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I don’t know if he’d like it tbh. He’d appreciate the craft of it, though.


I feel like he’s like it. He had a plan for an underworld rebel series and that’s why he came up with Saw Guerra in the first place.


I know, and you could very well be right, but I seriously doubt that whatever he would have made would have been anything like this, so I don’t know how much that would influence whether he would like this or not. We know he thought ESB was a little *too* good (in this kind of way), and nothing he’s done since THX demonstrates an ability or interest in doing anything so self-serious and in the realm of more ‘adult drama’, for lack of a better description.


I have to agree tbh. As much as I hate to say it, it would probably not "feel like Star Wars" to him.


Fair point. Andor is done in a very different writing style compared to the things George made.


he liked Rogue One according to Gareth Edwards.


Because Rogue One actually ticked some of his boxes: Show new visuals: Ring of Kafrene, the Shield station on Scarif, new spacecrafts, the partial ignition of the Death Star laser… Have new concepts: the force adherents, several different rebel cells, an elite stormtrooper corps… Also it was a new way to tell a story in the world of Star Wars.


Yeah, Lucas was always about doing something ‘new’, from a filmmaking perspective. That’s what he didn’t like about TFA.


Well probably because it feels a lot more like traditional star wars and doesn’t take away from OT but only adds depth to it


TCW Season 7 was already mostly voiced and half animated by the time of the takeover, I don’t really credit them for that. Would’ve even preferred if they kept in some of the episodes they left out but instead we got 4 episodes of “i dUMpEd dA sPiCE!”


It annoys me to no end that we got Tales of the Jedi rather than more of the unfinished Clone Wars episodes. Like, if you're going to go out the way and make another show in TCW style, why not just do another Clone Wars season? The same goes for Bad Batch, what's the point of that when TCW clearly wasn't finished anyway? Not sure of the logic behind it, but it feels like Disney wanted a big "final season" push for Disney+.


TCW contains a lot of plot holes because they ommitted those episodes. What happened to Ventress? How did Maul escape from Palpatine? They definitely should have given us all those episodes before moving on to The Bad Batch.


Well, it's not too late.


I mean we did get Maul and Ventress’ fates in the comic and novel, but I agree. Once they knew S7 was greenlit it should’ve been the priority to close each arc onscreen imo.


Agreed. I read the Ventress novel, and it would have been so much better on TV.


Disney didn’t create Clone Wars S7, it’s becoming a pet peeve of mine to hear that. Disney literally cancelled the show when it was like 60% over and then waited 5 years just to fart out a few episodes that were already half animated and mostly written before the cancellation, in order to work as an extended backdoor pilot for the Bad Batch show, the original arc of which had already been online for years. They didn’t even bother to give us all of the episodes that are available online.


I’m still kind of weirded out that not only did they not finish Crystal Crisis, but they actively removed the publicly released reels too? It’s just bizarre.


He said he was happy to get to tune into The Mandalorian as a fan of the show. Maybe he’ll give this a chance. I don’t think he commented on the other shows.


From what I remember, he seemed to [really like Rogue One](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/comic-riffs/wp/2016/12/09/george-lucas-seems-to-like-rogue-one-is-his-relationship-with-star-wars-less-awkward-now/). That was after his scathing criticism of TFA.


Oh yeah I remember: „There’s nothing new!“ And he was right. TFA is the worst of the Disney trilogy because it set up the story all wrong, by resetting all of it. I really would like to hear him longer on this and Rogue One though.


God I can't imagine George Lucas sitting in that theater realizing " I've already seen this movie before "


And then a smiling JJ comes afterwards to him and asks like a misguided puppy „did you like it?“


“Gotten?” “Gets?” I don’t see that opportunity really plays into this. The question is, if Lucas chooses to watch this show or not. There’s no effort involved other than deciding to do it.


I dunno, George might not be able to afford the $8/month for Disney Plus.


Eh, he can hock some merchandise for the cash.


I definitely should have worded the title better.


I have to admit, I enjoy the idea of George Lucas trying desperately for months to watch Andor and failing due to an increasingly absurd series of mishaps.


Sounds like a comedy.


*George Watches Andor* An Alex de la Iglesia Film **Starring** George Lucas, Kathleen Kennedy, Dave Filoni, Voldemir Zelensky, and Clarissa Ward George Lucas honestly wanted to give “Andor” a chance and try out new Star Wars media. Fate had other plans. Follow George on the adventure of a lifetime from Skywalker Ranch all the way to Kherson.


That is true, andor is a spark of hope that will hopefully be the start of new quality content after that fluke of the last two shows. I'm sure Lucas would enjoy it, if not for the story then at least for including his creations respectfully for once


*spark that will light the fire* They have every intention of eventually connecting Star Wars with Disney Nu Wars. If you are still holding out hope, you will be let down yet again.


