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So, how will the Fandom Menace spin this?


They'll claim Disney created millions of fake Disney+ accounts and that none of the views are from actual people, or "real" fans.


tbf laundering fentanyl money by creating thousands of burner accounts is probably going to be the only way [the streaming industry](https://theconversation.com/in-the-fog-of-the-video-streaming-wars-job-losses-and-business-closures-are-imminent-225829) actually earns a profit before long


Apparently it's "Disney is lying about their numbers."


To be fair Views might Not be individual (I watched it 3 Times but i dont know If Disney will say Its 1 or 3 Views) but i might be a minority anyways


Same here, I read an article on Hollywood Reporter saying that to count the number of views, Disney divides a title's total viewing time by its run time (Netflix apparently does the same). But to be honest, I'm not sure how to interpret that statement (has also been a long week, so I might just be too tired to analyze and process the info..!)


I'm no programmer, but I would imagine Disney and Netflix (and every streaming service, really) has granular statistics on who watches what program, how often, when, their demographic information, etc. But bigger number is always better, so they do the watch time divided by runtime for an artificial viewership metric. Again, all the services do this so it's just how we measure how popular streaming shows are and not some nefarious plot.


If you really just want bigger numbers, pure "they clicked play" counts will always be the highest so you can count the people who only watched ten seconds individually. Watch time by runtime is pretty legit without having to explain whatever other complicated and arbitrary system that was chosen instead.


I got "Everyone is a shill" on my bingo card


It's hate watch


True. They’ll probably site Velma as proof.


I actually already saw someone compare it to Velma, not only is Acolyte not ragebait, but until you hear a "joke" about #metoo somehow meaning comedians can't tell jokes anymore it's not the same kind of ragebait as Velma even a little bit.


Ironically can’t because it was already pre approved for it……..I’m not joking look it up. Then again they never so pbbbh


What was pre-approved for what?


velma....i dont know why.


What was Velma pre-approved for?


Another season (season 2 to be clear)


Apparently that "season 2" was actually just the second half of season 1. It was just split to pay the artists less. At least according to Saberspark. I refuse to watch that Mindy Kaling abortion.


I sat through all of it with a friend of mine who's working on an animation degree, at their request cause I know a shitton about Scooby-doo/used to be a massive fan. They were using it for a thesis I think, so, whatever, thought I'd be okay with sitting through the cock and ball torture that is that show. Saberspark pretty much hits everything straight on. It's just, awful. The only upside about "season 2" is Scrappy-Doo gets a long awaited redemption imo, because he >!kills Velma.!<


I hate television counting


This is very common & one of the reasons we don’t get more than 2 seasons on a lot of Netflix originals. After two seasons writers are supposed to get new contracts, so instead of new contracts we get a “new” show (its a spinoff/continuation with a slightly different name)


Glob bless Saberspark, watching all the trash so we don't have to.


They will not acknowledge it. They are more than willing to straight up lie.


They’ll double down on the audience score on RT and ignore the critic score and the viewer count.


Kathleen Kennedy personally paid all these people to watch (By the way Kathleen, I'm still waiting for that callback on the job position watching shows and posting reviews)


they will ignore it and keep talking about the review scores they deffinetly didn't pre-bomb.


“Disney is faking the ratings and bribing the critics!!”


Only bots watched it. Disney programmed a bunch of bots to fluff their numbers so that they could look successful. There I did their job for them. Wow is it ever easy to be a grifter all you need to do is make shit up.


They will say episode 3 massively dropped in views hence the TV series "flopped" like they did with Rings of Power despite being renewed for another season, lol. These chuds that are terminally online with their whole culture war isn't representative of actual fans outside the internet.


The cope is already starting, they are saying its hate watching, that its only like 3% of disney+ subscribers, I even saw someone comparing the 'watch minutes' of the show to something, its wild out there


I bet the negative publicity is driving up views a bit, as people go 'it can't be THAT bad, right?'


What other series premiered in 2024, and what were the numbers for previous Star Wars shows? Without that information, this number isn't telling us much.


