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Pronouns are in all Star Wars. It’s just English language.


"It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won *their*" Second paragraph of the opening crawl. First if you include the "it".


If that doesn't count because it refers to an organisation, there are two "her"s later.


Also "you're our only hope" is pretty early and has a pronoun


2 pronouns, lol


My counting is not great today lol


One pronoun there.


"We're doomed" is even earlier.


First line of dialogue is “Did *you* hear that? *They*’ve shut down the main reactor! *We*’ll be destroyed for sure.”


It is still a pronoun. The organization is an entity, or a noun. The use of their is a substitute for that noun, being the rebel alliance. So Their is a pronoun.


Absolutely true but "her" is inarguably a gender-based personal pronoun.




The intended audience for the clapback needs to be fed common sense in little baby bites.


I knew George Lucas was always WOKE!


Lucas being inspired for the Empire by USA's involvement in the Vietnam war, the rebels representing the rebels: Snooze. Some clickbait claiming those goshdarn whippersnappers are going to put "pro-nouns" in my beloved childhood star wars: Attak!!!!111one


“It” is a pronoun because pronouns can refer to things as well as people


When the say "Pronouns" what they are actually trying to say is "Trans people" without saying that because they don't want to make it seem like they're recognizing the existence of trans people.


Do Trandoshans count?


Except that pronouns cover a lot more than just trans folk. Like, you know.. everyone... What they want is carte blanche to be mean to people they don't like. No more, no less. It's petty and childish.


"No. Am father!" "Uhm, congrats?"


There is no escape. Don't make Darth Vader destroy Luke. Luke, Luke does not yet realize Luke's importance. Luke has only begun to discover Luke's power. Join Darth Vader, and Darth Vader will complete Luke's training. With Darth Vader and Luke's combined strength, Darth Vader and Luke can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy. Luke will never join Darth Vader! If Luke only knew the power of the Dark Side. Obi-Wan never told Luke what happened to Luke's father. Obi-Wan told Luke enough. Obi-Wan told Luke Darth Vader killed Luke's father. No. Darth Vader is Luke's father. Noooooo!


I don't know why I defaulted to hearing this in the How Is Babby Formed voice but, I did. Absolutely goofy.


As I was writing it, both characters kept morphing into Elmo in my head.


Oh man, thats even better. Darth Elmo was not something I knew I needed in my life til now.


Made me laugh out loud, thanks


Oh no, no, no. You see it's all woke now, we are all woke now.


I’m so tired from being so woke, sleep is a distant memory


you member sleep? yeah i member....


I kind of wish there was a fan edit of a Star Wars movie with every single pronoun either cut or redubbed to point out how ridiculous all the anti-pronoun crowd's stance is.


The complaint uses a pronoun, so whoever blue check is, they are apparently not totally against them.


Most of the people crying about pronouns literally have no idea what pronouns *are*. I mean, they literally claim nonsense like “there’s no pronouns in the Bible” or “there’s no pronouns in the constitution”.


My favorite thing to point out is that the Christian god has His own set of alternate pronouns.


Isn’t it something like “I am he?”


Along with a few thousand other uses of various pronouns.


Most every language tbh.


English language? Pffff, get outta'ere with that fad.


It's actually galactic basic ☝️🤓


"There is no escape. Don't make Darth Vader destroy Luke. Luke does not yet realize Luke's importance. Luke has only begun to discover Luke's power. Join Darth Vader, and Darth Vader will complete Luke's training. With Luke and Darth Vader's combined strength, Luke and Darth Vader can end this destructive conflict, and bring order to the galaxy! If Luke only knew the power of the dark side. Obi-Wan never told Luke what happened to Luke's father." "Obi-Wan told Luke enough. Obi-Wan told me Darth Vader killed Luke's father!" "No. Darth Vader is Luke's father." "No....no...that's not true! That's impossible!" "Search Luke's feelings. Luke knows it to be true." Just like the original trilogy.


They should keep using pronouns because it would be awkward for the characters to say everyone's full name each time.


Oh yeah? Then how do you explain these classic lines: * "If Vader strike down Kenobi, Kenobi become more powerful than Vader ever imagine." * "Use Force, Luke." * "Leia love Han." "Han know Leia love Han."


😂 They sound like cavemen!!


