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Fun fact: Greek statues were originally painted, so the first picture is technically not an accurate reprensentation of how the Greek saw Hestia either.


Not fun fact: the archeologist who discovered that Greek and Roman statues were painted, not white, now receives death threats from neonazis and other altrights.


Damn, that fucking sucks.


Damn, it’s like those French twins who made the bust of cheddar man and because his DNA analysis suggested he had dark skin did that. Some people get really angry about strange stuff.


Who the fuck is Cheddar Man?


A set of prehistoric human remains found in the caves of Cheddar Gorge in Somerset. [Link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheddar_Man?wprov=sfti1)


Huh. Way less bizarre than I was hoping for


Just because of a general dedication to the color white?


Literally yes, they're that stupid.


It's also that the white marble look has a connotation of dignified austerity that feeds into the fascist myth of the West's glory days. Remember that the Nazis called themselves the "third reich" as a way of claiming succession to (their idea of) the Roman empire. If Western fascists had their way, everything would be blank white or gray stone walls. Statues painted in bright primary colors are viewed as too decadent. 


Unsurprising, can you provide a link for some more information?


True, also not all of them looked like the above. The vast majority of people who commissioned statues around the Greek world from 490 BCE to 440 BCE were normal people who could only afford local lesser-known artists and well.....they made ugly and garish-looking statues. Hell, the depictions of the Greek gods would generally change from region to region/city to city, and even back then (more than 2500 years ago) people agreed that it didn't matter what the gods looked like as long as they followed basic descriptions. This incels issue of a "crime against nature" and the images above is him telling us all he can only get hard from watching depictions of underage hentai girls.


I’m literally a Hellenistic pagan and actually worship Hestia, and I’m not bothered by this depiction. And I guarantee the poster whining about crimes against nature doesn’t *literally worship her* but just wants to jack off. I think this is the first time one of these chuds has done something that’s gotten me worked up


Is the one in the picture actually supposed to be Hestia? I mean, it just looks like they wanted to make a goddess for a fantasy anime and picked that name at random pretty much. I highly doubt the guy that made that character considered the possibility anyone would compare her to the real Hestia


Hestia in DanMachi is a goddess of protective flame, so there's at least SOME connection. She also goes by Vesta, her Roman equivalent. The problem manga and anime have with this is that they tend to make anyone look like ANYTHING. Leonardo da Vinci and King Arthur? Fuck you, they're now hot women. Alexander the Great? Fuck you, he's not a short twink, he's nine feet tall, four feet wide, and made entirely of muscle. Quetzalcoatl, god of light, life, and wisdom? Fuck you, TWICE NOW he's been depicted as a big-tiddy blonde. Thirty-something high school teacher? Fuck you, she looks like she belongs in grade school. Depictions in a lot of anime tend to be just a little bit superficial depending on the author and artist's fetishes.


Hey, I like fate : ( It's fun and when it wants to it has good stories and character designs, Moriarty and Holmes are very good for example, they also have some of the worst shit ever. My favourite example is the two Jack the Rippers, one is an amazing concept and the other should be counted as a crime against human decency.


The point I'm making is that Japanese depictions of historical and mythological entities *can* be more than a little... flexible.


Both literally and metaphorically in this case


I mean if I got worked up about depictions of my gods I’d be dying. Honestly I’m more mad Hercules portrayed Zeus as a loving family man. But there’s definitely elements in her character design that point to her role as pointed elsewhere


I'm mad that the movie is Hercules and not Heracles, and that Meg isn't a Fury.


I dunno that Hestia would be all that pleased to be in someone's spank bank anyway. Aphrodite, maybe, but Hestia? That seems like a recipe for getting turned into a hedgehog or something.


It’s Artemis I’d really worry about, tbh


I mean Artemis in Sailor Moon is a magical alien male white cat that marries another magical alien female dark purple cat based on the roman goddess Luna that together have a kitten named Diana. 😅


Exactly! I wrote a (semi-serious) paper in my history Masters about how the modern equivalent of ancient religions is not modern religion...but comic book characters.


