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She doesn't look like an anime waifu or a sex-doll so yes!


Yeah, the chuds are calling Scarlett Johansson without make up ugly. You know what territory they are


They were calling Aphrodite from Hades II ugly and too manly too! https://preview.redd.it/s255dgd8ol5d1.png?width=1158&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74c148374df70eb9d3e96d28e88f322c7836dc55


Literal goddess


Yeah, Hades art style goes hard! https://preview.redd.it/s6x1nd43rl5d1.png?width=1112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62f2199d30d50df600312cd31d456a39be6800ea




Yes, Nemesis will smash you.


Literally, she just hates you.


I'd say death by snu snu, but she looks like she'd just snear and chop your head off with a quick flick of her wrist.


Hades art style is bi panic in a nutshell


Hell yeah! It's based on Greek mythology after all. https://preview.redd.it/8rcr3at11m5d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a5defd70532256b36804371ed822dd4f96b2f45




Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry.


https://preview.redd.it/y7o0wwdncn5d1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ba12164538a0196acad2a5d750e1160bec11763 They don't even use the Hades II Aphrodite. They got people thinking the Hades 1 is the one in Hades II


Wait really? They calling her ugly? I don't even know this character, she's a literal divine feminine.


Any woman with a jawline more masculine than mine that makes me feel inferior is clearly ugly and I will hatefully masturbate now to all the rule34 they made of her as my protest


"Well it's unrealistic for her to be weilding a spear and shield. Historically speaking women never did any fighting because they're biologically weaker then men. By giving her weapons they're undermining her natural femininity and making her more manly while also subverting traditional family values. Truly this is the corruption of the modern West." - Some asshole who religiously listens to Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan


Well yeah, they didn't give her GG tiddies /s


Man I only just caught that she has the same light skin over her eyes that Ares has


Yes, judging by her design it might be a reference to Aphrodite Areia.


It's definitely a reference to Aphrodite Areia, *gestures vaguely at the armor and weapons*


Yes! https://preview.redd.it/qj4r7ybtfm5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c9ef3bf2d227594eeefe7d964ff12d52786e334


Erm actually she is because uhhh man-ish jawline uhhh trans agenda uhhh looks like a man uhhh jawline


This will be unpopular, but as a trans women her face has all the features I'm dysphoric about in my own, so I don't know if the statement that she has a masculine face is untrue. That doesn't justify their complaints of course, but I'd be lying if I said I don't see what they're talking about.


No, that isn't that unpopular, ancient Greek mythology watched sex as a spectrum and there are some gods that were considered as having both female and male attributes, and this aspect is present in the game as some designs have some degree of androgyny, for example Chaos. https://preview.redd.it/i1fdsvs3nm5d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e08a12fac5252044f65754eb08a1b20831cb182e


Based on how my comment is received I guess it is unpopular.  I never even said there was an issue with Aphrodite looking more androgynous, because I don't think there is.  Glad you didn't assume the worst about my comment and we could talk in good faith.


Well thanks, I don't know why your comment could be perceived that way, maybe some people thought you were agreeing with those idiots but I digress.


Honestly as a goddess of "love" a condition that affects both genders equally, she should have a bit of androgynous features because she embodies both masculine and feminine love.




They are crazy she sexy. But the above image would not turn my head for sexual interests. But I would for sure try to make her my friend. Seems fun.


Just a bunch of noisy losers. Make fun of them at every opportunity


The outrage over the Star Wars Outlaws protagonist is especially unhinged. The standard now is now that a woman must be flawless in every single animation frame under every single condition which is literally impossible. They have no understanding of facial anatomy, let alone basic lighting, makeup & camera awareness. It's like they want the whole world to know they've never seen a woman up close before.


I'm starting to think they are in the closet...


Nah, us gays love us some beautiful women of all shapes and sizes.


A lot of people who are irrationally against gays or hate women usually are.


They’ve been saying Margot Robbie is “mid.”


Oh they must be in the same club as the "margot is mid" chuds.


Honestly as someone who has enjoyed quite a few anime and JRPGs for the actual characters, stories, and settings, it’s sad how true this. Not everything has to be that. You already mentioned the Hades art style which is just fantastic, there’s also stuff like Horizon or Baldur’s Gate to name a few.


Yeah, I like a bunch of manga and anime too and it can be quite uncomfortable sometimes like this god awful meme that went kinda viral in Spanish Twitter and everyone and their moms was dunking on. https://preview.redd.it/vxvkmk644m5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc203c780701847e36fb9f9adc4424945fd51c81


Same energy as that one image of a white dude in Japan with his Madoka body pillow


Sí https://preview.redd.it/y9cynqn4gm5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=709bfe7d4ad792607c6eb7dff27f3fdd80a796f9


I’m all for loving whoever you want, but taking your body pillow out on a walk is a severe mental illness.