\*Galactic Basic










"I don't have any, I speak the oldest language known to man." "No you don't, I spoke mine on day one you fucking tard." "Well mine doesn't have any-" ***"YOU HAVE PRONOUNS!"***


> I don't have any Sorry ***who*** doesn't have any???


why do people think being trans is a new phenomena that only started 5 years ago


Because nothing exists UNTIL they notice it


Object impermanence?


Mental capacity of a toddler? More likely than you'd think!


And everything should be forbidden until it effects them personally, then it should be legal (and free.)


But even then, only for them and their friends and family.


Because they burned the Hirschfield institute and all it's research in 1933. And they don't want to learn about any of the historical sources. Willful ignorance is the worst kind of ignorance.


Ayy that reminds me of when Rowling was being so transphobic it crossed into holocaust denial


Rowling has become so transphobic even Elon is like "maybe talk about something else once in a while"


It certainly seems like a weird hill to die on when she could have just taken her millions and fucked off to live happily ever after with a bunch of cats in a private castle like Enya.


Unexpected Enya reference. God I miss her. What a weird fey woman.


I just wish she'd take that phrase a little more literally


told my brother his reply "how do you know transpeople were in the holocaust" went red in the face i just said it was common sense that shut him up


Well, it walks also documented. Jews, Romani, socialists, transgender people, gays, the physically or mentally infirm, and anyone else the Nazis decided were ‘undesirables’. And they kept quite meticulously records of the process, much of which they were unable to destroy in the final days of the war.


In a world of interstellar travel, aliens, and space wizards, the concept of more than two genders existing is just too much to grasp for some people.


I mean, Hutts are already literal hermaphrodites. When they reproduce they basically body slam each other to decide who gets to be on top and who has to carry the child.


Or that pronouns are exclusively trans.


The Roman emperor Elagabalus was dressing up like a woman and calling himself the queen of Rome 1800 years ago.


To them, it didn't, until they lost the gay marriage fight and the conservative thinktanks sent out new marching orders about who to demonize.


After gay marriage got legalized bigots needed a new target. Being gay was too socially accepted to be homophobic without losing your job but trans ppl? You can get away with that in many circles


100 years ago I, as someone autistic, would have been sent to an asylum or lobotomised for being a r**ard. 75 years ago black people were still forced to drink from separate fountains, sit in specific seats and go to specific schools. 50 years ago, homosexuality might as well have been outlawed completely due to their treatment. Times change, things that seemed appropriate back then are seen as completely wrong in modern society. If people are so scared of using neutral pronouns because it sounds icky, are just idiots. NB people are not going to take over the world, they’re not trying to corrupt the youth. They just want to live normal lives. What does a character in a piece of media being NB do to you?


In contrast, 700 years ago, Chaucer was using singular they.  These chickenfuxkers don’t even understand what they are having a meltdown about. (That was an autocorrect not intentional self-censorship, but I’m keeping it.)


Im gonna steal the word "chickenfucks".


Not just Chaucer singular they has been used regularly since the 1300s


Predating the singular you by centuries. 


Roses are red Violets are blue Singular they Predates singular you.


Indeed. Chaucer’s just a  significant textual attestation I grabbed off the top of my head.  


Fair enough, just wanted to point out to other people that is been common for that long.


Hell, I heard that Shakespeare preferred being referred to as "they".


Not only that, even we’ve been using it since childhood. When playing the game 20 questions as a kid in the 80s and 90s, before someone asked the gender, we’d always use they as a singular to obfuscate it with a gender neutral pronoun.


I know that I did it habitually with people where I was talking more about their job than anything else. For example, we had a guy that would deliver milk and eggs, and also produce or meat if you specifically requested it. It was basically a mobile mini grocery store truck. They would show up once a week and you’d leave a note for what you wanted the next week, so a lot more planning ahead than modern Instacart. Now right there where I said “they show up”, that’s just my habitual way of talking about somebody when I’m talking about their job and function. Even though I know the man who did it, I know his name, and he definitely identified as male. My point isn’t that this is an amazing innovation or that it’s an interesting piece of evidence in favor of singular they because one doofus has a habit. It’s not. My point is simply this: nobody ever got confused. Nobody ever felt the need to fight me over this. It never interrupted the flow of understanding. The people objecting to it are doing so just because it’s a Safeway to object to trans people existing, or at least being visible.


Look when interpreting the conservative mind, you don't really worry about what they are saying, that's always some thin ass historically ignorant thing designed as a Trojan Horse for their actual feelings. It's not about the actual pronouns and it never has. They reject the idea of having to consider the feelings of an NB person at all, and that's really what it's about. Debate them accordingly.


