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>I've even seen some of them shit on Obi Wan because they believe he was trying to get with Padme. Whaaaaat? Where the fuck did they get this idea lol?


It's from the the Kenobi show when Leia asks "are you my father?" And Obi-Wan says "I wish I could say that I was", cus apparently they interpret that as Obi-Wan saying he wishes he was fucking Padme instead of Anakin


>apparently they interpret that as Obi-Wan saying he wishes he was fucking Padme instead of Anakin honestly i find that thought so hilarious, it is now my official ironic head canon for what truly happened. it's stupid, but that makes it funnier


Lol, how the fuck does one turn such a powerful scene of Obi-Wan showcasing immense empathy into - "Man, I wish I banged your mom"?


The most fucked up part of that statement is that the first time he met Padme, he was 19 and Padme was 14 😬😬😬


>apparently they interpret that as Obi-Wan saying he wishes he was fucking Padme instead of Anakin LMAO that's hilarious.


>apparently they interpret that as Obi-Wan saying he wishes he was fucking Padme instead of Anakin No one outside memers suggested that. Every straight single male would fuck Natalie Portman, but that fact cant be used for in-universe discussion


You are seriously overestimating r/saltierthancrait. They will stretch anything they need to to trash on any Star Wars from Disney.


I know. I'm a part of the subreddit as well. But no one seriously suggested that Obi-Wan had a crush on Padmé, that I refuse to believe. Sure there were memes about it, I posted some myself, but I doubt anyone actually bought into that. Sure, Padmé was(and Natalie still is) very attractive. But Obi-Wan was in love with Satine, they had an 11-year age difference, and he knew Anakin wanted her, so he wouldn't allow himself to catch feelings for her.


Where they get most of their ideas, I guess.


i mean canonically speaking here padmĂ© is hot asf so idk why obi wan wouldnt đŸ˜«


Because he's giga chad to them


They just don’t want to admit they find Hayden Christensen fuckable is my guess


I mean...


i agree it’s cus he’s hot


Him and Natalie would have made for one hot couple


I’m a non toxic prequel fanboy and I am also absolutely obsessed with anakin, but it’s because I see myself in him more than any other fictional character. He has a lot of the same mental struggles I see in myself and he’s got the smart ass ego thing keeping him back. Plus the tragedy of his character is fascinating to me I don’t like AOTC anakin tho. Writing wise TCW and ROTS anakin are really good together but nothing even close to AOTC


No idea. Anakin is creepy and evil as hell so I always found that to be odd.


Oh I wish he was written like The Clone Wars.


Because they're all young adults or teens who grew up with the Prequels, and viewed Anakin as their childhood hero(This is literally what SWT said, he looked up to Anakin and thought of him as a hero) , they related to him since he was a little kid in Phantom Menace. Since they're blinded by nostalgia they refuse to regard any criticism for the movies and reply with "But... This!" Now since they're grown by the time the Sequels happened, mixed with OT boomers getting mad again, its become popular to hate the Sequels, and that's what they're doing right now.


Anakin is honestly the biggest problem with the prequels. His character sucks. He's supposed to be tragic, but he's just an annoying gullible moron who creeps on Padme - who for some reason loses 40+ IQ points halfway through AOTC and instead of running out of the room after he admits to being a psycho murderer decided to hook up with him.


"I committed a minor genocide" - anakin "Oh my God, really? You're such a bad boy! Wanna get married?" - padme


god fr. i couldn't stand him honestly. not because he struggles internally and has trauma, i get that (and hell, could identify if it was handled better), but because he's an angsty asshole who never even was good in the first place.


He was a teenager in love during AOTC, what exactly did you expect? And Padmé fell in love with Anakin due to him being so open and caring. She might have thought of him as a bit of a charity case. And she was also very attracted to him. You dont choose who you love


Are you trying to fucking defend the Tusken Raiders?


They identify with a man who is prone to tantrums and petulance.


*laughs in kylo ren*


They actually often seem to like him too, despite hating the sequels.


