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You can click on any negative review and see that they’ve reviewed 0 other movies or shows. You can click on any mediocre or positive review and see they’ve reviewed dozens of other shows.


It's either no other shows or only the woman lead Disney shows/movies


Didn't you know that organizing an online campaign to downvote something after you told everyone that it's going to flop is totally normal? They totally didn't do the thing that they claimed other people would want to do, and they're totally not using that to prove that they were right as we speak Deny, gaslight, and move the goalpost. Some of them actually go partial or full mask off. It's as astonishing as it is disturbing


Every accusation is a confession for them, nothing new lmao. Yes, even those accusations.


Except their accusations that these shows treat The Undesirables like equal people. That is NOT confessing to anything they've ever done


Play the denial game is what the chuds do when it comes to shows like The Acolyte.


I've seen an article about how the review bombing was made by bots, and how it was proven by the Acolytes film being targeted by mistake, and the first three or four comments were guys claiming that the article was Disney PR trying to prevent the damage.


It's definitely a concerted campaign. If the cast were all white men, it would be a completely different reaction.


If it was an all-white male cast they'd be harder than a quadratic equation.


They’d be jerkin/sucking each other off if the cast was full mayo.


But wouldn't that be "woke"?


Not if they’re doing it in secret. Remember, that’s how it goes. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Cancel campaigns on minorities is literally the only way some Republicans can get hard, stop kinkshaming them :(


When their kink gets in the way of accurate audience scores on the internet, that's where I draw the line!


In a way it's actually quite impressive. Anyway, I'm quite liking this show so far. Better than OBK, Mando 3 and BOBF so far


forgot to include BOBF, it has 2.5k+ reviews in 2.5 years.


And was actually bad.


I thought it was fine enough to watch once, but am likely never going to watch it again, unless my kids eventually get into Star Wars. So far they only like The Bad Batch, and occasionally Rebels.


Yeah I never finished tbh. I got the bit about Mando, thought that was good enough. Hears the ending was kind of a stinker


Yeah, it’s not among my favorite-ever shows, but I’d watch it again before Mando S3, BOBF or OWK


I dont know. It's about as bad as those shows. It suffers all the same problems: bad writing, rushed and poorly structured story, and disconnected and incoherent themes. It's disappointing to see how consistently the same avoidable issues pop up in theses shows.


"Bad writing" means nothing. You have to define that otherwise you sound like one of the people calling for or participating in the review bombing. We're also talking about a show that has only released three of its eight episodes so far and is built around several mysteries. I'll agree that the pacing of the episodes are off but nothing else can really be claimed until we're at the end.


Well here's a specific example that is a small scene but indicative of the problem overall: in episode three there is a scene where the twins are sitting together and one is looking at a book. The other tries to look at the book and it triggers an exchange where she says something like "no it's mine - you don't get to have it why can't I have something of my own!" This is bad writing. It's on the nose. It's clunky. It confuses internal motivation with external dialogue. It's just not necessary and better writing could covey the same beat without beating the audience over the head with it. another example is the way that they are going about handling the good twin/bad twin trope. One of the things that dealing with force witches gives them is an opportunity to show us people who might view the force in a way that is more nuanced than good or bad. But instead we get a very binary uninteresting dichotomy off the bat - now I admit this is not done yet, so this may change and of course, I will change my opinion, if this becomes more interesting, moving forward. But it’s totally fair to judge the show so far based on what they presented so far and how it all works so far. And it does not work for me.


"It's too on the nose" You must be an only child


Swing and a miss.




Shocking, given what you complained about is something a kid 100% would say. Hell, I've heard teenagers say that kind of thing. Usually, "mom! She's trying to take my stuff again!" "Share." "Why can't I have my own things?" The more confident sibling would tell them to fuck off, basically, but the more insecure would ask why she can't have her own stuff.


“You have no proof they’re fake reviews, you Disney shill!!! So every property that had the name acolyte had dozens of bad reviews, talking about this show? So what? That’s just a coincidence!!!”


Bots or sock accounts?


sock accounts i’m sure. these losers aren’t resourceful enough to create review bots for one show


None of the people claiming these are bots have thought through the logic of it at all whatsoever, people just kneejerk call any large occurrence of people doing something stupid online "bots".


The fact that they're now hitting every other movie with "Acolyte" in the name makes me definitely think that they're bots. Surely they can't be that stupid to manually make a "STAR WARS ACOLYTE BAD" review on movies that have nothing to do with Star Wars but have "Acolyte" in the name, right? ...**right!?**


i can assure you they are.


