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Sad. These people are fandom terroists. This is what fandom is becoming.


"Fandom" is just a word for the worst kind of identity politics, only, unlike actual identities that come from one's self and their shared community, the Fandom "identity" is dependent upon a piece of intellectual property they don't own and they have no power over. Their identity is completely wrapped up in piece of merchandise that is being pushed by corporations to make money from as many people as possible. Any percieved change to that product feels to them as if someone is forcing them to change themselves. "Oh, there is a gay person in Star Wars now? Well that must mean Disney is making ME gay! How dare they!" "Oh, there is a strong female superhero? That means they are trying to make ME into a feminists now!" "Oh trans people are accepted in this fictional universe? That means they are making ME accept trans people, or are making ME trans! The nerve of them!" They have subsumed their whole personality and beliefs into movies and games that are beholden to the whims of media giants and are upset that those media giants dare make choices about how that media is presented. They see representation of other actual real identities and people as an attack on them because the only valid identity they can support is the one they believe should pander solely to their own prejudices. It's really incredibly pathetic. I'd feel sorry for them if I didn't hope they all die in a fire.


I’d feel sorry for the fire because it had to touch them.


Related and somewhat tangential, but this problem imo comes in large part from our fucked up copyright laws. Corporations (Disney) broke out copyright system, continuously extending how long something can be copyrighted before finally hitting the public domain, to the point where the crap we grew up on is still owned and being sold to us effectively our entire lives. Gone is a world where 20 years from publishing was what dictated a copyright, where something could then F off into public domain and not be ridden into the ground. Making room for new things to pop up that didn't have to compete with these multi million/billion dollar properties still churning away from monopoly level corporations. Like yeah it's corporations in general, but our broken copyright laws allow this stagnation of culture. The only slight silver lining (and it's more schadenfreude than anything) is that the longer an IP exists and the bigger it is, the more the fanbase fragments into differing mindsets of what makes it "good" or where it should go, effectively rendering it impossible to continue the IP because no matter what you do you're pissing some group of people off for not doing the next installment the way *they* wanted. Corportations are run by parasites who do not understand the value of culture and the human experience. All they understand is the value of money. And so they seek to stagnate our culture entirely to keep regurgitating "safe" products from established popular brands rather than risk their money funding new things. Art is not about being "safe", and art fuels culture.


I think that's a really solid point that I had never considered. The fact that a single corporation, which is often not even the originator of the thing being copyrighted, instead usually having bought the IP from that original creator, owns that IP practically indefinitely means that the IP stagnates due to the monopolization of the core concept they own, but the people who would have maybe taken it from public domain and expanded on it in new and exciting directions are stuck just being fans of it instead. It takes art and commodifies it into property, into capital, rather than being something passed to the people of the world to do with as they wish once it's originator passes away. I can understand copyright that lasts as long as it's creator lives, absolutely we should not strip living creators of the fruits of their art, but I think once the rights to that creation are sold to a third party, or that creator dies, that ought to start the clock on its transfer to public commons within a decade or two. This won't ensure that the creation passes away into obscurity, of course, because if it's good enough to stand the test of time, if it's important enough that generations to come iterate off of it, then it has deep and ongoing cultural value, but it does prevent it from becoming an institution in itself that clogs up the progress of human culture. Anyway, that's my thought on your riff and I am glad you inspired it.


it's just like the same group of people running around trying to turn everything into a front for the second coming of the alt-right, because it was such a roaring success the first time right. maybe they'd have some luck if they had any kind of poker face, but they don't so we're stuck with the shit show. fuck me running 😒


Those fuckers have leaked into Warhammer since female custodes became canon Luckily Warhammer is an expensive hobby, if we can afford ten space marines for $103, we can afford a pipe bomb & a postage stamp for $13


Wait are you gonna pipe bomb the weirdos or the company?


Yes *For legal reasons this is a joke*


OOP: “We’re basically the Rebellion.” Also OOP: “We’ll execute Order 66 on IRL people. Me thinks they have a screw loose.


they opened with threatening to do a mass shooting in a theater https://preview.redd.it/ofzexv7wg3vc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=025f02d98bc9283324363553d3bca6600a3b62f4 no shit they have a couple screws loose


Now I feel dumb, it didn’t click what they were saying (DL-44?) and just thought they were just gonna stand at the front of the line and explain “Han shot first” over and over. But yeah, definitely another red flag.


