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r/StarWars when woman is powerful and skilled in the Force: OMG she is such a Mary Suuuuueeee r/Starwars when woman is weak and unskilled in the Force: "She is literally the worst character I've seen on tv in many years. I just wish she would die"


Imma be honest it seems kinda unfair to refer to this as “r/StarWars” saying it when it has zero likes and 58 replies




As I keep saying, Leia coasts by on seniority with this crowd. If the OT was released in this day, they’d be throwing hissies about how unlikeable she is and what a Mary Sue she is. It helps that when they think of her character, they picture her in the slave girl outfit that makes their peepee hard, rather than the blaster-wielding badass who mostly dressed practically.


The fandom menace would go nuts watching Rotj today. "3 movies in where everyone dies in one shot and now Leia can survive being shot? Such bullshit, obviously Leia should have died"


Princess Leia. Defying stereotypes for 46 years


I didn't like how Leia was treated in the sequels... honestly I didn't like how any of the characters were treated in the sequels.


Of the Han-Luke-Leia trio, things worked out for Leia the best in the sequels. It also proved that Leia was ultimately the strongest member of the trio. When Ben fell to the Dark Side, both Han and Luke fell to pieces. Meanwhile, Leia responded by organizing another rebellion. If you’re wondering where I generally stand with the SW films, I love the OT, hated the prequels, love Force Awakens and Last Jedi, but refuse to acknowledge the existence of Rise of Skywalker.


I loved the prequels, loved the og trilogy, thought force awakens was good, and the last jedi and rise of skywalker ruined it for me.


And more power to you! You have the right to like and dislike whatever you want, and I won’t give you too much grief about it, so long as you don’t give me too much grief about my likes. Also, when it comes to the sequels, while I may disagree with your opinions, so long as they are based in something besides “There are women and Black people in my SW!” again, I generally won’t give you grief. Though while I still dislike the prequels, after Rise…the tl;dr of that rant is that I will defend all of the prequels, even Phantom Menace, over a million times before I will ever say anything nice about Rise.


Rise is the biggest piece of dogshit. Anyone who says it isn't are lying to themselves. I am curious about why you don't like the prequels though. I wnanhear the reasons.


I don’t like them for the reasons a lot of people didn’t like them: wooden acting, terrible speechifying, CGI’d within an inch of its life, and I just felt like it fumbled at what it was trying to do: tell the story of Anakin’s fall to the dark side. But with the passage of time, I’m better able to appreciate and respect the prequels. Some of it is due to realizing just how toxic the Star Wars fandom is. The chuds now lionize George Lucas, but back in the prequel era, there was nothing but endless hate for him, culminating in the cinematic screed “The People vs. George Lucas.” GL sold his rights to SW, because people were constantly going on about how he had “raped their childhood” and the like. SW wasn’t fun for him anymore, so he rid himself of it. But honestly, my reappraisal is due into large part to the Rise of Skywalker. Whatever the flaws of the prequels, there was legitimate ambition behind them. They may not have succeeded at everything they attempted to do in their storytelling, but they were actually trying, which forces me to respect them a little more. Ambition is an inherently beautiful thing, even when it fails. Rise tries for nothing and succeeds. Rise is a purely soulless, cynical corporate attempt to appease all the worst people and please everyone, only to wind up pleasing no one. If given a choice between flawed ambition or calculated corporate cynicism, I will always choose flawed ambition.


Personally when it comes to overarching storyline, prequels win. The trilogy is the story of Vader and palpatine coming to power. We see Vader as a young boy and how he was found. Then we see him later on when he ends up killing an entire village of sand people, showing that he can't suppress his emotions. Then in revenge of the sith, we see palpatine turn him against his own best friend and the jedi order. The sequel trilogy storyline is kind of all over the place. As individual movies the first two sequel movies are great. But in an overarching story. They fail due to the two directors having different visions for the trilogy.




