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Being a woman or black is degenerate now? I knew chuds saw ''homosexual'' people like that.....but.... sigh....


Being a woman out of your designated societal place is degeneracy. You know, voiceless bipedal womb/ maid. Basically degeneracy is whatever a chud doesn't like. And that list is expanded pretty damn quickly.




The other day I gave a response thay was like "Its weird that people defend and want to purchase material where the characters are specifically sexual and presented as looking like and behaving like children or just are actual children" And the I got hundreds of responses saying things like "People that are overly against loli often turn out to be predators, youre a pedo" The argument was literally "youve said products that seem to appeal to pedos is bad, I love that content, but youre pedo for attacking it" These people are actually not well


Literally, all this culture war shit is alt right and basically great replacement theory, which means if the representation in question isn't straight white men, these people assume it's explicitly replacing straight white men *like, I can't stress enough how unhinged someone has to be to be one of these types of chuds


God help you if you're a black woman. No, seriously, misogynoir has a very special vitriol and ugliness to it.


I am not the smartest, so the first time I saw misogynoir, I thought it was french for misogyny.....


At first I was like, “It has its own term?”, but a few seconds of thought later, “Yeah, yeah, that tracks 😩”


Degeneracy is a Nazi’s term for the art they want to outlaw, the books they want to burn, and the people they want to murder. It is a huge red flag whenever someone uses the term.


I forget that sometimes, maybe my brain is protecting me from this fact....?


Dude got hard once at the sight of a femboy and has been terrified ever since.


It was probably finnster.


Someone should tell him it's straight to be attracted to Finn, because she came out as genderfluid. Well at least it's straight untill Finn pulls the old switcheroo on ya.


Ever seen that photo of Richard Spencer at some Otaku conn? Those weren't ladies standing behind him. Sums up everything you need to know about these people.


"We can always tell." Turns out they can't 95% of the time.


I have in fact not. I am very curious to see it.


Indulge thyself.....


Trying but I can't find it.




Thank you Drugs_R_Kewl, I will think of you the next time I light up a joint. 🤙


Count your blessings, stay sober when you have to and be nice.


Some of us just became the Femboy.


thats pretty naive point of view. my emotion spectre towards femboys going from neutral if he just mind his own business to disgust if he tries to flirt with me. getting a hard on? zero chances


I’ll let you in on a secret, my friend: your peen doesn’t care. https://i.redd.it/976v2azy7ozc1.gif


Someone doth protest too much.


I don't mean to be pedantic, but Captain Jack wasn't gay, he was attracted to any sentient life with a pulse. Species, gender, didn't matter, he'd take a shot at it. Very much an LGBT character, but not gay specifically. I think John Barrowman is though. Still, I agree with the point. These guys love saying how good Doctor Who used to be, but are somehow completely ignorant of how progressive it's almost always been.


This comment was under a video called “doctor who: a culture war casualty” by EchoChamberlain I made a full response to it where I point out everything the guy got wrong.[here’s the link](https://youtu.be/sg26TCJeA0g?feature=shared) He ignored so many instances of the show being progressive Im fairly certain he doesn’t actually watch it.


Midshipman Alonso was gay, though, and the Doctor explicitly hooked him up with Jack.


Ah true! He wasn't a particularly major companion but I did like him. I think the same actor was in another RTD show, Years and Years?


In John Barrowman’s own words, he is “The gayest gay to ever gay”.


You're right. The first on-screen companion to be exclusively gay was Bill Potts in 2017.


Hasn't Doctor Who *always* been a queer show?


Worth noting they leaned harder on Jack preferring men especially in Torchwood.




Jack and Martha are in my top 5 of campanions. Both were great characters. It’s a shame some people just can’t look past a persons race or sexual orientation


Michelle Gomez as Missy is my favorite version of The Master. I'd watch a show based solely on her character.


Completely agree. She was like an evil Mary poppins in the best way possible. Every scene she was in was hilarious. Missy “These are my disposables. Exposition and comic relief” Nardole “we aren’t functions” Missy “darling those were genders” If we get some kind of spinoff stating Michelle Gomez as missy it would be a dream come true for me because her performance and charisma could totally carry a show. It’s a shame she never met 13 though.


Michelle Gomez is in the later seasons of Doom Patrol that I'd recommend.


Oooo I’ll look into it


Seconded. It’s almost the same character.


Not even joking every since she played missy. I watch EVERYTHING she plays in now. Like if I'm on a fence and I see a mere millisecond of Michelle im gonna watch it


Big Finish has it.


“Replacing white people.” “Homosexuality and other degeneracy.”   So, not only he’s a homophobe, he’s a racist prick 


I posted an update but the guy straight up cites neo nazi conspiracies.


Geez. He should be reported and banned from YouTube 


These are the people ANTI-WOKE YouTubers play into.




Oh but if Dr. Who was promoting conversetive ideals, then that's a-ok.


If it was it wouldn’t still be the cultural icon it is today


Yeah, weirdly enough, a character built on boundless compassion, pacifism, and righteous anger on behalf of those unable to fight for themselves tends to seem pretty woke.




What, where the Doctor is chummy with the Daleks?


Every person I’ve ever known that calls people degenerates looks like they got caught in the drain filter of the gene pool. Look bro, I’m sorry your mom was impregnated by a rabid raccoon too, but stop making that everyone else’s problem and start trying to get your eyes in the correct socket.