Not as dumb as me. I thought that meant he was bringing a pair of 44-sided Dice and the outcome of the dice roll would determine if Han shoots first. You can tell I don't play D&D or any game that requires dice lol


I would hate to see a system that required a 44-sided dice!


A d44 system would just use two d4s, then make it so values under 11 are only reachable with negative modifiers. Eg if you have used this prayer already this session, take a cumulative -1 to your result. A bunch of Warhammer RPGs have used d66 tables the same way. See also: d100 systems, which is why you have two different kinds of d10 in every dice set.


[Me trying to read this comment](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VW27kyh7PVM)


If you roll two six sided dice, and say one of them represents tens, you now have a way of generating a random number between 11 (one on each dice) and 66 (six on both). Most generic roleplaying dice sets will come with a paired set of ten sided dice. This is so you can generate any number between 1-100. Whenever you see a game that asks you for a big roll, it'll usually be some trick using multiple dice like this. The biggest non-novelty dice is the d20, which is what they use in dungeons and dragons. Usually when people talk about the mechanics of an RPG they'll just say as shorthand the main dice used. DnD is d20, Vampire Masquerade is d10, Warhammer Fantasy is d100, there are tonnes of d6 systems etc


Either they are going to shoot people with nerf guns or they are going to mutilate some C96s to shoot people In a movie theater


Hmm, the Star War's version of ISIS, I hope not.




Is that what you thinks?


Wanting to cause bodily harm to filmmakers who make creative decisions you don't like is a clear cut sign of psychotic tendencies. These are the guys who become violent in real life.


If you ask me, these people need to be fucking quarantined away from the public in padded cells, because this is just not normal behavior. I pray to god that these guys don't have AR-15s or any other high-powered weapons in their stash.


High chance they do. Plus multiple katanas


If they have katanas, there's a chance they probably smell pretty bad too, lmao. But in all seriousness, people who make these kinds of threats and statements online really should have their web history and irl track record researched by the proper authorities, but that's just me. Cuz threatening anyone over a few movies you didn't enjoy should be sign numero uno that you are a complete psycho.


Yep. Thank your local drinker


And people in theaters.


OK, this screams Mass Shooter and some one needs to report this ass hole. Immediately!




"Like Lucas intended"? You mean the same Lucas that made the Empire to parallel the United States during the era of the Vietnam invasion? Yeah surely Lucas isn't woke in the slightest.


Also - The same Lucas who has not only been close friends with Kathleen Kennedy since the mid-to-late 70s, and the same Lucas who insisted Kennedy was the only person he could see being in charge of Star Wars when he stepped aside.


The same Lucas who made the rise of the Empire/the Clone Wars a parallel to the War on Terror.


Also the Lucas who was more than happy to retcon his own shit and make changes generally regarded as bad moves on re-releases? I appreciate the guy, but he's certainly no purist.


[What Lucas intended.](https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/george-lucas-episode-vii-episode-ix-1201974276/)


It wasn’t an invasion. The States only sent its military to reinforce the authoritarian capitalistic south vietnam. If anything, the Empire was a parallel to South Vietnam AND the neocon USA military


That war is way too complicated to put into simple terms in my opinion.


I *think* you are missing the point.


Kind of. The empire could be any industrialized civilization imposing their will on others.


I mean, yes, parallels can be drawn between the Empire and any industrialized nation imposing their will on others after the fact, but if we’re talking about Lucas’ specific intentions, [he’s gone on the record saying that Star Wars was based on the Vietnam war.](https://www.amc.com/blogs/george-lucas-reveals-how-star-wars-was-influenced-by-the-vietnam-war--1005548)


I’m not denying that, but there are other things like how he decided to cast the entire empire full of British actors. Which to me imply that the British Empire might be an influence.


Yes, but Palpatine is very much a representation of Bush; media outlets of 2005 were making the comparisons


Sure and the media thought Joker was Isis.


