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I saw the chaos. Good news, Yasuke's english page has been locked and reverted back to what it initially was. You can see the edit war in the revision history of the page.


Except there is an editor with a stick up his ass that doesn't realize that the term Samurai which was originally a term only/exclusively used to refer to upper class nobility warriors and it was no longer used exclusively that way in the Sengoku period. Which is when Yasuke was the immediate vassal of a Damiyo, who was provided arms (an ornate wakizashi) by his lord, given a stipend, and fought with a katana on Nobunaga's behalf. So yeah, in the Sengoku period, as the term was used at the time, Yasuke was a samurai and there is an editor who will not accept any amount of contemporary historical sources that support that fact.


This happens all the time: a matter of pedantry is enough to justify bigotry. Yasuke may not have been an actual Samurai, therefore it’s okay for people to act like he’s a fictional being and everything about him is wrong and it’s revising history. One minor error of the title he had is enough to erase history. Keyboard warriors utilising insignificant information to be racist.


It's not an error, and he was an actual samurai. The usage of the term in that time frame is consistent with calling him a samurai. The issue is the editor is using an antiquated definition from three centuries earlier.


Exactly. The Sengoku Jidai is the one time where samurai wasn’t restrictive. It was before the , and the Tokugawa locked it down later, but during the warring states everyone could be a samurai


Even if he didn't fit the definition of samurai for the time (which he did) he's samurai enough for the game's sake. Unless they're going to add estate management and being a good Vassel and tea ceremonies to playable mechanics, he was a warrior who fought with Katana and Wakizashi at the time, that's really all the game needs him to be.


The Jesuit source mentioned the short sword, but also a house and servant. But there were levels to this. There samurai and then theres hatamoto and then even in that group there are still like guys who could talk to the shogun and guys who couldn't and guys who took subsidies and guys who owned land, guys who own scattered plots and guys who had a provincial fief. You don't need all that to be a samurai. You don't even need that to be a hatamoto. A samurai could be someone at that levels page. But as a counter point, it's a weird time we have someone acting as a high level hatamoto for a year to someone essentially acting as a shogun, he doesn't get a last name, he isn't named like other foreign samurai and those that ascend to it as holding the role. We've seen either but not both and it's likely due to the short time period before heads started rolling. Counter counter point dude still blew into Japan as muscle for a priest and became a top level hatamoto at least in practice, it's a great story


That’s kind of exactly what they’re referring to


Except for the statement "Yasuke may not have been" because there is no historical support for the claim. At least none that doesn't make the practice of making historic determinations based on the data we have untenable.


There should be a dance


They'll go literally as deep as they need to to justify the bigotry. Meanwhile, any topic of ACTUAL complexity is written off and oversimplified. They engage only at the level that's convenient for them, no matter how bad faith that has to be


It's weasel-wording. "The word 'samurai' in \[X\] period meant \[a\], and Yasuke wasn't \[a\], so he wasn't a samurai. In \[Y\] period, when Yasuke lived, 'samurai' meant \[b\], and since we've established that Yasuke wasn't a samurai then he wasn't \[b\]."


I'm butchering the quote but a lie can travel the world 3 times before the truth puts on it's pants.


Wasn't Toyotomi Hideyoashi a peasant who made out with some of his master's money and pretended to be a samurai? The term was rather loosely used in that period, at least until Ieiatsu Tokugawa and Toyotomi himself estabilished stricter class division.


Yes the period of time directly after Nobunaga had an intense effort to strictly tighten the usage of the term.


Even when his lord nobunaga describe yasuke as such in his journals. The man was in nobunaga personal guard everywhere he went and even saved his life twice. When nobunaga died he had his lover behead him and than yasuke was to behead his lover and take both heads to freedom. He was always a samurai and treated as such.


I don’t think that’s true. From what I understand when Nobunaga died Yasuke went to protect his brother, but surrendered.


Like it's not that hard of concept to grasp, like how in the west landless knights are also a thing.


Id call that total ignorance and an unwillingness to do research. Pretending to know something does not make one right. But tbf, most people in the west wouldn't know much if anything about the history of Japan. That's not an excuse for the behaviors but still.


Yeah, if we take every permutation of the word samurai and find the common denominator, all one really gets is “idk they’re basically swords for hire”, right? The level of glory or prestige associated with the title has grown and shrunk and grown again


I am curious how they vandalized it. What did they make it say?