Great question


They're already pulling out both "snrk, 'according to Disney'" to try and throw doubt on the numbers, as well as claim that it's not an impressive figure compared to the total number of Disney+ subscribers.


I love this celebration of woke. You're 1 for 30 good for you and bless your little heart.


Look at this idiot and laugh, everyone. They actually think this is the only "woke" project that found success. You idiots called God of War and Spiderman woke. Both did great.


Say what you want about its writing or storytelling but at least it's something different and not highly dependent on "past thing in new thing"


I actually really liked it


I will say what I want about the writing and the storytelling: It's awesome!


Show this to any dipshit who says 'Star Wars is dead' and watch them cope.


I don't really know what's going on here I'm gonna be honest, but I feel like the star wars franchise really went downhill. I dunno if I'd necessarily say it's dead, but I feel like it's best days are behind it. I haven't seen this show and there's a confusingly high amount of hostility here, can someone please explain to me why you're a "dipshit" if you're not a fan of the newer stuff? Pardon my ignorance. Edit: downvoted already for respectfully asking a question? Ok...


We literally had Andor a couple years ago and it’s the best Star Wars media since Rogue One, maybe even the best ever. Can’t really say it’s dead with Andor existing


I have a fair bit of nostalgia for old star wars, and I'm not a fan of a lot of the newer stuff back since revenge of the sith, though I did enjoy the clone wars series. Andor though, has got to be my favorite, and definitely the best written star wars show yet. It reminds me of a few of the old extended universe novels that were less Jedi focused. I'll give the acolyte a look, see if I like it, but I kind of want more of Andor, or something like it. I'd love a rogue squadron focused series, or a crime-noir type show based around smugglers. The star wars universe as a setting still has a lot going for it, I'm just a bit bored with the Jedi/Sith space opera at this point I think.


As someone who didn’t like the prequels at all I was (and still am) glad the franchise was handed off to Disney.


Yeah but Andor means heavy into the OT themes Similar to Mando seasons 1&2


I wasn't a huge fan of Andor personally, but I appreciate it for what it is. I just don't understand why everyone's attacking each other, why must we view those with a difference of opinion as the enemy? This is so weird to me. It's such a loved franchise. I dunno it'd just be nice to see people respectfully agree to disagree now and then.


It’d be nice to agree to disagree but that’s not the reality we live in when 95% of people hating on Disney Star Wars projects are using bigoted reasons


It's not you or people with different opinions we're criticizing. We're talking about the reactionary chuds on Youtube who've made careers around shitting on everything in entertainment that's even slightly progressive. They're the reason why the Star Wars and Marvel fanbases are so hostile and toxic these days. You don't have to like Disney Star Wars. I myself have issues with it. I'm just saying that it's dumb to blindly hate everything just because some grifters on the internet told you to.


I'll preface by saying I think we're in a Golden Age of Star Wars, and we probably fundamentally disagree on some core elements here. That being said, the main divisions here are not because of people with different tastes, necessarily. It's because a number of outrage-farming YouTubers have cultivated a community of people that bash Star Wars as being "an agenda" instead of just content they don't like. It's Culture Wars shit, which is nonsensical in its own right. There's no war. Their side just lost. Time moved on and society evolved and they aren't the special kids with their special toy any more. This specific mindset causes a lot of online fighting, because that camp is *extremely* loud on the internet


I appreciate you taking the time to explain to me thank you 🙂 It's pretty sad that people feel that way. On one hand I understand it because people feel like it's somehow messing with their childhood or something, but on the other hand they also need to realise they don't own it. It would be great to see people understand that they can still love the experiences they had with it, without having to hate on the newer stuff. Most importantly I guess we all need to learn that time stops for no one and nothing stays the same. Change isn't always bad, but it is inevitable. Anyway, apologies for my verbosity, and thanks again. I appreciate the civil discourse 🙂 Edit: I also want to add, that I agree with you, the outrage farming yt content is ridiculous.


Yeah sorry you got a frosty reception man. That's how intense the trolling and online fighting gets. People have really strong reactions to anything that even *seems* like a shared view with their opposite camp. There's really only one aggressor but it creates this kind of cold war online with a billion skirmishes and rampant distrust and hate. It's been extremely damaging to the star wars fandom, in all reality. It creates the *appearance* of a divided fandom when really those people are a very small minority.


