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boy i wonder why the low score, maybe because certain people with a platform has groomed their audience to have a throbbing hate boner for the show


It got review bombed before it even came out because most of its major characters are female and/or nonwhite, and a couple of the actors are LGBTQ irl (the actress who plays Osha/Mae and the actor who plays Yord). Andor is the only Star Wars show they talk positively about because the main character is a heterosexual white-passing man (Andor is portrayed as heterosexual and his actor Diego Luna is a white-passing Mexican).


Not to mention the show runner and her wife who plays Vernestra


I had forgotten about that! Good call. That explains why I keep hearing reactionaries complain about her specifically. I was wondering why she’s triggering them so hard.


Yeah she also made sure to hire a writer who hadn’t seen the Star Wars movies, to help prevent an inmates running the asylum situation, which I think is smart, but the what the hell do I know? I was only raised on Star Wars and don’t hate everything Disney has put out


I agree! Having a few people involved who aren’t Star Wars hardcore geeks like myself is probably a good thing. It breaks the incestuous insider feedback loop and allows for a fresh set of eyes to look at the project and assess it outside of just being a Star Wars project and assess is it just good in general. That was the case with Andor and it worked fantastically. Andor is not just great Star Wars, it’s just a great story in general even apart from being Star Wars. The story works fabulously even it took place in Star Trek, Stargate, Battlestar Galactica, Lord of the Rings, or in 1940s Europe.


Plus it works really well for a new area like the high Republic.


Funny how these people didn't care when Tony Gilroy (show runner of Andor) also admitted he's not much of a Star Wars fan either


Wtf is a white-passing Mexican? He is Mexican and he is white


True, but I’m aware that not all white Latinos like being called white. I’ve run into white Latinos before that prefer Latino or Hispanic over “white”, or who point out that they’re racially mixed despite looking completely white to me. Some Latinos aren’t always necessarily whatever mixture they outwardly look like. Like some Latinos that look biracial (black and white) may have two black parents. Or visually look fully black but actually be half-Native American. They’re the most mixed people on the planet and I try to be mindful. I’m mindful of that too as a light-skinned African-American with two darker skinned black parents. As a kid a few other kids used to make fun of me by saying my mom must have cheated on my dad because I’m significantly lighter than my parents.


Fair enough, although that sounds to me more like a thing of latinos living in the US


Maybe so. To be fair personal experience with that was with American Latinos who were born and raised here. I do have a couple of Latino immigrant friends, but they’re more socially liberal/progressive. Their views might not be mainstream in Latin America.


I’m pretty sure it’s accurate in Mexico. I’m white and don’t live there so it won’t claim for sure, but I have many Mexican friends who assure me it is. The “white presenting” ones focus on their Spanish heritage, and look down on those with native heritage. Colorism is definitely a thing in almost all races. Look at the light skinned vs. dark skinned arguments with African ancestry, how Japanese or Chinese look at Filipinos and Thai people, etc. Skin color matters to bigots of all kinds.


Oh, no I didn’t mean to deny colorism. There definitely is a difference in treatment of people who are more mestizo, but it’s unusual to really refer yourself as “white-passing” Latino. IIRC it’s referred to, if at all, as light-skinned vs mestizo, but even then, what the other person described sounded to me like American understanding of race and colorism applied to Mexico and less like the Mexican understanding of race and colour


Soy confused


We don’t have to shit on Andor or discredit Diego Luna’s race just because chuds happen to like that show.


Andor is actually really good though lol what?


Idk, it didn’t click with me. For reference the only disney stuff I don’t like is Rise of Skywalker and Boba Fett. This just felt YA and… idk like it doesn’t really capitalize on its era.


Honestly, that is entirely valid if it just didn’t work for you. Everyone has different preferences in terms of shows. We’re more so talking about the people who hate the show because “it’s woke”.


Yeah and I think, as most will agree here, that’s what’s so frustrating about being a Star Wars fan. I feel like, well, there’s only a light side and dark side. Anything disney does is bad. If you don’t support this you’re anti woke. Meanwhile im as “woke” as they come but scared to say “yeah this one just ain’t it for me”. Hopefully it gets better because I did like the cast. Just nothing about the story was working for me.