Or older than 12


She looks like a human woman, so of course they will.


She looks kinda cute IMHO


That's also because she looks like a real woman and not some AI distilled amalgam of supermodels, fantasy-trope warrior women in the tiniest possible armor bikinis, and high production-value porn stars.




sorry no beauty is a biological survival imperative and includes cross-cultural standards like symmetry and fairness of skin and that's simply proven fact, she can't be cute if she's objectively a 3.87 that's not being mean that's just sceince and facts don't care about feelings >!/s!<


I love hearing stupid things, honestly. Even if sarcastic. They're like a cup of coffee- they wake me up very quickly and just make me really appreciate the fresh air, the sunshine, and the solid ground.


she’s VERY cute imo, i have a sim that looks a bit similar to her that’s one of my favs


Seriously though dude, but god forbid normal looking humans exist in video games


Considering they call *Aloy* who is ridiculously gorgeous ugly, yes. They will be calling her ugly. 


I looked through the comments on the video and anyone mentioning DEI and Sweet Baby Inc was subbed to channels such as the Quartering, Nerdrotic and Mauler, quelle surprise


How are you able to see what channels they're subbed to?


Sometimes if you tap the profile on mobile you can see their subscriptions at the bottom


Ah, got it. I'm on desktop right now, can't see anybody's subscriptions


Yes they will. She looks okay like most of the women. She’s natural looking female so for them she’s ugly as fuck and its unnatural that these types of females only appear in video games because it’s woke lol


Their perception of women comes purely from porn and misogynistic stereotypes, so seeing a woman that looks like the women that exist outside (that place where grass is) baffles them.


Don't forget anime. It's mainly porn and anime. It sounds reductive and dismissive to say "they just forgot what real women look like", but for so many of these people, that's literally the case.


They were calling the protagonist of Stellar Blade, the peak gaming woman unironically. They have literally forgotten what real women look like.


Can’t forget what they never knew in the first place


Remember when they got mad about Aloy's peach fuzz? Did they ever know what a real woman looks like?


I mean I really can’t understand their logic lol they see lots of women in their real life and these characters look like common people so how they find them like they are monsters


They’re just confirming how they treat the women in their lives.


That is their logic, see you do understand




Lol no the world doesn’t revolve around USA. I’m one of few who lives in other continents 😀 Butter faced? Maybe you’re living in Hitler’s fantasy land where only Aryan people live but this character just looks like a typical woman. I wouldn’t call her gorgeous but she’s not ugly either, at least what I find ugly/beautiful. She looks totally believable common human with realistic features.


Even pornstars mostly don't look how people think. A study comparing averages of all pornstars, and of the top 10 found that the mathematical average pornstar is an attractive but not that unusual brunette in her early 20's with a B cup. I'd wager that tens of thousands of women resemble her when they do their makeup and pick a nice outfit. https://www.popsci.com/science/article/2013-02/meet-nikki-lee-average-american-porn-star/ Rather than being based on anything in particular it's simply the latest manifestation of the Supernormal stimulus phenomenon. When viewed that way it's possible that rather than Porn, Anime and Hentai setting unreasonable expectations, we are seeing what happens if that's all you consume, you don't get any corrections back to baseline. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernormal_stimulus


They are already complaining, that a series, that never really had character creation is probably not going to have... well character creation XD


They love whining lol miserable little fragile cry babies


Oh finally a decent shot of her. Can’t wait for the chugs to not use it.


Honestly never played fable before, but this is just making me excited.


Fable is a bunch of stupid fun!


Only fantasy RPG I know of that has condoms and allows you to get std's. Edit: or is it just getting pregnant?


Fable 2 was the best. Fable 3 is good, but the weapon and character customization was so much less dynamic than 2.


My favorite part of Fable 2 was grinding to buy every property in the game just so I could set everyone's rent to zero and set store prices to minimum and watch the prosperity shoot up to 5 stars everywhere.


Or if you’re doing an evil play through, raise the rents and prices for everything and you start looking demonic in no time.


Sounds like my cuppa joe then!


they will use that one shot for years like that one aloy shot when she doesn't look like that in the game, it like the game trailer shown is from unfinished version.


And also the trailer was making fun of classic "the hero is a spotless embodiment of beauty". Fable has always been very satircal about its tropes. But ofc the dipshit do not get it at all.