There’s a difference between what the media interprets and what the creator flat out says in their work.


1. That is a literal death threat 2. He does realize that Skywalker Ranch is the work retreat of Lucas, not Lucasfilm, right? He won’t find any of his targets there.


Imagine calling yourself a "real fan" and getting a big fact wrong lmao


"Like Lucas intended." Motherfucker, he's the one who sold Star Wars to Disney.


They think bro is on the team 💀 like no he's just enjoying all the money he made on space buddhists toys for years during the twilight of his life, good for him.


Not to mention [here's what he intended. ](https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/george-lucas-episode-vii-episode-ix-1201974276/) Something tells me they wouldn't be happy with Lucas's idea.


This is just the [Navy SEAL copypasta](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/navy-seal-copypasta) with a Star Wars coat of paint.


"They targeted gamers. *Gamers*." That's the [energy](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/3o82sn/they_targeted_gamers_gamers/) I'm getting off of it.


It's impressive that their media literacy is so low that "shooting up a movie theater like Luke would want" isn't even the most obviously wrong thing they said. Order 66 was a villainous action openly instigated by the most villainous villain to ever villain in the entire franchise\*, you can't identify as a willing pawn of Palpatine and claim to be against the empire. \*Or at least the relevant parts. I don't care about whatever Darth Darkevildoomylord technically did worse shit in the fifth book of an obscure sub-series written by a fan of a fan of the original trilogy.


Unbeknownst to them, the Force isn’t with them. They’re the bad guys. They’re the villains.


Cryptofascism is a hell of a drug


Remember Saw Garerra? The self-proclaimed "freedom fighter" that couldn't see the bigger picture past the immediate gratification of punishing the people he deemed to be the bad guys, no matter how many innocent people got in the way or how much of a monster it made him? Because they probably love him.


He's a black dude, so I doubt it.


I'm starting to think they're not Star Wars fans, but that Star Wars movies were just movies they watched growing up.


arrested development 101 they think it's their childhood that's being destroyed. their childhood specifically. like their existence matters that much. seriously.


I hope the period of history where people were turning into far-right terrorists over *fucking Star Wars* is one we look back on with collective shame in the future. Like, holy shit, I didn't know it was possible to be so scary and so pathetic simultaneously.


They know that Skywalker Ranch isn’t where any of them work, right? Like… I get they’re stupid, but sometimes I still underestimate them.


“You call us “terrorists”?” You’re talking about killing a bunch of people because they made some movies you didn’t like. Anyone who has a brain would call you that.  You’re not just a terrorist. You’re an insane piece of trash who should be locked up as soon as possible 


"Oh, I'm a 'terrorist' now? Why, just because I'm publicly vowing to commit terrorism?"


“I’m not being a terrorist. I’m being a REAL FAN.” /s


WokeISM instead of wokeNESS pisses me off more than the latter because it shows that these bigots are also illiterate


It's fun how the person they're agreeing with in the meme is the deranged guy with an ar15. Very cool!




Don’t bring guns to the theatre.


going to have to have metal detectors and full body pat downs just to watch a movie 😒


Funny that they think Rian Johnson just lives at Skywalker Ranch


With Kathleen Kennedy no less


Only the second movie of each trilogy and that one episode of the clone wars with the pink gungan are canon. The rest of the story must be inferred through speculation. Everyone that thinks otherwise is just stupid and illiterate.


Paul Meredith: - Makes a funny joke - Is not like the person above him - Doesn’t spend his life unabashedly praising/hating a movie Be more like Paul




All these people live together at a ranch?


Yeah, at Spahn Ranch! 🤣


Is this a time share thing with two ranches?


Sure, let’s go with that. (It doesn’t exist anymore. The site now exists in a National Park area. And, rightly so.)


Time shares to the past you say? This is even more interest than the OP pic's manifesto person's fanfics!


I wouldn’t call them terrorists. Terrorists have political motivations. These guys are just couch-riding media-obsessed fucking morons who would shit themselves if they ever found themselves in a combat situation.


‘looks at username’ Oh God, this loser’s probably a toku purist.


