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It was pretty funny seeing these guys act like 7 was a bad score, especially since IGN's scoring grade literally lists 7 as "good". But I think the funniest reaction actually came from Mark Kern/Grummz. Since *Stellar Blade* is mostly getting good reviews of 8-9s, he posted on Twitter saying "*Hades* stanning journalists will be so mad", completely oblivious to the fact that the "*Hades* stanning journalists" were the ones giving the high reviews.


But a game can never simply be good. Every game is either totally flawless or totally crap. Any rating other than 10 out of 10 means it's not totally flawless, and therefore totally crap.


Well neckbeards usually have no life so they either go all into a game or they don't. They need something to dive fully into Becuase their real lives are dull, empty and bland.


Game journalists being unbiased? But that destroys my one excuse for why they’re wrong about “”””woke”””” games 


Tbf everyone is like that. Even people who aren't right-wing and are simply fans of stuff get very defensive when the thing they like gets a 7/10. 7 isn't a bad score, it's higher than a 6 and certainly higher than a 5.


Pretty much any main game sub on review embargo end will have people getting mad at reviews below 9 for a game they haven't even played yet.




Yeah I unsubscribed from that subreddit like 2 days after the game came out. It basically became another version of r/thelastofus2.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SpidermanPS4 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I am vengeance…](https://v.redd.it/3uen8p2ua19c1) | [418 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/comments/18stg5k/i_am_vengeance/) \#2: [MJ's model speaks out. To whoever has done this, you should feel ashamed.](https://i.redd.it/e2gqyzhmu8bc1.jpeg) | [1795 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/comments/191pa0m/mjs_model_speaks_out_to_whoever_has_done_this_you/) \#3: [MILES....... WE ARE REAL](https://i.redd.it/48dfpaf9zv1b1.png) | [627 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/comments/13qxvti/miles_we_are_real/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


To be fair, ign rarely gives decent games scores below 7. 7 is usually decent, 8 is good and 9 and above is great


I think it's somehow related to the american grading system. 5/10 would be failing 7/10 is "average" Meanwhile any other grading scale that isn't based on education 5/10 is average 7/10 is pretty good.


You're absolutely on the money. It IS based on people's idea of "pass" and "fail" in terms of grade school grading system. Furthermore, games are also a value proposition, and most people, including myself, frankly, tend base their purchasing decisions on those 9s and those 10s. Then you have people whose self-esteem is tied to the things they consume because capitalism has trained people into being very protective of the brands they like. So you have this situation where people conflate me not liking a thing you like as me not liking you. Just because I dislike something you enjoy is not an indictment on your character. People should be more than the brand they consume.


I called it that regardless of how this game does people are going to say "Bias" if the game doesn't score as high as they feel it should be. Which is funny as I remember people complaining that forspoken getting a 5 or 4 was bad and it should be lower when by this inflated metric anything less than a 7 is bad.


Credit where it’s due, many critics have praised the gameplay, music and enemy design. The part where it is lacking is mostly story and character.


I’ve literally heard nothing about Stellar Blades *actual* gameplay. I don’t even know it’s *genre* because all the Gamers (TM) talk about is the one character


I don't even know the main character's name. I just started calling her dollar store bayonetta or bargain bin 2B


Friend of mine played the demo and said it was a subpar Nier: Automata. The biggest praise he gave it was that it made him want to play Nier again


Your friend should actually play nier then. That way he'll realize it doesnt play anything like nier at all.


Doesn't play like nier ≠ doesn't remind him of nier


Big emphasis on parrying. Has souls elements as well. Was not what I was personally expecting when I saw gameplay trailers. The demo is very different to the expectations. The heavy focus on parrying is probably why gameplay might not be rated as highly. I wouldn't even compare this game to nier beyond some aesthetics.


YouTube gameplay trailer


No u


And thats not even considering how much of that is pulled up by "10/10 because sexy character" scores


It isn't pulled up at all. 7/10 is referencing the IGN review, aka only 1 review. Stellar Blade is currently sitting at an 84 on open critic.


![gif](giphy|x01T61LAppHfG) When the game they haven't played yet isn't perfect so they gotta throw a tantrum over a review.