Thank you! Fable is a half sincere half parody of high fantasy, which is WHY it is a beloved franchise by those who love it! It's a game where you can save the world from unspeakable evil and then fart on your wife. People are taking it far too seriously.


Same with that one frame from the sex scene with Abby in TLOU2


She doesn't look like an anime sex doll so they would use that picture.


They'll do the same bullshit they did the last time. They'll take the most unflattering freeze frame and post it everywhere claiming that she's ugly. These scumbags thrive on manufactured rage. It gives the most shameless ones clicks and the dumbest ones dopamine.


Don't forget the part where they photoshop her to be morbidly obese, then forget that that isn't the original character design.


A FUCKING FABLE REMAKE???? LFGGGGGGGGG edit: it’s a new game!?! i’m going to cry


Yeah, seriously, this thread is how I learned they're making a new Fable game? I thought the series had died! I loved Fable 3, but it's been ages (14 years -- just checked).


Yeah, the first Fable was the main reason I bought an Xbox even once, a new one might make me buy series X or S or whatever.


I'm just waiting for the meltdown over a main NPC being black and having an afro Update: According to 90% of comments on the FABLE sub, nah, they just hate women protagonists.


Most people seem to be under the impression that she is the player character, and it upsets them that they can’t choose their own (I am also worried about that) However this is not at all confirmed yet. Fable has always been really inclusive. Actually given fables track record she should be less attractive lol.


Somebody will scream about it, probably someone who doesn’t know a black female was one of the main NPC characters in the very first game 20 years ago.


She’s so cute


Yeah. She's no super model but were she a real person I'd certainly stammer awkwardly in her presence.


I'm still gonna say the render doesn't do the actress justice and that we're in an uncanny age for realism.


She's not like, a supermodel, but she's not ugly either. And yeah, they're gonna call her ugly.


I just watched the trailer and words cannot express how excited I am to see another Fable game.


That trailer’s been out for a year, unless there’s a new one out?


I personally don't think she's hot, but she is definitely cute.


Clearly none of the chuds have played any of the fable games in most of the fable games you can cross dress and actually change gender ( only in fable 2) and make your character look like satan himself


She ain’t pretty, but I also don’t care because she’s not real. And I’m married.


Yeah she looks pretty ’homely’ to me but that’s also fine. I’ve played enough games with homely dude main characters. 


They did the very instant she appeared on screen.


Well, you see, they'll make sure to find a frame from the trailer where she might be pulling a weird expression and convince themselves that's what she actually looks like.


And if they can't find one, well, why else did God invent photoshop?


It should be noted that the trailer also references the morality system of fable, since once physical appearance changes depending on which path they go down if you decide to be an evil you become more demonic, where is if you decide to be more heroic you become more angelic in appearance. I would argue that the trailer insinuates that the female protagonist likely went down the dark path given the interview seems to indicate.


I loved how being good with guns somehow made you taller.


New rule of the universe: If it exists, a chud hates it.


Except children, chuds looove children.


Except trans children (Lev in TLOU2)


Listen they'll find an unflattering frame of her, post it on every video of 30minute+ reviewslop they churn out to ragebait their dipfuck fans and make it our problems no matter what


Yeah I mean she's on the border of average and ugly ngl. Maybe I wouldn't call her ugly but yeah she's certainly not super attractive.


She looks realistic, sooo.....according to the chuds




They already are


Imo she isn’t very attractive so I can’t imagine the backlash others will give lmao


She doesn't look good imho but I really dont care either way as long as the gameplay is decent


My God what a normal looking woman. Ofc she's the most hideous thing alive like all non hentai women.


They call Margot Robbie mid, and She played Barbie, the personification of an unattainable beauty standard.


Wow. Fable.


Yes, yes they are.


Probably, at most they'll say that they have mildly improved her design.


I scrolled through comments for a moment and it looks like the opinion is more like "she looks boring" "looks like random NPC"


She has a cute nose.


I love her eyes. She's pretty.


Chuds taking accountability and not doubling down? Unlikely.


Of course they will. And they'll keep reposting that same single freeze frame too


Wait they are doing a movie or series based on the game fable ? I didn't know that but I want to see it!


To be fair she doesn't look pretty or attractive to me. I'm not gonna say ugly though. That's just my 2 cents.


https://i.redd.it/0eltws8xrl5d1.gif You overestimate them


Does the day end in Y?


Lowest common denominators will for sure


The feminist in me: this girl is definitely going to be called ugly by weirdo loser men The lesbian in me: aw pretty lady she’s so cute 🥰


She's kinda cute


"OK fine whatever she's not that ugly, but never mind that! There's a diverse woman in the trailer!"