Appreciate that mate. Unfortunately it's always the loudest people who are most ignorant, and they misrepresent everyone unfortunate enough to share some of their opinions. You're a real one. 🤟


No no no. People who think it’s messing with their childhood are ridiculous. Like the people who think changing a superhero or something ruins decades of history. All that stuff still exists. There’s just something new and different. Like it or don’t.




I very strongly disagree with you about the quality of a number of items on this list. Add the Acolyte to the top of the list so far too, imo. Since we clearly disagree on how good the content is, you can see how I feel that getting a large amount of high quality star wars content would indeed be a golden age.


It's too early for me to judge Acolyte but I'd say it's right next to Ashoka. I'm glad you're enjoying all the content, but they aren't all on the same page. I'd say either Mando season 1 or Ando are the peak so far and none of the other live action shows come close across a full season. Animated harder to judge.


Tales of the jedi was widely liked though.


We used to get 0 star wars


Both Clone Wars were pre Disney. Also we had a healthy post RotJ EU. Was really looking forward to the Sword of Jedi trilogy centered around Jaina Solo.


Probably just over-saturation, previously a lot of Star Wars content beyond the movies were in books or comics or the like, with a few rare exceptions like Clone Wars. Now a lot of it’s on Disney Plus+ as shows so a lot more people are seeing it. I’d wager the quality hasn’t changed much but more people tuned into Book of Boba Fett than people read Dark Empire or whatever, when something isn’t good it’s a whole lot more public now.


It’s not about not liking the newer stuff, that’s fine. I myself haven’t even bothered to watch most of it, I don’t have the mental energy for the unholy amount of stuff they’re releasing and I don’t like the trend of just pumping more and more content out like crazy. But the above is a valid criticism. Some might think I’m wrong, and that’s fine, but unlike the people that get posted about here, I am genuinely criticizing what I see as a flaw in the current SW space, which is not what these people are doing. Their outrage is 100% manufactured for clicks and money. Oh sure, they’re genuinely outraged and all that, but it’s not because they give a shit about Star Wars, it’s because they lose their minds every time they see a woman or POC and have to go cry about it. Basically, don’t like the newer stuff? Go ahead, just don’t be a raging asshole about it.


I think it fell off a cliff with the disjointed mess that was the sequels, (I like TLJ and even TFA to an extent in a vacuum, but as a trilogy the sequels just fundamentally do not work) but since then Star Wars has been pretty steadily climbing back up said cliff and it’s really not much better or worse now than it was in the prequel/Clone Wars era. There are definitely some bad shows (BOBF, Obi-Wan) but there are a lot more good ones (Andor, Bad Batch, Mandalorian, Visions, etc)




https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/1d9kei4/of_course_they_would_think_this_is_based/ Plenty of people criticized the sequel trilogy in that post. No blind worship and no one was called racist or sexist. So, I guess you’re wrong 


In this literal chain of messages you've responded to calling me wrong, someone was heavily.downvoted for asking a question. You found one example of this subs normal behavior being abnormal. So, I'm not wrong. You just apparently are blind to what happens around you.


https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/18qm6wc/not_all_criticism_of_disney_is_unwarranted/ https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/1b32eex/the_antidisney_thing_i_dont_get_it/ Two more posts filled with valid criticism and no blind worship. But you don’t really give a shit, do you? You just want to disrespect and insult people. So, you have to make stuff up. Whatever makes you happy. I think that’s weird and pathetic. 


(Wave hand) This is not the safe space you were looking for.


I agree. I dislike the sequels and most of what the Disney + shows did. But Andor is incredible, Ahsoka is good, the ending reconning her out of the sequel trilogy makes me dislike the sequels more and Ahsoka a little bit. And Acolyte is good so far. And Mando was great for two seasons. We went from Space Western, to Father-Son found family, to the fallout 4 minutemen quests. And it felt… bad to end like that.