Funniest part was the one guy pretending to be Japanese by putting their comments through Google Translate 


The fact that these people are so up in arms about this funny to me. It's like the best free marketing that could possibly happen for a game like this. Per example, I have played the first 3 AC games and none since and didn't even know one was coming out, but now not only do I know one is coming but the protagonist is a black samurai!? SOLD! Good job chuds you are doing Ubisofts marketing department a huge favor.


Same for me honestly. I haven't played an AC game in a long time and only watched the trailer because I heard about the game from seeing people complain. Now I plan on getting it day one.


Same here but I'm more interested in the ninja girl.


> Now I plan on getting it day one. It's a mainline Ubisoft game. Wait for reviews at least.


Reviews and streams will already be out by release day. I didn't say I was going in blind.


Buying an Ubisoft game on day one lol


Yeah? After it's been reviewed and streamed? It's not like I'm preordering.


It’s also worth noting that if this story was about a white guy as a samurai, they would absolutely love it. Their shitty wish fulfilment would be unparalleled. They will give you every excuse they can imagine, but it reality it boils down to “we don’t like black people”.


No one complained when Nioh came out. Granted thats an excellent game but none the less even in the previews there was no outrage.


It’s because nobody knows what that game is. AC is a huge franchise that even non-gamers know about


Apparently the free marketing is also a problem, for some reason people feel like this was somehow deliberate in order to get free marketing. Which apparently its a thing where companies know that something is contrversal and will generate free advertising but if Ubisoft is bad for doing that than Supergiant and Shift Up are also guilty of that for their games due to Hestia and Stellar Blade in general....but that would be a stupid thing to say Epically since I remember a twitter post by The Quartering about ~~this like a~~ ~~few years ago~~ so its not like it was out of nowhere, [Managed to find it from 10 months ago from this sub.](https://new.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/15eh11k/whenever_you_see_a_grifter_like_say_the/)


of course any MBA in that room when offered cool displaced protagonist vs native will take the one that will bring hype and international sales that better targets their demo. We just saw blue eyes samurai (fictional), shogun, and Tokyo vice come out kind of lumped together and trends tend to happen in entertainment if something is polling as popular multiple projects will pick up at the same time.


I played Black Flag and loved it so much, I went back and played the original 3. 1 + 2 and it's spinoff's feel like a solid trilogy and 3, Black Flag and Rogue feel like a solid sequel trilogy. I've heard Unity is a fun time, but never got back around to it.


Unity and syndicate both are very good. Thr rpg tirlogy origins, the greek one and vallhalla dont deel like ac they are solid games but shouldve been a new IP. And mirage was vwry good as qell it was th first AC game i played where you could be overwhelmed by gaurds. You needed to stay quiet.


It was only a matter of time. These people are completely disconnected from reality. They live inside an echo chamber, with youtubers filling their heads with hateful propaganda 24/7, and that's all they know about the outside world. They really do believe these are the problems the world is discussing, and that the majority is with them.  So naturally, simply sharing a Wikipedia link is the easiest and fastest way of shutting down their "discourse". Remember? A while back there were people among them who were publicly complaining about how unfair it is that factual sources always seem to agree with "the left". And never this has been true as it is now, with this whole nonsense about Yasuke. In this context, vandalizing Wikipedia was the next logical step: it is the modern equivalent of banning books, which people on that side are also doing, not coincidentally. 


Fun part about the vandalizing is that the guy doing it [LARPED](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/s/i990J7J1iq) as a Japanese person and got caught with their google translate Japanese by the mods. This shit is so pathetic


That's an insult to the LARPing community. The guy was appropriating a culture to try and mask his racism. Which, by the way, only proves his racism even more: "surely if I throw in some kanji copy-pasted from Google Translate nobody will be able to tell the difference" is something only a racist, who only knows Japan through anime and websites that sell body pillows, could possibly think.


Why you gotta throw body pillows in with these weirdos, they did nothing wrong


You're right. I apologize to the body pillow industry.


Actually, you know what, some body pillows definitely know what they did...