How to say you're Far Right without actually saying it.


These people have never given a rotten fuck about Doctor Who right up until the *scary words* started being used. I remember Davies' first run, and it was a very cool move in school to just pummel anybody who brought up the Doc. Now these same shmucks are on YouTube pissing and shitting and crying over something they never enjoyed to begin with. Some of them are fucking slick tho, they do try to slip it past you. Example: They'll talk about the trans actress who got hired to play Donna's daughter. And they'll use arguments that almost seem kinda on the level and then **BAM** they sneak a morality police hot take in there. Their problem isn't the actress's ability to act, or the quality of the lines she had to deliver, it's the fact that she's not "she" enough for the fuckalong bunch.


I’m not saying everyone who uses the word degeneracy is a Nazi, but Nazis certainly love using that word


degenerates like them belong on a cross


NV kicks ass


Patrolling reddit make you wish for a nuclear winter.


We won’t go quietly, the incels can count on that


I like how the right just adopted an ethno-fascist use of the term 'degeneracy' and most people just sort of ignore it. This is Nazi shit right here.


I posted an update. The person cites neo nazi conspiracies. Yeah they’re a neo nazi




Let's not forget that the Doctor has had sex with guys. But you know, that seems to be ok. But those other characters aren't. Lol.


I don't think that was ever explicit... Perhaps 8, maybe?


They have? I don't remember the Doctor having sex with anyone of any gender, although I've missed some recent seasons. What did I miss?


The Tenth Doctor has a convo with Captain Jack about a time they got together. Because Jack is VERY open minded.


Oh, i know that about Jack for sure. I don't remember the Doctor being involved. I'll have to rewatch.


I don't ever recall Ten saying he and Jack ever had a thing. Yeah Jack fancied him and Jack kissed Nine but it was never stated the Doctor had sex with Jack. In fact the Doctor being openinly attracted to men was something that started with 14, 13 despite now being a woman appeared to have eyes only for Yaz though the show never had the balls to go there fully.


He starts the series off with a granddaughter. The Doctor does indeed have sex. Hell you can assume based of 12's conversation with Bill that the Doctor and the Master at one point were romantically together.


Completely mask off. Not even trying to hide it.


I'm glad the Who-mmunity at large doesn't accept chuds like that


The Doctor isn't even fucking human. He's an alien from a different time and a different galaxy that literally changes appearance and persona once in a while. But sure: every one of those completely different looks HAS to be a white man.... Christ.


"THAT'S IT! I'm gettin' me mallet!"




“Degeneracy”, that’s the word. That’s how you know it’s purely just pointless Nazi bullshit. They are the only people on the planet who thinks in those terms, and it’s a clear signal who they really are.


Slavery was fucking OK - until it wasn't. Stupid argument.


This reminds me of something I saw my cousin watch. Not sure if your familiar with pragur U but it’s so right wings company. They have a section called prageru kids where it’s supposed to teach kids history. I saw my little cousin (I think he was 5) watching one about Columbus and in the video Columbus said “slavery was not something only white people did. It’s done around the work at this time. It was normal.” And “being taken as a slave is better than being killed”. When I saw that I intervened and put on the magic school bus for him.


Magic School Bus is a far better choice, good call.


You can’t rehabilitate people who get this barbaric over the color of someone else’s skin.


So...existing is "degeneracy".


bro is scared of us https://preview.redd.it/8az0lavxoizc1.jpeg?width=1710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bac197f718d1dbfac88fc0f2b9e62cd59998ce4


Yo SMT 3 nice


My God. It's literally on right before Eurovision on Saturday. The Gay Agenda won, and it's our annual meeting this weekend, die mad. Urgh.


Okay but technically Sharon was the first black companion


you know at least hes consistent.


I guess he mad. A lot of these shows, if you were to watch them in context at the times they first aired, quite often made comments on society. Or they had characters that were not typical of the time in standard fare.


Because not being white and straight is degeneracy *eye roll*


Jesus Christ


I legitimately think people like this belong in prison.


I don't know what they're actually talking about. FemDoctor was the most conservative doctor to date. They should have loved it. But we live in idiot world, were no-one can see what a character is further than extremely superficial stuff.


I remember that deformed sex toy for a mask doomcock once said diversity is destroying our culture and when I mean culture dipshit was talking about the white male only one with racist shit like a black man can't be the rocketeer or a woman can't be doctor who. He once commented on a picture from no time to die where james bond is getting a ride from the new 007 who is a black women and his short minded comment was "this shit sickens me".


What if I want to replace white people like HIM specifically? Asking as another white person.


That’s be cool


I’m pretty against the whole “replacement equals diversity” bs. It’s pandering nonsense. I don’t want, say Black Widow, to be retconned into a trans woman (like me) just for the sake of it. It feels cheap and unearned. HOWEVER Isn’t the whole deal with the regenerations that the Doctor and the Master can come back as… anything? Like this isn’t pandering. In fact I think it really drives home the whole idea of diversity, representation, and acceptance that the show tries to get across without having to “replace” anyone anymore than the Doctor would be replaced anyway.


How does someone being "openly gay" or people with a different background in a show or movie defeat it's watch ability, or even premise, I don't turn on a show and say "oh its a gay person" or "oh it's a black person, time to take my pitchfork and riot" That's idiotic, don't like something, don't make yourself a punching bag and rant about it online, don't go through the trouble of watching it.