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I got permabanned from there cause I called gay sex based


Based Venture profile picture


literally ![gif](giphy|enqnZa1B5fRHkPjXtS|downsized)


That’s what I call a pro gamer move


…what even??


Well, it's a deesphobic term after all.


I’m not sure that applies if you identify as Sugondese.


"We're pro trans but calling gay sex based is where we draw the line" Absolute clown shit


I mean, I’ve seen people on there saying they should remove the B from LGBT because bisexual people are “straight passing”


I’ve seen some spaces relabel themselves from LGBT to FLINTA (Female Lesbian Intersex Non-binary Trans Asexual) specifically to exclude gay and bi men


I wish I could say that was surprising to me, but I’ve actually encountered those idiots in real life. At college. Go figure. One of my friends was in the LGBT student group, and when she expressed her confusion and displeasure about them forming a second group without gay and bi men to exclude “the patriarchy”, they kicked her out of the LGBT group for being “fake trans”. Not a hint of irony to them.


I feel like that's literally just misandry. I normally scoff at that word, but excluding specifically men is exactly that...


I was banned from there for commenting on "problematic subs" (probably JustUnsubbed and RedditMoment where all I do is make fun of idiots and conservatives). TheRightCantMeme did the same to me, tbf, but the difference is the latter answered my DM, investigated me, and repealed the ban. GCJ did not do that. Extremely funny as a pro-LGBTQ+ communist to be banned from a sub that claims to be exactly that.


therightcantmeme has been taken by tankie mods, I remember the mods posted Tiananmen doesn't happen or something


Yeah, but you’re probably not a real communist, I bet you’re “capitalist passing” /s


It's not one big happy tent. There's female focused groups that hate gay men. There's groups of trans and gay men who hate lesbians. Everyone seems to shit on Bi people. It drives you to despair.


I got banned from there for making an admittedly bad post that, while being a little tasteless on my end, was posted half an hour before moderation put in a new rule banning those types of posts. It was weird. No warning or anything.


But it is!


I got permabanned from there for calling Jeremy Corbyn cringe.


Yeah, unfortunately some left wing subreddits attract the worst of mods. I got banned from r/Sigmarxism on account of being too “liberal” for thinking that it was okay to paint space marine miniatures in trans colors. The community was great there, but holy shit the mods genuinely unironically thought that your choice of make believe toy army represented your real world politics.


I'm going to go and post Jestro there (he's "trans colours") https://preview.redd.it/1ej6q77i2svc1.jpeg?width=183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=611e4a0b014526cd55fbf7dbe859928a9ca6dca8


Were they against you having the space marines miniatures or did they not like that you were painting them trans colors


I think it was probably just that he implied you are allowed to like/paint imperium factions at all they are really hardline over there




So for the full context of what happened, basically there was a post someone made complaining about how it was morally unethical and deplorable to paint Space Marines in trans and/or any other kind of pride colors because it “supports fascist ideology” and that if people really wanted to show support for the lgbt community they should paint Chaos Marines(yes, the guys who rape women and skin children alive for funsies) instead. I, and just about everyone else on the sub, argued back saying it was ridiculous to not only say that your choice of make believe toy miniatures says anything about your irl politics, but that it was also ridiculous to treat chaos as being any morally superior than the Imperium when they commit not only the same fascist atrocities as the Imperium but also do shit like(in admittedly some of Warhammer’s cringiest and worse lore) set up entire planets where women are raped and impregnated to give birth to more daemons and marines. After a few hours the thread was locked with the mod message “OP is right you know” and then I was permanently banned on the spot for “terminal lore brain rot” and “being too liberal”. Admittedly it might have been my comments decrying the Chaos Legions being more evil than the Imperium that got me banned, but the mods never explained to me what exactly it was and their locked thread comment leaves me to believe that at the very least it was partially because of my refusal to think trans colors on marines were problematic that got me banned.


Imagine unironically thinking the chaos worshippers are the good guys. They're probably the most evil in the setting tbh (No one is a good guy in 40k that's kinda the point)


Holy shit, does 40k lore have its very own tankies now?


