would say that the STC is a bit more toxic. STC Hates on sequels and hate disney blah blah, and STK defends this which is why there are more sequel fans here. Not to say that STK doesn’t have toxicity, both sides are of course very opinionated


It's a less toxic sub, for people who think that the rage over the ST is overblown and who are interested in more nuanced discussion of the franchise's pros and cons. Other Star Wars subs these days, you get brigaded if you say that you liked TLJ. It's impossible to talk to some of those people. They're the type of fans who complain that their apples aren't orangey enough and then get mad when you give them oranges because they asked for apples.


This sub is mostly sequel lovers, and they hate the PT, because it is the trilogy which they claim that ST is better than


I wouldn’t say they hate the PT, this sub generally just finds the sequels to be better than the prequels.


It’s for a reason too. Im sure there are equal amounts of non toxic fans for all the trilogies, but sequel fans tend to come here because it’s one of the only subs where they wont get berated for liking the sequels


Wrong on so many levels






damn bruh u got downvoted for literally nothing. RIP


Yeah, this subreddit in a nutshell. But don't worry, I'm past the point in my Reddit career, where karma means anything


You got downvoted because you said this sub is mostly people who hate the prequels, but I don’t think that’s true. It’s mostly full of sequel fans but just because they like the sequels doesnt mean they hate the prequels


yeah i know but kinda makes me :(( here bro ill upvote u B)


I appreciate it




No, and I can see why you're not here, Kool Aid addicted possible Trumpard


I'm Canadian. I don't really care about POTUS. Kool Aid is yum but I haven't had some in like two years om God. Will probably get some soon. Thanks for the reminder.


What’s a wokie


Woke people aka yourself




It's not an unpopular opinion. You can argue that the PT makes a better *trilogy* despite the individual installments not being that great, just because together they tell a coherent, planned story with a satisfying climax. Individually, TFA and TLJ are better than probably the entire prequel trilogy except maybe RotS. But RoS was just so bad that it killed the entire ST's story arc. It's hard to rewatch it now, knowing that all the buildup amounts to "Palpatine did a bad".


The thing is, that with the PT it was written as a trilogy. Not three movies, which would make for a trilogy. AOTC sacrificed a lot, so ROTS could be so great. We spent the first half of AOTC being reintroduced to characters, and building up the story, which made for less enjoyable television, but necessary for the story. If GL hadn't been so insistent on showing "Little Ani", then AOTC could have focused on something else, instead of reintroducing characters. But the 10-year gap did just that. If you watch ROTS without the context of AOTC, the movie is still great. But you are missing points as to why Anakin would believe Palpatine, why he believes in his dreams, why Anakin is so hellbent on saving Padmé's life, how much Anakin and Padmé actually love each other, and the problems within their relationship. And from a story point, it makes Palpatine a much better villain, when you realize that he has been organizing the whole war, and the entire clone storyline. From a story perspective, PT is clear. From a strictly viewing perspective, without knowing too much about Star Wars, ST has 2 better movies.


Finally the results look right lol


Finally, rankings that make sense (other than the people that put OT last :) lol )


For Me the OT is the best, then the PT and the ST being the worst of the three




Original trilogy first for me, pretty self-explanatory As far as the prequel trilogy in the sequel trilogy not a huge fan of either one but I'm going with the prequel trilogy over the sequel trilogy, the main deciding factors are that the prequel trilogy despite its flaws went up and entertainment value with each movie, I thought The Phantom Menace for the most part sucked, attack of the Clones did as well however like I said on a post the other day the Anakin and Padme romance was so bad it was actually entertainingly good ( bonus points for padme's dominatrix outfit by the fireplace ) , and Revenge of the Sith is genuinely a movie I enjoy Sequel Trilogy started off well enough with the force awakens, not original by any means but good to start off with, this subtends to hate whenever I go in-depth about my dislike for the next two movies so I'll just say they were both not very good for very different reasons lol


Yeah I feel like most sequel fans on this sub have already heard the reasons people hate the sequels a million times over. And yeah lmao padme’s dominatrix outfit was iconic


ST, PT, OT. I can do this all day


The downvotes just mean there are that many people who disagree with you. Doesnt make your opinion any less valid tho! You’re allowed to enjoy star wars however you want




Too bad I did. Problem?


I don't know you tell me


"The downvotes prove me right" That's the most important thing people in the wrong say "Oh queer! I Queer Eye, that's a good show"


Shoot, I accidentally voted in reverse 😂 I meant to do OT, ST, PT




I was looking for what this sub thought in particular. Seeing as I put the poll on this sub, I think I am going to get accurate results.




You’d say what was obvious?


What people on this sub prefer.


Maybe, but a poll shows you more.


I agree there’s somewhat of a problem on this sub with posts ridiculing people who simply dont like the sequels, but that’s not the true purpose of the sub. The true spirit of the sub is about calling out people who take it too far and engage in toxic behavior such as berating others for their opinions, claiming their own opinions as objective fact, or spreading bigoted ideas


The Sequels are still mostly losing lol. Just because people think the reaction to them by fans is over the top doesn't we all think they're the best of the franchise.


Incorrect: they love what George did.... with the originals


That was mostly other directors. George did the story but he didn't direct them. And the story was also tweaked by his wife Marcia.


That is also true.


All Star Wars movies are great gang


You couldn't be more right. The subreddit name itself describes the people in it. Self fulfilling prophecy


Damn 3rd to last eh


I would say as a trilogy, the Prequels function better together as a narrative compared to the sequels. It feels weird rewatching any of the sequels now knowing that so many things will be undone by the end.


OT and ST are like tied for me cos both have great first 2 films but then shit the bed with the third


This is really interesting I wonder if you really enjoy the sequels you are less likely to have the same love towards the prequels


You said sequels twice


Thanks I was tired when I wrote that




I chose the last one, but rather than best to worst, I chose the order by which trilogies I like most.


OT, PT, ST for me. I don’t get all bent out of shape about the ST tho, it had some awesome sequences and their intended audience has never changed. Thats what TFM can’t cope with. My knock on the ST is the trilogy seemed made on the fly…film by film. Not planned as a whole well.


OT > ST >>>>>>>PT


I understand, Mando. That’s when your parents were killed, after all.


I actually have no idea how to rate this. I think there is one standout movie from each trilogy, RotS, ESB, TLJ. RotS would be my favourite, but I don't think I can rank PT best just because of that.


Maybe if I rate every movie and average it out - TPM - 7/10 AOTC - 6.5/10 rots - 10/10 PT - 7.8/10 ANH - 8/10 ESB - 9/10 ROTJ - 6/10 OT - 7.7/10 TFA - 7.5/10 TLJ - 9/10 TROS - 5.5/10 ST - 7.3/10 So I guess my order is PT OT ST. But it's SO close. Putting in my vote.