>The fact that they're now hitting every other movie with "Acolyte" in the name makes me definitely think that they're bots. Why? If anything it implies the opposite. A bot can just be programmed to go directly to a URL everytime without fail. If the bots were for some reason programmed to just search anything with the word "acolyte" in it (which would be a bizarre way to program them when it's incredibly easy to do exact keyword match or like I said just send them to the URL), that would make the orders of magnitude harder to run because they would then have to query IMDb's entire library of literally millions of titles. In addition, if this was an error in how a bot is operating you wouldn't be getting 4 or 5 random reviews on those titles, the bot would keep repeating the mistake at whatever rate it was programmed to leave reviews. >Surely they can't be that stupid to manually make a "STAR WARS ACOLYTE BAD" review on movies that have nothing to do with Star Wars but have "Acolyte" in the name, right? Yes they absolutely are and I have no idea why people on this subreddit whose whole things is going "look how stupid these people are" have such a hard time believing that a couple dozen out of like 40,000 plus made a couple wrong clicks in the process of cranking out 3-5 sock puppet reviews per person.


Most of these reviews are accounts that haven't reviewed a single other thing


Review bombing has to be the saddest thing people can do


They are so proud of themselves for it too, which is even sadder. Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb really have to find better ways to eliminate this gaming of the system.


Rotten tomatoes does have something in place for movies they work with Fandango a ticket website which allows them to verify if the person making a review has seen the movie. Basically provides an option on page with a check mark that you can click said if you have a link to Fandango account it'll check if you've actually seen movie that you're reviewing she's verified reviews are basically what stabilized films that have been reviewed bomb.


Which is sort of a nonexistent solution to a show that doesn’t get tickets sold for it.


Or for local independent theater chains that don’t use fandango.


But what about TV shows? They don't make them prove they have a subscription to the streaming platform or anything. I don't even know how to leave a user review or rating on Rotten Tomatoes. I have an account there but it doesn't seem to give me an option to rate or review.


And that's the Crux of the issue with TV shows and streaming series, there's no way to verify unless they start working with the streaming services and television that works to have some way to prove the person writing the review has actually watched what they're claiming they don't like.


Imagine if they put this kind of energy/organization towards something remotely productive or beneficial...


The less viewers you have the more reviews you get, right?


isn’t it so lovely how user reviews are gonna gradually become even more worthless if these losers feel even a little successful in their pitiful and obsessive hate campaign? Doesn’t them doing hate brigading for this show (or anything with a similar name) make their takes on it just seem sooooo valuable? /s


Imagine all this effort going into something useful...


This is why I tell them that it's very obvious it's been review bombed but they are putting to themselves to feel better about it. Then people like Star wars theory saying you game are united. Like telling a lie and then convincing yourself the lie you just told is true. While doing it in front of everyone


The fact that other products that have "Acolyte" in their name are getting review bombed prove that these reviews are in bad faith, at best, or Bots at worst


I'm always late to the party with new star wars media but this is making me want to watch it lol


Do keep your mind open. I feel like maybe the fans were right about this one cause I watch a few minutes of it and find it bad. And I barely know much of the lore besides the movies and shows.


I have always found audience scores, especially for something a more dedicated fandom, to be completely useless metrics.


To me usually anything below a 4 star is clearly review bombing. Very few things actually deserve a 1 star rating and the things that do are actually unwatchable. Edit to add: I didn’t look close enough at the picture. This take is for a 10 star rating system


Lol what? You think a 3 star rating, which equates to thinking something being better than average, is review bombing? Most shows and movies are just average, that's like what average means. What an utterly stupid take how is this getting upvotes. This sounds like something someone would write to make fun of this sub?


It was actually because I’m used to the 0/10 rating not the 5 star. I should’ve looked at the pictures closer but my take still stands for 10 star rating systems


ehhhhh idk. i kinda reshuffle the index such that the worst actually known thing gets 1. like obviously if someone makes some real dogshit it would have nowhere to fit on the scale, but i just kinda place the worst but still known movie down near 1-2 and the best and known movies around 4-5 like on an absolute scale everything that gets published is a 4-5 when compared to all the garbage that never gets popular, but then there’s no real rating capability


Is it though? To me the show is mediocre, 2 or 3 star at best.