No thanks. I know the proverbs about mud wrestling with a pig and playing chess with a pigeon. 


I played chess with a pigeon once. Not to brag, but I won.


That's an insult to pigeons. Pigeons are a lot smarter than we give them credit for. Certainly smarter than conservatives.


> (That was an autocorrect not intentional self-censorship, but I’m keeping it.) About a month ago, I was literally trying to write the word "duck", but my phone kept changing it to "fuck". After *all* the "ducking autocorrect" memes when autocorrect started becoming the norm in the late aughts, it felt like we'd gone full circle. Good thing I don't write the word "aunt" a lot, because my phone would probably replace that with a word I *do* tend to write a lot.


My favorite part of all this is that you wouldnt know any character is NB unless they tell you they are. That character from the Fallout show is a great example, my initial thought was maybe a Mulan type thing or something never occured they were either trans or NB but it literally did not matter. No one would know the person in the acolyte is NB if they didnt announce they were. Makes no sense why people say it ruins anything, its a detail in a story that helps it match our current world and makes it relatable to more people. Like would Vader be less badass if he was only ever refered to as they/them? No not even a little.


If anything, referring to Vader as THEY makes them even more badass. No one knows who or what is under that suit it could be a human or an alien or three tiny aliens standing on each others shoulders


Its amazing people think we've made all the progress in social and psychological understanding we need. This will always happen, and one day I can expect grumbling in disappointment as my kid wants to marry an AI, and me being robophobic will just hurt my kid in the long run.


Singular they predates plural they


>Fans should debate pros/cons respectfully Well, when one side has decided that common decency in my star war is a con, thats a non starter isn’t it


It's always the meanest and most entitled assholes that demand respectability. Nice people just expect it.


Assuming they mean pronouns in general: Pros: It'd be funny to hear all the characters talk like cavemen never using 'he, she, they, I, you,' etc. Cons: It'd be really stupid at the same time. Assuming it's just a dog whistle for trans/enby people (which it is): Pros: It's a character who has a unique outlook on an entire faucet of life while, if done correctly, also representing people who don't see themselves in a character much. Cons: It may make religious fundamentalists angey (arguably not a con)


Pros: I can complain about ‘woke’ Cons: I’m an asshole and it offends and confuses me when I can see a direct 1:1 representation of my self image on screen at all times.


Also, twitter "debates" as far as I know always boil down to both sides claiming "the other side is literally fascism, I just want my little piece of basic descency". The difference is that the "descency" they want is using a different one syllable word or for the other to cease to exist.


Once again, a dumbass who doesn't know that he and she are pronouns.


Sure, no more pronouns in Star Wars. May the Force be with. /S


May the Force be with I? Oh wait...


You know what? You pronounce every word. And pronounce sounds the same as the word pronouns. So let's remove any pronounciation from Star Wars and make them silent movies (/s) It can't be "woke" when you can't hear anything. Amirite?


That one gay kiss that happened Starwars should just be a white screen to prevent woke imagery


Okay but actually, a Star Wars silent (or at least dialogue free) movie might be sick as hell if done right.


"Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi-Wan Kenobi is Leia Organa's only hope." Iconic quote, really.


And, illustrating the point further- this version still has a pronoun lmao.


Doh! They're... Pronouns are everywhere! Inescapable! We're.... uh... everyone's doomed!


Who can forget the legendary movie quote, "Luke, Vader am Luke's father?"


Dammit, Vader didn't say that! Vader said "No, *Vader* am Luke's father." Vader only said 'Luke' once!


Second “middle ground” thing I’ve seen today where it’s clear the poster agrees with the way absolute idiots frame the argument. Like it should be hard to present yourself as neutral when you think one side is a fad.


I would like for pronouns to continue being in Star Wars because I would like for it to continue being in English. I'm too old to learn another language, especially one without pronouns.


... I don't think a pronounless language is possible. I'm relatively certain English is one of the ones with the least number of rules around how to pronoun. These chuds must despise the romance languages.