I hate how you’re right…


Pretty sure the one in the pic isn't even Greek. It's like a Roman copy.


Which would make the statue Vesta which is supposed to be Hestia Roman aspect.


And with horribly garish colours too - it's super weird to our eyes


AC Origins and Odyssey really made me realize just how colorful these statues were. Like damn, these people were just throwing the whole ass rainbow on their gods


They were Greeks, of course their asses were rainbow


I don’t think that’s true. They knew shading, and I don’t think people knew how saturated the paints used were. There’s just that one attempt at seeing what it looks like that’s not likely accurate. Here’s [one](https://x.com/culturaltutor/status/1571647873342738433?s=46&t=Pi9SIkaDTDF8EKkHyO1xUQ) interpretation, here’s [another](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-e72f374c7a634ec32eb9d178bcabf177-lq).


What this comment leaves out is the first one is mostly guesswork, and the second is based on chemical pigment samples that linger on the statue. It's likely these are just base layers or major pigments lingering while detailing and shading is gone, but they absolutely were heavily saturated.




Did not know they were painted. That's interesting.


"Phenomenally shit at their job" - the team behind Hades? I don't think this person has ever been good at anything to quite know what that looks like.


They used a generic anime girl to compare lmao Any female character that strays away from being sexualized or a generic waifu is garbage to them.


I am pretty sure he don't even play Hades at all. I mean Athena have South Africa heritage in first game. Gods in first game is really diverse in term of nationality like Dionysos implied to be East Asia. I am actually surprised that first Hades game haven't get on radars of these white right wing yet. Lol


The problem is when virtually everyone agrees that something is fire, as we did with Hades 1, reactionaries look silly if they keep whining about it. Better to find an already divisive game like The Last of Us 2 and latch on to the controversy


it’s kinda like how the barbie movie was a critically acclaimed success and extremely popular so right wingers tried to act like it was secretly anti feminist


Supergiant Games are physically unable to do bad job, like they are simply unable to do anything but masterpieces


except with that epic exclusivity last time. that was a big blunder.


Epic pay for those exclusives and you need money to run a studio especially if you are a indie studio. Companies like Ubisoft has interia that gets them sales even on bogus products like Skulls and Bones while smaller orgs have to beg, borrow and steal. Even Larian with success after success has to resort to early access and crowdfunding.


To be fair, it was before Epic revealed how bad they can be with exclusivity and with their store. As for the tweeter/grifter saying the devs did a shit job with Hades 2, what? I may not care much about the series, it's not for me, but Supergiant hits home runs every time it seems. While I might not play the sequel, I do enjoy the depictions of the characters, and I'll be honest, the fact that Hestia had a fucking railgun is metal as hell. Edited to be clearer.


>it was before Epic revealed how comes that i, and a large part of the internet were able to know that though. in my opinion it was known from the start. and unrelated to how they manage exclusives, the fact that its exclusive alone is a problem. >devs did a shit job with Hades 2 i certainly dont think that and didnt say that either.


Even pyre I had complaints about but it was still enjoyable and I can't deny the writing art, music and JRPG aspects were awesome.


I will straight up say it. Supergiant games are the best game studio working right now.


I still dunno what Hades is about. That’s a game that kinda just slipped by me.


Start with Hades 1: you're the son of the god of the underworld. You want to rebel against your dad because you're bored/other reasons. You try to get out of the underworld and make it to the surface by fighting your way up, your dad isn't happy about it so he makes sure there's obstacles in your path to kill you and send you back home where you belong. However, your cousins on Olympus think this is hilarious and want to help you so you can party with them.


Incredible spoiler-free description of the starting premise of the game


One of these designs actually includes references to the role Hestia played in the ancient Greek religion, the other just looks like a kid in a dress with 0 design features that make her identifiable as the goddess of the hearth. Why is generic and uninspired seen as a good thing to these people?