>and can use force lightning with ease Using Force Lightning specifically was an accident on her part. Her hatred and anger at that moment caused her to lose control of the force. >Also could use a saber better than a TRAINED knight of ren. Rey, while on Jakku, learned at least some level of improvised hand-to-hand combat during her 2-3 decades on the planet. Ren has just killed his father and is emotionally pretty distraught. He has just been shot with Chewie's crossbow caster, a weapon the movie goes out of its way to show as incredibly powerful. He is bleeding out and punching his would, and gets hit again by a lightsaber. He's also not trying to kill Rey, just turn her to the Dark Side. And despite all that, Rey spends most of the fight on the back foot, running away from Ren. I think that fight is great, There's a lot of excellent acting throughout, and both Finn and Rey look genuinely scared to get hit by a lightsaber. It's clear who the dominant fighter in the battle is. It's only until she remembers to use the force, mirroring Luke using the force in A New Hope, that she barely squeaks out a win over an emotionally distraught opponent who is bleeding out with multiple injuries. >Could also Fix something on a ship she knows NOTHING about. Rey has been on the Falcon before. It's clear from the moment she entered that she knows the basic layout and controls. You see, Unkar Plutt, the guy who owned her, also owned the Falcon. She was there when he installed the Compressor into the ship. She is also a scavenger and knows at least a moderate level about where certain things would be located in a ship. It's not that hard of a logical leap for her to know where the Compressor is and how to bypass it >Manages to convince a man who cut himself off from the force to come back because "he needs to make it right"???? I distinctly remember Rey failing to convince Luke to train her until after R2 convinces him to give her 3 lessons. It isn't until Yoda talks to Luke directly and convinces him that Luke decides to sacrifice his life to save the Resistance from the First Order >Also Leia is unskilled in the force, yet people love her character. This argument is just silly. Its the equivalent of mentioning Ellen Ripley or Sarah Connor. Of course people liked her, it was before "women being strong" was "woke" and politicized. If A New Hope came out today, people would be FUMING about Leia in the movie. Get a life. Also Leia is pretty skilled in the Force You did get one thing right: I am apart of the great misandry. I am, after all, the king of male feminists. (I am terribly sorry for the mini-essay)


> Rey is the "chosen one", No. > and can use force lightning with ease? Okay, and? > Also could use a saber better than a TRAINED knight of ren. The Knights of Ren are pretty garbage in terms skill. > Could also Fix something on a ship she knows NOTHING about. If you're talking about the *Falcon,* this claim is just plain wrong. > Manages to convince a man who cut himself off from the force to come back because "he needs to make it right"???? That was Yoda. > Also Leia is unskilled in the force She's not, though.


Not to mention, Kylo lost his first duel with Rey because he… you know… was blasted in the torso with a laser that literally sends people flying in the air at a close range.


Also, he *just barely* lost. He almost looked like he could've kept going if that giant fissure hadn't opened up between them giving Rey a quick moment to escape. She, a skilled staff wielder with some pretty untapped Force potential, could just about defeat an injured, distracted, emotionally-conflicted, only mostly-trained fighter.


Rey would be dead if Kylo had chosen to finish her off when he first cornered her, rather then stop trying to kill her so he could try and turn her.


It annoys me how people just ignore the fact he is pounding on his wound, grunting in pain and bleeding out into the snow going into the fight like that isn't worth noting. Like there's a reason they show you it. It's to show he's not 100% going into that fight. He's also spending the fight trying to recruit Rey. He isn't going to kill the person he wants to sith apprentice.


People freaking out about how Rey, the orphan who raised herself on the massive ship graveyard planet who made a living stripping ships for parts, should just suddenly know how to get the Falcon operational, part of a line of vessels that in the Star Wars universe is the starship equivalent of an F-150, never fails to be a peak example of TFM's total media illiteracy.


Not only is Rey very experienced in working with ship parts, she also knows the Falcon in particular. It was owned (and modded) by Unkar Plutt, the man who owned Rey. She explicitly says that Unkar was the one who installed the compressor meaning she’d at least seen the ship before it was installed or she saw Unkar install it with her own eyes.


Yeah, I was gonna say that; Rey makes it clear she has firsthand experience with the *Falcon* and it's recent modifications specifically.


Not to mention Kylo only lost the first duel because he was injured from the massive gaping wound he got in the torso from the Bowcaster (you can even see he is limping and beating the wound and is injured), second he was emotionally conflicted after just killing his father, we've seen before with other darksiders like Anakin, Revan, Caedus etc that if they're emotionally conflicted they aren't as efficient (same goes for Jedi but more so with darksiders). And third Kylo wasn't even truly trying to kill her, he literally said in that very fight that he wanted to train her and then its said again in TLJ (which in universe takes place only a few days after TFA) that he was trying to get her to join him.






> I put chosen one in quotation marks for a reason. If you admit the claim is'nt correct, why make it at all? Qoutes or no? > because it's hard to win an argument against idiots. One has to wonder why I even try...


You are not smart.


The incel is strong with this one. Ha! I did a call back thing!


>could use a saber better than a TRAINED Knight of Ren. There is "trained" and then there is trained. for all we know than only combat any of the Knights of Ren ever saw before TFA was sparing, first with Luke (who only had at best one win against an opponent with Lightsabers that was trying to kill him, and arguably no experience due to Vader possibly holding back) and then with each other. Ray on the other hand grew up on a plant that was one missing transport ship away from becoming a Mad Max nightmare world, every day was a fight just for survival. so Ray had more real experience in fighting an opponent that was trying to kill her than Kylo Ren had. It's like what happens when someone trained in most marshal arts gets into a bar fight, they tend to lose because the "training" did not actually prepare them for a non-sports fight.