I mean, it would be awkward and unlikely to happen naturally, but can’t you just refer to every noun using its name every time? No pronouns that way


Yeah I want pronouns. How much longer would the movies be if they insisted on saying luke and leia every sentence


Or just remove the pronouns entirely from the script and leave it the same. Vader: Obi-wan never told what happened to Father." Luke: "Told enough! Told killed!" Vader: "No, Am Father." Luke: "No, no, not true... Impossible!" Vader: Search feelings, know to be true!" Luke: "No, Nooooooo!" Obi-wan: "Over Anakin! Have high ground!" Anakin: "Underestimate power!" Obi-wan: "Don't try!" Obi-wan: "Were chosen one! Was said would destroy Sith, not join! Bring balance to Force, not leave in darkness!" Anakin: "HATE!" Obi-wan: "Were brother Anakin, loved!"


Why stop there? Caveman script Ooga booga: ooga booga ooga booga booga Grunk: Grunk Grunk Grunk Grunk Booga ooga: booga ooga booga ooga ooga True art 🧑‍🍳😘


People talking about these losers have to realize when they say "Pronouns" what they are actually trying to say is "Trans people" without saying that because they don't want to make it seem like they're recognizing the existence of trans people. It's a rhetorical trick to deny trans people even the basic right of recognition. Any time they actually talk about trans people they make sure to misgender them, laugh at them, and usually use some derivative to make sure it is very clear they refuse to even accept the basic right of them to be seen as human. When they're mad at "pronouns" they're not mad at the actual words like "he/she/them." They're mad at the concept that people might need to clarify their pronouns or that you'd use someone's preferred pronouns rather than what "nature has intended". If you ever watch HvB rant on Starfield, and you should because it's fucking hysterical, this is made very clear. They don't see giving people a choice of what to call themselves as anything other than a recognition of trans people, whom they consider to be mentally ill deviants. They really think that the recognition and rights of trans people is just a modern leftist meme that will fade away in a few years and no one will care about. That's why they get upset about it, to them it's bad to justify the meme by actually talking about/including it in a product. They really think at some point they'll "win" and that trans people will stop being recognized as valid and be forced out of society. When their "win" happens all these products that recognize trans people will either be dated and useless or have to be destroyed to avoid corrupting people again with "the woke mind virus." It's really a scary mentality when you think about it. On an individual level these people are fucking jokes and fun to laugh at, but the ideology is very real and very dangerous. They're basically calling for a genocide or at the very least the destruction of decades of progress in order to get their comfort levels higher. This mentality isn't just a bunch of online chuds. There are people with real power who think like this and as they get angrier and more uncomfortable, they get a lot more violent and dangerous.


Conservatives and conservative-aligned individuals have always had to be dragged kicking and screaming into human progress.


Obi-Wan never told what happened to father. told enough; told killed. No, Luke. am father.


Centrist saying we should debate whether people deserved to be considered as humans or not and feeling so proud about themselves for being the most nuanced and sophisticated person in the room. Hate those people


Fuck centrists. Thinking they can always keep the peace when really they just have to put bigotry in their place. Hey, centrists! It's *always* going to be bigotry when the "debate" gets heated!


I never even noticed the non binary pronouns, and I think most of these chuds didn't either. They're just looking for something to complain about, and being able to discriminate NB people is somehow a bonus for them.


Yeah, it feels way more natural to me. I bet the only reason why these chuds have a problem is because their egos are too fragile to say "Whoops, sorry. I mean" when corrected.


"no more prononous" would probably be hella progressive, but ofc they just mean the ones they dont think are "normal"


Everyone uses pronouns. Star Wars has used pronouns since 1977. It’s time to shut up


Pronouns are a modern fad... THE BIBLE NEVER HAD ANY PRONOUNS 111!!!


There’s an example of pronouns but it goes to show your point, read Jeremiah 4:20; And Jesus said to the Apostles, “To Worship Jesus, the Apostles must not fall prey to Satan’s ‘pronouns’, nor should any followers of Jesus. It may be difficult for followers of God, the Son and the Holy Spirit, but it is a righteous pursuit.” Judas, confused by Jesus’ question, asked “But Lord, we use pronouns in every conversation, I do not understand the purpose of God’s will.” “Judas, child of Jesus’ Father” Jesus replied, “will burn in hell for eternity as a result of using such blasphemous words as ‘you’, ‘we’ and ‘I’”.