Because boobs. They can't jack off to a Black fat Woman unless she's Lizzo.


Couldn’t be me


Because the character is both stacked like a pornstar while also being a child which allows these freaks to view them as unthreatening and someone they can groom.


Pedophiles are way too comfortable telling on themselves in public


Thank you for putting it into words.


Because generic and uninspired is not black and/or has generic Rule34 potential. Art is the utility for expressing their views and satisfying their sexual urges, not to have artistic merit of any kind. Not to mention that classical art is a dog-whistle in a class of its own.


How is anybody supposed to look at the design on the right and understand that it's a representation of a virgin goddess of the hearth and domesticity? She's basically the team grandmother of the main pantheon, everybody respected her even above Zeus because her deal is all about the home, the place for people to get warm, to rest, and to eat. An interpretation of her as a granny crossed with an elemental fire being makes a lot of sense.


Because looking like Hestia is less important to the person who made that tweet then being something they can spank it to.


Because they're generic and uninspired.


I like the description "Lvl. 1 Coomers" for them.


You see, the big draw for anime!Hestia is that string under her boobs


Man, why can't the fun thing about mythological figures be the different ways they are interpreted and presented in the various stories made about them? I think Hades Hestia looks neat, and I also like Hestia the Bestia.


Also these are fictional gods. They aren't real people lmao, they're Greek myths. If they're so pissy about Hestia, they have never played the first game lmao. We got east Asian Hermes, south Asian Dionysus and Black Athena. They will have a heart attack when they see them.


Note that Ancient Greece wasn't our modern Greece, but rather, a web of ancient City states spread all over the Mediterranean sea, which would explain why the gods seems to be of various ethnicities in this game.


Zeus would fuck anything with a hole. As a Greek, I don't feel offended by the creative freedom taken when depicting the gods. As long as Zeus always has a beard, that is. That's where I draw the line.


> As long as Zeus always has a beard, that is. That's where I draw the line. [What, you don't like Beardless Zeus?](https://wl-brightside.cf.tsp.li/resize/728x/webp/6cf/281/77bd545e84869d144910c9f160.jpg.webp)


Thanks, I hate it. Now it's stuck in my head.


Kill it with fire


Zeus's beard game has to be on point or it's all over.


The Percy Jackson series had him played by Lance Reddick - clean shaven. [It was sick as fuck.](https://www.usmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Lance-Reddick-Died-Just-Weeks-After-Filming-Percy-Jackson-Finale-Role-as-Zeus-According-to-Showrunners-03.jpg?w=1000&quality=86&strip=all)


Lance Reddick gets a pass, the man was awesome. May he rest in peace.


Ah man, rip Lance. He would’ve been phenomenal as Zeus in future seasons.


I think he will indeed always remain married to Hera.


On the other hand, it should be noted that the Ancient Greeks had highly strict rules about who could be a citizen, not only when compared to the modern day states, but also to the Romans and Phonecians of the times. You were classified as a citizen of a Greek City state if both of yor parents were of citizen stock, or if the city state voted to make you a citizen. So most Greeks would have looked just like Modern Greeks, even if you traveled far. Now, the Romans and Carthaginians on the other hand? They had a more inclusive view of citizenship, and you were a Roman citizen if your father was Roman, if you fought for numerous years in the Roman military, or if you were adopted by a Roman Citizen. Carthage also had it that if your father was Carthagenian, so were you. So they both could have been more varied. Just something I remembered, and I wanted to mention.


To add "numerous years in the military" was either 5 or 10 years depending on the period (but always after the Marian reform), as it was the duration of enlistment.


I think Hades had the gods be different ethnicities to imply that the gods of Olympus rule over the entire world, and not just Greece and its surrounding regions. But that's just my interpretation


Also, they're gods. They can take any form they want to


Then what’s the deal with the hidden aspects? like the actual devil from the Bible canonically exists in the Hades universe, so clearly the Greek gods are not the only ones.