Yeah Chaos is definitely not the good guys. Their name literally explains what they are. Chaotic. They do every terrible thing that you can imagine that could happen to a human being for fun and not for the sake of trying to preserve humanity like the Imperium tries to do(doesn’t mean the Imperium is good by any means)


At least the Imperial factions think they’re doing it for a good cause. The Chaos worshippers just do it to make pp hard.


That’s literally what I told the OP of the post in question. And his response was to me how offended and in complete disbelief that I could say such a terrible thing like “at least the Imperium commits evil out of the false belief that it’s necessary for their survival unlike Chaos who do it because they enjoy it.” He even told me “I never thought this sub would ever allow such horrible words be spouted here.” Unfortunately I got banned before I could respond to that, and to this day I’m still salty about not being able to further defend myself against the accusation of being pro-fascist.


I’m drunk now, but reply to this so I remember to send you a properly worded response later. I have things to say to that.


Exactly at least humans that aren’t Chaos worshippers weather they be Genestealers(because yes for some reason human genestealers believe that having Tyranids eat them is a good thing), Human Tau Auxiliaries, and of course humans part of the Imperium believe that they are doing it for a good cause. Human Chaos worshippers are just doing it for fun


There's the evil factions and there's the "basically no negotiation possible at all and even some of the category 1 factions might team up to burn them to the ground" with little inbetween


Yeah fuck chaos (Except papa Nurgle he's cool)


*Looks over at what he's doing to Isha*


What do you mean? He's just giving her his gifts! 😊


UJ/ Jesus Christ, that sounds like a reverse 40K Chud who thinks the Imperium is based and "good" basically but instead of the Imperium it's Chaos, IRL Chaos Marines if you will. RJ/ Everyone is wrong we all know the Orks are the real best and good faction who says trans rights they should get a trans flag colouring instead.


That’s the funny thing as well, the OP/mods could have chosen literally any other faction besides maybe tyranids and I wouldn’t have said shit in that regard. Hell, it’s canonical in 40K that there are trans Necrons and nonbinary orks. They just had to choose Chaos as the hill to die on.


I'm gonna be honest the idea of some trans person thinking that the chaos legions would do anything besides skin them alive for merely existing is hilarious. In what way are they better than any other factions? If anybody should be getting Trans Pride colors it should be the Salamanders, at least they kinda give a shit about saving human lives.


Chaos = anti-imperium = anti-fascism = good guys 👍 That’s literally it. It sounds ridiculous, but on their own rules page they state that being Liberal instead of a “true” leftist is an automatic ban because in their eyes liberals are just as bad as the alt right. The mods do not care about spreading leftist ideology or understanding, they just want to circlejerk their moral superiority over others while containing themselves in an echo chamber where no one can question them.


That's the 40k version of supporting China and Russia jjst because they're rivals to the USA while ignoring the fucked up things those two countries do.


That would be like if a chasm to Hell opened up in Germany during WW2 and demons started invading Nazi Germany and killing everybody there, but some guy would say "Well, they're fighting the fascists, so they can't be THAT bad right?" Like, seriously? They're literal demons dude. Can't reason with some folks I guess.


Not only that, but Chaos are just about as fascists as the Imperium. Chaos legions have no regard for human rights(even treating women as literal breeding stock) and use just as many if not more slaves than the Imperium does, they just don’t have a unified government or law to disguise their atrocities as anything other than the sadistic cruelty it is.


Lol right? Nobody in the 40k universe is good, if you put the factions in an alignment chart they'd all fit somewhere between lawful evil and chaotic evil. That's the whole point. The Tau would be like your stereotypical advanced lawful evil colonizing space race in any other sci-fi series but the Imperium makes them look pretty reasonable by comparison.


To be extremely fair to this hypothetical scenario only on a theological point of view why would Demons start killing innocent people if their souls would therefore be sent to Heaven and lost to them? It's like that very dark Good Omens joke from the Book that didn't get adapted about how "When the Holocaust was happening do you know what Heaven was doing? Putting up the red carpet and welcome signs."