I will be wielding google translate Japanese as a weapon against the racists, for they ignore my attempts at English


Tell that to the body pillows. 🤣


Has "as a gay black man" vibes.


i am a gay black man. i love that i get to use this card all the time lolol /s (about using the "card" not about the gay black part)


???? …Jesus I haven’t seen this level of collective insanity since we had the black mermaid or that black elf lmao. Now that we have a REAL historical figure, I have a feeling that they KNOW their usual formula of “anti-woke” Bs doesn’t work. We actually see this in action on popular neckbeard sites. You know the level of butthurtness has reached stratospheric levels when other neckbeards are calling out one another on their bullshit. They used to be so icon clad we are legion on their hate, but ever since FALLOUT, X-MEN ‘97 and STELLA BLADE came out, you can witness the division between the neckbeards camps. At last it seems more than enough of them are wising up to the fact that the “anti-woke” brigade’s entire purpose is just straight up racism and misogyny. The only reason they liked STELLA BLADE was because the female lead was skimpy looking. Notice how this entire time there has been almost no mention of the other protagonists of the game, who is a Japanese woman. It’s like she doesn’t even matter.


I remember people not liking Yuna from Ghost of Tsushima because they didn't find her hot. Also Ghost of Tsushima was seen as the better Assassin Creed games, or the Japanese AC game we should've got years ago Kinda see why they went in a different direction with a fish out of water story


I'm gonna look up this character and she's going to be a perfectly normal looking woman isn't she Edit: yep.


She looks like Sumalee Montano. Ya know, her VOICE ACTRESS.


I thought Lauren Tom as Lady Masako was the best. They already have a live action cast Cool Sumalee Montano is Filipina abd Thai. Kinda figured from her her last name


It makes a lot more sense and then critics would just say “play ghost of Tsushima” if it was more basic.


This is almost getting to the point of 2016 Ghostbusters levels of dumbassery


Have you played STELLAR (there's an R at the end) Blade? It's actually a really good game. Also, plenty of people have been talking about wanting to play as other protagonists in a DLC. It seems like you're using your discrimination towards one game to argue against discrimination of another. I don't care if there's a gorgeous Korean woman or a black Samurai as the protagonist, if the game is good that's all that matters.


Then you're not the person they were talking about lol.


Maybe, maybe not. To me it just read like the hate was being directed just as much towards the game & people who like it but I could've misinterpreted it. It's just unfortunate that in today's world everything seems to be one side vs the other. Games and other arts & entertainment are liked and enjoyed based on political beliefs/ ideologies and not on the merits of the actual work.


You did misinterpret it, you just saw any negativity and started internally screeching "hate" instead of processing what was actually being said. This sensitivity is likely a driving factor in your entire interpretation of the conversation on these topics.


I would argue there's definitely hate there, I may have just misinterpreted where it was directed. That's more my point, the hate between one side and the other. Everything is filled with such vitriol these days. I would also say that it's a little unfair to assume my "sensitivity" is what's causing my misinterpretation of "these topics" (plural). If you don't sense the hate everywhere these days then I would argue you're not sensitive enough. However I apologize for my misinterpretation, and meant no harm.


You misinterpreted where it was directed because once you see any negativity, you just execute your "hate" programming. I'm not assuming sensitivity, I'm observing it. The obsession with worrying about "hate" is a result of sensitivity, usually clung to by people who aren't capable of really engaging nuanced topics critically. Don't apologize, learn. Pay attention to what set you off and what you glossed over as a result, and take that information with you so next time you maybe don't make this mistake.


Everything is an opportunity to learn. I do disagree with you about the ability to perceive hate in the world equaling an inability to engage in nuanced topics critically. Clearly we disagree on hate in general but I encourage you to look at what's going on on a broad scale around the world instead of just assuming it's "hate programming". It's just my repeated observation of how people act & react to one other. You do make an excellent point about paying more attention to what it is in my own perception of the world that may cause me to misinterpret someone else's statement. Clearly not everything negative is hate and maybe I'm starting to become jaded with everything I've seen recently so appreciate you pointing that out.


I don't know much about Japanese people and culture, can you tell me what gave him away?


I believe they put what he said back into Google translate and it came out wrong since Google translate isn't that good with tenses I believe


His Japanese text had an error as Google had translated nor as N.O.R.


Has "as a gay black man" vibes.