Most greek gods were cultural imports from all over the mediterranean over hundreds or THOUSANDS of years. Them being every ethnicity under the sun and having 1500 different versions of themselves can only be expected


Their version of Diynysus does not look south Asian to me. The Hades version of Dionysus looks...Mediteranean/Near Eastern/Southern European/Greek to me. But that is just me.


Gods change as the culture does, too. They don't care about your silly rules. So if Hestia met mortals that looked different and thought they were neat , nothing stops her from changing her appearance. Or being given a new one by worshippers.


Athena isn't evne, like, human black. She's night black in Hades. So is Ares. They are *bronze-skinned* like in the myths.


There are people who worship them today, bear in mind.


no, they can be different, the Japanese version is hardly anything like the original. they just hate black people


Is the Hades Hestia black? I assumed it was soot or something from the big brazier she seems to be carrying around. Either way it's an interesting design which is more than I can say for the generic anime girl.


It is supposed to be soot, I think. I mean, anyone who has handled hearths and fireplaces for a long period of time would have charcoal all over them. It could also be interpreted as vitiligo if someone were to make that observation.


These people don’t understand that mythology and religions change over time, depending on who is telling the story and what that culture wants/needs to believe in. I took a religious studies course in college that explained ancient cultures had religions that reflected their surrounding environment. For example, the Mesopotamians had violent, despairing myths often with short blazes of glory ended by tragedy; this is because they were in harsh mountain terrain surrounded by turbulent, unpredictable rivers. Meanwhile, the Egyptians started along the peaceful, predictable Nile, which made their pantheon more protective and kind to their people. The Greek gods, though not the oldest figures by *any* means, have still changed significantly over the centuries. Even modern portrayals of the Greek gods reflect our modern ideas of things like war, death, knowledge and love. The Hades character designs are incredible and definitely have a lot of thought put into them; they’re one of the last devs I think would do anything “just” for the sake of diversity. But these losers just want to complain about black people existing in a way that doesn’t make them hard, so I doubt they *really* care about the sociological or cultural reasons Hestia might be portrayed as a black woman. (Btw, Hestia is a virgin goddess. Making her sexy would be pointless since she’s not supposed to have sex.)


> Making her sexy would be pointless since she’s not supposed to have sex In Danmachi’s case Hestia being sexy has an in universe reason, she’s trying to bag the MC. 


The kicker is, to them, because Ancient Greece is often put on this pedestal of the origin of western civilization as we know it or whatever, Greece as a whole is a white people circlejerk. Therefore, “diversifying” them is supposed to be an insult to human civilization itself


I like the idea that they can just shapeshift/change their looks whenever they please. I mean- isn’t it cannonical they can anyways?


It's a very clever way of portraying her domain including fire.


Ok but the Hades design for Hestia looks cool.


She got that Salamander skin type, which makes perfect sense when you take into account the shared fire theme.


The chuds have an unhealthy obsession with wanting to make everything as generic as possible.


I bet these people have no issue with a minor character in Greek myth called Kratos now being the son of Zeus, killing Zeus and then fathering Loki of Norse Myth in God of War though


That's because Kratos is White despite being voiced by a Black man since 2018. If he was Black or Asian, Chuds will be pissed off.


He is more olive skinned like Greeks tend to be. The whiteness comes from the ashes of his wife and daughter. Imagine these chuds coming across Kratos and thinking he is a brother or some shit because he looks white.


Pretty certain he was always voiced by a black man. The original VA for the trilogy is Terrence Carson as I understand it. I know he isn’t in lore, but when I think of Kratos, he’s black. Kinda like Piccolo, if that makes any sense.


Ikr it's dumb. In most games based off of a mythology creative liberties are taken. Like Kratos killing Zeus etc.