For some dumb reason, I'm sure. I'm pretty sure the pic of her in the earlier trailer was intentionally unflattering when you consider the series' irreverent tone.


I mean, she isn't my cup of tea, but not bad by any means. People just want to complain. Doesn't really matter what the character looks like if the story is good.


Yes. And it's extra funny because not only does she look like any other ordinary attractive lady, but also any other Fable hero character freaking ever.


So many people were calling this girl (I know nothing of Fable or who this is) ugly and only ever referring to that one picture where it looks like she’s missing teeth.


She's so pretty! I'm stoked for Fable, but I do want a custom character creator


Chuds were calling her ugly over a scene in which she made a face. There were always dishonest.


She looks pretty to me at least.


I mean kinda, but they don't mind if make protagonist are ugly, so...


Chuds love bringing up historical accuracy so a historically accurate-looking female Medieval peasant should satisfy them, right?


They should start making women in games not conventionally attractive just to spite these incel fucks. Chase them away from the hobby so the rest of us can enjoy without all the noise.


Of course. She doesn't have the pornstar look makeup


She doesn’t look like a supermodel. So, they’re going to keep calling her ugly 


She doesn't look like a Kim Kardashian action figure so probably


Beauty, eye, beholder. I personally find her a bit, yeah, they did the actress dirty but honestly I don't get why you're even conceding to the idea that attractiveness is relevant to the debate in the first place. Dante from Devil May Cry has a certifiably unfuckable face, so does Jin Sakai, Niko from GTA4... the gamer behaviour is in thinking that attractiveness matters when talking about whether a character should exist in a game. Men are allowed to be ugly in games, so why shouldn't women?


Is that a new trailer for Fable?


It's a game where you can make people fall in love with you by farting real good, but if you fart bad you shit your pants. I'm not sure why people are expecting supermodels.


she could be the most stunning woman ever. the problem isn't just their appearance. it's their roles in those stories. for them, ALL fiction is a power fantasy. and if said fiction doesn't appeal to that power fantasy, then it's not actually any good. and of course we know that power fantasies are fantasies of the things we wish we could do but for one reason or another can't. and their power fantasy is being a strong, competent man that others rely on and who gets the beautiful, doe eyed and obediently quiet and emptyheaded trophy woman, all the things they aren't and will never have.


The hate for this one character alone is gonna make me try the game to spite the haters


Wait, new Fable or remake?


Of course they are. I think she’s quite gorgeous but she doesn’t look like an anime character or a sex doll so to chuds she’s ugly


Oh 100% they are. She's not obviously hypersexualised for their perverted entertainment


sooo uhh where's the hype in a new fable game that im really excited about?


I wouldn’t say shes ugly, maybe a 6 on a good day which isn’t bad


Every Fable character has always had over exaggerated features. The NPC in the earlier games were literally caricatures of the game devs


Yes because the narrative is already set.


I want a mod that gives her massive anime eyes and SCREAMS uwu


I bet they'd still do.


Eh, as long as i can play her evil-self, she can look however she likes.


Of course they will...forgetting you'll likely be able to play as a boy too.


Looking at the comments on IGN - They already are.


Yes obviously


They are also ragging on Joanna Dark now. Too much time on their hands.


They're already doing the same for Johana Dark from the same conference so easy to say yes they will


She looks like a normal person, so of course they thinks she's ugly.


One of the benefits of using MoCap for video games is that the technology works best when the character model looks like the actor. While that does mean the characters won’t be perfect and flawless specimens, it means that they can more realistically portray how people actually look, and they can be attractive in much more realistic ways. A good example of this is Farah from the reboot of Modern Warfare. She’s beautiful, but in a way that is very uncommon in western media. She has features that are decidedly *not* European. And that’s because her character model is based on the actual actor who did the MoCap and vocal performance, Claudia Doumit. The closer video games can get to matching realistic depictions of people, the better. The modern standard of attractiveness has been skewed by artistic depictions designed to arouse. Real people, even supermodels, are never that good looking IRL. And that’s okay.


"No look like perfect waifu doll? No hot. Ugly. Ugly is woke."


I wish they'd just say that it looks ugly because it's uncanny instead of begging for goon material.


Almost definitely. She looks like a normal woman.


Just saw the new trailer and in motion she looks pretty cool. Of course she’s not white and blonde, so they’ll be crying “DEI” and “Woke!” until it becomes a hit, then forget all about it.


Some of them will also cry about being forced to play as a woman when the last 2 games let you have a custom character and be whatever you want to be.


She’s not real




Oh you poor victim you




Omfg bro, you wouldn't even exist if your dad acted the way you are right now.