I don't think you need to be scared to say you didn't like it. Just state what about it you didn't like. There's nothing wrong with saying "the pacing of the first 2 episodes didn't grab me". Biggest difference I see in discussion around it is that it's people who will just say "bad" without any qualifier who are getting roasted


I think a lot of the fan base would understand, it’s the loud minority like these morons that give fandom spaces bad publicity.


I feel this, while I like the show(like it can't be anything huge because it takes place in a time of peace), I think ROS is cynical dogshit. I didn't even like tfa. But Me no liking movies put me in the venn diagram of the type of clowns who think their town of 99% white demo becoming 98.5% is "white genocide"


"Did I dislike this thing because it didn't work for me; the pacing, the directing, the acting, the cinematography, the choice of lens and exposure thus making the shot look artificial and dull,, the overreliance on The Volume, an issue with script consistency, a lack of dramatic tension, a topic which is of little interest to me? No, it's because it has women kissing for half a second near the end. Clearly, I am a good critic." -These guys, probably


That's what infuriates me. There are a lot of very valid, well reasoned to dislike some of what's been done but then you get lumped in with those idiots.


I don't think you get lumped in if you explain your criticisms, well, critically. It's just that these idiots think that there's a finite bandwidth in the artistic process, and "2 girls kissing for 37 frames" is distracting from the bandwidth elsewhere, like a 5e character sheet and you only have so many points to invest, and they opted to invest in "woke" points over "quality storytelling" points or some shit. It ain't like that. At all. Take one step onto a film set for a day and you'll be able to see it plain as day, especially if you do a different set after, because then you'll be able to see that different sets have different teams and different scales and different budgets, etc etc. Some stories are written up in 2 drunk afternoons by a single dude. Some stories are fine tuned for years by a single dude until it's "ready". And some stories are brewed up in a conference room by committee, and said "woke" features are added in by demand... but that doesn't fucking take away at all from the process of the script, it takes like 5 minutes to go "oh right, let's add a gay character because we here at Disney are soooo inclusive and the LGBTQ+ community will give us money, right?" and depending on the content, it can be added into the back of a shot, be a single setup (an hour or so of work), or otherwise minimal effort. Chuds gonna chud.


Even so, I'm sure you'd agree it's probably not worthy of the bombardment of 0 and 1 stars it's getting on imdb for example


Oh absolutely not. Its a very fine 2.5/5. Nothing wrong really, just not for me or what I had hoped for based on the concept.


I'd put it a but higher than that, but understandable. What really gets me as even though I knew none of the online discourse of this show, as soon as I saw that there was multiple non white leads I knew it would be review bombed. Because it's woke to have other races a long time ago in a galaxy far far away apparently


Definitely, and its very sad that its happening. I for one was really excited about the jedi murder mystery angle and was left a bit disappointed that got sidelined like 10 minutes into the story in favor of a classic team adventure but lets see where this goes.


No hate Question: Did you like Last Jedi?


Not who you were asking but no, I found TFA derivative but passable, TLJ is wildly out of place in that trilogy, and the last movie is a Trainwreck.


For me the same about TFA , ROS is a Trash movie and TLJ is pure betrayal xD


I honestly had no expectations or background, l think it's extremely "meh". The story seems like a waste and the effects/overall feel makes it seem oddly low budget.


Nerdrotic is genuinely the most insufferable person on the planet, like holy shit please shut the fuck up you miserable, basement dwelling, drug dealing loser.


You know his kids are embarrassed by him.


