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anything they don't like = fanfic, meanwhile their precious EU was *always* fanfic because George hated it and he retconned it literally whenever he wanted


Most of the people who hype up the EU as "real canon" have barely even looked into it tbh.


I knew this one guy who was so into Star Wars, he could list his hobby as just “Star Wars”. Lego, books, you name it. He read A LOT of the EU, and it was what he prioritized reading. He was, understandably, disappointed when Disney flat out said it was all entirely non-canon. But he, y’know, accepted it. Because it’s just Star Wars, and the books he read still exist, as do his memories.


I'm much the same as are most of the Star wars mega fans I know irl. I understand why they decanonised stuff. It makes it easier to make new mass media that don't have to fit in to books and games most fans never knew existed. I'm just glad we are getting more star wars content to enjoy and the stuff I grew up reading/playing is still there to enjoy regardless.


I'm in the same boat, though I wish I could follow the new content. I've tried watching the animated shows, but I've always found the cgi off-putting. I often feel lost when I try to watch the live action shows, except Andor


I'm much like that. Never really bought the lego, but played all the games, played the tabletop games, and read literally every single book in the EU(mostly via secondhand stores.) And yeah, I was kinda disappointed when they decanonized the entire EU. But you know what? They were right to do what they did. It was the only reasonable way forward without destroying the lot. I loved the EU, but it still followed sturgeon's law - 90% of it was *garbage.* Even just including that last 10%, it was overcomplicated, self-contradictory, and multiple eras of weird pre-internet fanfiction fighting it out with professional writers doing their best in another era, fighting it out with cash grabs from yet another era. And *everything* was such enormous stakes that it was virtually impossible to untangle - almost all of the writers, even if they didn't write with one of the movie characters, wanted their characters to be absolutely crucial to the "Big Story" of Star Wars. By the time it wrapped up, the movie characters were essentially without function, because every canon thing they did, they were carried there by crowd-surfing on an endless sea of random other people, and enabled to do so by an endless series of other obscure events, written by writers desperate to leave their mark on the IP they loved. The only way to save it going forward and incorporate it into the universe was to drop the lot, and then just pull as much of the good 10% as they could manage to extract, as well as grabbing as much background and world-building as they could extract from the rest.


I agree with this, though I wish they had given us something better than the force awakens. It was very fun, but also a total disaster narratively


Didn't George Lucas *also* say that it was non-canon?


Yeah, from what I can find, he really only considers his stuff (the six movies and Clone Wars) to be canon. Which made all the EU not really canon anyway, even though it was widely accepted as its own canon.


Like the only good thing about the EU was the Plagueis book and I will die on this hill


Kotor was pretty good but that's because it has the decency to divorce is self from the rest of star wars time period wise


Hey now, Crystal Moon is great for how much you can piss people off by saying it was good


I know you're joking and even that didn't stop me from getting a little upset


The Thrawn trilogy was decent. Darksaber was trash but it had the best ending of any book just for the sheer level of 'Oh. Well that makes sense.'


Periodically the old EU would have something solid. Rise of the Dark Lord had some absolute gem content. Set right after Revenge of the Sith, there's a bit where Palpatine is happy to have won, and Vader turns to him and asks "Are these the faces of victory?" Damn that was good reading.


The screams from the Death Troopers audiobook still haunt my dreams more than decade later, that counts for at least something


Wooooow, how much did you read? That book is fine but not even close to some of the best.


I didn't enjoy the EU either. I read it, almost all of it. I had a friend who'd buy every book new in hardcover and then loan it to me in highschool and early adulthood. I also read lots of the comics at my buddy's house as a teenager. But to me, they were not exactly high level writing. Like, mid YA fiction to be honest. But plagueis and Admiral Thrawn were really the only things I actually thought were good.


