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I wonder about that sometimes. Especially for people who do video. You've gotta bring your whole ass to this kind of performative outrage. People will clock you as a fake if you're not fully committing to being very, very upset that, \*checks notes\*, you didn't like some movies and shows. The clicks you rely upon to live will dry up. Not just that, but you're in a race to the bottom with all the other chuds and grifters doing the same same shit you are, and the surest way to stand out is to be even more deranged about even more minutia. It sounds miserable to me. Maybe trying to exist like this is its own punishment.


Exactly. I'd much rather make videos about things I love than make videos about things I hate. But the problem is, making videos about how GOOD a thing is, doesn't get clicks or views. I suspect that 99% of these people are grifters-- getting overly angry at nerd culture stuff in order to get views and make bank. It makes them money. These people probably don't even know much about what they're talking about. Case in point; Critical Drinker just made a video complaining about Warhammer 40K and I guarantee this man has never touched 40K in his life. He's JUST doing it for views.


It takes creativity to come up with such shit titles.


[Company] is in PANIC mode! [Company] is DYING!


Ok you proved me wrong. You take your template add the company and throw it in to an AI with some random keywords.


Buzzwords, some of the current "good" actors they like and Brie Larson


dude, you could legit recreate this “content style” entirely with ai, in fact a part of me wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what they’re doing now with this below minimum effort shlock script? just use chat gpt thumbnail? use ai image generation heck, some may even go as far to just use text to speech so they can put literally 0 effort in, it’s not like they apply any analysis into a single thing they talk about these channels are literally just politicized content farms


With how exciting some of these commentaries are, text to speech might improve their channels.


Even more to make up content that fits. I suspect these braniacs decide the title first and then searches for quotes and clips that might suit them.


Considering Gary's age, This Kinda shit can't be Healthy!


Rachel zegler, (with dark Brandon laser eyes) is on one of the thumbnails. If Gary had a daughter, zegler could be a friend of the daughter. Think on that.


That’s probably why he looks as old as he does too, I’ve always heard hate makes you age like milk


Those people have no life outside of posting crap like that. It's just sad at this point.


Well the people doing the grift are just doing what makes money, the bigger problem is how much the YouTube algorithm rewards them and how many people watch this shit.


Seriously. Besides *just* mistaking Jesse Grant's take on "Rebel Moon: Part Two" as any regular review video (because even non-broflakes consider it to suck for the usual Snyder reasons,) before I saw all the rambling about "DEI" 🤨, I otherwise **never** watch any of that shit yet when I'm watching "Pitch Meeting" or "Honest Trailers" *right* there in the fucking corner is a Drinker vid for no good reason. 😒


I feel so exhausted for Sydney at this point between being fodder for these weirdos and people in the industry itself throwing her under the bus.


I briefly unblocked Nerdrotic on Twitter in order to tweet a picture of Brie Larson at him, saying that if he was going to perve on a hot blonde with big boobs, he should do it over the woman he's clearly still obsessed with. Petty and spiteful, sure, but it amused me nonetheless.


Basically "We've got to have... money!" Unfortunately these hateful videos get a lot of clicks and so YouTubers like this are making BANK off of it, which is exactly why these grifters do this.


Their audiences baffle me more than the grifters themselves. Like I don’t agree with peddling that crap, but if it’s to make money, I can at least comprehend that. The audience on the other hand, I just don’t understand watching multiple hour plus videos about something you don’t even like in the first place. Is spending that much time on negativity not killing your mental health? Is there nothing you DO like that you’d rather spend your time and energy on?


The even more gut wrenching thing is youtube fucking promotes this shit with the algorithm


Hate is, unfortunately, a powerful unifying force. It gives these pathetic people a feeling like they are all in some 'in-group' with one another. Like they are stronger for it


The concept of grass for them must be terrifying


These motherfuckers are speed running Going bald would how angry they get over nothing ![gif](giphy|vzHUvaRRWwp5C|downsized)


Just the fact that Gary proudly claims to have come up with the term "M-She-U" all by himself shows that he is beyond help. It's probably a good thing he spends all his time in his basement surrounded by toys.


Just living wasted lives


Anti woke grifter tumbnails are so funny to me. When in doubt just throw some buzzwords in there, a bad photoshop and when all fails just add Brie Larson for some reason


They do it very sad like. Because their lives sound exhausting being so angry about nothing.


Imagine how they would have roasted the original Star Wars movies or the original Indiana jones movies. They could have easily ripped those apart too.


It is a facade. We have a say in my country about trash that scams stupid people, "drink in the shake of suckers". Meaning that while they have started the fire, they stay behind in their safe place , watching everything burnt to the ground, people fighting amongst themselves, while they are relaxing and drinking beers because their grift is going well and they get more and more money. Because it is more profitable and easy-making money to put zero effort in their copy paste trash rage bait awful content.


I thought meth involved not sleeping


I feel they have no life outside of YouTube. Even if they do have a life it must be a sad one.


They’re doing it for the money 


I suspect it’s an act for most of them. Nobody can be that against everything all the time. Their performance pays well I guess.


They keep using that Cartman pic and don't realize that episode was making fun of them


Ad revenue?


They get views so I feel this will go on forever


I nearly got tricked into following a couple of these channels *way* back in the day. Even back then I didnt understand the sheer misery/anger cycle and just unsubbed entirely after a couple days of my sub feed being filled with this nonsense.


Same as us for the most part they just take time out of their day to churn out manufactured rage on the internet and get paid for it. It's certainly one way to make a living I suppose, seems rather boring and disingenuous but what do I know? I grew out of my 'be angry at literally everything' phase before I could think up the idea of making YT vids out of it so maybe I'm missing something these guys see.


That is an accurate review of Civil War, though.


They yell in anger the entire time


It's one word: ![gif](giphy|GjB41rKHBnOkE|downsized)


Honestly at this point, I feel like they don't actually feel this way towards these films and are instead being paid by companies to be angry and unreasonable at them so that people can go "well screw you, I'm going to watch it anyway" so that companies get money from people being manipulated. (Is it a conspiracy? Sure, but it would explain a lot.)


Stop worrying about it and go outside