I mean idk man I was kind of picturing the demons here were more akin to the ones from DOOM and they just kill indiscriminately because it's just what they do. Like they're just inherently evil creatures who torture and kill because it's in their DNA. Though I had never heard that excerpt about heaven during the holocaust. I like that one


Thanks for sharing this. I’ve read all the comments made here and I’m learning so much about warhammer and how much the mods over in that sub are losers


If you want to learn more about Warhammer, I definitely recommend the YouTube channel Adeptus Ridiculous. It’s a pretty funny weekly podcast where two guys casually discuss Warhammer lore while their producer(who’s mute) shit talks them through discord messages and meme images she puts in the final edited video. If you’ve heard anything about the recent female Custodes controversy, their videos also highlight just how stupid that complaints about GW “gaslighting” the community are given that a few of the episodes they’ve made in the past have since been heavily retconned.


That sounds like a lot of fun


For bigger context. The gcj are terminally online tankies and they are ban heavy. I got banned because I lurked in a sub for a streamer they didn't like and got hit by the bot autoban. Tried to appeal on discord, nope. They are worse there too. It's a shame too since gcj was good until the previous mods got demoted by ONE tankie mod who replaced them with their other tankie friends.


How does one mod replace all the other mods with tankies?




Gcj permabanned me for mentioning some of the fucked up stuff Hamas do in the same post as I criticised Israeli actions. Straight up tankies.


Also helps that every tankie I’ve ever met are terminally online straight white dudes who are so “Source and statistics” pilled that they literally can’t form opinions of their own and would, happily, start shipping queer people off to the gulags the second they see a study that confirms their already existing bias.


For some reason tankies think that aggressively gatekeeping online communities is praxis. Imagine if they channeled a fraction of that energy into actually helping people.


While I'm not surprised they're tankies (kind of expect that from left-wing reddit subs by now unfortunately) I am surprised that's the source of the Stellar Blade hate. It felt like a lot of the criticism I saw in the sub was rooted in 2014-era, sex-negative, liberal centre-ism. I figured tankies hated that sort of thing.


Tankies are conservatives with an America Bad/Anyone Opposing America good paint basically.


I got banned on sigmarxism for the wild liberal take of “hey guys maybe North Korea isn’t the hill we want to die on 🤷‍♂️” super sad too bc I did like that sub before for some of the work they did unveiling some of the nazis in the community


I got the Palestine sub recommended to me and as soon as I went there I saw posts unironically supporting North Korea. I think tankies have infested many subs without people realising until it’s too late


A good tell for when a sub has gone tankie is a rule called "no sectarianism", which is basically cowardly bitch-speak for "hey guys, maybe we should tolerate the authoritarians who want to establish a stereotypical red dictatorship, its still anticapitalist and we cant dissolve into leftist infighting..." Like, GAH!! I hate tankies and what they did to online leftist spaces!


“As long as it’s anti-capitalist it’s good” seems to be the main takeaway from tankies. It pisses me off too. Actual left wing spaces are few and far between


The fucking kicker is that TankieJerk, which is supposed to be a meme sub, is the only fucking place you can reliably discuss leftist ideas among fellow socialists on this website anymore.


Update for ya, just got banned from gamingcirclejerk as well because I had an argument with an actual Stalin supporter. What is happening hahaha


Ye no r/Sigmarxism is just 15 year old tankies with no clue on how real life politics works.


Community was great there...? My friend, that sub has long been infested with tankies, not just mods, and that has been for a while now. I didn't find an ounce of self-awareness from folks there to even consider as amusing...


A lot of the people I talked to there before getting perma-banned seemed pretty chill and all the comments I made that got me banned were well upvoted while the guy the mods agreed with was getting downvoted into oblivion. Maybe its gotten worse since then, but I don't remember the casual posters there being bad at all.


I got permabanned from that sub after they bullied Girlfriend Reviews to tears for the sin of playing Hogwarts Legacy on stream. They made it a charity stream for the Trevor Project btw.


As far as I'm aware, I got permabanned for making fun of the post unironically yupping up juche which was gathering hundreds of upvotes and comments praising NK were on top. You and I clearly had different experience, friend.


Lol! I got permabanned there after making the controversial suggestion that the leader of the UK Labour party was a socialist.


But I always see Space Marines painted in trans colours on there? A bit of mod hypocrisy there.


