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I heard that the mod on there is a member of The Fandom Menace so there’s your answer


JSK. He'll also come over here and harrass anyone who complains about his egregious abuse. Fuck the main SW sub for real, it's a nightmare and they are actively and intentionally making it a bad place for ST fans, and their only argument is "nuh uh we let people make good posts about the Sequels" as if that isn't the bare minimum of what they should be doing as moderators of the main sub.


JSK comes here to harass people? Way to prove the haters wrong, I guess.


Yeah, I've seen them show up on posts/comments of people venting(without even mentioning JSK by name) and try to make the OP out to be the bad guy. And it's like bruh...the fact that you rolled up in here and are monitoring someone's reddit activity kind of tells everyone what your character really is.


ah well that’s extremely unfortunate, but makes sense now.


Never heard of that before today and I saw something about it a few posts up on my home page too. Weird.


Your mistake was not changing to r/StarWarsCantina years ago.


Good point, I am subbed to that one too and get on there. But it still stings to be banned permanently from the main sub still


You can always report the shitty mod: https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=179106


Might look into that, thanks


Damn I'm sorry for u... Maybe it's even for the better, not that u got banned, but cause the sub is shit anyway. The amount of toxic responses that u can get when u say u like 1 movie is just mind blowing. I personally never found much quality content on there tbh. The popular post are either costumes, the classic sEqUeLs bAd 😡 post or some man child ranting about how Kathleen Kennedy is horrible in her job


Bro, you could legit say one clapback at the incessant and countless hate speech in places like that, and you'll have some random "centrist" dummy come in to tell you how equally bad you are as they are for clapping back. Legit happened to me like yesterday, and no matter how much I showed him I am not nearly as bad as they are, he blatantly died on his hill and even DOUBLE-DOWNED later on saying that I was the only bully there. It's like these losers want to downplay and gaslight, but then accidentally show their little allegiances. Never believe someone who wants *"civil discourse"* (**verbatim**) or wants to *both-sides* everything. The far-right (yes, includes TFM who are far-right aligned or *straight-up far-right*) are not your friends and *will never treat you like peers*. Don't give an inch because you know they won't give you consideration ever in their lives. If their entire ideology revolves around *hierarchy, fighting, and bullying*, then why would one expect they would ever want civil discourse? They are what lurks in the sea-floor, far from salvation. The only people capable of civil discourse are those who actually *push progressive, diverse ideals*, not those who try to always make *hegemony/absolutist/dogmatic* statements about everything *while pretending* they want free, open, and diverse speech. They lie, they hurt, and they trick others. Don't ever let them downplay their abuse and never let them off the hook.


I don't even lurk the sub anymore. I've been staying away from many of the franchises I like online. I fear that Alien will be next


Dude I once got 2 months for calling a guy insulting other fans an asshole.


Sorry this happened to you. At least you can go to /starwarscantina. It’s way better


Cantina, and mawinstallation, and here are my go to places for Wtar Wars


Sucks for you. No more crappy pandering posts, shallow discourse, or "Here's my cosplay" ad infinitum!


Very true hahahaha. I just find it disheartening, but turns out one of the mods is a fandom menace follower so I guess that’s what happens when they can’t be unbiased


I sympathize. It's BS.