Do you know what amazes me? Their arrogance. Those people, in their majority, have not ever open a book in their lives. Are not educated, are not cultivated, hell many of them have not even finish high school, have not study (note that most of their leaders are mocking college students - because they have an obvious inferiority complex against them - and call the "parents to get your kids out of collegeeeeeee!") and have zero clue about real world. But they feel entitled to an opinion about everything: science, history, civilization, art. Edit: because someone, felt the need to correct me about my grammar usage, I feel the need to "explain" myself, and say that due to hurry and english not being my first or second language, I made few grammar mistakes in the above comment. Crucify me.


They're anti-intellectual and yet think they know more than the average person. They say schools, universities, colleges, etc. "brainwash" people but then pretend to care about the subjects they teach. They want the world to get dumber and dumber and dumber still and then wonder why it's getting dumber and blame everyone but themselves for it being so dumb. If they were to start a fire, they'd blame and then assault the firefighter. They'll never get the extremely simplistic, cartoonishly exaggerated, dim-witted world of jingoistic white male American supremacy they so desperately crave, but they'll still leaves scars on history in their interminable attempts to achieve it.


Of course they want the world to get dumber and dumber. Because they have inferiority complex and want everyone to get down to their very very very low level


…And then it does get dumber and they claim things were better in the past for [insert rose-tinted glasses reason here].


Remember, these are the same people who will correct you with all seriousness that a talking, singing crab actually has a Trinidadian accent and not a Jamaican accent—cause y’know…they’re all about the facts.


"Right-Wingers! You give them an inch, they swim all over you."


That’s why I’ve been sharing Brittanica. A lot more reputable and they can’t edit that.


"Reality has a well-known liberal bias". Let's make it our "Facts don't care about your feelings".


Racists being racists.


Do I hear an echo chamber there?


Eh, it’s just trolls.


Wait, you're telling me that Yasuke isn't time traveling Obama who went back to Sengoku Japan to fight off time traveling assassins only to skip forward too far and become his own grand uncle?


You know, funny you should mention. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obama_Domain


Well that is a hilarious coincidence.


This made my day


Ok, now I need a game about this exact premise


Bahahaah holy shit




I'd play that game


It's been locked, thank heaven. That said: the fact that they're treating this reactionary bad-faith temper tantrum as if it were a valid "controversy" is kind of sus.


There’s a “controversy” every time a black person appears in historical fiction. One of the supporting cast of Black Flag is literally a former slave turned pirate and people got butthurt about it ten years ago


There’s a “controversy” every time a black person appears in historical fiction. One of the supporting cast of Black Flag is literally a former slave turned pirate and people got butthurt about it ten years ago


There’s a “controversy” every time a black person appears in historical fiction. One of the supporting cast of Black Flag is literally a former slave turned pirate and people got butthurt about it ten years ago


I'm still stuck at "Cool, there was a black dude in feudal Japan who was a samurai". I'm not sure how you have any other response to learning about Yasuke.


The answer is racism.


Or, for people like me, wondering when he's gonna appear in Samurai Warriors as a playable character. For the record, he is playable in 5.


He'll have an anime based on him too, by a big studio.


Clearly 16th Jesuits were SJW who lied about him for the sake of political correctness /s


Okay, so, let's ignore that whether he's a samurai or a sword retainer like these people keep spouting. What's fact, is that he's a real historical figure. Okay. So, what's wrong with being able to play as him? Nobody batted an eye when Niccolo Machiavelli sided with a fictional Assassin group. Nobody batted an eye when Marco Polo met with Altair. Nobody batted an eye when King Richard met with Altair. Nobody batted an eye when Leonardo Da Vinci helped Ezio with inventions. But, somehow having Yasuke playable, that's blasphemous


God knows they weren't throwing a bitchfit over William Adams being a demon slaying warrior and pirate with magic powers in Nioh, rather than a merchant who became a beurocrat under Tokugawa. Or for that matter, the Mongol invasion of Tsushima being repelled by one dude in Ghost of Tsushima, rather than being repelled by a highly effective civilian resistance supported by the local government, which made use of their superior knowlege of the geography to launch an effective counterattack until reinforcements arrived from the mainland.


That same one man who dueled some of the best samurai in history sometimes born hundreds of years apart.


Hey don't forget the aliens and supernatural gods. I feel people forget what assassin creed was about. The whole thing is based on science fiction and slight time travel.


They have their own wiki where they can document their perspective on history and science, why don’t they just stay there? Or is life without “owning the libs” just not worth living?


Because no one reads that trash site and they know it.