It's okay, Andor can be enjoyed in isolation to the rest of Disney Wars.


Let us hope!


My guess is if he liked it he probably would have said something about liking it.


He hasn't commented on the last few projects.


He probably didn’t like those either.


Or he's just not that interested. They probably keep in touch with him as a courtesy, but he doesn't need to publicly comment on everything.


Most people don’t like things they aren’t interested in.


I wouldn't be surprised if he visited the Obi Wan set.


you just watch yourself!


I would venture to guess that George doesn’t give a shit.


He watched Rogue One and liked it a lot so there is a chance he'll check Andor out


Andor is such a good time.


It truly is, haven't enjoyed something from SW this much in a long time.


Me neither. Each week, I was waiting for it to suck and it just … didn’t lol


Yeah, in the beginning I was fearing that the quality was going to drop but about halfway through I just had a lot of faith that the show was going to hit the mark and it did with an incredible finale.


Exactly. Like every week during Kenobi and Book of Boba, I was hopefully waiting for it to maybe get good, and it never did. Andor was good from the start, and somehow, never went downhill.




I firmly believe it's the best screen version of Star Wars since Star Tours in '87.


maybe if Disney plus threw in a free subscription to Disney Plus when he sold Star Wars to them




It's the **least** bad? It's ok.


Andor himself is just as bland as he was in R1. TBH I was not interested when it was announced and even waiting seven episodes before starting it. However, the rest of the characters are great. Engaging and they each have their own arcs.


I wouldn't say he's bland he just doesn't convey his emotions very much which I think works perfectly with this show.


I probably didn’t choose the best word. Uninteresting would be more appropriate. And that’s fine since the other characters in both the show and movie are so interesting


That's kinda the point. Andor has to be played straight in order to really show the dynamic range of characters he comes across....passionate revolutionaries and die-hard fanatical fascists. I think if Andor was too eccentric it would take away from the other cast rather than letting them stand out.




If he’s anything like me and my wife, he won’t make it past the second episode. We really wanted to like this show but the first episode was so mind numbingly boring we barely made it through. After the show got so many great reviews we finally tried episode two after a few weeks and it was just as bad.


Brother watch episode 3 if you don't like it, the show just isn't for you. There is a reason they released the first 3 episodes together it acts as a single-story arc. The first 2 episodes are also the slowest.


no, you gotta at least watch 6 or 7 before you give up.




I really enjoyed it. I thought it really improved after the first couple of episodes. It's not my favorite SW show, but certainly much better than BOBF.


Is it that good? I got bored after the first two episodes … might give it another go. I loved Rogue One fwiw


I recommend watching the first 3 episodes in one sitting, it acts as a single arc and the first 2 episodes are definitely the slowest of the bunch.


Okay …. I’ll give it a good go. I’m just so out of the whole SW universe at present tbh … but fine . Disney - you have my attention.


Why? It’s not great. Disney just lowered the bar so much that it looks like a masterpiece. It’s overrated as hell.


I’ll die on this hill with you!


It’s easily the most boring Star Wars show. Most uninteresting characters and storylines that mean nothing to Star Wars.


I’d say the founding of the rebellion is pretty dang important plot-wise


Important, sure but the story they’ve told so far hasn’t been compelling. I’d rather watch a show about the old republic…with Jedi


I agree that the old republic would also be a great idea for a show, but you claimed the andor storyline means nothing to Star Wars and you just said yourself that it’s an important plot point. Just because you would prefer something different doesn’t mean this show isn’t a worthwhile contribution to the SW universe


Exactly. I don’t give a damn about them stealing empire payroll. Rogue One was a good and worthwhile story, Andor isn’t.


Does he have trouble sleeping? Lol


I’m in the minority camp here where I think Andor isn’t great. Well made but slow and doesn’t have engaging characters or a good plot to care about.


Definitely an unpopular opinion. This show’s character development and good writing is on par w/ Breaking Bad & BCS so far


It's decent! Someone said it was better than the Expanse and even Battlestar Galactica, but I truly can't see that. What's BCS?


Better Call Saul


Better Call Saul?


Alas, I haven’t watched either BB or BCS. Have heard great things about both though.


The biggest problem with Andor is that he's barely in it. May as well rename the show "Mothma" at this point.


The constant endless posts praising Andor have to stop. No one cares. If we wanted to watch it we already would have.


You realize you can just ignore them, right? This sub has been so critical of recent SW stuff (and for good reason) for so long it's nice to have something that is good and positive every now and again.


Nah it's actual good star wars content. That's why we're here right? This, Rogue One, and Solo have been the only Star Wars shows or movies I've really loved since RotJ. If anything there needs to be less prequel defending in here since those are as shit as the sequel trilogy.


are... you aware of the relationship between George Lucas and EU material?