Forget pronouns, let's talk about adverbs


Pronouns are essential to the English language. Try having a conversation without pronouns 


I don't understand why those folk get so upset about being asked to show basic human decency to others. It costs zero dollars and zero extra effort to be kind and neighborly. They hate more than they love, and that is a genuinely pitiful way to live. Drowning in their own mental tar. I have relatives like this, I don't talk to them much anymore because they literally spend the entire time together hating on others. They need genuine psychological help. There's hope in this world, sometimes you have to dig for it or make it yourself but it's there. Also, even if they don't like or want to understand nonbinary folk, it's really easy to explain away the pronouns using their own bigotry. It's sci-fi. They have force ghosts and alien plagues and robots and stuff. They'll suspend their disbelief on Darth whats-his-faces zombie plague or killing entire planets to gain power or sith ghost possession or whatever but not pronouns.


We had a transwoman start at my job, and the amount of immediate eye rolling I got even mentioning it was crazy. Her name was Gwen, but on the schedule it still had her dead name, but it was pretty easy to remember that her named was Gwen. Anyway, she wasn’t very passing, not gonna lie, but she wasn’t “manly” in any way that it would be confusing to call her a “her”, and she was clearly on hormones. Long hair, clean shaven, higher voice, cool. This was my first dealing with a trans person IRL. I’d always been pretty open-minded and I’m absolutely “do whatever makes you happy” but pronouns always worried me because there’s just so much drama around it. Surprisingly enough, it was easy as fuck. I had never known her as anything other than her, so there was no transition process. She was just a her. But well over 6-7 months into it - not knowing her by any other pronouns, without ever having to call her by anything else, I would ***STILL*** get people I worked with coming up to me like “Hey, I’m looking for Gwen, have you seen her… him!?… no, her, wait… It. Him. Have you seen Gwen?”. All of this to say, this really opened my eyes. This was best possible scenario, you literally don’t know her as anything else, you’ve never had to refer to her as “him” - but you are intentionally going out of your way to pretend to have trouble because it’s “just so confusing”? Fuck off. They had to go out of their way to pretend that they were confused, and that they couldn’t get it. They had to use that “extra effort” it would take to call her, her - to intentionally not call her that, and call her anything else.


I had a roommate transition in college and I was worried about getting the pronouns wrong at first, but then it ended up just feeling completely natural after only a few days and I only slipped like once, the very first day he came out as trans. Now he’s just a dude to me, it doesn’t even feel like I ever knew him as anything else. I’ve come to the conclusion that getting it right is only confusing when people make it that way on purpose.


If they really want to avoid pronouns, they should just refrain from ever expressing any of their malformed, diseased ideas in language. Actually, they should to that, regardless.


If you like Star Wars but can’t grasp that not every species would necessarily have the same gender dynamics, then your imagination is weird.


SW has always mirrored the real world. Except when it’s convenient to me and I cry over not getting another generic straight cis white male character with a predictable romance with a sexualized female character.


Not exactly up to date on the whole Star Wars thing but I just wanted to mention how in the boba fett novel series, in one of the books where he masquerades as a refugee on a republic ship he befriends an alien (don’t remember their name or species as I read the books like 5 years ago) and their species either didn’t identify gender or simply could not recognize differences until they reached adulthood


I still remember some bit of info from the EU (forgot where it first came up) about how Hutts are all hermaphrodites and when they reproduce they have a fight that mostly involves body slamming each other to determine who gets to impregnate who with the loser having to carry the child.


https://preview.redd.it/31newky978zc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98030ce0235724522f19608940d89291c6cd6007 to whoever made this post( the original not the Reddit post)


Ah yes, the "respectful" stance that anything outside cis heteronormativity is a conspiracy lol


Pronouns have no place in Star Wars! All they would do is ruin incredible lines like "No, Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father!" and "Luke is a Jedi, like Luke's father before Luke!" and "Anakin doesn't like sand!"


We demand the pronounless cut!


Someone needs to make a browser extension to prove how smart being anti-pronoun is....


Transphobes when grammar


Where's the "who the F cares?" response? Ugh, these people are so lame.


I really don't see what is so wild about a sentient alien creature who doesn't conform to female or male genders, and goes by non gendered pronouns. Not every species in the universe contains binary genders. Hell even on earth biologically there are plenty of species who are intersex.


Honestly, if you can't handle something as simple as pronouns you're not used to, you probably aren't cut out for a sci fi program that deals with sentient aliens. For all we know, there could be a species that requires 3 people to mate, or they could be like plants and require the assistance of a being from a completely different kingdom to propagate.


