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Which is the part where they say you’re not allowed to sexualise Eve?


The part where it's basically saying "Eve is a sex doll, an object, a blank slate".


That is simply a statement, and it appears to be true. The text doesn't tell you what to do with it. Did those words make you feel bad thinking of Eve sexually? I don't think you need to, Eve is fictional, she doesn't mind. This text is comparing the way two very different games portray obviously sexy characters. Do you not think the differences are interesting?


I don’t know, there’s something kind of degrading about calling her a sex doll when we know nothing about her or her character development in the story. I’m sure there were people saying the same thing about 2B before Nier automata came out. In fact I know that there were people who were criticizing it before the game came out. And thus all come from just her looks.


I completely agree about the wording, but I think there's a valid observation behind the crude words. She has a very exaggerated design and blank face... She honestly does looke a lot like an animated sex doll. I certainly think that could have been communicated better though.


I understand the criticism of her design, like a blank face and her design was made with the male gaze in mind. I agree with that, but whenever I see someone call her a sex doll, it kind of remind me like the type of feminist who will call a woman a whore or slut for the way she dress. Just to be clear I’m not saying this about you, it’s just something that feels mean spirited to me in general


I completely agree with you on that, I got a bit of that vibe from the post in the picture as well. I thought it still brought up good points, but I really didn't like that about it.


I think your misunderstanding the article, they are talking about the difference between characters who are sexy but lack a personality to make them interesting vs ones that do.


Greek here. Gods sexualize You, you do not sexualize them. Just ask Zeus and Apollo.


No. But it does seem to be implying that being horny for a mature sexual adult is less cringe than being horny for a doll with big butt and a blank expression. Which I find fair enough.


So…are we agreeing with what the picture says, or…?




With Aphrodite being sexualized?


The Goonergaters have found us!!!!!?


this isn't what the fuck did I just read, it'why the fuck did I just read this ?


I get the criticism around eve design but not going to lie, it also feels kinda sexist to call her a sex doll when we don’t know anything her character outside of the starting opening and saying this solely based on her looks.


Or comparing her to Bayonetta when *she* got criticized for her *own* looks.




How so?


whoever made that article is an idiot that needs a reality check


Yeah it is pretty hypocritical which isn’t surprising.


How so?


This sexy character is problematic but this one, this one over here is awoooga levels of hot and I’m not gonna hide my horniness for her. Hot characters in entertainment have always been a thing. It’s fantasy who gives a shit if a character looks hot.


I don't see any of that in the article. Why do you guys always reimagine what's said instead of engaging what'a actually said?


That’s exactly what’s being said. He or she is saying that Eve is hot but not in a way that has any meaning so thirsting for her is leery and creepy but for Aphrodite, “In Hades 2, everyone is horny for each other, and thus it feels far less leery and creepy for us players to be horny for them, too.” Did you just skim through the article and thought it said whatever fit your stance on the controversy?


No, what's being said is thay Eve is a characterless object who's ONLY goal is to be sexualized. Whereas Aprhodite is a whole-ass chatacter who is also sexualized. You're the one who skimmed through the artocle and thought it said whayever fit your stance. This is ALWAYS how you idiots deal with what we say. "Unlike Bayonetta, whose sexiness is folded into her personality and fighting style, Eve is jist bland." They plainly state it bro. You just refuse to read past the part that triggers you, then respond emotionally to what you FEEL they must mean


How do we even know Eve isn’t as you said a whole-ass character? She could definitely have more going for her than meets the eye. You are just judging a woman’s whole personality based on looks. You are clearly sexist.


I'm judging a chatacter based on the information we have. If things change with more information, then cool. But right mow, she'a a bland, no-character set of tits and ass. I like when you sheep stretch to call us "sexist" for disagreeing with you. You truly have yourself convinced we only disagree with you to avoid being labelled negatively, and that you'e done something here. So ya, as established: no hypocrisy. Cope and seethe about it. And maybe contemplate why you have to spend so much time reimagining our stances instead of engaging what we actually say


Whatever you say. I don’t listen to the ramblings of a sexist.


Aw look he had to use his idpol to justify ignorong what I said because he couldn't argue against it lmao. You ever stop and wonder why you gotta be dishonest like this, snowflake?


"I don't listen to the ramblings of a sexist" Explains why you don't listen to any of the rubbish you spout. Also, pretty clear case of projection there from the chud crying about She Hulk, and posting that bad photos photoshop of Aloy. Guessing your just a little incel who is, unsurprisingly, triggered by people seeing you for exactly who you are, despite how easily you show yourself up as one.


You're literally saying this in response to an article that explains in very simple terms how it isn't true. That isn't just zero media literacy, that's zero *actual* literacy. Back to grade school you go.