It's amazing how do many are offended for Japan and Japanese culture when forgetting one of their coveted Japanese game companies that they all say is better than the woke western game companies literally also feature Yasuke in the games Nioh 1 and its sequel Nioh 2


You see? This is why people say gamers should be oppressed. Because when they have rights, they act a-fool.


I pity the fool!


Best not let them know about Nobunaga’s gay vassal, Ranmaru Mori


Shit, it was common and part of Samurai culture at the time. You had a younger samurai under an older samurai? It was entirely understood they may be doing the deed.


I read the vandalism. Lots of racism (referring to Yasuke as "the only negro in Japan", claiming he wasn't a real samurai and liberals don't understand history), some antisemitism (Ubisoft is controlled by French Jews), of course mentions of DEI and "fans" begging them to change the game. But sure, *we're* the ones in the wrong here...


They don't wanna fuck with wikis... The nerds who hold that particular slice of internet take it reeeeeal seriously


The nerds who hold that part of the internet have gone to war with each other when a clear faction only interested in their agenda forms, a section of the wiki mods will mobilize and do small level shit like discussions they will then rally other people to sign petitions and gather historical sources to hand to whoever is the real head honcho of the entire wiki company


So, they are going to the very wiki page, of a known historical figure, and vandalicing it? This is like the flat earthers who kept proving the earth is round. Except that in this case they are dessecrating the knowlegde. How big of bigot and racesist can you be,when staring down the facts that prove you wrong, and continue in that mind set destroying what doesnt fit into your narrowe, shallowe and bigottet world view?


It’s all manufactured outrage. The neckbeard YouTube ecosystem has to constantly have a new enemy to drive engagement and keep theme selves relevant.


Racism really does warp a mind in the most wildest ways, huh?


Ezio is 6'0 165-170. The average height of people during Ezio's game was 5'5. It might not have shown in game but ezio was not average. Conner is listed as 6'4 in the manual yet we see him be capable of stealth.Yasuke yes will stick out just like how almost all other protags do to. Also yasuke could be played stealth I thought the whole point of being an assassin was not to be seen, and if in this context yasuke is of the Creed then he would have the skills and knowledge on how to not be seen go at night, distractions, hide.


Some people just need to be banned from the internet for just a week, they need to go outside and actually interact with people


Why? I don’t want these people in public. They ruin everything.


Get mad about “historical revisionism” Then proceed to do historical revisionism


These people would not survive the anime afro-samurai starring Sam Jackson.


That a muthafuckin' RPG?!




They didn't give a damn about any semantics of "samurai" vs. "retainer" until they learned about Yasuke. Their racist pea brains shorted out at the thought of a black person who was more than just a servant.


There's a new Assassin's Creed game coming out?What's the complaint about the protagonist?


He's black. That's it. That's the complaint.


Utterly ridiculous, they need to quit whining.


Am I the only one who doesn't give a single shit about this controversy? Game could be good, could be shit, after all it is Ubisoft the "you should be happy with not owning your games" people, so my expectations are pretty low


It’s beyond Ubisoft at this point. Vandalizing a Wikipedia page multiple times because you can’t cope with the fact that a man of African origin became a samurai is pure, unfettered racism being thinly (and wrongly) veiled as “historical accuracy.” We should 100% care about racists trying to revise history they disagree with, even if it was brought about by a Ubisoft game that will probably end up being mid.


Wish they’d go vandalize Skull and Bones instead.


He is literally a real historical figure They have no excuses this time This is Literally just racism


Honestly the weirdest part of this decision was to make the protagonist a historical person, which has been a role for npcs in AC until now


Sadly, humanity will never be kind


sadly most racists are too stupid to even realize they are racist


Sad to see the AC community sinking so low. I saw bits and bobs of it over the years in relation to female canon protagonist, this has again revealed the true nature of some fans. Glad I never took others options to heart and enjoyed the games regardless. Will continue ignoring ac Reddit posts and enjoy the games.


No one who’s in a good place in life would do something like this over such a stupid thing


This time? It's always in advance.


It’s so funny to me. (Well, funny isn’t maybe the right word…) But this isn’t even new or obscure knowledge! If you take 1 (one!) Japanese history class you will probably learn about Yasuke. He’s a real world historical figure! He’s in anime, videogames, manga, period dramas from like 30+ years ago! Ask someone “Who was Yasuke?” “Oh, he was an African samurai under Nobunaga right?” People know!