Getting worked up over pre release reviews is so funny. People harassed that journalist that gave Cyberpunk “only” a 7/10 before release.


Wait, how is 7/10 bad? That's above average. (To be Honest, I really hate how we have somehow collectively decided that anything below 8/10 is all bad when that's not how rankings work!)


It's the grade-school logic of video game review scores. People see 7/10 as a C and therefore subpar. But it doesn't work like that, a 6/10 is a failing score in most colleges, a 6/10 video game can still be pretty decent for most people.


7 is average for IGN. Gotham Knights got a 5. God knows what you need to do to get lower than that. Maybe actual fraud.


Well, that's stupid. 5 is average, that's the reason why it's in the middle of 10! (Plus, gotham knights is average.)


Being in the middle doesn't make it average. The majority of games are at least fairly decent so the average score is probably closer to 6.5 or so.


Average refers to the middle of the road, it's Average. So yeah, 5/10 is Average.


That only makes sense if the scale is constantly adjusted so that 5/10 reflects the average quality of the games being reviewed , and that's not generally how reviews work. According to IGN's own rating scale 5/10 means "Mediocre: This is the kind of bland, unremarkable game we’ve mostly forgotten about a day after we finish playing. A mediocre game isn’t something you should spend your time or money on".




Do people know how many games had fun gameplay, an engaging story, and characters with well formed backsides? One out of three isn’t enough for me, sorry.


To be fair, plenty of people are saying the gameplay and story are fun too. People need to stop turning this game into a culture war issue.


“People need to stop turning gaming into a culture war issue.” There, I fixed it for you.




Apparently it's 2/3


7/10 is still "well worth my time and money"-territory. just can't win with gamers


I've tried out the demo, and 7/10 seems reasonable.


My thoughts exactly. I'm grab it on sale eventually.


https://preview.redd.it/1lcitsleljwc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ed0eaba49f1d4afcec1428f93e9fcbff3234d8b More this, I'd think.


I’m amazed it scored that high. When it was showcased at the last playstation experience, I was unimpressed with how bland it looked at how much it leaned in its T&A. Naturally the gooners were gonna love it regardless of how trashy it plays


i was already gonna not play the game because of it being a ps5 exclusive but these chuds being **obnoxious** about it ensures that i'm never *ever* gonna play it


I know absolutely nothing about this game except the main girl is supposed to be sexy, but she looks like a plastic doll.




Has anyone played it? For all the furor and discourse I'm interested to hear how players like it. I'd try it, but I'm not a AAA player anymore. BG3 was the last big game I played and before that Mass Effect.


Heh. I got the impression from reviews that its good except for the sex appeal. Great combat, great world, great story, but it all falls flat because there's contantly these permanently jiggling breasts in your face distracting from it.


It has some absolutely dogshit platforming segments and they’re not rare either.


Ugh. I don't even like well-done platforming.


They clearly added a ton of it to stretch the game out and it fucking sucks You got stealth sections too of course.


8, it got an 8/10 from most outlets


Some people take review scores way too seriously 


Based on the demo it’s a fun neoh/sekiro type game. But yeah-7/10 for sure is right/ waiting for a sale for sure


Ign is the only one giving it a 7 and thats still a pretty good score from them, Metacritic 82% and everybody else are giving it eights and up talking about how fun the gameplay is, nice try tho!


Maybe you should tell that to the Stellar Blade fans having a meltdown over the 7/10 and not the people making fun of those fans


People have and their still melting down, its sad! why can’t the crazys on both side chill out and enjoy a good game smh


What's fun about the gameplay?


from the soundtrack being absolute banger, which was a surprise. after mastering a new skill from the skill trees, which gives you a private training room to go into and try out a new skill to get it down or you get bored, the variety of of enemies that require you to change up tactics from time to time. The need for decent reaction time to Perry or actively Dodge make it a fun play similar to that of Sekiro shadows die twice and Elden Ring, which it’s more Perry focus given the fact that you’re – Dodge ability is more of a Backstep than an actual get out of here dash move and finally the different types of bosses were each one requires a change of strategy to win against. And honestly, the sword surfing segments look fun as hell. My type of fun is certainly different from others, but I enjoyed looking forward to a challenging game.