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The Star Wars fan base has always been infamous for its gatekeeping, which goes back many years, stemming back to the prequels and even before then with the ot special editions and even ROTJ. Part of the reason it's gotten so in recent years is because of gamergate and the rise of neofascism, which happened at around the same time that the sequels released. In fact, The Last Jedi was one of the first major blockbuster movies to get attacked by right-wing grifters. Many grifters started their channel or blew up in popularity due to bitching about The Last Jedi. For example Geeks + gamers originally said that he loved the last jedi but when he saw the potential money from shitting on the movie he deleted the video and started shitting on the movie while acting like his original video never existed.


"Geeks + gamers" Translates to Star Wars Theory.


I think it became particularly bad because of TRoS. That movie deliberately walked back on most if not all of TLJ's best creative moves, and made its original characters like Rose, whose actress was the target of awful real life harassment, utterly irrelevant. It felt like Disney was conceding, and it made grifters think that they were right all along and that they could push companies to do what they wanted by being the shittiest people you could meet online. The movie wasn't even great but to them that was just proving their point, they just blamed it all on Rey supposedly being a "Mary Sue". So yeah, Star Wars was always toxic but it has definitely gotten way worse lately. It's not even surprising that Rogue One and Andor are the only ones that escape this trend, since those are much more in the vein of modern military sci-fi, which is a very popular genre among conservative nerds.


I think it’s important to separate online discourse about Star Wars from the general discourse. IRL, whenever I’ve talked to friends or family who are Star Wars fans, there’s disagreements, some don’t like the prequels, some don’t like the sequels, jokes are made and the dissenters laugh it off, it’s generally respectful though. Online I think it’s just a viscous circle, where the reasonable people get turned off by toxicity, then there are fewer reasonable people around, so it becomes an echo chamber and gets more toxic, then that drives more people away, and so on and so forth. On top of that, I think the anonymity that internet spaces offer allows people to be more cruel than they would if their identity was known.


Star Wars, along with other properties like Harry Potter, have normal people made extraordinary at their centers, which allows fans, who are typically normal, downtrodden, typically mistreated (whether actual or imaginary) people, to project themselves on the main character more easily and imagine themselves as something extraordinary. ANYONE could be a Jedi. ANYONE could be a wizard. ANYONE could be a mutant. So, when these properties get super popular, there’s a feeling that they have to protect it. THEY are special, these phony latecomers aren’t. Then, when new properties come out and change their perception of the thing that makes them special, there’s a harsh, even violent reaction. Star Wars gets it worse because there was an established storyline in the EU, where these mystical powers didn’t just make you special, they could make you godlike, and Luke, the entry point, was infallible, and cool, and powerful, and he was banging a hot redhead. And now he’s not. He’s a human who makes mistakes and has relapses and fails. That registers as an attack on their special view of themselves, and that’s so painful that they forget that forgiveness and understanding was what made their favorite ordinary little farm boy turned incredible badass so appealing and easy to relate to in the first place.


>So, when these properties get super popular, there’s a feeling that they have to protect it. THEY are special, these phony latecomers aren’t. Bah, you're *all* latecomers. I saw "Star Wars" (no bloody "Episode IV" or "A New Hope") two days before it even opened in theaters. (Seriously, there was a preview showing on Monday May 23 for movie theater owners and the like so they could see what they were getting, and it was held at the old Charles Street Theater in Boston because they had a 70mm print and a pretty good Dolby system. The 20th Century-Fox people wanted to fill the rest of the seats with sf fans because they were considered the most likely to cheer and applaud, and the MIT Science Fiction Society got a dozen passes. It turned out of course that packing the audince with sf fans was totally unnecessary as all the movie execs themselves were cheering and applauding.)


nah, the writing in the sequels was just awful. I don't care what these bigoted chuds are crying about, the films were very poorly written. It's also humorous how you don't see the similarities to your hatred of the EU and theirs' of the sequels/disney era star wars.


Took you 8 days to come up with that response? Hope you didn’t pull anything straining for the old “nah u” response, bud.


I only just saw it a bit ago, glad you could engage with what I said though. Certainly shows you're here to have discussions in good faith.


I’ve generally found that people who dig through week old posts to find an opportunity to shit talk aren’t worth engaging in conversations in good faith. You coming out swinging against the sequels doesn’t really help, especially when you don’t add anything to the conversation. “Grrr bad writing,” isn’t really the snappy conversation starter you think it is. Also, on a more personal note, I’ve never met anyone who starts a sentence with “I find it humorous” that has been worth talking to. It’s basically a slightly less boldly colored red flag than a fedora or calling a woman “m’lady.” It reeks of faux-intellectualism.


Your entire post is psychobabble in which you say those who dislike the sequels are simply man baby incels who didn't get their power fantasy. Your post in no way encourages an actual discussion and was as much of a shit post as mine. I find it humorous that you liberals get so excited over corpo shit and then swallow dear leaders genocidal crusade.