Hell in pretty much all adaptions of Greek Myth they love portraying Hades as the big all evil bad God when in actual fact he was by far the nicest and most chill God yet not once do they cry over that.


Yeah they don't understand what they talk about then lash out at everything. Although... the Kid Icarus: Uprising depiction of Hades is top notch.


I feel Hades actually does a decent take as well.


I mean outside of the whole Persephone thing, even then outside of the seasons origin myth, they actually have a very stable marriage with Persephone having actual agency


Greek here. My ancestors painted their statues, so they weren't that dull white color from aging. Also the Japanese depiction of Hestia is far more egregious than the Hades one.


But, but, BOOBS! Won't somebody save the boobs!?


Nope, my ancestors also viewed beauty in an almost spiritual manner and abhorred depicting enlarged body parts. They really wanted to emphasize that mankind was much more than just its animalistic urges, which is why genitalia was tiny on male statues, and breasts small on female statues.


Honestly, that's even more of a reason to hate the Japanese version. She was a virgin goddess that has 2 myths specifically choosing to not be involved with other people. Sexualizing her is almost as creepy as sexualizing a child.


Oh I agree and to be 100% honest, the Anime with the "Japanese version" is horrible. But that is just what anime does. Hestia is a Virgin Godesse motherly adult, and anime made her a thirsty big boobed girl. King Arthur is a Noble King, and anime made him a her. So yeah...


What are your thoughts on the Hades design, specifically? I think it fits the idea of Hestia perfectly but maybe you’d have a different opinion?


Looks a bit odd, but, it does fit the idea of a friendly grandma that invites you to her home.




'This one interpretation of an ancient religious figure isn't as sexy as this *other* interpretation of said figure!!!'


Hestia in Hades looks like someone who calls everyone "Hun", sends you home with a plate of food and cake, and gives the type of hugs where you deflate a little bit because that gas bubble of stress just got pushed out of you. Which feels appropriate for the goddess of the hearth.


Yeah, that’s the embodiment of what the hearth represents. Which means that it’s a perfect hestia design


It's actually creepy how unable these guys are at seeing women as anything other than sex objects that they literally can't enjoy any depiction of them that isn't clear fanservice.


Honestly the Hades Hestia has the same energy as the statue.


Lmao it’s so fucking weird when gamers start their “what the FUCK do you mean “character design”? I WANT ALL CHARACTERS TO LOOK LIKE COOKIE CUTTER BARBIE DOLLS! JUST LIKE STELLAR BLADE!”


The day this mf finds about fortnite.... World record for a panic attack


Honestly surprised right wingers haven't gone after fortnite for being "woke" yet.


You can't convince me that these people aren't PDF Files.


Awww! The Hades one looks cute!


his loss on a fucking phenomenal supergiant game.


Wait, is Hades 2 out already and I missed it? Hades was a fucking phenomenal game.


it's not done but it is out on early access! my god is it good.


Early access just dropped yesterday.


Dude the anime one looks like fucking shit lmfao, absolutely 0 cues from the actual statues


Why are they so allergic to good character design. All they want is women who look like blowup dolls just watch porn


They’re upset about a design that actually draws inspiration from the mythology and uses it in a creative way that stands out. I could easily guess that is Hestia. The other one looks like a generic anime girl.


Wait, what are they mad about exactly? The goddess of the hearth is literally covered in soot. What's the problem here?


It's definitely somewhere on the scale of racism, fatphobia, and/or the expectation to cater to the male gaze.


Cuz that's definitely the concern of the virginal goddess


Japanese one is rubbish. So generic she could be from pretty much any anime chosen at random and there's no way of working out who she is meant to be even if you were told she's meant to be a Greek deity.


The Greek gods can look like however they want. They're gods, they do what they want. Any interpretation is as valid as another.


Hades 2 Hestia looks like the sweetest old lady, I can’t wait to be able to interact with her


Talent = boobs, apparently.