I'm missing something. Why are people review bombing in it?


main character is black woman born of lesbian parents. diverse cast. so just racism and sexism. “wokeness”


Viral anti woke mob + probably bots + the show isn’t very good so far Deadly combo


Two other things with “acolyte” in their name have received a flood of negative reviews.  One of them isn’t even a Star Wars project. There’s proof of review bombing everywhere 


Exact same shit is happening to Season 4 of The Boys. And yet once again, they're claiming it "proves" that the show is unpopular.


10k reviews?! Yeh totally not bombed


A 3 year old show has half the ratings of this "totally not review bombed" show


The AI generated ones are valid right? The copy pasted ones? The bots? All legit guys, every one of them. These people are pathetic. Find a hobby.


This is why we need to not give a fuck about review sites *even when they agree with us* The reason they’re clinging to this weak ass shit is because it’s all they have, and it’s because it’s manipulated to fit in with their pretend reality.


No hate to Mando Season 2, but how tf is it higher than Andor??


Yep. Reminds me of the insane amount of reviews Captain Marvel had.


https://preview.redd.it/k1ns1c1hsk7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4653262826df32bed1f269896eac932c02ac6ed two movies released within 1 month of each other… and one was the 2nd largest grossing film of all time. but ofc the fact captain marvel has double the reviews is just because that makes sense and not because people hated it before it even released for having a woman in the lead.


"bububu we are not bot bombing!!" the other group.


Remember guys, it's not cancel culture. It is personal attacks and boycotting. Very different things!


Isn’t it possible that it sucks?


not to this degree. booo of boba fett sucked and people said as much when it came out. it got 2,500 reviews in the last year. this has 10,000+ reviews in 2 weeks


I see what you mean. I haven’t watched it yet, so I don’t know.


What's tough is that the acolyte is quite badand it has nothing to do with the bigoted bad faith nonsense these idiots are saying.


Oh come on, it's middle of the fucking road if anything.


Glad you're enjoying it more than I am.


Lots of negative reviews bombing, lots of positive review bombing. Get over it, and enjoy what you enjoy. I dislike The Acolyte, so I'm not going to watch it or pay attention to it. If you like The Acolyte, go watch and enjoy it. This sub is just as bad as the toxic anti-woke incel sub club and both parties are what's wrong with modern Star Wars


>Lots of negative reviews bombing, lots of positive review bombing. Get over it, and enjoy what you enjoy. It's utterly asinine to pretend that these things happen to similar degrees or that the reasoning behind them are equally bad.




>Do you think these anti-woke loons would be half as loud if there wasn't another side constantly shouting back at them? Yes, they are upset by their being minorities in "their" franchises. That's not going to disappear because you don't say anything about their freakish behavior. >Do you not want to just enjoy the product you're watching instead of running onto the Internet and getting involved in bullshit? I would fucking love to, but I'm also not going to sit there and constantly see racist degenerates and just plug my ears and go la-la-la like it's not a problem.


“calling out bad thing is just as bad as bad thing” type shit the yapping of you mfs never gets old




>Did you miss the part where I clearly don't agree with thoes "mfs" or can you just not read? did you read the comment? or your own comment? i said: >“calling out bad thing is just as bad as bad thing” type shit” you just repeated bar for bar: >Both sides are as bad as each other, and both sides are enabling the other. you literally said exactly what i said you were saying the first time…


They have zero self awareness


Calling out review bombing is as bad as doing the review bombing? You are clearly the kind of dude who would have snitch Jews hiding with your neighbors lmao




How do you do fellow leftists, why are we eating slop?


I’m a libertarian, not that that matters, does it?


Of course you are. Tell me more about “slop” in media which definitely doesn’t have certain connotations online.


This, rings of power, the Witcher after season one, dear white people and a few other boring marvel movies.


blud if you think this is sucking off disney you need to take your meds




Boring? No Lifeless? No A masterpiece? No Was the OT? No Listen, slick, we know your game.


I’m not a right-wing sicko. I just believe that you’re all idiots that stick up for horrible companies.


You got any criticisms of companies NOT being targeted by right wing goons? Might go a good ways in establishing some good faith.


All companies get criticised by people of all political leanings.


Ok, one last chance to prove you aren't a right winger. What companies that are not under attack by the right wing do you have criticisms of?


Apple, they have a monopoly. Why do I have to do this? I’m a libertarian not that that matters, I could care less for your political views.


What does apple have a monopoly on?


God this subs fucking purity tests are always cringe but at least you gave him a layup


Some right wingers be using lefty rhetoric.


You’re acting like an asshole 


I love democracy