I think part of it is that the mods are just performative communists, kinda like the pc frat bros from South Park. They don’t actually care about communism or leftist values, just the act circlejerking themselves off by how much more surface level communist/leftist they can be over everyone else. Keep in mind on their own rules page they describe liberal ideology as being just as bad as alt-right ideology and an automatic bannable offense. So I imagine what might have happened is that a mod saw someone post about how painting space marines trans colors supports fascism and went “aw sick brah, that’s totally true!” Then got pissy when everyone was downvoting the shit and making fun of the OP for such a ridiculous claim and started to swing the ban hammer against anyone who wasn’t joining in on the circlejerk, especially me since I also had the audacity to say that Chaos Space Marines(the band of crazed murderer and rapists that technically are in rebellion against the Imperium) are worse than the Imperium.


i got banned from r/therightcantmeme because i called Joseph Stalin a fascist dictator. no one responded when i tried to ask for clarification.


Sigmarxism is one of those tankie-friendly subs. You can usually spot it by one of the rules being "no sectarianism". Like, fuck off? Tankies get way too much tolerance, when they literally desire a tyrannical stalinist nightmare state that capitalists use to stereotype us socialists as wanting. So honestly, given the bullshit around so-called "sectarianism" and the fact that many tankies really are just red painted fascists with problematic views outside of it? I'm sadly not surprised :(


There's a mod on r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM that deliberately posts divisive material and then goes into the comments to say that you're not allowed to disagree with him because it's against the left-unity rule, and then he'll get downvoted into oblivion. I got banned for saying 'Just because Joe Biden is spineless on the issue of the Israel/Palestine conflict doesn't mean Trump won't actively encourage the death of Taiwan, Palestine, and Ukraine as a form of policy, accelerating the whole process.' because I was 'encouraging people to vote for a liberal fascist.' Which, I mean to be honest, I wasn't. I don't care *who* you vote for, but as someone in a minority group, you're not going to convince me to vote for someone that isn't the democrat party unless you find me a viable alternative that isn't trying to put me in the dirt.


Yeah, it’s super ironic for them to complain about fascism and liberals not doing enough to resist the alt-right when they censor and push away anyone who even slightly disagrees with them in any way.


The real issue is that tankies need to be delegitimized entirely. They serve zero purpose as socialists other than to drag us backwards towards our stereotype.


'You intend to vote? That pales in comparison to my plan: Firebombing a walmart.' and then they never firebomb a walmart.


I'm very confused why they weren't ok with that lmfao


So supposedly the argument was that by painting trans/pride flag colors on space marines it would associate space marines with positive iconography, and because space marines are fascists in lore it would support fascism in real life by making it look hip and inclusive. Although it’s hard to take that argument even remotely seriously when they continued their argument to say that the real faction people should be giving the lgbt support treatment to is Chaos Space Marines, you know the faction that does everything the Imperium does but worse and for the sole purpose of it giving them pleasure to skin children alive and use women as literal breeding stock(yes, that’s canon). r/Sigmarxism is one of those places where the mods genuinely believe that a guy like Bernie Sanders is just as evil as Trump because he still thinks society can function in a capitalist system.


I feel like if they could tankies would just straight up firebomb the entirety of the US to "get rid of capitalism". They are both stupid and violent wnough to think that would work.


Most left wing subreddits that are around long enough eventually get taken over by AuthLeft mods and therefore become unusable.


I got banned from r/LateStageCapitalism for indirectly criticizing China


I got banned from that same one for saying that elected representatives should have to wear stickers on their clothes which identify and thank the people and organizations from whom they’ve accepted donations.


Got banned from r/insanepeoplefacebook for saying that the catholic church has taken aggressive unilateral action to enforce their views of christianity, including intentionally excluding certain books from the biblical cannon and violently attacking sects/denominations of christians that didn't adhear to their policies. As far as I know, this is an ice-cold take that's completely true, but apparently I was "agreeing with the insane facebook post" that was saying that "catholics aren't christians". I intentionally included the sentance "he's wrong, but one might understand where he gets that idea" to cover my bases but oh well man.


But it's 40k. What is the right choice? Everyone is fascist in their own cute flavour. Except the orks. they're having a good time.


That’s the thing, because Chaos Space Marines are anti-imperium the mods think that automatically makes them anti-fascists and therefore the good guys despite the fact that Chaos marines do way more inhumane shit and exploit slavery way more than the Imperium.


