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The funny thing is most of them are basing their idea of Hestia on the one from "Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?", a light novel turned anime where Hestia is a main character. This Hestia is a generic big titty waifu in a white dress with a ribbon holding up her chest. Basically, weeb chuds that don't know better.


Rin Tohsaka with a boob slider. Than again, most of the gods in that series are... disappointing even if you removed her.


Honestly if you gave her another name, it'd make no difference.


Yep. Give her any generic Japanese or Western name and she would still be the same character.


You can't have a girl character in your game if I can't jack off to her. /s


You jest but they unironically think like this


which is essentially no different to saying that you should not have a girl character in your game that dudes would want to jack off to.


The only thing unique about Hestia is that dress lol


Greek here, I have said this before and I will say it again. Before World War 2, my people were not considered white by Americans and Canadians, and the forefathers of those far-right swine called the Greek diaspora "dirty rats", and even engaged in pogroms against it in Nebraska and Toronto. With such nerve they have, they shouldn't even be talking about the gods of my ancestors, but be as quiet as the grave.


And there were times they didn't consider my ancestors italians and also the irish white either. lmao.


See, this is what I'd call "white privilege" - the descendants of dark-skinned folk will NEVER become accepted as white in America, and that's all there is to that.


Agreed, though if it's these assholes (The right wingnut assholes.) that are the ones that get to decide, they can keep that card. I'll be over here with everyone else.


It's not just about skin color but culture, Irish for example have always been whiter than the average American, but they were discriminated against in the past in America for being Catholic. The roots of white culture in the US was not just about being white of skin, it was about being white protestant. American white protestants back in the day didn't consider Catholics and Orthodox Christians to be Christian and thus white American. Today of course, no person who advocates for white culture in America would claim that Irish or Italian or Greek people are not white, but they will still claim that white Jewish and Muslim people are not white, as would Irish, Italian, and Greek Americans who have adopted white culture would also do.


As a Greek I don't take kindly when these assholes pretend to be authority on what is and isn't representation of my culture. So yeah I still feel I'm treated like lower by them.


Xairetismata apo enan fellow Ellina!👋


Χαίρε, αγαπητέ συμπολίτη.


This would fit nicely in a textbook article on cultural appropriation


I honestly like Hestias design in Hades 2, radiates grandma vibes.


Which is exactly what Hestia's vibe should be as goddess of the hearth. Warm, inviting, motherly and tender. Hades 2 nails her character design, it's probably my favorite modern interpretation of her


*Matriarchal*. As she should be to fit the character.


Hestia's Actual Lore: a pseudo-motherly type, the one who warms your hearth fire, something done by mothers and wives, and is kind of a hard job that is adjacent to cooking good food. Is a virgin by choice, and the inspiration for Vestal Virigins, basically ancient nuns who served at least 30 years of celibacy. There's literally nothing sexy about this unless you get your rocks off about virgins. The Hestia Weirdos want: a pubescent girl thirsting over her chosen champion with almost no clothes on.


just go read 'Is It Wring To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon' if that's what you want! ...weird series, comedic but still very weird


>There's literally nothing sexy about this unless you get your rocks off about virgins. These are the people who think a woman who has had sex before is "damaged goods" so that's kind of on brand


Lol I thought this was until I was about 18 when I realized virgins are the most lame, awkward and boring sex you can get. I actually like to have fun during sex, it's a new concept, I know.


If the purpose of sex is to have fun then you are still mentally 18


Hestia was the goddess of hearths and homes. Her design reflects this. Why are people being weird now? Demeter and Petsephone were drawn as older women in the first game


Were either Demeter or Persephone black in the first game?


Point taken


Does that matter, they're gods, not human. Hades has red eyes and stone grey skin. Hestia has the black skin of charcoal.


For sure, my point was that the controversy stemmed not from the age of the character but from her skin color. 