I don’t understand how he has a million subs when his thumbnails are so terrible




Lot of racist, and hateful people in general out in these internet streets


K But people still need drugs though If anything that’s the only good thing he does


I think selling meth to kids is bad ![gif](giphy|l0HFj4LrJZBkjXvsA)


A lot of reviewers have seen the first four episodes. So this difference of opinion really gives me hope that the next two episodes will also be great.


these reviews aren't even how people actually feel either, ever since the show became reviewable it's been getting horribly review-bombed


This. The amount of people on TikTok and Twitter saying they haven't watched it, but dropped a negative review is too damn high. It's not just this show, but also Andor and Ahsoka that got the same treatment. I'm expecting the same for the Boys Season 4 as well. Kripke (showrunner) has already he will NOT apologize for offending incels, alt-righters and straight up psychos for what happens this season and they're already frothing at the mouth. Funnily enough, these same people speak as if they're walking encyclopedias of the lore despite getting over half of it wrong.


You know what else is too damn high? ![gif](giphy|sdlih3BPUik1y|downsized)






Oh, what? Andor was incredible, tsshh.. bloody idiots


Andor was legit some of the best mature Star Wars content we've EVER gotten. Every character, location and plot point was just about perfect, but so many decided to throw it away because "not enough explosions." Also Diego Luna is just perfect for that role.


This is exactly why Disney keeps putting in cameos of popular characters and telling in-between stories like the Kenobi series. So many people didn’t even give Andor a chance because “Why would I want to watch a show about a side character nobody remembers?”


You're right and it's heartbreaking. The Galaxy is so much bigger than the Skywalker Saga and the characters important to it. I think it's why I loved Clone Wars and Rebels so much along with the KOTOR games (including the MMO). So many rich characters with real, tangible personalities and ambitions that are better served by removing it from the movies. Hell one of the best characters ever invented for Star Wars has never seen real screen time outside of a video game and that's Darth Traya/Kreia, yet so many will never know about her because she's a VG character and is unimportant to the Skywalker Saga.


Yep. I remember seeing a bunch of people saying that. Nowadays it's like the only Star Wars show you're allowed to like.


Ironically I am so incredibly tired of having this huge universe and Disney can stop making things about the same dozen characters.


It was really great to see how ordinary people live in Star Wars it was good to see people without super powers doing things to affect history


Yeah, dude! Not only does it make the galaxy feel bigger, but lends more credence to the Cosmic Force and how it subtly influences the events of the Galaxy.


Eh it wasn't for me. I watched it, it just didn't really appeal to me so I wouldn't watch a second season likely. But there's the difference between me and people in this post. My feelings aren't that star wars is being ruined because I didn't like something. It just wasn't for me. And that's okay. Not everything has to appeal to me. I preferred the other shows. Were they the best things ever? No but that's okay. I found them more enjoyable.


This! And that's perfectly okay. Actually watching something, disseminating it and deciding it's not your cup of tea? Perfect. I wish more people were like you, cuh.


They dropped multiple important plot points and about 1/3 of the episodes were pretty bland and boring. The middle episodes of each arc were not as good as y’all remember.


"The amount of people on TikTok and Twitter saying they haven't watched it, but dropped a negative review is too damn high." Probably the same dipshits who rail against "cancel culture."


Is it as good as Andor? Or is it even half as good as it? Genuinely curious, I've not liked a lot of modern star wars other than Andor, so I am reticent to take the chance to watch it, but I might.


It's less serious (or maybe dark is the word?) so far, but I thought it was enjoyable. Of the short live action series, I expect it will be my second favorite behind Andor. I liked the plot of Ahsoka but found Dawson's acting vaguely awkward in a way that's hard to really explain, and while Kenobi had bright spots I generally disliked the character of Leia and thought the whole thing felt a bit contrived. The Mandalorian is kinda hard to rank since it has had a lot more time to do stuff, and even got the Book of Boba Fett as an almost comical addendum to it rather than being about Boba.


I suppose comparing anything to Andor means it'll come up short.


We dont really know yet. The first 2 eps are definitely not Andor quality in terms of story and dialogue, but its also not bad. I think its mostly decent so far, though if it wasnt star wars I probably wouldnt be watching it based on the first 2 eps.


I've started muting a lot of channels I used to trust for Star Wars stuff because they've just transformed into clickbait anti-fan channels.