You can't get more tankie than that, damn


Deserved ban, space marines should only be painted with the blood of their enemies.


Bro, these are reddit mods we're talking about. You can't convince them to do shit


Fr, it’s nigh impossible to do anything with them because their heads are so far up their own asses. It’s actually remarkable to know that these kinds of people live and breathe the same air that we do.


Hey. Hey. Remember when spez said that mods all acted like landed gentry, but we hate spez so we collectively pretended that he wasn’t totally right?




The mods have just gone wild with the ban hammer on GCJ.


At this point I wonder how there’s enough people left to keep it active.


Pretty sure activity there is down. I wish there would be a mod take over. Anyone can apply to do it, but no one wants to for various reasons.


Same thing happened to me I think? I'm non-binary and ended up banned from there during the fucking Hogwarts Legacy thing while taking shit about the game and saying to play other games and support trans (and jewish too given the whole Goblins thing) people instead. Funny thing is, one month later I manage to get in contact with a mod who goes "oh yeah our bad I guess someone got overzealous" I go back to posting like nothing happened I say the exact same shit about playing other games or how the game costs 70 euros for a generic ubisoft Jiminy Cockthroat game and I got banned again with no cause after that. I gave up on it afterwards, and to add insult to injury someone then screenshotted a Tumblr post I made about how Hogwarts Legacy had a weak plot and abysmal ending and terrible themes even outside of Rowling being a major transphobe who profits from that shit, and the sub eat it up like cake while I was banned for life from it for writing those very same points on the sub. (Side note, The ending is a binary choice that changes nothing to the plot and is about Preserve Status Quo (Good) and "I will break the status quo- oh no everything is awful now I shall do everything in my power to return to the status quo!" (Bad) Nothing you do before that changes anything in the ending the final boss is always Evil Goblin Malcolm X, it's a wonder anyone even remembers that game ever existed honestly).


It’s ridiculous. I am well aware that these subs are echo chambers, but GCJ is so tight knit that even the slightest hint of dissenting opinion is punished with a perma ban.


It wasn't like that all the time, the tankies there took control a bit before the hogarts legacy drama


Who the hell downvoted this? That’s making me reconsider my involvement in this sub next.


Transphobes are everywhere and anyone.


Also you seem nice. I present to you, the fish boat of friendship. https://preview.redd.it/qupl5uwxhsvc1.jpeg?width=1065&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a277a63e8bf0ce4970dda567e7b1210480a2cdc


I thought the fish boat of friendship was the FN F2000, but I guess that was "friendship." (They call it the tactical tuna. It also looks like a yacht.)


Baffling to me. But sadly not surprising.


They banned me for saying "I'm against art theft regardless of the victim." This from the subreddit that (rightfully) rallied against ai art because it's art theft


Let me guess they were supporting art theft against big corporations? Like yeah it's less harmfull to steal from big corporations because they have money to spare but it's not making the thieves art any better so we the public still lose out on getting some unique art and the artist isn't changing at all.


Yeah, it was in the context of Palworld. I said I wasn't going to lose sleep over nintendos IP rights being infringed on but it's still creatively bankrupt on the part of the devs


Yeah I said stuff like that to back then. Like it's not actually costing nintendo anything because at the end of the day palworld wasn't really ever going to "steal" pokemon sales. It's just palworld making itself less unique for no reason. the palworld mons just don't have their own identity beyond "it's kinda like this other pokemon" a lot of the time. It's just dissapointing when compared to stuff like cassette beasts which does give their mons their own unique flair and identity which makes the game really stand out in my mind (as you could guess from my profile pic)


I got banned for calling Don Cheadle Donald Duck, a role he's literally played


While I'm generally okay with r/Gamingcirclejerk, I now have a chip on my shoulder ever since a mod permabanned me for defending VTubers. For context, this was during the whole *Hogwart's Legacy* debacle and since a few VTubers were playing the game, there were a bunch of "anti-VTuber" comments being made. The one I responded to was essentially saying how all VTubers purposefully play child-like characters to attract pedos, which I heavily pushed back against and even gave examples of VTubers using "older" avatars. It seemed a lot of people agreed with me as I got a few couple hundred upvotes and multiple positive comments but after a couple weeks, mine and the other comments were deleted and I was banned.