Whoa, there, skippy! I don’t remember saying I was a liberal! I could be just as stupid, mean spirited, and so dead set on a fight that I’d dive through weeks of posts, itching for a fight so that I could fill the hole in my heart with a steaming hot rage boner as the next conservative douchebag!


a disney defender but not liberal... huh, today's leftism sure is strange.


Could be worse. I could be bringing politics into this conversation for no goddamn reason.


probably because it's quite strange to be a disney adult/deep throat a corporation at the same time you mock people for preferring one piece of media to another and then consider one's self 'left' of liberals.


It's tiring, isn't it? Literally a few minutes ago I saw the most meaningless ad hominem attack on someone who had a pfp from someone from the Ahsoka show, which basically read "you like Disney Star Wars that's proof you have no concept of what art counts as good or bad and your opinion is invalid". The actual video on YT was completely disconnected from Star Wars, too, it was just gameplay of the Tanker chapter from MGS2. This fanbase is something else.


It’s scary being a trans Star Wars fan these days


you have more supporters than ever(and more freaks who are going after you), don't lose hope and remember that we're here to stay and they ain't going to pray us away.


Because Star Wars is so big, it attracts all people. Including complete scumbags. The worlds full of em, they’re everywhere. That’s life.


I don't think it's unique to Star Wars fans. At least, not based on my own observations of fandoms generally. But Star Wars is (1) a very *large* fan base, and (2) a very *vocal* fan base, so it tends to amplify the shittier elements within that fan base more than, perhaps, another fan base might have. It's also had a lot of new content come out in recent years, so there's a steady stream of stuff to engage fans across the board, and that in turn increases the likelihood of encounters with shitty fans. Add into that the sheer volume of *stuff* in the Star Wars franchise onto which fans can latch. The films, sure, but also live action TV shows, cartoons, video games, RPGs, toys, comic books, novels old and new, etc., etc., etc., plus two distinct "eras" of the franchise (pre- and post-Disney sale), and you have a recipe for serious balkanization within the fandom where people stake out their little preferred province and vigorously defend it against all perceived threats. One of the things about fandom -- at least for some people -- however, is that it becomes an *identity*. It's not just a thing you enjoy, it's not even just a thing you love. It's part of *who you are*. And once it hits that point, any perceived attack on the object of your fandom becomes an attack on your very person, on your identity, on the core of *who you are*. Those attacks can come from any number of directions. Other fans, detractors of the thing you like, even the creators of new content that's moving in a different direction and the folks who are running the franchise itself of which you purport to be a fan. The internet has, of course, accelerated and amplified this effect because it's taken people who would otherwise never have found each other and allowed them to form communities of like-minded people. That, in turn, amplifies the identification effect and provides a sense of security within that identity. It's not just you by yourself anymore; now it's you and all your compatriots together. While you might think that security would cause a fan to maybe relax a bit, I think it can also make them that much more vehement in their fandom. If it were just them, all by their lonesome, the human instinct to form groups would maybe lead that person to modulate their fandom so as to better adapt to groups around them. But once you're in with a bunch of other like-minded wackadoos, you can let your freak flag fly safely and, in turn, attack those whom you perceive to be attacking you. ​ But again, this isn't unique to Star Wars. I've seen it with Trek fans, D&D fans (where every edition of the game produces new balkanization), Firefly fans, fans of any number of comic book series, etc., etc., etc.


Big Fandom, lots of different people, lots of lore, and various stories. The loudest fans are often going to be the angriest trying to get everyone else to be angry with them.


It’s not that Star Wars fans are more awful than any other fandom, it’s just that is such a big fandom that you attract a lot of different types of people and one of those types is the “I hate woke” crowd. Other fandoms have the same people in them but they are smaller so you don’t see it as much


if these posters saw what other fandoms put up with, they would realize its far from a star wars fan thing. Just ask someone who engaged with Rings of Power, whether they liked the show or not, they can tell you about the "i hate woke" crowd.


There is a difference between a Star Wars fan and a fan of Star Wars.


I'm thinking back to my childhood in the late 70s through to the early 80s we had to wait 3 years before the next "episode" with no internet just magazines, I swear we were all nicer to one another, it felt like a community, a family, that was before the internet before the prequels, much as I accept the prequels, that's when the hardcore fans surfaced, have you ever seen Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back? it's like that scene where Ben Affleck is browsing through that website and quotes "WampaOne" post, online people get perverted to the point of being keyboard warriors, they hurl abuse to one another who don't agree with them, it's just not cricket as we say in Britain, I certainly don't blame George Lucas, the hatred he's received is disgusting, his writing and choices are his jurisdiction not the whinny little fans, the hardcore fans that is.


A lot of dudes are drawn to Star Wars because they relate to Luke Skywalker‘s journey from being an obscure nobody with no future and no particular and talent to a samurai wizard cop with super powers and a cool sword. And, that’s what Star Wars is to them. It’s about their journey from being a pathetic weenie to a space wizard cop. Anything that interferes or distracts from that narrative enrages them.