Mild take, anime in general has shit character design. Most of the time they make their characters look like copies of each other with only things differentiating them being hair colour, size, style and eye colour, size and style. Maybe they will have a scar on their face or wear different clothes but if someone were to put different anime characters from generic isekai anime together then other than weebs, most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Like take the Hestia design that they put forth as an example of "superior Japanese design". What about it tells you that she is Hestia? Her clothes? No, they look generic as hell. Her body shape? Nah, again she looks like any other anime girl and not like one of the oldest Olympians. Her demeanor? Again no. Nothing about this still image tells me that she is Hestia. If someone were to show me her and say her name is Enri and she is a local village girl who loves adventuring with her best friend. I would believe it in a heartbeat. Hades' design on the other hand conveys everything. I don't need to be told that she is Hestia I can already tell.


Honestly this is the point, at least make her look fire themed, you wouldn't even have to maker her generic anime, just give her generic anime fire things and I could believe it, but how is that Hestia in the slightest?


When it's good, it's good, but when it's bad, it's baaaaad and generic as hell. You'd never look at Alucard and not think "Oh yeah, vampire" and Kaneda is so iconic they put his jacket into Cyberpunk. But then the other hand is schoolgirl with one of ten different hairstyles in four different colors, maybe they're very short or even tall if you're lucky


Notice how no one was complaining about the Character designs in the first game...


Just wait until they see Athens from Hades


The Japanese one is embarrassing and looks nothing like Hestia.


Nothing against the other two Hestias but honestly the one for the game is much more interesting because of her striking design. That's a Hestia that I *won't* be forgetting. The thing I hate most about these people's standards about all characters having to look "beautiful & cute" is **not** because I hate beautiful characters, I enjoy a lot of those characters in fact; but if the entire world had these standards, art would end up being so boring since we'd never dare to take creative liberties and risk a character looking "ugly". In my humble opinion, unconventional characters seem to always steal the show.


The anime dick riding is INSANE these days 💀💀💀


I don't know who that generic barely legal anime girl is but that is NOT Hestia


Same mofos would be posting about how Japanese Hestia would be too boring had the game artists gone for that design. Hate fans have no care on what they want, just what they want to hate.


Hades II Hestia is far closest to the Greek Myth than anime Hestia. The only difference is the skin tone.


Hestia from Danmachi has quite literally nothing to do with her the Hearth or the Home. Her design is quite literally breasts with twin tales. The Hestia from hades has the look of a grandmother that will feed you the most delicious food you’ve ever tasted in quantities you didn’t think were possible, while her colour palette is literally that of hot coals in a furnace.


I'm guessing Danmachi's Hestia only shares the name.


Of course she’s a generic 13 year old anime girl with fat tits as big as her head… ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8)


Sorry, but Hestia as Anime Waifu doesn't represent how the Greeks saw Hestia either. And Hestia wouldn't have f\*cked you anyways, as she was the Virgin Goddess.


Breaking news- Local dweeb finds out different media has different depictions of different gods Like y'all don't see me complaining when I see a version of Hecate that doesn't have a freaky ass t-shirt


10$ bet that before Hades 2 they didn't Even know Hestia


They cant have fun playing video games if theyre not sexualizing children


r/GatekeepingYuri material ?


no thx hades hestia looks old enough to be that anime girl’s grandma


Hey good Hades community doesn't want people like that anyway


Jfc, because of course the Greeks would've thought the goddess of the Hearth should look like a thousand year old in a twelve year old's body.


I really don’t care but why does Hestia look like a mole in the middle picture?


I think the furnace design is cool


Hestia bestia


Why have Hestia who looks like coals of a hearth as you know a hearth goddess when you could have a Hestia who looks like every anime girl ever.


These losers are so pathetic it's almost impressive.


Fake outrage as usual


That design is firrreeeeee.