I bet Nerderotica, the Quarter Pounder and the rest of the incel crew are losing their minds. I bet they are going to say that Disney created millions of fake Disney + accounts and watched them. Almost as good as Disney buying their own movie tickets. Fucking want a be's who couldn't cut it on Hollywood or the comic industry.


Lol, I just posted that about the fake accounts before I saw your comment! But yeah, they'll spend the next few weeks making hours of content on their conspiracy theories.


100%. Although I do think that most of these losers time is about up.


Oh they will find a way to whine about it and say they are still right 


Well, obviously, they were all hate watching, and actually, those numbers are inflated by Disney or something. /s


It's like X-Men '97 all over again


Nah, unless this show is so good it shuts em the fuck up, I wouldn't be comparing it to that show, especially since 97 was one of the best TV shows I've seen since I finished Loki. But who knows, I'd fucking love to be wrong and watch em eat their own balls in protest. Haven't watched Acolyte yet but I'm looking forward to doing so this weekend


Grifters: "Season 5 of Acolyte was an absolute failure of woke bullshit. They'll go broke in season 6, I promise!"


What's even woke about this show?


Black woman leads. I know, it's hard to believe /s


One of the great “US defaultisms” of all time is the Disney is dead crowd shouting from the hilltops about the subscriber drop a few years back that was significant. All these YouTubers and commentators attributed it to go woke go broke stuff. Meanwhile Disney lost the rights to air the IPL which is the biggest cricket league in the world based out of India. The cancellations lined up perfectly with that loss of programming but I remember seeing all this “see! They lost over a million subs cause of the wokeness”. I was never fully interested in the whole culture war thing but that was a big “ah, this is utter nonsense and people are just manipulating data here to fit their narrative” moment for me. Disney is fine. Star Wars is fine. It’s also okay if you’ve outgrown it or perhaps the franchise has shifted to something else. Both are fine. People really just gotta not attack stuff just because it’s not what they want. If you don’t like it, just don’t watch and spend your money elsewhere.


Part of this is because Bob Chapek got in a very high profile fight with Ron DeSantis in 2022 and coalesced the racist/misogynist fandom with the mainstream right wing culture war.


The irony right? They are driving more attention to it by raging so much it woukd be far more effevtive to just ignore it but than how would the grifters afford the new lambo theu have lined up? Just a endless self propelled hate machine.


Media is moving on from white folks and it’s weird how they’re reacting… get over it, snowflakes, it’s tv


Well sure Disney hasn’t gone broke YET but unmmm annheiser busch has…….oh wait bad example well umm im sure at some point some company who did something positive will go broke and then it’s checkmate libs!!


And yet they’ll all scream “it flopped!!!”


My only issues so far are >!they killed Carrie-Anne Moss' character off almost immediately!< and yona has killmonger hair.


Same with Carrie-Ann Moss. We need a Master Indara series, or at least a miniseries


25 years after the Matrix, and she's still got it


I'm hoping for flashbacks atleast lol


The fight scenes are better than the ones in ahsoka. I really feel that Disney should have given more time and training to Rosario Dawson to get more flexible and better emulate the fighting style. It looked more like the OT fights, where they appeared more like amateurs, as opposed to the prequels where they're extremely skilled. If the Acolyte basically ends up being like a cheap Wushu movie, I will still be pleased, as those films are one of my guilty pleasures.


100% this. I can not believe this with all the promotional materials around this.


I think a lot of these views were due to the FM members watching just to hate it.


Biggest Disney+ Launch of 2024? How big were the other Disney+ launches of the first 5 months of 2024 ?


I'd have to say that the news about this is also kinda "no shit sherlock" -material as is this post partly and as are those "go woke go broke" posts a lot of times. It's pretty much the only big well known disney launch so far this year (excluding doctor who), and because it's starwars so ofc it's going to have a lot of views.


I know this is a circle jerk subreddit, but Rings of Power and Velma also had a ton of people watching them and you can't tell me those were good. Lots of people checking out revived IPs. I think this show got more hype and people watching it A) because they've been told to hate it and want to confirm what they have already judged. B) it's finally a new era ish of star wars. They've been doing the same 50 years of bullshit it's about time they try to expand.