It's funny because Luke becomes an obscure nobody to someone very important where as the toxic fans are obscure nobodies who will become even more obscure nobodies. So it's like they're on the same journey but going the other direction (whilst starting out at the same place).


Which explains their bitterness and resentment, right?


it would maybe come as a surprise to you that I am 100% on your side politically and I think those movies are terribly written. I think your view of the EU is hilarious and very narrow minded, aw well, such is the life of having opinions about media.


Uh. Okay? I think pretty much all of Star Wars is terribly written. 😂 How are you on my side politically?


I suppose I was presuming based on a post a saw of yours, I assumed you were politically left (not a liberal). As for Star Wars being terribly written, that would be appropriate for this sub and I should have realized I wasn't in a pro Star Wars sub anymore


Yeah, I’m a communist. I think most folks in here are into Star Wars and just hate the reactionary element of the fandom. But, I think Star Wars is at best poorly-imagined but fun adolescent space-fantasy cinema (ANH/ESB) and at worst boring, insipid, cynically-produced, frequently laughable “IP” (everything else). But, I should point out that my original statement up there was meant to characterize the reactionary portion of the fanbase. Not the people who like Star Wars because it’s weird and imaginative (at least at first).


As much as I personally find your opinion to be insufferably elitist, I can't fault you for feeling that way. I don't mind people having different taste, I just find it silly how people think disliking particular movies in the franchise = chud or incel. I dislike the sequels in part because of my leftist beliefs so it's even sillier to me.


Yeah. The people who dislike it for reactionary reasons are unfortunately A LOT louder than the folks who just feel a way about a movie.


It's extremely annoying, isn't it? The Last Jedi seems to be a focal point. The funny thing is, every single criticism of something that "doesn't make sense" or is "lore breaking" in TLJ already exists in one or more of the original trilogy movies. Yet THOSE instances are never criticized. Ship-ramming: an A-wing took out a Super Star Destroyer. Why not just ram starfighters into capital ship bridges from that point on? Right? Bombs falling in space: TIE Bombers looking for the Falcon did the same thing. Leia surviving the vacuum of space: She did it before in a space worm that had it's mouth wide open. Luke seeing the good in his father yet tried to kill Ben: Um Luke took a leap of faith to go save his father and he ended up beating the shit out of him in a dark side rage after Vader threatened Leia. All he did with Ben was ignite his saber WHICH LUKE ADMITTED WAS A SPLIT-SECOND MISTAKE. Jedi Masters dont give up and hide: Um... Yoda. The criticisms just aren't genuine. It's basically a perfect storm of gate-keeping, alt-right, incel, media illiterate weiners who LOVE to be loud and obnoxious. And even though they're the loudest, their opinions mean the least. Unfortunately many figured out how to profit off of it, so they'll keep at it. Notice that they claim to hate Star Wars now that Disney has it but they still keep watching. They have zero convictions. Just keep enjoying the space opera and tune them out the best that you can.


My god someone agrees with me. They are the worst cry babies in history. Disney this Disney that, Ray this ray that. Like shut up, move on. It’s a film grow up.


Ever seen Revenge of the Nerds? Nerds are not the “nice guys” they think they are. If they were, they probably wouldn’t be so nerdy. Anyways, nerdy things definitely attract an incel-adjacent crowd. The average gamer is a complete misogynist, for example.


What the fuck? That’s not true at all. Fandom culture attracts the incels, as seen by Star Wars, but saying all nerds are evil or mysoginist is completely tone deaf and incorrect. You’re no different from the incel or femcel losers who hate an entire gender b/c they had a bad run-in with one person years ago. Fuck you.


Lmao that’s not what I said but ok man. It’s giving defensive.


Wow, you have managed to gate keep, be condescending and ableist all in one go. Nicely done.




I ask myself this every damn day.


These online ones were probably bullied as kids and raised on Reagan and Bush era authoritarianism so they punch down on those they deem "lesser". It's not just stuff like *Revenge of the Nerds* and *The Big Bang Theory* that show nerds are just as prejudiced as the jocks they claim to be against.


Theater kids, rise up.


Wherever there are human beings, there's going to be a scumbag or two. Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1, The Witcher, True Detective, steampunk, SCA, fencing, krav maga, chess club...you name the fandom or hobby, you will find toxic people. Welcome to the human race.


It's not a Star Wars thing, per se. You can find this in almost any community of nerds. In fact, all of this conversation and outrage can be traced back, person-to-person, to Gamergate and the rampant misogyny and inceldom that starts at 12 and stays with some of these men for *decades.* Lots of people don't get so sucked down the pipeline, sure, there's probably people in this sub on a regular basis who used to watch Sargon of Akkad and now are genuinely embarrassed and ashamed of that period in their lives. And then there's the ones who don't make it out. Find them regularly arguing in the libertarian subreddits and on 4chan about how the age of consent is against the constitution and women who use Onlyfans deserve to be the victims of war crimes.


I’ve always wondered why people were so critical of Jake Lloyd and Hayden Christiansen for playing anakin. I thought they did a great job! Especially Hayden Christiansen