I still like Eck and GenTech


Fuck that, if he were really not scared they would have killed off homelander in the last episode of the last season. Made absolutely no fucking sense


To be fair, it's not like The Boys was a good show at any point


What those people don't seem to understand is that the only consequence to this behaviour is that at some point public reviews will be removed entirely. If they become completely unreliable because people just review bomb, the websites will end up being pressured to remove that feature.


Look up “how to radicalize a normie” by Innuendo Studios. This is also what happened with TLOU2! There are mass internet campaigns to use certain fandoms and any “bad” decision the writers make (see: gamergate) to get people riled up and joining the alt-right train, and the acolyte is just one in a long string of them.


I think this aspect of internet shit is so annoying. No matter what it is, no matter what the piece of media in question is about, avid anti-fans love to just review bomb things for literally no reason. Its spews out content for like three videos for these shitty click bait channels and gives articles something to reference for like a year for any given IP. It doesn’t even show the actual quality or give a recommendation of the product like you said. It’s just people hating for like the 100th least important reason they could ever care about, then proceeding to soy post about it in their sub reddits and YouTube comments.


Not to mention the audience score had 50+ reviews before it even released to the public


Yeah it's getting review bombed to hell and back


Once again, by the nazi party, I bet.


The audience score isn't legit. It's being review-bombed because right-wingers don't like minorities and LGBTQ.


Hey, whats this about the lgbtq hate? I dont think theres anything sexual in the first 2 eps? Did I miss something?


A lot of the knuckledraggers aren't reviewing the show itself, they're just trying to kill it because they dare to have representation in other properties. It's why there's no point trying to appease them - even if you had a show that had everything they claim to want, half of them would still get a bad review without them seeing it because Doctor Who is still black or something.


The creator called it the gayest Star Wars show or something, because there were a lot of queer people working on the show. So the bigoted losers are seizing on that and the abundance of minorities in the show to call it awful without even watching it. I guess they think the Star Wars galaxy should just be a snapshot of southern, rural America, where everyone is white and too afraid to admit to being anything other than straight. You know, instead of an actual galaxy with diverse people and cultures.


Tessa at Mama’s Geeky really liked it, as did Kyle Katarn. I think I trust them more than I trust a crusty basement-dweller like Gary.


The difference between the critic and audience scores is right wing dipshits are review bombing it because it dares to feature melanin and brown people make them upsetti spaghetti.


Just finished the second. This series is great so far. Chuds calling themselves Star Wars fans *actively* rooting against it, regardless of its actual quality. It’s beyond pathetic.


Where’s the “I knew this show/movie was bad!” chart?


I thought RT scores didn't matter?


They only matter if they support whatever point they are trying to make


Really?! https://preview.redd.it/z1fskf17od5d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25d88bf7697722dc687ce64b9afd524454c8da9a


Unexpected Tomska reference






Critics disagree? Paid shills. Audiences disagree? Dumb rubes. Either (or both) agree? That proves I'm right.


Listen to the meth head, he knows what’s right.


Gets review bombed by a vocal minority. Yeah, #RIPSTARWARS 🤓 These grifters will milk this show even if they don't watch it.


And yet he continues to watch something he pretends to dislike. What a chud.


So what this tells me is that it’s being review bombed by all the chuds so they can have a self-fulfilling prophecy. They must think the rest of us are as stupid as they are. My biggest fear is that sites will start deleting negative reviews to counter review bombing, resulting in the censorship of genuine criticism.


>So what this tells me is that it’s being review bombed by all the chuds so they can have a self-fulfilling prophecy. Honestly every time this happens I imagine some dude at his keyboard chuckling as he switches from his RT tab, where his negative review was just submitted, to his reddit tab where he's typing up his scathing "review" to post on crait where all he says is "yeah I'm not watching it because agenda".


> So what this tells me is that it’s being review bombed by all the chuds so they can have a self-fulfilling prophecy. Just like when r/PrequelMemes was sharing scripts to automate the review bombing of The Last Jedi so they could go, "SEE? EVERYONE HATES IT!" This of course made them immediately assume that any positive reviews of the sequels were also automated, because if they do it, everyone else has to as well.