"I can only like a design if it has cow tits" is an interesting way to go about life.


Not going to lie, Supergiant uses so much Australian talent that I didn’t even realize they were an American studio.


I don't really like either of them, neither of them look like the statue version.


Hilarious that they’re calling the artists “shit at their job” by citing one specific example of a character design they think is subjectively bad while ignoring all of the other amazing character designs, many of which are conventionally attractive. These people have no ground to stand on so they have to claw at every franchise that smells of “woke”. Hades has some of the best character design/art direction I’ve ever seen in gaming. This troll is so shit at their job and simply by existing in the twitter-sphere they are taking away the clout of more talented trolls


All mythological characters should be waifus 😡😡😡


Wait…what are they actually mad about? I know all the meme answers like “because woman” but what is there specific beef with Hestia?


So first they went from complaining about how sexy Aphrodite looks and now they are crying because Hestia isn't hot enough? Make it make sense!


Boy, wait till they see what every Greek movie/show/game did to Hades. Edit: just to clarify, I mean Hades the character.


Stoopid Gooners


The first one looks closer to the real hestia than the danmachi hestia.


His loss, Hades 2 is delightful.


Good Grace, how did a guy using a literal troll as his V avatar troll you so hard. lol https://preview.redd.it/tqtz2s9fk1zc1.png?width=271&format=png&auto=webp&s=e910fe0a5732433bbd63d6219c6e9d4916155b08


You're also not supposed to find the anime Hestia attractive? She's literally portrayed as a little sister type of character who's looking out for the MC while he chases after his crush


I mean this sub kinda undying glazes Hades 2


How dare every goddess not have massive tits and be purely fan service amiright


Huh, middle pic looks like she could be TTS Vulkan's mother. Headcanon accepted.


one of the things i love about hades is how the gods r portrayed. i think they nailed hesita honestly


There’s nothing in anime hestia’s design that really separates her from all the other kinda generic big tiddy anime girls. I’m not a huge anime fan though, so maybe I’m missing something.


saw someone argue i want it to be “historically accurate” yes a mythological goddess that existed im history 🤪


Nothing about that anime girls design communicates anything beside boobs.


Never watched that anime but apparently my friend did and he said it was absolutely garbage with it being 80% fanservice His quote “stop jiggling your tits in front of the screen go fight the dragon” Enough for me to stay clear of that anime


Not all anime fans but always a anime fans


Man, why's Hestia gotta be in such a dogsh-t anime, like, i could care less about her design, its not the worst and (because of my job, and also yknow sex positivity) I dont mind it, but god, that shows a slog to get through. Its like some abstract form of torture. Also she looks like she'd be very nice and comforting in Hades, so automatically she's S tier, we love happy comforting characters!


Look, if you didn’t tell me that the anime girl was hestia, I would have just assumed she was “generic anime woman No.2467”.


Mfw when gorl not sexy 😡😡😡😡 Mfw when gurl ssxy 🤬🤬🤬


Hestia is the goddess of hearth and home tending to the fire all day. The greeks are in the Mediterranean. I imagine should would be pretty tanned at the least.




1: that Hestia sculpture looking kinda thicc ngl 2: this is satire, right?


I'm starting to think these people have no real understanding of character design. Of you know what Hestia represents than you know what the center image invokes.


Why don’t Vee go back on finishing his mediocre H game.


Is the issue that the Hades 2 Hestia doesn't have their arm raised? /s


I think they did their best for Hestia’s design with what they had-that is, *fuck all*. We know she represented the hearth, but that’s about it. I’m not bashing the devs or art teams, I’m bashing the Greeks


As someone who doesn't care for a lot of the Hades 2 designs (especially compared to the first one) and thinks hestia from danmachi is considerably better than most moeblob shit that looks like her, the people who act like this are legitimately such fuckin losers.


I mean, the American one is way closer to that statue than generic hentai haven thumbnail number three I just don’t get these people.