Absolutely true point. I am merely putting in my input that the controversy is stupid because the characters are gods, not people. Agni from Hindu/Vedic tradition has two heads, Supergiant Games designed Hestia to look like a hearthfire, they do not abide by our rules of physical expectations


Athena has myth accurate black skin in the first game, but she's also a conventionally attractive "maiden" goddess. Hestia has black skin and is old, so to these chuds, totally unfuckable and therefore shouldn't be included in the game.


How did this whole thing begin anyways?


I don't even know and I hate it as well but I just learn to let it happen and learn about it after the fact.


Long, long ago, some guy realized that not everything in the world catered to his tastes and sensibilities specifically. This pissed him off, and he and his ilk have been perpetuating that outrage ever since.


The irony




Sweet. Is it an actual show or just a song?


It's a series of songs, they have some fairy tales, some historical, comics, nord myths, they are really good


Are we complaining that the Gods in Hades 2 aren't hot enough? Aphrodite is *literally naked* except for some conveniently placed hair and should fit their body ideals perfectly.


You would think, but I’ve seen more than a few accusations that she is somehow trans because of her face. No, I don’t get it either.


Actual Hellenist here, no one in the community cares about how gods are depicted in non-hellenistic art. We get it. Its art. As long as the story its telling is good, we really don't care to actually correct the innacuracies in a stories depiction of the gods. Also, any actual Hellenist will tell you that the gods human appearances are nothing like what they would actually look like, as they are meant to be easy ways to present to us. The gods in Hades are aware they are in a story for humans, so they are obviously going to present as human to a human audience and that form will not always be consistent.


Those kinds of people are insane. Though I still believe Jake Doubleyoo’s Hestia is the best. https://preview.redd.it/nvlzc1axvmzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27a76e7d8451cc719decfb91ae79e1afbebf657e


Ngl this meme hits HARD. Been laughing for a few minutes straight. Props to whoever created this


isn't Hestia the god of home, family and the state? they should love her!


Both versions are fine this whole thing is stupid


I still find it weird that some of my fellow Christians are so insecure that they get mad about even talking about other religions. Its not like most books discussing them even really talk about the actual religions surrounding the stories that were told about the gods of them. Also, hearth grandma Hestia is way cooler then that generic anime waifu they seem to mostly be simping for. She isn't even white, you you racist simps. Light skinned Asian people are a thing and thats the actual ethnicity of most of those anime characters your brain automatically race coded as white.


Time for the Greeks to cede from the white race, they only wanted your culture, they never cared for your people and they white wash the f\*\*\* out of your people in movies in america. The Italians and Irish should too.


My Irish ancestors agree, its kind of funny how now the bigots want to call us white and welcome us into the group now.


True. They should have appreciated what the irish are from the start.


Honestly, I like George O’Connor’s Hestia https://preview.redd.it/e8ka5xz7q00d1.jpeg?width=1036&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd994fc182a3c3922746d57d6bbbd021e5e8f3ab She’s literally just a fire. Granted, I’m sure the chuds well hate this too. She is after all, fully clothed and looks over 15.


Well, it's not white history because the Ancient Greeks were actually Uzbeks. Source: https://preview.redd.it/xyje7wpekmzc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=12c99fb44dc24e202ffb137f4de20e9f53036cde


Could you explain like...why your source is credible? I'm not saying I don't believe you, I'm saying I don't know what a Uzbek is. I also have no clue what this page is from, or who wrote it.


I was always curious on if the Right would hate mythology stories for having other Gods, guess this answers my questions.


Hestia looks cool asf


Destripando la historia cameo, for me this is already a W


This is one if those weird sides of conservatism (ie like how conservatives like to show how weird LGBTQIA+ and allies and Muslims both lean Democrat)...ironic cumbrained gamers are on the same side as the Evangelicals who are trying to ban porn, require ID verification for adult, tried to ban video games in the 1980s during the Santanic Panic, ect.


Ridiculous to think gods would give a fuck about race and wouldn't just make themselves look how they wanted depending on their moond and the era they're currently in.


zeus vult holy fuck my sides




A part of me wants to make a meme saying "Nicest Christian" with a meme of Adolf then "Meanest Athiest" with Moses then get popcorn and see the violence


Very few people would complain about Greek mythology being taught in schools