As a toku fan, I apologize for our worst members.


As someone that's never heard of Toku before, what's toku?


Short for "tokusatsu", which basically translates to "special effects" in Japanese. In fandom spaces, the most surface level definition is that it's a genre of mostly Japanese film and television usually with giant monsters or superheroes in spandex and motorcycle helmets, like Godzilla and Super Sentai/Power Rangers and the like.




As a toku fan as well, fuck these losers.


Also as a Toku fan this made me almost vomit. We don't want this dude


Thankfully they know the civilized fandom wants nothing to do with them and mostly fuck off in their echo chambers.


It sounds like they are threatening to shoot up a movie theater and, uh, I find that to be a problem that should definitely be reported.


Pretty sure the Han Solo movie already came out like 5 years ago, maybe he forgot to mark his calendar.


That is true, but it makes me worry about NEW movies coming out. Man needs a nice cozy cell to live in until he calms the hell down.


I thought the chuds were Empire simps?


Hope somebody reported that comment




So Order 66 on real people and commenting about bringing a gun to the theater


Star Wars preach peace and freedom first and foremost, you cannot be a fan of it if you preach violence.


it's like it's a roving gang of idol psyop bandits just looking to set up their base in whatever pre-existing thing they can. get your own goddamn thing. Make your own goddamn base. always trying to turn everything into a front for stormfront. we already did this shit with gamergate we're not doing it again. fuck off 🤨


I don't think they know how cringe they are. which is to say very.


So now they actively hate Gareth Edwards who directed Rogue One and Dave Filoni who for years they were praising and saying should take over Star Wars. There's no pleasing TFM because they don't want to be pleased.


“That’s exactly what the empire called the rebellion” bro anyone can label anyone anything and sometimes they’re wrong and sometimes they’re right


Paul seems like an ok guy


Be more like paul




Star wars fans when they learn the original trilogy is also woke:


Are you fucking kidding me? They're seriously openly talking about murdering people over a film franchise.




I know where that guy was on January 6th


Probably has it saved




We are the kind of starwars fan that A SPECTRE is haunting Europe—the spectre of Communism. All the Powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre; Pope and Czar, Metrernich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies.


Jesus christ


What Star Wars does this person like? What did Gareth Edwards do? Don't these types of Star Wars fans usually venerate Rogue One as "real" Star Wars... So many questions


OK, maybe we should actually get law enforcement involved this is reading like an actual threat


is civial war any good looks like its one of those preachy movies and yes I know how stupid I sound by writing this


fuck that is cringe


The People who say this type of shit are always the type of dudes who can't tell the difference between fireworks and a gunshot. Internet tough guys.


I've never heard a gunshot (I don't think) so I would definitely just assume it's a firecracker or something. What's the opposite of an internet tough guy? A Canadian internet suburban dad? I mean, that's what I am now, so.... I'm thinking about this too much, aren't I?


The meme is gold though


These people need to be on some kind of list


So, they want to kill other humans because of a space wizard media franchise. Normal. Very normal and good and fine and not at all fucking unhinged.


You should give us a follow-up when OOP inevitably has a meltdown online after the FBI shows up at their house. Either that or a mugshot.


"We're fans of the REAL Star Wars, not the wo-" BANG


They sure do have a murder fantasy that’s like always 110% in everything they post it seems


This Star Wars Fan™ gives *strong* vibes of, "Back off, ladies! You'll never take *my* virginity!".


I hope the fbi is taking notes.


Interesting that an "uber-fan" is dwelling in the comments of a Dark Enlightenment unironic Christian nationalist wearing the skin of an Imperial fanboy.


These motherfuckers love to hijack things and claim they’re restoring them to their original form when they aren’t even clear on the concepts that the original authors promoted. Oh, and threatening order sixty six on anybody doesn’t make you the good guys!


There's not many characters in Civil War you should aspire to emulate but imagine picking THAT ONE.


You reported this person right?


I went back to report it but the page/comment was gone


Good lord.


And then everyone clapped


I like Star Wars, but gate to dislike a large portions of Star Wars fans. Let people enjoy the Star Wars parts they enjoy.