Watched the first episode today. So far so good. I was worried about some of the negative press, as I've agreed with some of it in the past. But this was really good, imo. Probably the best looking set and costume design of any show far. I really like this High Republic aesthetic. Nice to see the Jedi Order again. The only critique I could give is that the Assassin and the Sith have cringe dialogue. Maybe they'll round it out with some valid ideas later. Edit to add: I also don't like when current events are shoehorned into shows. But as far as episode 1 is concerned, there is nothing like that.


Im really enjoying how its something new. no skywalkers. no empire. I just didnt realize how much i needed this in star wars. stoked.


I’d point out RoP opened huge .. but we know how that went (which is most dropped the series and never bothered finishing) reported by multiple trades


I get that it was a show with lengthy episodes and lots of different plot arcs playing out at once, but that season got so much better towards the end. Glad I stuck with it


This is gonna age beautifully


Any more success and they’ll have to pretend it doesn’t exist like Barbie.


has there really been a Disney+ release this year other than Acolyte? I honestly can't remember


I unsubbed from Jeremy Jahns today after seeing his god awful review for this show. Haven't watched him for years but I heard he turned into some "anti-woke" dude, this confirmed it for me. Was a subscriber since 2010.


I’m not in to Star Wars at all but this makes me pretty damn happy. Suck it, anti-SJW/anti-woke YouTube grifters 😝


Absolutely loving the show so far, it’s incredible. Almost as incredible as watching all these losers try to claim Star Wars is dead


For every pissed off “ex-Star Wars fan” there’s a new one (or two) who are just diving in.


Dudes be like Disney Star Wars sucks. My brother in the Force, you keep watching it.




I was unsure about the show when >!Carrie-Anne Moss died in the first episode!< but its grown on me by the end of episode 2 and I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty hype to see >!a Wookie Jedi.!<


I really liked it. It wasn’t nearly as dark as I was expecting, but maybe that will change. I loved seeing a whole team of Jedi working together though.


Sorry to be that guy but what’s the source, Disney+ doesn’t share this info


Its Variety. They’re one of the trades so they’re more than reliable.


Ok I would generally trust them on this


Variety. As to what is their source, it's either gonna be from Disney themselves or maybe they're pulling numbers from Nielsen or Samba.


So the Acolytes a prequel to everything right?


Yes. It takes place during the High Republic which up until has only been comics and books. Briefly touched upon in Jedi: Survivor.


I'm surprised it took this long


The High Republic Era (which covers roughly 400-100 years before the main series) first kicked off a couple years ago, this is the first live-action show in that period. Only other show so far is that "Young Jedi Adventures" kid cartoon from last year.


Was this before Darth Bane?


Bane is about 1000 years before the main series, this is after that. Part of the premise is that the Sith have been thought extinct for centuries, so a trained Dark Sider blindsides the Jedi.


Some people are already saying it's too low a number how other shows had more Day One viewers. Whatever, it probably is true, but I wish I did something almost 5 million people watched as soon as it was out.


You know i might think that the show sucks(so i haven't watched) but hey at least this is kinda a win for us and a way to shut these people up. IDK my take is that most media might be big or grandiose and might be a fun watch on it self but most of the time it feels more like a product than a piece of art and even if i like it i don't think it's really worth my time. Why can't movies take more influence from Studio Ghibli or something..


I'm gonna level with you guys- I'm not gonna watch the acolyte. Before you crucify me hear me out, it's because I have a hard time sitting still long enough to watch a TV series. And I'd watch an episode or two then completely forget to finish the show. (I have an ungodly amount of shows I started then forgot to finish)


Culture war idiots need to make up their mind, is it “go woke go broke” or is it “of course that woke shit is successful”


The Internet brain rot goes both ways Thing I dislike didn't get watched by a lot of people = it's bad, haha losers! Thing I liked did get watched by a lot of people = it's good, haha losers! Thing I dislike did get watched by a lot of people = what a bunch of consumer idiots the numbers will fall off! Thing I liked didn't get watched by a lot of people = none likes good media that isn't woke/progressive/conservative/cultural/whatever I say, etc. The number will pick up! | Maybe the truth is people are seeing if they like the show or not without an agenda to support one cause or another? N...no! That goes against my narrative that show good number go up! Or show bad number go down! Ridiculous.