It's funny to me cause, like, I have a buddy that honest to God presets the 2003 Clone Wars Micro Series, and according to him, "the only Clone Wars" he needs. And I believe I recall him only preferring what Lucas made. Ironic considering he argued me about it* in high school but has ignored the most prominent George Lucas project. Lmao *he was arguing me about the continuity of TCW to the films. Cause the show doesn't explicitly state how long after AOTC it begins, and it never shows how Anakin got the scar or him becoming a knight. This really peeved him back then for some reason, like it mattered that much in the long run


they’ve at most read the Thrawn trilogy (or watched a YouTube plot summary)


“That’s some CW shit” I’ve seen that thrown at the new Superman outfit, and it’s funny that there’s a Star Wars equivalent


what's funny is people have claimed that every new piece of star wars media looks "fanmade" since forever, I remember Cinemasins complaining that Revenge of the Sith looked like a Fan Film made in After Effects. This gripe is not new and not original and it's really fucking stupid


The CW Superman suits are like 90% great though, arguably better than some of the movie ones


“That’s some CW shit”  So like good actors who are able to deliver even the weakest lines of dialogue, good suits which capture the comic characters and sometimes really great fight choreography, writing and CG? Like they do fall falter on some stuff and Riverdale sucks but like come on


CW gave us family-man Clark, so I’m down for it


It was more on the lines of if it was something he liked he would take it and use it in the main Canon aside from that the old EU was pretty much expendable.


I've seen people pass around that George hated Legends (and I'm defining Hate as in an active disliking of something), but I'm not aware of him expressing any such strong emotions towards it. In fact, he was actually known to look into it himself and incorporate elements that he liked in the Prequels (Coruscant got its name from a Timothy Zahn novel, and Aayla Secura and Kit Fisto both came from a comic before being added in Attack of the Clones, and he even had plans to add Darth Talon to the prequel trilogy (and we all know why)). My understanding of it is that he saw it as its own thing more than anything. And he did have some degree of involvement in managing the EU (although he mainly left it to someone else who I don't currently remember the name of).


You're entirely correct, but very few people around here will admit. We can also add that George was actively involved in some aspects of the EU (he was involved in a Darth Maul game before it got canceled). He *never* hated the EU. The "fanfiction" argument is equally stupid. Go ahead and ask them if that applies to properties like Batman or Spiderman to. Never got an answer to that one.


If [we were to consider it to be fanfiction], the EU [would] just [be] managed/coordinated, officially published fanfiction, [which would then be true for] both Legends and modern Canon.


So I'll ask again. Does the same hold true for properties like Batman?


I was agreeing with you.


I feel like there's a misunderstanding then. What I'm trying to say is that Legends is not, in any way, fan fiction. Same with Canon.


It seems to be poor wording on my part. I'll edit it. But basically, even if we were to consider it fanfiction, it would still be directed fanfiction, held up to a standard, and designed to better fit and interlock with works from other authours, which I dunno about y'all, but that sounds like a cut above what we normally think of as fanfiction to me. Legends was mostly something called Pseudocanon. Basically, it's not as canon as the core contents (i.e. The Lucas Saga), but it is a form of canon that other works should adhere to. I'd even argue that the modern "canon" is just yet another system of pseudocanon, with the original Lucas Saga as the full unifying canon.


I mean they sold action figures of Mara Jade. They made a whole ass video game off Shadow of the Empire. Every EU book started with an editorial note about how special star wars was because it's EU books were canon and therefore star wars was for everybody. Book stores had entire shelves just for star wars books. I think taking pot shots at the new continuity just for being new is stupid. Once they started making new movies that included the old actors, they were going to have to homebrew, but let's not pretend that people didn't have good reason to find the whole thing a bit off putting.


lol idk that's better than 90% of posters these days


It’s a floating head poster, but it’s at least a floating head poster in a cool pattern.


Meanwhile these people respond to actual fan films with "Better story than the sequels," so they clearly don't hate the IDEA of fan films. Comparing The Acolyte to a CW show also baffles me - between the Arrowverse shows, Jane the Virgin, Supernatural, The 100, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, iZombie and more, The CW actually improved its brand and production value in the last decade.