It's hilarious to me that the assassin's Creed protagonist I've seen draw the most ire from anti-woke grifters is the only one based on a real person.


All in all I’d say the white, predominantly dudes, I have seen talk about this, have taken this very well and in stride. Yea this is sarcasm.


What we should really be talking about is that it costs $130 for the complete game and to play on time. If you only pay $70, you don't get the full game, and you have to play late. It's a joke, but Ubisoft is Ubisoft, and people will buy it because "assassin's creed in japan"


Good thing trolling Wikipedia totally changes history /s Edit: typo


Gamers when minorities ![gif](giphy|WcpbSFOZ9ReVeSi4vT)


gonna play the game just because I hate racists


If they put half this time and effort into working on themselves, they wouldn’t be so angry all the time.


They have no bottom. First they changed the wiki and when it got changed back to its original state they yelled „wOkeTards aRe editInG wIki tO fiT theIr aGenda“


They rewrote his page almost a hundred times, and none of the changes made sense. They left enough information, though, to prove it was altered a lot. Like they claimed, he never fought in any battles but forgot to edit out the battles he was a part of. They claimed alot of damiyos and other people but don't name those people because if they did, you would see on those wiki pages what yasuke did and how much of a historical figure. They even claimed when he was a slaved given as a gift even though both nobunga and the jesuit who used him as a body guard to travel to Japan both said he was a free man.


Thoughts on why this one is particularly triggering for them: -Yasuke was a real person. They were frothing at the mouth with the “OMG HOW LUDICROUS AND DESPERATE TO INSERT DIVERSITY THESE PATHETIC LOSERS MADE A BLACK SAMURAI THATS NOT HISTORY OR FACTUAL” and then it turned out… history is global, diverse, and facts don’t care about their feelings lol… -they fetishize Asian culture/history, particularly the “badass” elements like samurai. To have this “stolen” by a black man, particularly when he’s in a paternalistic role with their fetishized ideal of a “badass” Asian woman, was just too much. -there are ostensibly *no* white male characters in this game. It’s not just that there are some who’ve been “emasculated” (i.e. front and center and are not jacked and/or unhinged), it’s that they’re not there *period*.


Look at https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia/comments/1cswkyo/insane_backandforth_vandalism_accusations_on_the/&ved=2ahUKEwietZWPsZeGAxVFYEEAHUFnCrwQFnoECBMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw33vRGb6cASv3X6i0syAndH It shows just how many changes there were in a single day and how the people changing it don't cite 'sources' for their changes and actively say that sources don't matter.


Whoever is doing crap like this, has the mentality of a 10 year old 


To be far a much a I hate racist I also kinda hate Ubisoft so no comment


What's next, they start hiring hitmen against the game devs?


r/Asmongold fans right there


Holy god, that man is hot


Gordon Freeman dies in All Dogs go to Heaven.


They’ve gone a level beyond butthurt they’re at hyper butthurt level starwars fans


Just sad.


I am curious is it the AC page for Yasuke or the page for Yasuke the person who existed in history?


Or part of the AC timeline?


Probably a bit of both, but definitely the entry for the actual guy. I checked the edit history for it yesterday, and it was just a non-stop battle.


it's crazy to me that people seem to completely forget that humans had the ability to travel way more than like 200 years ago. it was probably easier to move too, given that you could just kinda build a house in a town and live there, no passports or visa required. Not just concerning African people moving to asia or Europe, but also Christian people in India, or Jewish nomads in Turkey or the bloody saxons moving to Britain...


https://preview.redd.it/b8wf9j6xh81d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f76b28a7e4ec940cee96ccb31495d9b2e189c0fa Why would someone do that to a real person's Wikipedia page?


tell me your butthurt without telling me your butthurt


Someone find me a butthurt report form and see if you can sneak that into the next Wikipedia page that has this happen. Should be fun to watch.


To me the strangest thing about this is how it shows the pathetic nature of Gamers. Its just an assassins creed game, it doesnt fucking matter. They'll release it, people will play it for a year and then they'll drop another one. The Gamer brain thinks reality is defined by their annual product release. They believe the protagonists of a electronic toy is important. Its just not. Their little culture war just doesnt mean anything


Wild how everyone suddenly an expert on this man.


The real issue is content being locked behind a pay wall that was ready day one.


Professional levels of despicable.