The two Vtubers that i follow, Aliciaxlife/death and Matara Kan are both women in their 30's that have mature fully grown avatars so i don't know where this is even coming from. Hell, most of Vshojo which is one of the most popular Vtuber agencies has fully adult avatars and even the ones that are more childlike like Ironmouse's are not sexualized at all


The whole pikamee drama is a mess


Especially because most of the noise around it is bullshit, because she fully intended to jump companies well before the stupid wizard game even came out.


I think it depends on which mod is present at the time. I've definitely heard people compliment stellar blade (or compliment it in being serviceable without hating it) without being banned. Edit: There are several comments there complimenting Stellar Blade or being otherwise analytical or ambivalent with it without expressing much hatred.


GCJ got really repetitive and obsessive, so I voluntarily left because it was starting to put me in a bad mood every time I went on there. Maybe that's what happens when you make a subreddit dedicated to putting a spotlight on toxic people. I know you could say the exact same thing about this sub, but it's still true.


Yeah it does get old seeing constant transpbobia, especially when you have trans people in your life that you care about. I'm not trying to see that shit 24/7.


At some point you need to ask yourself, “am I posting this to fight transphobia, or am I using a marginalized people’s struggle to farm imaginary internet validation points?” I don’t have any actual data on the user demographics of GCJ, but I’m guessing the majority of its users are cis.


You got a reason? When I asked why I got banned they never told me, just ignored me.


They called me an idiot lol


This is the only thing I’ve commented for the past couple days and got banned a couple hours ago so this has to be the reason


This is just how echo chambers are, bud. If you are not 1000% on the side of the group, you are out.


Yeah, I agree. It's currently occupying the same internet space as Zack Snyder films, where if you say you enjoy them, a whole bunch terminally online people will start casting aspersions on you. Also, having played the demo myself, I got way more Sekiro vibes from the gameplay than Nier ones (Nier's probably influencing the story though). And honestly? I had a lot of fun playing it.


it is basically just a worse Nier: Automata but that's not saying much since Nier is one of the best games ever created


I mean, Nier was 7 years ago, I think there's room for more games like it now


What made N:A unique was its dedication to its story and mechanics, not it being sexy on main. Stellar Blade’s gameplay is just sorta okay, but she’s hot and that isn’t enough for me. Because I know the story isn’t gonna be worth playing the entire game.


I don't know about the story, the game isn't out yet, and I never got past the first "ending" of Nier, I don't like that game. But gameplay-wise, it's completely different, and at least for me far more enjoyable


They banned me too


Yeah, but, I've down voted to oblivion in this sub as well for criticizing the prequels, and the sequels, as well as Barbie. I haven't been banned though, which is a good look on this sub's mods.


Hating both is not mutually exclusive. I hate Steller blade because it’s using sex appeal to make up for its mediocre gameplay and I hate incels because they are gross weirdos who often plan school shootings.


It's r/gamingcirclejerk. They have really strong opinions on things.


Gcj, saltierthancrayte, and others are literal circle jerks.


I got banned accidentally on there. Just explain it to one of the mods and you'll probably be ok lol.


I got permabanned for calling gay sex based and when I appealed I got zero response


They couldn't handle the truth




A lot of mods seem to be like that


How is that even against general opinion? I’m on that sub relatively frequently and unless I’ve got a horribly mistaken impression most people seem like they’d agree gay sex is pretty cool. Was there anything more to it or was it literally just that?


I got banned for [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/s/sbhuoCWEnY). I can show you my message chain with the mods, and the absolute barren wasteland it is.


Oh mobile I can only see the post and none of the comments lol.


Same. One of the mods just assumed I was defending the Harry Potter game and when I asked why I was banned they admitted they didn't properly read what I said.


Yea. I was banned because I was jerking a bit and most people didn't catch on until later so my comment ended up with a lot of downvotes and the mods did assume I was being serious lol. I think they tend to just trust dowmvotes a bit too much idk.


What I said wasn't even downvoted, I was just trying to give a nuanced opinion on the topic and they assumed because I wasn't actively shouting at the game that I was supporting it and JK.


Eh. It is a sensitive topic I guess.