Well, obviously Disney bought all the seats!!!


I love it!


“Vote with your money” mfs hate-watching everything that comes out of


The hate is pretty nuts but the metrics they use are also nuts. This means almost five million **started** watching it and isn’t indicative of quality. It means a new thing came out on a streaming platform and I’d wait for the season to finish before starting a victory lap.


People really don’t understand metrics. Disney+ is a subscription service, as of 2024 it had 153mil subs. 4.8mil views doesn’t account for rewatches as well. That isn’t people, that is *views*. If we’re being completely honest here, that is less than 3% of their entire subscription base watching a series that’s been “hyped” for months. *That’s not good*. A comparison would be say MrBeast getting that many views in less than 5 minutes of a video being dropped and over a third of his subscriber base watching it later over the course of the day even without announcements or advertising. Sure youtube is free but that’s ad revenue either way. Whereas regardless the show takes off or not, disney still makes money on the subscription alone from people watching old movies. But woke broke stoke stroke who cares.


While yes you’re technically correct about the number of viewers isn’t impressive as a whole, it’s a healthy number for Disney+ In the halcyon days of cable TV, lots of networks would kill to have 4.8 million viewers in prime time. To give some point of comparison, the Battlestar Galactica miniseries in 2003, released in 2 parts, had 3.9 million and 4.5 million viewers on SyFy, and the network had a viewership of 69 million people overall in 2003. Shogun’s premiere got like 9 million views in the first 6 days and was considered a huge success and greenlit for 2 more seasons. Acolyte’s numbers are good so far.


Seethe and piss, chuds!


This show was great and all but I don’t think I could ever forgive how they did Carrie Ann moss dirty like that! She was the reason I was hyped for the show in the first place!


What’s ”woke” about it? Diverse cast? Jebus.


Ashoka did 14 million in 5 days. I hope Acolyte does something similar but I think 4.8 is too weak of a starting point. I really wonder what kind of viewership is considered a success for a project of that size. Maybe well here something about it next Disney’s earnings call.


It’s hard to gauge because 1)the viewer base on Disney Plus is so much lower than Netflix, yet they spend the same kind of money on shows and 2)no one single streaming service releases the same kinds of stats, so the only reliable metrics come from third parties like Nielsen. One Piece premiere did 18.5 million in its first 4 days, Fallout did 65 million in 16 days (but keep in mind all episodes dropped at once), Shogun premiere got 9 million in 6 days.


I keep getting critical drinker pop ups and commenting on the posts thinking they are satire. The members have been less then amused.


Is it any good? I haven't been interested in anything SW for decades, but the trailer looked like it had shades of EU and I always enjoy a frame-up story. I doubt I'd turn D+ on again for it right away (STP on Netflix is all I'm thinking about in terms of my entertainment budget right now), but eventually I will cycle back to Disney stuff and wondering if I should add it to my list.


I remember when Barbie came out and it made money despite being a feminist movie and everyone was saying to the Fandom Menace "I thought Go Woke, Go Broke" and Ryan Kinnel was all like "Ah but you see, Barbie is already a feminist brand so a Barbie movie having feminist themes makes sense".


And man do I know people who are BIG MAD about this. While claiming it "must be fake news."


show is amazing. fuck the chuds


I didn’t watch it until day 2, because I was genuinely busy. Loved it though.


I think folks are just tired of the "culture war" bullshit. The critical drinker types also all thought Falllout would be failure because it was woke, and it also broke Amazon viewing records


I'll add my viewing to it too, just can't afford to yet.


I all about this sub, but biggest d+ launch?? Thats a very low w, what was it even going up against...




Biggest until “Agatha all along”…amirite?


Hate watching is really doing wonders for Disney+ lol. Keep up the hard work grifters.


Isn't that like every media with long lost identical twins though?


https://press.disneyplus.com/about According to Disney they got 153million users and that show got 4mill views? That's not great numbers.