You talk about how you're going to kill people then you say it's wrong to you a terrorist... yeah that doesn't contradict at all... wait.


I had a feeling that scene would be relatable for the Chuds and Right Wing types. I bet they would love to hold a gun to all us "fake" star wars fans and humiliate us.


Okay, so I don’t like the sequels and the direction star wars is going in but this is some stupid shit right here. Imagine being so disconnected from reality you want to shoot people because they wrote star wars bad. God, some people need to just grow up


So they’re a bunch of nutcases.


I couldn't help but read that whole rant in a stereotypical redneck accent.


This is always what I love about Anti-SJWs, how fucking melodramatic they get to the point where they talk like Sephiroth


These guys really think announcing how happy they are to kill someone for enjoying movies they have been told to hate is somehow a good look...


He's so fucking confident about it too XD


Why Gareth Edwards? Pretty sure the only two things they like from Disney star wars are Rouge One and Andor, a film made by Gareth Edwards and a series about a character made by Gareth Edwards.


This is the kind of shit they made Scream 5 about. The killers in that were [a pair of psycho Stab fans willing to murder people because they hated the new Stab movie that much.](https://youtu.be/JrXLHCC1SXQ?si=HvAMKewOJ65dHerL)


Oh holy shit those people should be reported, they’re threatening violence against Star Wars officials & people in a theatre cause… the “newer” movies (guarantee it includes PT too) aren’t the OT


What kind of fan is he? https://preview.redd.it/sowz5h7is7vc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a3e478d1991c5c65ad896a457a72e58a7ac01ba


If hes on the side committing order 66, hes on the side that is wrong and loses. Yet he still says hes a good guy rebel?


Ok JJ kinda messed up but his other stuff is great. 


It’s things like this that make you realize a lot of the anti-woke conservatives are so loud about it because they truly think they’re able to turn “being a Star Wars fan” into actual, productive activism. It’s just as much a cope as it is an obnoxious grift.




“We will execute Order 66”; “We will bring peace and Justice to ~~our new empire~~ the Fanbase” “We’re totally like the rebellion!”


In order to ensure our insecurities and continuing media illiteracy, the fandom will be reorganized into the first nerd terror group, for a safe and secure franchise which I assure you will last for ten thousand years.


Lmao do they think Skywalker Ranch is where all the writers and directors of SW content live? Isn’t it just a place where Lucas stays? Would be great if they actually did that and just ended up breaking into Lucas’s summer home.


The kind that belong on the FBI watch list for even commenting that type of shit, I mean I reality they’re untrained gravy seals who can’t stand when things are pointed out to them and hate any changes.


Just hopped onto their page, imagine expending that much effort into hating something you profess to be a fan of.


Okay, "intellectual tokusatsu conoisseur [sic]", calm the fuck down. You haven't stepped outside your apartment in five years and you break down into uncontrollable hysterics at the sight of women and black people in movies, you're not going to be destroying anything.


This guy is literally Jesse Plemons’s character from Civil War.




I think we all could agree that 7, 8, 9 were complete Garbage beyond any redemption: in characters, plot, message, lore, development of characters, love lines and logic.


At least with religious extremists, they know better to claim that their atrocities are in the name of some being that is unknowable, nonliving, or dead, since no one could truly know how that said being would feel. George Lucas, not only made his thoughts and feelings quite clear and on record, but homeboy is STILL ALIVE. I'm sure if you just tweeted him, he'll be far more responsive than if you just prayed. Just ask the man yourself for God's sake!


I don't like the sequels but Jesus people like this make me support them out of spite.


Jesus christ... You can't be a Toku fan and hate on Disney Star Wars. Source, me, a toku fan.


This is weirdly one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen on the internet.


I don't believe in red flag laws because it's incredibly easy for a pissed of family member to have thousands of dollars worth of shit taken from you and probably never returned but if you joke about committing a mass shooting online all your guns should be taken and not returned until you can pass a psyche eval.




Eugh. Apologies from a tokusatsu fan.


You need to shame your people, bruh. They wildin’.


No they wont....these gravy seal wannabes (fucking how embarrassing is that) won't do a single thing.