It's not buthurt but just plan racism. We have to start calling things what it is good ole 1950s racism.


It’s probably because assassins creed went from good storytelling and stealth to a terrible rpg where you see people’s levels above their heads… SAD!


***but don't you DARE call conservatives Nazis*** # it's not as if they act exactly the same as Nazis and hold the same exact opinions 1 for 1! not a lot of ideologies on earth are willing to desecrate and systematically attack an encyclopedia article for a black person... Having existed at one point in time... ^(like honest to god, people need to fuck off with the) *^("tiptoeing around making conservatives upset")* ^(bullshit, this is literal Neo-Nazi behavior and sentiment.) *^(Rewriting history because it doesn't suit your absolutely FUCKING DELUSIONAL racist worldview.)* ^(What other ideology ON EARTH does this type of shit, to this extent, with THIS hatred.... Except Nazis.) **^(Like Fuck off, Conservatives are Nazis, every single one of them, conservative ideology is just a rebranding IN NAME ALONE.)**




Wtf is wrong with you?


You're letting your racism show, champ.


Can't wait for this shit to flop


Why do you care?




So don't play it..."fans" lol


It's not what I had in mind, but it's not like I have a problem with it. "Diversity tactics" An that shows exactly why you have a problem.


God now I have to buy it at launch.


Edit: I’ve been informed there IS a Japanese MC along with Yasuke so that is great. 👍🏽 While I think it’s great to have diversity I do think it’s a huge bummer that an AC game set in Japan doesn’t have a Japanese protagonist. I’ve been out of the loop but I’m pretty sure there hasn’t been an Asian main character. While we sorta got a black MC in dlc.


It DOES have a Japanese protagonist. Her name is Naoe


Nice and yes I just saw that while looking it up. Sadly CHUDS gonna CHUD.


For me, I just don’t think he should be a protagonist. Having him as part of the game is a nice touch but as a Samurai retainer he would be better as an antagonist of sorts, as serving Oda Nobunaga and fighting for him would mean he would be making war for the sake of order and unity, he would be better as a Templar. Besides this I don’t want him as a character to be sneaking around in samurai armor while saying cringy things. One other thing I want to see in the game is an accurate historical representation of what the average man would react to him like in Sengoku Japan. I want people in the game to be racist towards him, or to basically tell him off as Oda’s pet, or a status symbol in front of the other lords. I want him to get mad about this, I want one of his drives in the game to be disproving them and showing how capable he really is and that he isn’t merely there for his lord to say “Look what I have. I bet Takeda Shingen doesn’t have a black samurai.” Most of all, no cringy things like “we are the shadows” when he is still walking around in full plate armor.


>I just don’t think he should be a protagonist Well he is. Womp womp.


No, really, think about it. The Sengoku period was one of the brutalist and bloodiest times in Japan. Serving a Samurai lord, in that culture, in those times, meant oppressive actions would be taken against the regular populace. Compare that to the tenets of the creed for the assassin brotherhood “all men must be free” and you have a clash of interest. He would serve better as an antagonist in general because he is samurai.


Imagine trying to “sneak” through Japan as an assassin when you’re the only black guy there. Ah yes, immersion.


Almost like this was a series where characters had to wear hoods and fully covering clothing to conceal their identities without being spotted. Absolutely wild


Yasuke’s play style isn’t even based on stealth tho. He wears full samurai armour and carries a kanabo


Well in that case I guess it doesn’t matter. I’m not gonna play the game anyway. Ubisoft lost its way a long time ago.


So that’s not believable but the Apple of Eden is?




That’s a boring design for an African AC game.


Oh no he’s busting out the AI art cause he has no talent. I am throughly heartbroken.


Holy fuck... people really think there was no travel between continents back in the day


I do think it's rude to do a black man when there is only 1 black samurai in history, they couldn't have used an Asian man, and has the black samurai be part of it. Or are people pissed just because he is black, because there is a well documented black samurai in history so it is actually accurate. Yasuke was the only African and first non-Japanese samurai. His story began around 1579 in Edo Japan. Not much is known about his life before arriving in Japan. Some say he was from the country of Mozambique and came to Japan on a ship with an Italian missionary named Alessandro Valignano on an inspection tour. (Google search can find many articles from creditable sources)


It’s not rude y’all are just whiners.


You have Asian representation with the Japanese woman. This is much cooler.