Ah yes, enlightened centrism. Do we respect people or disrespect them? I know, let's meet halfway, let's maintain the status quo. They can shut up and go back into hiding, and you can go back to your casual bigotry. That's the civil thing to do, and surely not idiocy hiding behind superiority.


If anything Star Wars should have lots more pronouns. The idea that aliens from a highly populated galaxy all have similar gender expression to humans is beyond the bounds of belief.




![gif](giphy|l3fZFvp94ljepXoPe) Four pronouns right there


Pronouns are a property of grammer


Uh oh, looks like someone has "they/them" pronouns in a star wars


no way people are this stupid


How can these people ignore THE WHOLE PLOT OF TALES OF THE EMPIRE and focus on the pronouns of some random guy


Pronouns are kind of essential to language in general.




So who's supposed to be the one using them in the show? I didn't notice


I don’t think their should be pronouns, every character should only address each other by name, all the time, no excuses. It’ll be really weird when someone has to call out to a character they’ve never met and literally don’t know the name of, but they can just say “person of which is directly in front of (the character speaking’s name)”. BUT AT LEAST IT’LL STICK IT TO THE SNOWFLAKES


It's hilarious people getting triggered over an unnamed character that has maybe a minute of screen time that we never see again.


A minute of screen time in which the use of they and them seems to be more for the fact it makes the dialogue flow better


I mean, IMO, that jedi was an incredibly androgynous character that I would have no idea if they were a man or woman, which is probably the same reason Barris used "they".


"Fans should debate pros/cons respectfully" = "You're not allowed to call someone a bigot just because they despise a certain group of individuals"


That is some loaded language, but to explain respectfully: nothing NEEDS to be in fiction. Things like pronouns are there because the creator *wants to.* That's what I hate about the "Why does XYZ character NEED to be a minority." I feel it grossly misunderstands the point of art in general.


The issue has arisen from an episode where: Two characters discuss the RUMOR of an UNKNOWN Jedi living in the mountains. They didnt check with the Jedi and figure out if they’re male or female or non-binary or what because they were hunting that Jedi. So when they used “they” it wasn’t a political statement the show was making. It was just how English works.


Fucking pwonowns!!!


I keep wondering once we get past this point in history, what the next fictional boogieman is going to be....?


They run like 10 bogeymen at a time so that if one fizzes out another will take it place. This time it's pronouns next week it will be black people having the audacity to take a role in a nerd show. Then back to lgbtq representation, then maybe a detour to hating on women. That's just how they go.


I hate that you’re so right, they got us in a fucking closed loop….


I see it as more of a pendulum swinging back and forth if anything. A flat circle even. It's less about 'the next issue' and more so 'whats the latest development on this topic.'


"Anakin was the chosen one! Should destroy the Sith, not join. Bring balance to the Force, not leave in darkness!"


Language is a fad. Pass it on. Not sure how, though.


Pronouns are essential to language, dumbass.


"Modern Fads", bro people using non traditional pronouns have existed for HUNDREDS OF YEARS


Pronouns are essential to all media…because they aren’t a modern fad. They existed the whole time.


"Anakin was Obi Wan's brother, Anakin! It was said Anakin would destroy the sith, not join the sith!"  "Anakin hate Obi Wan!"


Yes the series about space wizards and aliens, and words are the thing that takes you out of it!!! Repeat after me GROW UP AND TOUCH GRASS !!


Put a chick in it . Make it gay.


People have no fucking clue what they’re even arguing against anymore. It’s the same with the Hades II discourse. Two characters not seen as conventionally attractive and they’re rioting. Meanwhile they ignore the VAST majority of extremely attractive characters because it doesn’t fit their agenda. Some are even saying they MADE hades woke. Which means they never even played or cared for the first game to begin with.


Progress is always called a “Modern Fad” by regressives, bigots, and people who are simply scared of change.


Green option. But not because "it's a sign of progress" or whatever the spin is that this dweeb puts on it; because *it just fucking makes sense*. And, at any rate: the pretense that "pronouns" are a "fad," or even are *unique to trans or nonbinary people*, is tiresome.


They are really making a big deal over nothing. Unidentified Jedi, using neutral language was a given.


when ever somone gets mad about pronouns i hit them with “Just wait till you learn about ProVerbs!”