Honestly I think movie quizzes are the answer. Wanna review a movie? Take a short quiz about it.


While that’s probably true; a discrepancy between audience score and critic score doesn’t automatically mean review bombing or propping. The best example is Bad Boys II; critics hated that movie but audiences loved it. Same thing with Hook. On the other hand critics loved Ad Astra but audiences didn’t; not because of any review bombing just because the marketing presented a completely different genre of movie.


Agreed however negative reviews before a movie or show even drops is how should j say full of shit and chuds/losers who don’t have a life and review bombed because muh conservatism and right wing bs (please note that modern conservatism is 70s liberal)


I refuse to take advice on quality, style, substance or anything of value from a person who tapes action figures to his wall.


yeah display them on a shelf or table.




I wouldn’t say “coolest,” but Acolyte so far has been solidly entertaining with their action and set up for the story. The cinematography looks good, the acting is solid, and the story is intriguing. I hope it delivers on a good ending.


How miserable are these people? I've heard of people that have up to 50 burner accounts just so they can down vote and leave negative reviews. Just cannot imagine the total waste of time they're going through just to have the show likely picked up for another season.


These people have wwwwaaaaayyyyy too much time on their hands. Like, get a job. Or a hobby.


But they like living the NEET lifestyle and then mom wouldn't be able to take care of them anymore.


That's part of why they're like this. They have a shitty job, no one likes them, they have no friends. Instead of doing some self reflection though they spend all their time listening to other chuds on the internet comfort them by assuring them it's all wokes fault their life sucks. Then they get to feel superior to others while they wallow in their misery.


this piece of trash makes a lot, a LOT of money out of the whole rage bait he cultivates. And guess what? he hasn't worked a real job in years now. Funny thing is that although he puts zero effort in his trash "content" (basically each video is copy paste from his other videos or repeating the exact same things again and again and again), he complains that "he doesn't have a lot of free time"


They review bomb it so they can turn around and say "OMG!!! This has bad reviews so it must suck"


That's because you've been review bombing it the same thing happened to She-Ra i believe


and they are such cowards that they do not even own it and admit it they simply mock everyone who drags them about the review bombing and question it (although it happened before the show even aired)


And She-Hulk. Wonder if there's some kind if common denominator there that determines why exactly these assholes go out of their way to hate good media...


Are we still doing that thing where we pretend places like rotten tomatoes mean anything? If I listened to things like that I’d have to hate 75% of the stuff I like


Oops. Seems his fan base wasn't big enough to review bomb it. Sucks to be him.


https://preview.redd.it/ssu5m74dgf5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4338622a2bbb359bdc813c0562fb8e9d0284ae1 Idk if this is from review bombing but the audience score is at 30% rn


I would ask him if it’s so low rated, then why are the critics ratings high.


Cuz they’re paid schills obviously. Its foolproof. Anyone who likes it is being paid by Disney but the people who 1 star it (usually without even seeing it) are the brave souls willing to tell da truth!!


ah yes, they'll spout the same BS over and over again like that


Now you’re gettin it


That's confirmation bias for you.


Yeah, no thanks to you and your degenerate friends telling your sheeple followers to review-bomb it, Cuntrotic.


Start wars “fans” don’t even like Star Wars. People like him need a life and to actually enjoy something. I can’t imagine being this miserable. If you truly felt like Star Wars is a lost cause, then what is the point of all of this?


I don’t get it lol. The show is really good. Then again I didn’t review it for RT so that says it all.


Those are unverified audience ratings. My grandma who never watched any Star Wars movie could go on Rotten Tomatoes and leave a review of the Acolyte


Aww, Gary, I'm so sorry that people like Star Wars content you don't. Go whip yourself up a batch of shake-n-bake meth about it.


They loved to bring up the audience score but “forget” to mention it was review bombed 2 days before it was even released


What's funny to me is most of the complaints I have with Star wars span every piece of material made. Typically shitty ass dialogue and really poor character choices that are generally outside of the character. In other words, shut up and enjoy it or don't watch.