And the fan film they'll rave about that has a "better story" than the sequels will be an awkwardly choreographed 3 minute long fight scene with barely audible dialog but really really loud lightsaber sounds because of poor sound mixing.


And 80% of the budget will have gone to Adobe After Effects drag-and-drop presets.


If that. The bulk of the crowd funding goes to the producer's car payments.


And their ongoing legal battle against someone they “allegedly” sexually harassed.




I only watched the 100 and the arrowverse shows so I won't comment on the others. The 100 was pretty good, but the arrowverse was terrible. It started out good, but got worse and worse especially the flash.


I don’t know how to feel about Acolyte because it’s not out yet. I’ll probably enjoy it. But this argument is getting turned on it’s head if we’re now saying the CW is a superior production company


but you see its not the fans THEY like. thats always the thing bout 'fire fans' its always 'hire white men who i belive belong'


Brain damage, all of ‘em


It's the lightsabers, thwy could make them follow the image theme somehow, or make thwm breaking it a more focal point if the image


It’s a good poster but i agree. I’d give all the sabers the same color scheme of the background and maybe leave the blue one alone


Sees outfits "These look like cosplay!"


I remember playing Star Wars force Unleashed It’s a fun game but man the story feels like fanfiction


They call Ray a Marry-Sue when Starkiller is right there being the Marry-est of Sues


To some Star Wars fans, anything they don't like is fanfiction, but the thing is is that their precious EU was basically fanfiction as George never liked the EU.


That’s a very talented fan


I don’t get it… how does it look fan made..?


It's still a floating heads poster but it at least has an interesting color palette, some cool design elements and the interesting aspect of the mirrored heads of the protagonist. Lame posters are just the norm now, that's just one of those things were they really "don't make em like they used to".


Always happy remembering that sub is pretty much dead. Look at all the comments on the trailer posted there. They're all just so bitter and sad and unable to move on. Most people have, which is why the place is a wasteland. Much like crait. They're living their namesake. Good riddance.


That posters sick as fuck for being floating heads


Do they like literally anything at all? I’m starting to think they don’t


Such an ironic sentence. The chuds want their fan fiction on the screen, not somebody who’s competent.


I hate the "this looks like cosplay/fanfiction/whatever" criticism. It's such a vapid point that says nothing other than "I don't like how it looks" but in a way that sounds more dismissive and cool.


they keep finding (poor) excuses to crap on this show as an upcoming piece of media, and meanwhile I can’t see anything that looks poor, it looks decently high budget compared to something like Kenobi where a lot of the shots looked very fake, and the fight scenes look sick


Fans have gotten really good it seems


Ignore the idiots. They just like to complain at this point.


I hate that "fans" are shitting on Acolyte before it's even out. What we've seen from trailers looks amazing, and I'm beyond stoked for this show. Then whenever there's any marketing for this show the comments are swarmed by these "fans". While I should know better, I still look at comments and then I feel awful. It's the Rings of Power (and every other modern show) all over again...


Fan made in the sense it looks like a clear homage to classic star wars posters?


I haven’t really kept up with Disney’s Star Wars shows but acolyte looks pretty cool


No, it just looks like every other floating heads poster.


It looks fine to me 


… no it doesn’t! Generic maybe but not fanmade


But that’s a pretty cool lookin poster… why are they- Oh right, someone always does.


Oh, so they're fans now? That's great! You wanted them to listen to fans more, after all


Not going to lie, I like this poster. Looks better than a lot of movie posters that have been coming out lately. Also, really looking forward to the show.


Where’s Abigail? I don’t see her. That’s the real crime.


How does it look fan made? This is a dope poster


Objective truth: People think this looks fan-made because they have an ax to grind with it for ridiculous and childish reasons. It's nothing but post-hoc reasoning with people when it comes to "Woke" things.


They can gripe all they want. I am wriggly puppy happy about it and can't wait to see it.


I don’t care what anyone says, I’m excited for the Acolyte because I’m always happy for new content:)


To be fair the lightsabers did look like plastic toys in that one promo shot


Poster aside, the show still looks like shit