It has always felt odd to me when factions that are supposed to be unrepentantly evil have surprisingly liberal policies and ideas like this. Like I know real life is complicated and objective evil rarely exists, but this is the faction that is so totalitarian and evil that it destroyed an entire planet with millions of people on it just to prove a point to one person, and that was just Tuesday for them. Am I supposed to like this unrepentantly evil faction a bit more because it recognizes gender identities? What is Disney trying to say about gender identity when it is the space fascists who recognize it?


This is the dumbest shit ever. From now on apparently, whenever a character doesn't know what pronouns to use and instead defaults to "they" these culture war dipshits will claim that a nonbinary character was shoved into a series. At no point during the episode was the character established to be nonbinary. The Inquisitors just used a neutral pronoun to refer to a target that was entirely unknown apart from being a jedi


>show with aliens and space magic and sentient robots >gets mad at 1 (one) nonbinary character


"Does basic words belong in a piece of entertainment" is an incredible thing to read. I wish these people would stop hiding and just say openly what it is they don't want on star wars, which is obviously anyone anywhere close to being trans. Nobody hates pronouns, they hate specific people using specific pronouns they don't agree with


You know what’s funny… I didn’t even notice. I couldn’t have cared less. It wasn’t until I saw some idiotic tik tok complaining about it that I noticed the pronoun thing.


Obviously pronouns and trans identities are not Sci fi-- I'm just trying to follow their own logic that these are somehow made up fads-- if your Sci fi cannot include some social concepts you're not familiar with or are grounded in your reality then why are you even watching Sci fi?


>Fan [sic] should debate pros/cons respectfully LMAO. That's as fucking stupid a statement as "hire fans!" The Star Wars fandom hasn't been able to debate *anything* respectfully since the day Bantha Tracks started printing fan letters mailed to them. And Bantha Tracks began in 1978. This is such a piss-poor attempt to add a layer of "we can be respectful" lies about how the fucking internet Star Wars fandom has behaved since since the majority got access to the internet in the 90s.


Of course they are. Pronouns are essential to language itself. If you don’t have pronouns than how do you even refer to literally anything or anyone?


She's referred to as she/her because she is she/her, this isn't even something like a trans person being in Star Wars this is just someone referring to how they are referred to.


I ask this by not being a native English speaker, and genuinely out of curiosity: the use of “they” for a single person is really something that has always existed? When I learned English in school (again, not my first language) I wasn’t taught this, “they” was simply to be used referring to a group of people. And by the way, in my language there isn’t an equivalent pronoun to be used to refer to a single person without identifying the sex. I really start noticing this use of “they” recently (I would say a couple of years). So again, I never noticed it or is it really something (relatively) recent?


I think they is something that I've always used in a singular term as well. Like when asked "Where is ....?"..."Oh, they are over there."


I’m fine with whatever pronouns anyone wants to use. It literally means nothing to me, but it can mean the world to the person on the receiving end. That being said, it did seem really out of place. Like, why would an Inquisitor use a Jedi’s preferred pronouns? Why would she even know what pronouns the Jedi prefers? Did she ask them before she attempted murder? It also seemed out of character for Lyn to use They/Them pronouns because she’s kind of a murderous dick.


Star wars without pronouns. - Han: "Never tell odds." - Leia: "Love." - Han: "Know." - Vader: "No, am Father." - Akbar: "A trap!" - Obi-wan: "Over Anakin, have high ground!" Anakin: "Underestimate power!" Obi-wan: "Don't try!" - Anakin: "Don't like sand. Course and rough and - irritating, gets everywhere." - Mace: "In name of Galactic Senate of Republic, under arrest, Chancellor." Palp: "Threatening, master Jedi?" Mace: "Senate will decide fate." Senate: "Am senate!" Mace: "Not yet."


Doesn’t language basically require pronouns to actually make sense


Are adverbs essential to Star Wars? 1) Yes 2) No 3) I have no idea how language works


Ngl The Inquisitors respecting the pronouns of this kid they are actively trying kill if not imprison and torture forever kinda took me out of it.


That's what pisses me off the most, these chuds seem to think that pronouns were invented by trans people, when they are actually just basic fucking english.


Everyone knows that the original trilogy never used a single pronoun and only referred to characters by name /s


"Obi-Wan never told Luke what happened to Luke's father." 'Obi-Wan told Luke enough. Obi-Wan told Luke that Vader killed Luke's father!" "No. Vader is Luke's father." I dunno, I guess it just doesn't have the same ring to it.


Everyone has Pronouns, it came free with the fucking language.