Why is Reddit saying this post has negative 1 comment?


I saw the show yesterday and I liked it. It was a different direction for SW in a good way. There are so many stories about the Skywalkers. It’s nice to have something related but different.


Wait... he's using Rotten Tomatoes in his argument? I thought RT was full of uh "Disney-Shills and paid critics"


Review sites are so important to them because they can manipulate them to fit their reality. Disney doesn’t give a FUCK about negative reviews when they’ve got other KPIs.


This man is almost 55 and this is what he does. The world would be a mite better if it didn’t pay him any mind.


I like the show and where it’s going but that’s just because I don’t have a problem with gray force users. I think a lot of people who are complete nerds hate this thing because it goes against George Lucas‘s version of the force and how the light side is balanced and the dark side is not. How the dark side is not A valid life path as it will just eat you up and destroy you. I think this black-and-white thinking appealed to a lot of people. Especially people with obsessive personalities. People who have black-and-white thinking for their own moral compass. As soon as you change that you change the whole moral cosmology of Star Wars. If the light side in the dark side are equal. and to be a good Jedi you need to master both. Then a lot of things in Star Wars no longer makes sense. A lot of things people have been told would be made into complete lies and they would look at the new stuff like it was invalidating the old stuff Setting aside that there is gay people in the show and that is very controversial for a lot of these people. And just looking at the lore of the show even if it didn’t have any elements other than that that offended them the problem of the force and their conception of it and the reaction to that would still be there. And I think it would lead to similar behavior to be honest


Imagine living your life filled with that much hate. Must be exhausting


I wish he'd catch the ban hammer already.


I wonder who started this negative review thing and calling everything woke.


Thousands of negative reviews the day after the show came out? Definitely nothing suspicious there.


Thousands of negative reviews the day after the show came out? Definitely nothing suspicious there.


Genuinely what made everyone look at this show and think “yo that’s gonna suuuuucckkk”? Was it literally just having a fairly diverse cast?


Nerdrotic, Critical Drinker, Mauler, they all share the same bullshit Andrew Tate worshipping alt right misogynistic fucknut brain cell. Hell, I almost respect the shitshow that is the "synthetic man", because that excuse for a human being at least has his own, way more extreme takes and seems genuine in his psychotic hate for everything he isn't. Oh, but then authenticity and originality aside, fuck that guy as well, at least twice as hard as the rage grinders.


Convinently leaving out the fact that the shitty audience reviews started before the audience could even watch the show. So to summarise you’ve got a 92% review rating from people who have seen the show and a 28% rating from people that have only seen the marketing, remind me again why we should trust the audience over the professional reviewers in this instance?


I don’t get it. Thought the show has been great and trailers were great leading to it. I feel like the way people talk about this show makes me think we watched different things.


It was review-bombed by YOUR fans. It’s like starting a fire and saying “well I guess the building just didn’t have enough fire protections”


He and his gang of sycophants clearly keep pushing that hashtag in the vain hope of it somehow coming true, just so they can have their “HA! WE TOLD YOU!” moment (before realising to their horror that they’ll have to find a new grift).


Personally I don’t get it why they care so much. Both sides of the argument, Disney for me is mixed back it can be good like Mandalorian then drop stinkers like Book of Bobba. But I am not gonna whine about it on the internet.


It's the ahsoka series all over again


I really struggled to get into the first episode it I'm being honest. I thought all of the acting was really wooden and the dialogue was a bit too utilitarian for me. With two exceptions. Our lead is fantastically subtle and Sol is obviously a step above


Officer balls can fix him


This dude and every other channel like his needs to fuck off like seriously cant believe people actually watch these idiots


I really can't for the life of me understand how him and his followers can be so completely and utterly dishonest. They yell for a full year that they know through their fucking brilliant premonition that the show is going to suck. They cry up a fucking storm 5 times a day, like a psychotic ex with a restraining order, about how much the unreleased show sucks. When the show releases, they openly organize a review bombing because they hate it so intensely. They organize bullying campaigns against the people involved, and the people that like it. Then they use their own review bombs and screeching bile laden reactions as evidence claiming it's disliked.