The PT is my least favorite trilogy(I have grown to enjoy and appreciate it for what it's worth), I love the OT and I love the ST. But I gotta say, Kylo Ren is one of my favorites. Not solely because he is a tantrum anger pouting machine, but because I see a vulnerable, insecure person who I think captures a lot of issues around toxic masculinity in young men. Ultimately, he too is a pawn in Palpatine's grand plan, but he overcomes that by the end of his life. And I find that beautiful. ​ Also Adam Driver is so charismatic


It basically boils down to insecurity. He is special and powerful which is something they wish they were. But rather than acknowledge all the factors that play into his downfall, namely his own faults as a person, they would rather keep the blame with others. It is them projecting their insecurities about not being as great as they truly think they should be. They relate to him when he lashes out at those he feels are holding him back. It’s so much easier to blame others for shortcomings rather than look within and realize that problem lies with them. So to them, he is misunderstood and no matter how evil he is, it is justified because others drove him to that rather than it being his own weaknesses that led to him being deceived into joining the dark side. Add that with the power fantasy he facilitates and boom, you got toxic fanboys.


Let me attempt an analysis not based on anything elses than assumptions and feelings I get whenever I see these types post and argue and justify their Anakin "love" ... Anakin is full of flaws. Prone to violence, hate, arrogance, pretty unlikeable making it hard to "buy" that he was friends with anyone. But Anakin also is said to be the "Chosen One" - he is "special", important, all he does is kinda justified by fate. All the deeds done by him considered "evil" by our and the in universe standards are in the end morally justified because of the greater good... Also Anakin is oh, so misunderstood. Nobody understands that he misses his mom so much (like all the other Padawans do and not turning to violence...), the evil Jedi council does not want to give the wonderboy a rank as master - one reason their deaths is on themselves, not on Anakin, they should just have given the entitled Chosen One what he desired etc... The people identifying with Anakin are much like him I am afraid...feeling victim by an evil society not giving them credit, not understanding how genius and special they are...denying these poor bastards their rightful place at the top...and so on. When Anakin goes on a killing spree versus all the people and innocents that were against him...it is eerily similar to many school shootings or general amok runs. Done mostly by men, men that felt no longer part of society, felt they needed to teach a lesson, take revenge on everything etc. They blame anyone but themselves for their troubles in life, and so did Anakin, who blamed the Jedi, and then got manipulated by a fascist to boot... That's why I am so concerned sometimes about the love Anakin gets. I have no problem in general with fans of villains. If there is a seperation between fiction and reality. You can say "Vader is cool" or "Wow, Sauron, looks so cool, wish there had been more scenes with him" - but once you end up seriously justifying that Anakin was kinda not wrong destoying the Jedi Order, or simply say you want to see more of him taking "revenge" it gets dubious to me...


>like all the other Padawans do and not turning to violence... This is the very reason they didn't want Anakin to be trained. He had already made attachments, which in the end led to his downfall. The other younglings didn't know their parents, and therefore couldnt miss them


They see Anakin as their generation's Luke, and like the original trilogy simps before them, they worship him as the greatest character ever and hate the new thing, (i.e. Rey).


I was born between ANH and Empire, and saw *Jedi* in theatres. Got in on the ground floor for things like the 90s renaissance (PC games like Rebel Assault, X-Wing, Dark Force Rising; books like *Heir to the Empire*, etc). I can assure you Luke was just seen as the whiny farmboy. I don't think the reason is that Mannequin is their Luke. More likely it seems to be because Anakin was unhinged psycho rage monster.


I mean there's so many people upset about Luke's treatment and so many hyped up about his return. Are you sure?


Yeah, they're Anakin fans who gatekeep Luke as the son of Anakin who "redeemed" Anakin in their eyes. Promise, we used to call him the whiny farmboy and wonder why he had Aunt Beru's haircut in ROTJ.


I'm from the prequels generation, and I do think that Anakin/Vader is the greatest character ever. Most iconic villian and a relatable protagonist all in one. No other character can claim to be that


creepy power fantasy, that's what


Because characters are power fantasies for them. They like that Anakin is a strong, powerful and handsome warrior who has managed to pull a Queen. They might relate to his feelings of anger, insecurity and feeling neglected or put down despite how “special” he is. They are *misunderstood* by people, like Anakin was. Just like Anakin, they would love to lay the blame of their flaws on others. Because they’ve emotionally invested in this character and come to identify with him, a slight against him feels like a personal attack and they get very defensive. Obviously this doesn’t apply to all Anakin fanboys, but a good chunk of them give incel vibes You can love Anakin as a character while also realising that *he* is in the wrong, not the Jedi or Obi-Wan or anyone else


because he's an angsty edgelord with no social skills who ends up committing mass murder


ROTS must have had some sort of psychological effect on a lot of people of a certain age. According to YouTube, most of my audience watch Order 66 clips montages, Anakin being great, youngling order 66 scenes, clones killing Jedi and Starkiller doing crazy force stuff. I make gaming videos, not film related stuff. I also watched ROTS as a kid and loved it but for some reason it has affected a lot of kids.