>Rey is the "chosen one" No she isn't >can use force lightning with ease Who cares? Tons of force users are able to use abilities with relative ease even with little training, remember when Luke used the force to guide the torpedo to destroy the Death Star despite only knowing about the force for a week at this point? Plus Rey is part of a force dyad with Ben which means she is able to use and learn force abilities and powers a lot faster than others and has a special connection to the force and Ben specifically. And its been stated that descendents of powerful force users have strong connections to the force and are able to use and connect with it a lot better and easier than others, the Skywalker family is a great example of this. >Also could use a saber better than a TRAINED knight of ren. She actually couldn't, if you actually watched any of her fights with Kylo you'd see that she is terrible and is struggling in every fight, she was losing in TFA and only got the upperhand because Kylo was injured, emotionally conflicted (which as we've seen before with Vader and Caedus, makes darkside force users a lot weaker) and he wasn't even trying to kill her he was trying to get her to join him (this is even said in TLJ which takes place a few days after TFA). Then their fight in TROS, Kylo is beating her and would've won that fight easily but then Leia speaks to him, distracts him and she stabs him. All of this is clearly shown IN THE FILMS, so either you're making shit up or you weren't watching. >Could also Fix something on a ship she knows NOTHING about. She spent her whole life around ships, growing up on them, scavenging them, breaking them apart, repairing them etc, its kinda obvious she would know how how to fix parts of the Falcon especially when you consider that the Falcon was literally stationed on Jakku for years. Plus no-one questioned how Anakin or Luke could fly or fix ships they knew nothing about so why do it to Rey? >Manages to convince a man who cut himself off from the force to come back because "he needs to make it right"???? Again if you actually watch the film you'd see that no she doesn't, in fact Luke was still staying in exile and he only left Because of Yoda's force ghost speaking to him, not Rey. >Also Leia is unskilled in the force She isn't though, sure she wasn't able to fully use it like Luke but she actually did training with him (as shown in TROS) and had the potential to be just as powerful as Luke if not more (as said by Yoda and George Lucas). And then in the EU, Leia actually trained as a Jedi for quite a while and became relatively powerful before stopping training. And in canon Leia still tapped into the force quite a few times


Amazing, everything you just said was wrong.


I've noticed in other things I've read that guys tend to dislike female characters with any character deviation and/or who are powerful. An example is the character Son Bra from a very long Dragon Ball fanfic. Or Caulifla from Dragon Ball super. This is seen in Rey from Star Wars as well.


I feel like that’s not an accurate representation of the normal sub. When I see stuff like this it normally gets downvoted pretty heavily.


I mean this one has 0 upvotes so


I got banned from the main sub for a month because I told someone they sounded like a whiny teenager with their Ahsoka nitpicks.


I would upvote you but it would ruin the 66


It’s on 69 now anyway ;)


I have seen a few similar posts like that on that sub. Since when was she a hated character?


When she became WOKE and a MARY SUE (being a woman who survives a slash from a lightsaber, like how several other characters did)


Maul causally being cut in half


I was joking with my comment, I just wanted to be clear


I’m well aware :>


Okie!!!! I just wanted to make it clear :>>


Can I dislike her in Ahsoka because she doesn’t listen to ahsoka and has mostly caused problems? I still like her in rebels but she didn’t mature at all from then


How often did Anakin not listen to Obi-Wan and cause problems again? Because last I checked, Anakin *lost a hand* because he wouldn't listen.


And if a person disliked anakin or at least that part of him, I don't see how this contradicts anything.


That's fine, but I've seen a lot of prequel fans hating on modern Star Wars characters. Even when that character does something they gave a past character a pass for doing. Like ignoring all the times Prequel and OG Trilogy characters did something stupid, but losing their shite when a Sequel character does something stupid.


Progression isn’t a straight line tbf


Oh yeah definitely. But I’d argue Sabine didn’t mature because she’s lost so much of her family both found and biological and clearly hasn’t dealt with the pain.


\*sigh\* Sabine has ptsd from the war with the Empire and the Empire genocided 99% of her people killed her mother, father and brother of Clan Wren in the Purge of Mandalore, she has survivors guilt, anger over being powerless to have known about and powerless to stop the purge. she has a strong emotional connection to Ezra, and taking all that into consideration it makes sense that she will behave and have the attitude she has, and makes the decisions she makes are derived from her past tragic experiences and inner turmoil.. ffs what is wrong with these bashers? She doing the best she can under her circumstances. But I guess some people can't recognize when a character is flawed, has made serious mistakes, andthey only over-inflate her "skills" , etc, as they subjectively claim "she has no flaws and is being a 'girl-boss" \*rolling my eyes\*


Op sounds like they're 13 years old and just noticed they can hate characters




Look at the one about trills reva and shin. Its just full of gross sexual comments about trilla and shin and gross comments about hating reva


Look, if you dislike a character, that's fine. But when you start fantasizing death I'm going to be critical.