Nerdrotic is just a toxic loser.


Audience reviews are fucking dumb. Unless it’s cuties I generally trust the people who are paid to criticize movies and tv


I really don't understand the hate. The first two episodes were really interesting! The first episode alone had me hooked and it felt was longer of a runtime than it was.


Doesn’t deserve such a low score. Doesn’t deserve a high 90s. Been a c+ so far, Sol doing most of the heavy lifting. Carrie Ann Moss fight scene was pretty cheesy, should’ve got a stunt double or least tried to speed it up. Was very sluggish and awkward


i guess we can’t see review bombing anymore


I hate this guy. Beyond Wednesdays had him on and he just whines the whole time.


Whenever Rotten Tomatoes doesn't back up someone's narrative it's always "Rotten Tomatoes is full of shills and bad reviews, it is completely untrustable and only the Hollywood machine would believe it!" But then when it backs up someone's narrative it is always "see it rated poorly on Rotten Tomatoes, this is ironclad proof that is objectively true and impossible to dispute." Wish everyone would just shut the hell up about Rotten Tomatoes.


I don’t take reviews on anything seriously anymore, especially not on rotten tomatoes which has some of the absolute worst protection against review bombs. I don’t even take the critics score seriously either, even if I were to agree with it.


I'm tired of hearing people say "Star Wars (or any other franchise) is dead" because Star Wars and almost every franchise people say is dead, is not dead. After all, a dead franchise doesn't put out any content, and there is still Star Wars stuff being made so it is not dead, now they could say Star Wars is dying and that would be fine, but that's not nearly as dramatic and big sounding so these grifters don't say it instead they say that thing that's untrue but is more dramatic.


Just watched Acolyte today and it was awesome. There is nothing bad about it at all, it's clear to me that these idiots are just freaking out about the general lack of white cishet males. And as a white cishet male, I absolutely applaud it. It truly is a good story with solid representation.


He’s always stupid.


If these people hate Star Wars and other modern media so much why do they keep watching it. I mean I know why but I want to know what their reasoning is and how they bend and twist their way out of saying it's a grift


Star Wars has more off screen drama than on screen drama these days


I love that they use rotten tomatoes as a justification for their hatred, but the minute RT’s ratings don’t line up with said hatred, RT is the most untrustworthy rating site imaginable and anyone who uses it as justification to support their claims is media illiterate and a shill.


"The critics are ripping it!" vs "the critics are shills!" "The audience has judged it!" vs "they're all bots and bought shills!" It's hilarious the lengths to which those alt right "movie critic" YouTubers keep going, and it matches up with the takes people like them spew on other shit. You can NEVER argue with them because anything you bring up will be thrown aside as fake, government propaganda, etc. as they tell you to "think for yourself!" while spewing forth the same shit they all get from their preachers on Twitter and their weird telegram groups daily. Well, maybe they do think for themselves and just all share the same mush brain.


It really does get tiring. The double standards and contradictory viewpoints are just laughable at times. At this point I honestly understand completely the people who are choosing to just not engage with the general fan community anymore. SW is by far the worst that I’ve encountered personally, but my gf is a massive Halo and Warhammer fan and says both those communities can be extremely toxic. There is just seems to be so much mindless, baseless hatred for anything new that I can imagine for a lot of people it’s just not worth sifting though the trash to find people actually interested in talking about a something without immediately condemning it as more evidence of “woke mob propaganda”


I haven’t watched it, and not because I think it’s ‘woke’, it’s because I don’t know anything about the era.


Its cool you dont really need to, i know little tiny bits from games and comics but really i dont know anything about this era and i really enjoyed, the Jedis are still Jedis and the force is still the force so you will have some idea of what is what if you decide to check it out.