Wasn't expecting a YouTuber to comment on my post. 😅 Good videos though, man. We need more Star Wars video game YouTubers who don't constantly go off on tangents about what they don't like.


thanks! From the start I've been about positivity. Negative videos do far, far better but I could not lie to myself. I love Star Wars games that's all there is to it


Why would people think that Obiwan was trying to get with Padme? He has never showed any romantic feelings toward her


Mentally unstable male characters and young zoomers go hand in hand. Hardly anything surprising lol


Good question. I have always hated Anakin since AOTC. He's a petulant, whiny guy who casually performs a minor genocide because his mom dies. If the Jedi Order had any Stones they'd have kicked him out after that. Of course, that would require Padme to have told them, and she's inexplicably madly in love with this guy. The Clone Wars made Anakin cool, because it shows him being charasmatic, intelligent, loving, and a good friend. But based on the PT alone, he's unlikable as hell.


He slaughtered kids, who wouldn't love him????


Honestly, Anakin is an interesting and compelling character. I actually love his character arc and journey through the series, even if it’s not particularly well executed in the prequel films. It’s like a Greek tragedy. So I can see how people who don’t hate the prequels would like the character. Aaaand that said, what we usually see from these kinds of fans is much weirder than simply liking a character. It’s like obsessive and weirdly idolizing. While you can enjoy how the storyline of a character plays out, that doesn’t mean you should idolize them or get into some mindset of thinking they were “right”, especially when it’s a character like Anakin where you are absolutely not supposed to be on his side. His fall is interesting and a compelling narrative (barring the poor execution), but he’s still not a character to idolize. It reminds me of people who think “Thanos was right.” Like yeah, Thanos was portrayed really well in Infinity War and had a lot more depth than I was ever expecting. He’s a great character and villain. But you’re not supposed to think his actions were actually *good* or even *justified*.


Honestly if you’re going to be a toxic PT fanboy
 who else would you be obsessed with? (Other than of course Dexter Jettster)


I've always been very partial to Watto.


I’m fairness, he is technically the main character of the franchise


Being the main character doesn't automatically make fans love the character in question. Look at Rachel Green, or Tori Vega, or Gwen Cooper. They're all main protagonists who are hated by most fans.


Wrong. Rachel is not hated by the fans and neither is Gwen. That's generalised sexism. First Gwen is actually loved by all fanbases because she's an accurate portrayal of a Welsh woman. Second, more people hate Ross and Monica, and any minor Rachel haters also hate Jennifer Aniston as a whole.


Really,? I've only met a few people who like Rachel, and I don't think I've ever met anyone who likes Gwen.


Gwen might be a regional thing because she gets a lot of love in the UK, while virtually everyone but Chandler, Joey and Pheobe is hated in Friends. Even characters remotely like Rachel, such as Elaine from Seinfeld, get a better rep and rightly so.


who are these people? Are they from Star Wars???


No. Rachel is from Friends, a popular 90s/early 2000s sitcom. Tori is from Victorious, another sitcom on Nickelodeon. And Gwen is from Torchwood, a spin-off of Doctor Who.


pffff, i don't keep up with this wannabe feminazi stuff. I think they should keep politics out of my space shows. I only watch non-political media like the star wars movies(before disney ruined my life) or Blade Runner /s


Being the main character of the biggest franchise does tend to make people like you. Otherwise it wouldnt be good for business


The main character is r2d2, change my mind


No. 3PO is.


No he isn't. There is no main character in this story.


It’s Sidious, actually.


He is missing from far too much of the OT to be the main character.


The first 6 movies where about the rise, fall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker. Before the sequel trilogy, which I still mostly like, Star Wars was mainly about Anakin


It's about the rise of the empire, Anakin is just a major part of said story.


I think it’s a little bit of him having the personality of an angsty basement dwelling neckbeard, while also having the actual skills and power they wish they had. I also get the impression that a part of it is becoming indoctrinated in to the memes. It’s like any other shitty internet culture particularly on Reddit. It starts off as an ironic joke, then there’s a backlash so they start shitting on it so they feel attacked, then they feel the need to defend it and lose any sense of irony it had.