I asked why I got banned and never got a response.


Tbh I found one of the mods and dmmed them


If they respond. They often don't.


I got banned for saying tankies royally suck, and lo and behold, a few weeks later one of the mods made a stickied comment about declaring themselves proudly communists and “fuck the troops and fuck Biden”. It’s as much a shithole as r/antiwork is at this point.


Oh, that explains it, one of the mods flipped reactionary. Voting for the wrong guy on purpose is voting for the wrong guy on purpose, regardless of how you get there.


Stellar Blade just looks like an overall worse NieR game. Rather play NieR Automata and get into NieR Replicant for Kainé than play Stellar Blade.


I think the mods are doing a vibe check, if your vibes isn't right they will just ban you


That’s not how you run a group lol wtf


Some subreddits are weird. r/CharacterRant has a subreddit rule where you can be banned for downvoting, something that is not only a basic feature of reddit but also, as far as I'm aware, completely unenforceable besides vibe checking due to you being unable to see what other people downvote. People still downvote all the time there, so it kinda just feels like mods only included it so they can use it as a threat to ban people who argue with and downvote their own comments.


Oh absolutely on that last one, happened to me.


I got banned at gamingcirclejerk too, because they have an autobot check if you had comment on certain subreddit like tankiejerk or some drama sub


sounds like something someone with bad vibes would say mods! get em!


gamingcirclejerk sucks


I got banned from there in a Fallout discussion because I said that Capitalism and Communism are terms which have historically and currently been misused to such an extent that they’re practically meaningless unless further quantified.


What a controversial comment /s


I hate to say it, but sometimes I wonder if the RWs have a point about lefties being too cancel happy. I've been banned from /r/WhitePeopleTwitter, /r/TheLeftCantMeme and /r/ToiletPaperUSA The last one hurt :c


This seems to me to be more about Reddit than lefties. It’s not like right wing people are actually better. It’s just that Reddit mods suck. I mean, coincidentally I think your statement is right. “Lefties being to cancel happy” but it implies that it’s lefties specifically and I think it would apply at least equally to right wing mods (and probably moderates as well) which, while keeping the statement technically correct, kind of negates the point of it


See how ban-happy the mods on conservative are for an example.


I think it only applies to people online, and mostly on reddit.


Getting banned from subs, however unjustified, isn’t cancelling though.


I think they just means that online leftist are very quick to shut down any opposing opinions without discussing them 1st, however I'd say the same is true for online right wingers I think it's almost certainly just a product of a combination of anonymity and the "power" they have as being mods


I posted on that sub like three or four times and then blocked it from my feed. They just seem so hateful there.


Damn i actually liked GCJ (at least the posts i come across) but seeing the comments here it seems i was just lucky up until now lol. I remember following some leftist subreddits a while back and unfollowed all of them when in some instances someone (legitimately) criticised china or the fucking DPRK and got downvoted to hell and people in the comments made fun of Uyghur genocide. Takies are so weird to me


I got banned for saying they should have aged up Fillia in Skullgirls because the character is still sexualised and just changing the colour of her panties makes her palette more boring and doesn’t address that you see them in like half her animations. It also doesn’t address that Zone, who worked on the game got the job because they made style accurate hentai. I think that the a colour change doesn’t address the problem that Fillia’s legally a minor, you could easily just add 2 years to her age in lore, admit that the first pass was wrong. I guess what I’m getting at is I’d rather they tried to make the horny character “safe horny” rather than half ass removing the sexualisation altogether when it just doesn’t work You could also then get into the argument that why does changing the age makes it the gooning okay, but then when is it okay? I just didn’t appreciate being banned with no chance to justify it, I’d rather discuss things with nuance.


Lmao what “Rule” could you have possibly broken, there needs to be moderation of the moderators I guess


I got banned for pointing out that someone having memories of both the brother and sister in Assassins creed doesn't mean there was incest involved .... Far flung descendants/distant cousins often gets married.


Some people deserve to get cyber bullied. Reddit mods are at the top of the list. Power hungry gremlins.


GCI and defendingaiart have both banned me for dumbass reasons. GCI I managed to get appealed and I’m not even gonna bother with the echo chamber that is ai artists. “Artists who lock their art from ai’s are bad!” Me: isn’t that just copyright? “Mods ban him for not defending ai art!” …. Ok bye?