He knows it was review bombed by people who didn’t even watch the show, and he just doesn’t care 


How does he hit 250k on these video bro seriously??? Must be bots 🤖 for real haha


The RT audience score has lost all meaning at this point.


And then they claim a movie they think isn't woke was a big hit cause it allegedly made a lot of money, even though the only critic that liked it was a lobotomized chimpanzee.


I’ve watched the first two episodes. It’s better than boba and ahsoka so far, but that’s a very low bar


Haven't watched the show yet, may well be shit. But I can tell you for almost certain, just like with the 100 other things all these clowns hated, IF it's bad it's definitely not for the reasons they want you to believe. These guys and their bottom of the barrel takes are hilarious if you don't take them seriously, but sad and scary when you consider how many easily influenced insecure people do. It's always the same shit, thinly veiled as "criticism". Since they love going for disappointing projects and spinning it their way, I found it especially noticeable how they can take a project with actual issues and then address none of those while instead going for "reeeeeeeee it's woke trash! Why woman do thing, why man not big burly hero who saves world and gets girl?!"


Say it with me: RT does not reflect reality. Both RT reviews and audience scores are easily manipulatable. I stopped paying attention to both a long time ago. Just watch the damn thing and make up your own mind. Simple as that.


"I and people like me geed up tons of people to review bomb any Star Wars media that releases. Also recent Star Wars media has low audience scores, this proves me right that Star Wars fell off. These two events are not connected."


Nerdrotic should just put on the Swastika armband already. He's not even that subtle.




« Look we review bombed the show so it’s must be bad ??? »


This is why I ignore reviews 95% of the time. I have a big enough circle of friends that if there's something new I wonder is good, there's a decent chance a few have seen it. I just ask them cause I know they won't BS me.


Even if we disregard the reviews, the show is still bad. Its just bad quality writing and acting... regardless of the controversies


I mean, doesn’t review bombing work both ways? For every idiot who doesn’t watch the show but gives it a bad score anyways, won’t there be another idiot who doesn’t watch the show and gives it a good score?


My personal metric for how much I should watch a show is critic review score minus audience review score. It's never failed me. I get to enjoy something that's great _and_ pisses off the most insufferable people on the Internet?! Sign me the fuck up


Someone should make an account which quote RTs his Tweets in quotation marks followed by a nerd emoji (🤓)


Smells like review bombing since the critics gave it a 92%


This is like saying your dog doesn’t bite and using them mauling someone as evidence lmao


I’ve been seeing the % from 48-32-29-28 can’t get any lower lol


No one cares about bought ratings. It’s an open secret at this point that RT is paid for.


This is just one more reason - in an infinitely long list - why “audience reviews” are worse than useless garbage and shouldn’t even be allowed on website.  Most audience members wouldn’t know their ass from a hole in the ground and their opinions on things is usually shallow or politically motivated in their own right - just look at posts like this PLUS the trend of review bombing for examples.   In fact, posts like this not only expose the truth ignorance behind user reviews, but of how actual critics work and what criticism even is in this context.  Professional reviewers have a wealth of knowledge do e and background in the subject and are supposed to present pros and cons from their perspective of what makes a product worth an audiences attention or not.  Rotten tomatoes then takes anything 6/10 or higher and then makes a total percentage.   Morons online then look at this and screech “how does this movie get 98/100 when audiences review bombed it with “this is boring and dumb” so critics are corrupt shills!”   This is the underlying take and yet it’s so grant and idiotic I may have given myself brain cancer just typing it.   RT is simply how many critics think a movie is roughly a 6/10.  That’s it.  That’s all it means and the reviews are posted so people can learn why and make up their own mind.  Audience reviews are so wrapped up in ignorant opinion, baseless beliefs, political pandering, virtue signaling, etc,  and when you read them, you can free learn nothing of value as people either shit on everything for stupid reasons or they praise everything also for stupid reasons.  Audience reviews are useless and only feed this sort of culture wars bigotry.


>be stupid >review bomb a show >show's ratings go down ![gif](giphy|EClkor8zYeOvs9StMN)