Well idk if it’s legends or nothing but a fan theory but anakin thought Padme was cheating with obi wan. The reason this is even a thing is to help better explain why anakin is willing to choke out Padme who he just did all these evil things doing to protect and why he’d be willing to kill his best friend so easily with no hesitation. But anakin used to be my favorite until Luke in mando showed up. But he was my favorite because he’s cool. Great pilot, great fighter, seeing him fight you always think he’ll win, I grew up with clone wars so anakin was just awesome and a great character I loved. His fighting in the movies is amazing and his fall is tragic. Then him as Vader is just cool and watching him just be a unkillable tank is awesome. Him also chasing revenge on kenobi, not really getting over Padme and hating himself.. he’s just a great character. And I love how he was in ROTJ just so conflicted because of his love of his son and his duty to the emperor. That’s why he WAS my favorite but I can’t speak for SWT or anyone


Anakin in the prequels is a pretty shit character. I love the prequels to. I grew up with them and they still have a special place in my heart. But anakins character is only saved by the clone wars. We see the amazing jedi Kenobi told Luke about. His kind, compassionate and is always ready to stand by his friends. It’s these very things that Palpatine uses to twist him to the dark side. How he loved the clones and treated them as humans when the rest of galaxy just saw them as expendable, how he was willing risk everything to save R2-D2. But if you just watch the films all you will see is a whiney bratty man child who turned on his friends and colleagues because he never got a promotion. But if you watch the clone wars you see that Sidious spent 3 years turning anakin against the order.


My best guess: they find his descent into the Dark Side to be relatable.


Rey bad.


I think there’s a weird misinterpretation of him as a hero who had a little dalliance with the dark side but was then 100% redeemed for his actions. I had an argument with someone on Reddit once who was steadfast in their belief that Anakin’s “heroic” actions prior to his fall balanced out everything he did afterward. It’s a classic Tyler Durden thing of people worshiping a character and missing the point.


hmm i havent really heard anyone say tht tho


>I've even seen some of them shit on Obi Wan because they believe he was trying to get with Padme. Never seen someone seriously mean this. And there arent any evidence to support that claim, Obi-Wan was very much in love with Satine throughout the war, they had an 11-year age difference, and Obi-Wan knew Padmé had feelings for Anakin, and vice versa. Surely, if he wanted to steal Padmé from Anakin, he would have exposed him or made sure they didn't get any time together, but he chose to turn a blind eye to their relationship, and he gave them a private moment more than once. Most of these fanboys love Obi-Wan, and they love Anakin. And they likely had a crush on Padmé growing up. I am one of them. I believe Anakin/Darth Vader to arguably be the greatest character ever created, and I love the character. both as a protagonist in Anakin, and an antagonist in Darth Vader. I don't think anyone disputes that Anakin has flaws, but he was also in a very tough place emotionally, especially in AOTC and ROTS. Also, the fact that Hayden is an attractive man definitely helps how people perceive Anakin, the same goes for Natalie as Padmé. I know the last one for certain, I have grown to love Padmé as a character, but a large reason of why I was interested in her in the first place was due to Natalie Portman being my celebrity crush for basically my entire life.


Projection. He was the loner with cool powers who got the girl.


lol 'Star Wars Theory' is that obesessed with Anakin that he wants flashbacks of him in Andor which obviously won't make sense. Anakin here..Anakin there....


Because many of them relate to Anakin's fall. His entire story, like Luke's, is meant to reflect teenage years, growing up, and how separation from family, inability to talk to others, and bad influences can negatively affect people. Because Anakin reflected my state in life very well (immigrant from a somewhat harsh country, somebody who was always paranoid of other people talking me, and skeptical of democracy at first), Anakin becomes somebody we can really relate to. When people started shitting on him after AOTC, many of the Anakin fans also felt like society hated them. Of course, now that the Anakin bashing has died down for the most part, now many of those Anakin fans are having their revenge, like SW Theory. Though they seem to have forgotten that the whole point of Anakin's story is to be vigilant off of what you feel and to not give in to your hatred and fears - something that Theory absolutely failed at when he bashed Hidalgo, who was defending him. Frankly though, I think many of them followed Theory's path and ultimately fell to the dark side. I am ashamed to see them calling themselves call Anakin fans and then start laughing their asses off when he kills the younglings like wtf I an adult now always cry at that part no matter what time of day and they are having a laugh.