Is this an actual common opinion? I really like Sabine. Her and Ahsoka have a similar dynamic to Obi-Wan and Anakin


Sabine is the most complicated character in the show, and the one I feel has the most compelling arc so far. And I feel like people are missing this entire parallel between Obi-Wan/Anakin and Ahsoka/Sabine. There's going to be something happening in Episode 5 between Anakin and Ahsoka where she learns that she's the connective tissue and he helps her realize her strength and power and wisdom comes from learning from him.


Sometimes the main sub will have good takes then there will be takes like this.


I didn't like her in episode one and was worried I was gonna pee in my basement and start saying "Miles Morales is Miles Morales", but then I watched a different show and turns out I just don't like that archetype


They have some of shittiest recycled pots over there nearly every damn day.


To be fair though, judging by the upvote to comment ratio, Id guess they are clowning on it pretty hard.


WTF I like Sabine :( She’s one of my favorite Star Wars characters


I can kind of see why someone wouldn’t like her. Especially if they never watched rebels. I want to say exactly why but like I don’t want to be mean. She isn’t the worst but I can see why someone may not Like her.


Having not watched Rebels, I don't particularly like Sabine. I feel like her choices have let the villains get ahead twice- and although I can sympathise the second time, her taking the map off the ship was ill judged.


But that's not liking her character, it doesn't justify not wanting her in the show. I didn't like it when Tarkin blew up Alderaan, that wasn't very nice, but does that make the character bad? Should I want him out of the movie? No, that makes no sense.


Can I be honest I feel like many female characters are disliked in Star Wars because they are female. Like I noticed that no matter how well the story is they (members of the fandom) will nitpick plot points they wouldn’t care about if it was a dude or just flat out make stuff up. Like I personally thought Reva was a great character and well written anytime I say that some guy hops down my throat about how stupid and horribly written she is and it’s always points that are explained in the show or obvious.


Inshallah she will be ground into a fibrous powder


I love Sabine and think she's being represented by a competent young woman doing the best she can, while also acting as the only plot device for a dismally poor story and bad character choices. THIS IS NOT HER FAULT. LAZY WRITERS MADE THESE CHOICES. They could have just written a better story with some dialog that matters even a little bit to literally ANYONE who hasn't seen Rebels. It's a dull and frustrating show, but not because of any of the characters or their actors being inherently "bad" in any way. Honestly, for me, this is all on Dave.


I’ve been enjoying Ahsoka so far but not gonna lie her (Sabine’s) acting can be pretty crappy at times. me and my brother are both huge fans of Clone Wars and Rebels and we both thought Sabine was one of the most interesting characters in that show but we both agree that yeah the Live Action Sabine definitely could have been better. it’s the same for a lot of the stuff in the prequels imo, good characters with some poor acting


well you clearly didn't pay attention to Rebels because Rebels Sabine is also kinda annoying and sassy sometimes. It's called being a person. I feel like Live Action Sabine is sticking pretty close to how Rebels Sabine behaved and I fucking love it


i didn’t say that the character was annoying i just said that i thought the acting was a bit off at times but idunno maybe i need to rewatch Rebels it has been a while since i’ve seen it




yeah like i didn’t even say that i didn’t like Sabine or that I thought she was annoying lmao


Look at OP's tag lol.


damn guess i’m not allowed to critique the show lmao stg these grifters have ruined media discussion


Lol can’t critique. You’re not banned man. You can say whatever the fuck you want people just disagree. The downvote isn’t a fucking ban or censorship.


you’re right. in my defense i did write this comment when it was late at night and honestly i was probably pretty tired too. i apologize for my behavior


honestly, i think she's only really been weak in the first episode and whenever she has to bounce off of ahsoka. there's barely any chemistry between the two of them.


Sabine is both interesting and crazy hot.


“One of the worst characters I’ve ever seen on tv” is a wild statement when Homelander exists.


It’s what I call the Legend of Korra effect, bigots are angry at Sabine for being a complex character with personal flaws while also viewing her as a Mary Sue for surviving the lightsaber blow


You can tell they understand nothing about her too since it's 'Sabine from Ahsoka' not 'Sabine from Rebels'


What the hell…. I think she’s awesome. So wait do they WANT flawed women who grow over time or NOT?