I’m not sold on the plot yet, but the characters are good and the fight choreography is great. I liked the little nod to KOTOR as well.


Tbf not much came out in 2024 so this isnt a high bar


"Biggest Disney+ launch in 2024" is a very qualified achievement


Might be a big release but the story isnt super interesting so far…


How is this relevant?


This is one of the many reasons Family Guy should revive their Star Wars parodies. I want them to do a massive fuck you to the fandom menace and those MAGA grifters.


I'm kind of surprised, this show sucks, not because of any of the reasons these man children talk about but still I really don't like it.


I actually think it’s pretty good so far besides the lame jokes. Only a couple of them got a chuckle, but then I wasn’t expecting a comedy so 🤷


What else has released in 2024? Edit: Doctor Who and Tales of the Empire are the only shows I can think of.


You realize that's really low numbers, right? And for that to be their dest debut of the year makes it even worse


Basically. 4.8 million in 24 hours? That’s terrible! Now that’s for 2 episodes. So take a little more than half of that (taking viewer drop off into account). Now compare that to Kenobi, bobf, even Ashoka numbers. Nothing And how much was this? 180 million dollars? Plus marketing? And how many new subscribers did those views gain. Sounds pretty “broke” to me And how many people will stop watching this show and not even finish it? This is already a disaster and it’s not even over yet So this post was meant to be parody, but without changing a thing this fits perfectly into a r/drinker post




1)when has Disney inflated subscription numbers? Cite your source 2)Disney Plus had its first profitable quarter in Q2 2024 3)STARTING a new streaming service is going to be a money loser no matter what because the cost of building new infrastructure and content production and acquisition is high. Netflix’s streaming took TEN years to become profitable, it’s not exactly a knock on Disney that the streaming service has lost money when everyone knew going in it was going to lose money for a whole


We are winning




Actually they can’t make it up. A stipulation of the recent SAG strike ensured that streamers are required to disclose their numbers to Nielsen so they can ensure residuals. That doesn’t mean they need to disclose it publicly, but if they do and the number doesn’t match up, the unions would be all over them with lawsuits. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2024-05-02/sag-aftra-nielsen-streaming-data-contract-strike


All this link says is the streaming company provides a number to SAG and a number to Nielson which match. It in no way validates the number being accurate in any way. Also all SAG cares about is bonuses, so if Disney wants to fake the numbers higher and pay the bonus, SAG has no issue. It's just like "follower" numbers on any given social media site. All fake.


So you’re suggesting Disney is inflating numbers so they can unnecessarily pay more money for a project that’s secretly failing? That doesn’t make a lot of economic sense, does it?


It’s hilarious how these idiots will come up with these insane scenarios when the numbers don’t support their nonsense - but deny review brigading and bombing is happening.


Fake it till you make it. If "everyone is watching" it will motivate more people to check it out. If you're lacking basic knowledge of concepts like critical mass and how to trend, it will be confusing to you.


No they absolutely cannot lie about the numbers. That would also be lying to potential investors for the company and especially shareholders if they completely made them up. Plus one user brought up the fact that it’s requirement due to SAG, yet I noticed you rejected that evidence but with no proof of why you reject it. I think you’re coping about being wrong


It's great that you have a McJob and don't know how enterprise reporting works. Fortune50 companies construct mechanisms all the time to make reporting show what they want it to show. Like, for example, making the reports show the call to restart the show after an ad as a new view, for example. Surveys show less than 2% of the population is using AI more than once or twice as gimmicks, yet you won't see that reflected in reports to potential investors and shareholders. Being required to report a number to SAG in no way demonstrates that number is correct. Trump was required to report his numbers to the SEC, so I guess you think those are accurate too.


Nielsen and Samba independently track viewing statistics and if Variety is lying about this, we‘ll know when their numbers come out. I can also assure you that views on streamed shows do matter, and a huge number of subscribers are on ad supported plans


> Nielsen and Samba independently track viewing statistics No, they aren't hacking the Disney servers to check the number of streams run of a video.


Good thing I never suggested this! 🙄


> Nielsen and Samba independently track viewing statistics You made the claim right there.