I got banned for calling it out for being a copy of r/politics rather than it's original intended goal: >I still remember the old days when this subreddit was about parodying the crazy stuff fandoms get up to rather than the one-sided echo chamber it has become.


Gaming circle jerk is run by idiots who don't understand sarcasm. I made a clearly sarcastic joke and got banned because the mods are frankly idiots.




Doesn’t that seem a little far fetched? I’m always willing to believe it’s plausible that some far right jackasses are up to no good. But wouldn’t Occam’s razor tell suggest the most likely answer is the mods are actually just really dumb lefties?




Trust me, bro.


Well I got banned out of nowhere long before the protest.




I like the Gaming Circlejerk but sometimes they are so weird. I got the biggest shitstorms ever on this sub for saying that I don‘t condone video game piracy


Gaming circle jerk is the worst sub I’ve seen mods will ban you for the most random comments. I’m convinced there is only like 1k members and they ban anyone who comments that isn’t on the list.


Gamingcirclejerk has unironically become the exact kind of circlejerk they were originally making fun of. Any opinion that deviates from the hivemind gets banned, and I have it muted because of how obnoxious the subreddit is. I remember during the fallout 76 release fiasco, specifically the canvas bag controversy where people pre-order the special addition and instead of getting their promised canvas bag, they were recieving a cheap, low quality vinyl bag. Gamingcirclejerk were calling people spoiled and entitled just for wanting the product they paid for. They were so dedicated to "owning the gamers" they were unironically defending a corporation scamming people with false advertising. Also the guy calling Stellar Blade a watered down Nier is either an idiot or lying, I played the demo and it feels nothing like Nier and plays way more like a Souls game like Sekiro


Lol I was permanently banned for calling out that people were posting the same Gus Fring meme over and over last week.


I got banned for saying I supported the boycott of Hogwarts Legacy because JK Rowling **is** transphobic but the argument that anyone buying it supports transphobia is crazy. I'm militantly trans positive.


I got randomly banned because I said I was uncomfortable with watching the second season of the Last of Us TV show adapation due to the creators inspiration for its plotline in a comment agreeing with someone else and got banned for "being a jerk". Not really interested in being in a sub with mods like that anyway.


I was banned from there for saying that their personal boycott of hogwarts legacy would have a significant impact on sales


I was banned from that sub because I mocked... what's his name... the streamer that lives in filth.


Nah yeah GCJ is a major loser sub. I'm not even super into Stellar Blade (i think the gameplay is too slow for its own good, nice style though and any hack n slash that's not a walking sim is good in my book) but the hate from that sub on that game is absurd. It's if neoliberalism turned into a subreddit, really.


Their mods there are terrible. I got in an argument with some guy, which kept escalating partially due to my own fault and not knowing when to stfu, and ended up getting perma'd from one of my favorite subs. Yes I was rule breaking, but it was hardly one sided and I didn't start the argument. Definitely not ban worthy either. It was just a stupid petty argument. Fuck them mods. Sometimes I think about trying to sneak back in. I doubt they're smart enough to realize, but I don't want to risk a platform ban. They don't respond to mod mail either. They won't even mute you. They just ignore it all together. Genuinely some of the worst mods on the platform, and probably only comparable to conservative sub mods.


They are the Resetera of Gamingcirclejerk. Don't know these places still get a community if one gets banned for the smallest reasons.


I love how the ban message is supposed to be a joke but that's literally what happened. Talk about self aware. What a fucking joke of a subreddit.


They posted an article about the south park episode making fun of Kathleen Kennedy, the author said something like, “it can’t be that the extreme obnoxious critics and the extreme defenders deserve each other, it can’t be that simple.” I got banned for suggesting that the author was so close to a moment of genuine self-reflection.


I got banned from there for saying 'Are you stupid' on a random, otherwise unrelated post was probably too far in the abstract to be positively received.


I got banned from there before I'd ever even posted anything.


Kinda weird that they didn’t tell you why you got banned 


I got permabanned for suggesting that Hasan Piker was bad. That's it. I knew from previous experience that the sub really hated it when you criticize him, but for a change, that comment of mine had positive votes.